Three Dimensional Computer Graphics using the 3dfx Voodoo Chipset

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Three Dimensional Computer Graphics

using the 3dfx Voodoo Chipset
Robert Rose

June 2nd, 2000

Copyright © 2000 Robert Rose

All Rights Reserved Worldwide


Recent advances in computer technology and silicon fabrication techniques have enabled graphics chipset manufacturers to drive the cost of 3D-accelerated graphics hardware down to prices that are accessible to the average consumer. One of the most successful graphics boards in recent years has been 3dfx, Inc.’s Voodoo family of 3D-accelerators. The Voodoo accelerators feature a lighting fast pixel engine capable of more than 1.3 Gigapixels/second, on-chip texture memory, fog effects, tri-linear texture filtering, and much more. In this report I will discuss the basics you will need to know in order to program the Voodoo family of graphics accelerators.

Practicing the Art of Voodoo

In order to run with the Voodoo chipset you will need to have a computer that supports it. As of this writing Voodoo cards are very well supported on the Win32 and Linux platforms, with MacOS PowerPC support catching up speed behind them. In this report I will only cover Voodoo for the Win32 platform.

Voodoo cards come in two different forms: as a complete graphics board that handles 2D and 3D graphics simultaneously, and as an add-on board that only handles 3D graphics. Programming the two different kinds of boards is almost exactly the same, and the beginning Voodoo programmer need not worry about the differences.
The low-level API available for programming the Voodoo board is called Glide. Programming Glide is almost like talking directly to the Voodoo board itself. Glide handles the low-level bus interface between the Voodoo card and your program, routine initialization and de-initialization, and that’s about it.
A beginning graphics programmer can quickly become discouraged by the obtuse interface Glide provides to the Voodoo card. Very little of the basic primitives of a rendering engine that we take for granted are available in Glide. In OpenGL, for example, OpenGL handles all of the world to device coordinate transformations, perspective transformations, rotations, etc. Not in Glide however- Glide expects everything it gets to already be in device coordinates. If you are a beginner, don’t worry! I’m going to show you how to do all of the rendering primitives so you can get started.

Ingredients for Voodoo

Like most other computer devices, before you can begin sending Glide commands it needs to be initialized. Initializing Glide is controlled by three commands: grGlideInit(),grSstSelect() and grSstWinOpen(), called in that order. The first command, grGlideInit(), opens a connection to the Glide driver in memory. The second command, grSstSelect(), tells the Glide driver which Voodoo card you will be drawing to, assuming there’s more than one. The last command, grSstWinOpen() opens a graphics port on the Voodoo device that you can draw to. Once you have a Glide graphics port open all of your drawing calls to Glide will automatically be sent to that graphics port, you do need to keep track of any port variables. To de-initialize and close Glide call the command grGlideShutdown().

main() {




// settings commands here

// drawing commands here


After you have a graphics port you should inform Glide how you plan on doing your drawing, as Glide is extremely flexible in how it can accept drawing commands. For starters, you should tell Glide how you will send it color data using the grColorCombine() command. The grColorCombine() command allows you to specify an overwhelming number of combinations for your color data, but for this example we will use a common color setting:

Next you should tell Glide that you plan on using the depth buffer to perform z-buffering so that you can specify coordinates in the x, y, and z planes:


Lastly you need to inform Glide how to perform back-face removal so that objects that should be facing the viewer look like they’re facing the viewer. I like to draw my object faces in a clockwise direction so I call:
If you prefer object faces that are drawn in a counter-clockwise order to face the viewer use GR_CULL_NEGATIVE.

Speaking Voodoo

The Voodoo cards expect to receive pixel drawing requests that are within their device coordinates. Normally the x, y of these coordinates are set using the grSstWinOpen() command, so in our example above, your coordinates should be within x = 0…800 and y = 0…600. Drawing outside of these coordinates can cause some very unusual behavior in most cases.

The z coordinate is a little bit different. If you initialized your Voodoo card as shown in the examples given in the previous section, then you configured your card to use a drawing method known as z-buffering. (This is actually one of two modes the card can be used for). Z-buffering involves using a depth buffer to store depth information for each visible pixel on the screen. When a new pixel requests to be drawn on the screen the Voodoo card checks the appropriate entry in the depth buffer to see if the new pixel is in front of or behind the current pixel. If it is in front of the current pixel, then it draws the new pixel, otherwise it ignores the request. The depth value you use the z-buffer is called ooz, and has the range ooz = 0…65535, 0 being closest to the viewer.
Voodoo cards speak a very interesting language. It is very easy for them to misunderstand what you’re telling them or to make assumptions about what you told them. In order for your graphics to come out the way you intended them to you need to be very careful about how you specify them. It’s your job to double-check everything you give your Voodoo card to make sure it makes sense. Not checking first can make for some very interesting looking output!

Rendering Primitives for Voodoo

Working with the device coordinate range of the Voodoo card is extremely prohibiting, and not a desirable way to write a graphics program. For this reason we would like to develop some rendering primitives for the Voodoo card that will allow us to work with a more flexible “world” coordinate system. When we are done working with the world system we can project the world onto the appropriate device coordinates. The pipeline for this method is as follows:






project and


The first step in the pipeline is converting world coordinates into viewing coordinates. The view coordinate transformation moves all objects in the world that should be “in front” of the camera behind the z=0 plane, the goal being that we will later project objects onto the plane and use that plane as what the user will see.
To move objects behind the z=0 plane we will need to define where the imaginary “camera” or “eye” should be placed, what direction the camera will be looking, and what the camera calls “up.” After we have these three vectors defined, we can construct the following view transformation matrix:
(insert Minoura View-16 with correction: Oz = |E – VRP|)

(insert Minoura View-23)

(insert Minoura View-18)
This algorithm is implemented as the GrlLookAt() routine, which loads the view information into a view transformation matrix ‘q’:
void GrlLookAt(float eyex, float eyey, float eyez, float vx, float vy, float vz, float upx, float upy, float upz)


GrVertex e_vrp;

float mag_e_vrp, dot_vrpz, mag_vpp;

GrVertex vp, vpp;

// Z' = (E - VRP)/|(E - VRP)|

e_vrp.x = eyex - vx;

e_vrp.y = eyey - vy;

e_vrp.z = eyez - vz;

mag_e_vrp = (float) sqrt(e_vrp.x * e_vrp.x + e_vrp.y * e_vrp.y + e_vrp.z * e_vrp.z);

q[2][0] = e_vrp.x / mag_e_vrp, q[2][1] = e_vrp.y / mag_e_vrp, q[2][2] = e_vrp.z / mag_e_vrp;

// V' = (V.Z') Z'

dot_vrpz = upx*q[2][0] + upy*q[2][1] + upz*q[2][2];

vp.x = dot_vrpz*q[2][0];

vp.y = dot_vrpz*q[2][1];

vp.z = dot_vrpz*q[2][2];
// V'' = V - V'

vpp.x = upx - vp.x;

vpp.y = upy - vp.y;

vpp.z = upz - vp.z;

// Y' = V'' / |V''|

mag_vpp = (float) sqrt(vpp.x * vpp.x + vpp.y * vpp.y + vpp.z * vpp.z);

q[1][0] = vpp.x / mag_vpp, q[1][1] = vpp.y / mag_vpp, q[1][2] = vpp.z / mag_vpp;
// X' = Y' x Z'

q[0][0] = q[1][1] * q[2][2] - q[1][2] * q[2][1];

q[0][1] = -1.0f * (q[1][0] * q[2][2] - q[1][2] * q[2][0]);

q[0][2] = q[1][0] * q[2][1] - q[1][1] * q[2][0];

q[0][3] = 0.0f;
// View Translation

q[0][3] = -vx;

q[1][3] = -vy;

q[2][3] = (float) - sqrt((eyex - vx)*(eyex - vx) + (eyey - vy)*(eyey - vy) + (eyez - vz)*(eyez - vz));

Once we have the view transformation matrix we need to perform the perspective transformation, which will make objects that are farther away appear farther away. A typical method for doing this is explained in the text “Mathematical Elements of Computer Graphics,” Rogers and Adams, 1976:
(insert Rogers and Adams Figure 3-8)
Using their method, objects that are behind the z=0 plane are projected onto the z=0 plane as if they are seen from an eye sitting a distance ‘k’ in front of the z=0 plane. This can be implemented mathematically using the theory of right triangles, which simplifies to:
x* = x / ((z / k) + 1)

y* = y / ((z / k) + 1)

Where x* and y* are the “perspective coordinates” of the original x and y, and z is the distance of the original coordinate from the z=0 plane.
The final step in the pipeline is to take what we have behind the z=0 plane and convert it into device coordinates usable by Glide:
(Insert Minoura WinView-2)
The algorithm for performing the last steps is given below.
void GrlFrustum(float itop, float ileft, float ibottom, float iright, float fnear, float ffar)


top = itop;

left = ileft;

bottom = ibottom;

right = iright;
fn = fnear;

ff = ffar;

// GrlProject – takes source vertex and save projection

// vertex in destination vertex

void GrlProject(GrVertex *dstVert, GrVertex *sv)


GrVertex vr;

// copy original to save color information

memcpy(dstVert, sv, sizeof(GrVertex));

// perform view transformation (vr = [q][sv])

vr.x = q[0][0] * sv->x + q[0][1] * sv->y + q[0][2] * sv->z + q[0][3];

vr.y = q[1][0] * sv->x + q[1][1] * sv->y + q[1][2] * sv->z + q[1][3];

vr.z = q[2][0] * sv->x + q[2][1] * sv->y + q[2][2] * sv->z + q[2][3];

// perspective transformation

vr.x = vr.x / ((vr.z / -fn) + 1);

vr.y = vr.y / ((vr.z / -fn) + 1);

// project into device coordinates

dstVert->x = screenx * (vr.x - left) / (right - left);

dstVert->y = screeny * (vr.y - bottom) / (top - bottom);

dstVert->z = 65535.0f * (vr.z - 0.0001f) / (ff - 0.0001f);

dstVert->ooz = -65535.0f / dstVert->z;

// handle clipping here


More Rendering Primitives

More rendering primitives are given in the attached example code.


Minoura, Toshimi. Introduction to Computer Graphics. OSU Printing, 1998.

Rogers, D. and Adams, J. Mathematical Elements of Computer Graphics. McGraw-Hill, 1976.

† For more information visit

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