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1861 - 1865
2nd Edition
Living Rules

Updated August 31, 2006

Date of Publication: September 2004

Decision Games, PO Box 21598, Bakersfield, CA 93390

Decision Games hereby grants permission for its customers to download and/or print copies of this file for their personal use. Discussion folders for this game are located on Consimworld.com's discussion board.

These “living rules” were first posted on September 9, 2004. They contained 35,065 words.

These rules were updated and expanded on November 29, 2004. Those updates and expansions are shown in blue text. The file contained 39,515 words at that time.

These rules were updated again on June 05, 2005. Those updates are shown in red text. The file contained 39,619 words at that time.

These rules were re-formatted and further updated on June 19, 2005. Those updates are shown in magenta text. The file contained 40,407 words at that time.

These rules were updated again on March 3, 2006. Those updates are shown in green text. The file contained 40,687 words at that time.

These rules were updated again on August 31, 2006. Those updates are shown in cyan text. The file now contains 41,090 words.