The skill of multi-model seasonal forecasts of the wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation

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The skill of multi-model seasonal forecasts of the wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation

F. J. Doblas-Reyes, ECMWF, Reading, UK

V. Pavan, ARPA-SMR, Bologna, Italy

D. B. Stephenson, Department of Meteorology , University of Reading, Reading, UK
Submitted to Climate Dynamics, March 2002

Revised March 2003

Accepted June 2003


The skill assessment of a set of wintertime North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) seasonal predictions in a multi-model ensemble framework has been carried out. The multi-model approach consists in merging the ensemble hindcasts of four atmospheric general circulation models forced with observed sea surface temperatures to create a multi-model ensemble. Deterministic (ensemble-mean based) and probabilistic (categorical) NAO hindcasts have been considered. Two different sets of NAO indices have been used to create the hindcasts. A first set is defined as the projection of model anomalies onto the NAO spatial pattern obtained from atmospheric analyses. The second set obtains the NAO indices by standardizing the leading principal component of each single-model ensemble. Positive skill is found with both sets of indices, especially in the case of the multi-model ensemble. In addition, the NAO definition based upon the single-model leading principal component shows a higher skill than the hindcasts obtained using the projection method. Using the former definition, the multi-model ensemble shows statistically significant (at 5% level) positive skill in a variety of probabilistic scoring measures. This is interpreted as a consequence of the projection method being less suitable because of the presence of errors in the spatial NAO patterns of the models. The positive skill of the seasonal NAO found here seems to be due not to the persistence of the long-term (decadal) variability specified in the initial conditions, but rather to a good simulation of the year-to-year variability. Nevertheless, most of the NAO seasonal predictability seems to be due to the correct prediction of particular cases such as the winter of 1989. This behaviour has been explained on the basis of a more reliable description of large-scale tropospheric wave features by the multi-model ensemble, illustrating the potential of multi-model experiments to better identify mechanisms that explain seasonal variability in the atmosphere.

1. Introduction

Early last century, meteorologists noticed that year-to-year fluctuations in wintertime air temperatures in Western Greenland and Northern Europe were often out of phase with one another (Walker, 1924; Loewe, 1937; van Loon and Rogers, 1978; Stephenson et al. 2003). When temperatures are below normal over Greenland, they tend to be above normal in Scandinavia, and vice versa. This climate phenomenon inspired the concept of what was later called the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The NAO is associated with significant changes in the intensity of the westerlies across the North Atlantic onto Europe, and so with a meridional oscillation in atmospheric mass with centers of action near the Icelandic low and the Azores high (e.g., van Loon and Rogers, 1978). During the positive phase the mean westerly flow over the North Atlantic and Western Europe is stronger than usual. The Icelandic Low and the Azores High, also known as the Atlantic dipole (Hastenrath, 2002) are then more intense than normal and tend to be located slightly further north and east (Glowienka-Hensa, 1985; Serreze et al., 1997). This anomalous flow increases the advection of warm and humid air over Northwest Europe. The negative phase of the NAO presents a weakened Atlantic dipole, with weakened westerly flow and increased advection of warm air over Greenland. The NAO is a mode that is robustly present in every month of the year (Barnston and Livezey, 1987). It accounts in a month-by-month basis for the largest amount of interannual variability in monthly North Atlantic sea level pressure in all but four months of the year (Rogers, 1990). However, the NAO is most pronounced in amplitude and areal coverage during winter (December to February) when it accounts for more than one third of the total variance in sea-level pressure (Wallace and Gutzler, 1981; Barnston and Livezey, 1987; Cayan, 1992; Stephenson and Pavan, 2003).

The NAO is linked to a wide range of climatic impacts. The changes in the mean circulation patterns over the North Atlantic are accompanied by pronounced shifts in the storm track (Rogers, 1990; Hurrell, 1995b) and associated synoptic eddy activity. This affects the transport of atmospheric temperature and moisture and produces changes in regional precipitation (Lamb and Peppler, 1987; Cayan, 1992; Hurrell, 1995a). Hurrell (1995a) has shown that drier conditions occur over much of Eastern and Southern Europe and the Mediterranean during high NAO index winters, while wetter-than-normal conditions occur from Iceland through Scandinavia. Winter snow depth and snow coverage duration over the Alps in the early 1990s, when the NAO was persistently positive, have been among the lowest recorded this century (Beniston and Rebetez, 1996), causing economic hardship on those industries dependent on winter snowfall. Other phenomena associated with the NAO include significant wave height (Bacon and Carter, 1993), changes in the Labrador Current transport (Marsh, 2000), in the Arctic sea-ice extent (Fang and Wallace, 1994), in the Davis Strait ice volume (Deser and Blackmon, 1993), in the total ozone column variability over the Northern Hemisphere (Orsolini and Doblas-Reyes, 2003) and in dust transport from Africa across the Mediterranean and the subtropical Atlantic (Moulin et al., 1997).

Atmospheric general circulation models (GCM), forced with both observed temporally varying (Rodwell et al., 1999) and constant (Barnett, 1985; Glowienka-Hensa, 1985; Marshall and Molteni, 1993) sea surface temperature (SST), are able to display NAO-like fluctuations. From those simulations, it would seem that the fundamental mechanisms in the interannual time scale of the NAO arise mostly from atmospheric processes (Hurrell, 1995a). In contrast, its decadal variations might be slightly influenced by the local ocean (Marshall et al., 2001). Bretherton and Battisti (2000) have pointed out the consequences of forcing atmospheric models with prescribed SSTs in order to study the NAO predictability. Notably, they found an out-of-phase relationship between local surface fluxes and ocean heat content (measured through SST anomalies) at decadal time scales over the North Atlantic that would damp the SST anomalies. Using a coupled atmosphere-ocean simplified model, they detect a robust correlation of 0.4 for the seasonal average NAO, so that in this ideal experiment the seasonal predictability limit is set to less than six months.

A different process wherein atmospheric processes alone might produce strong interannual and perhaps longer-term variations in the intensity of the NAO relies upon the connection between the strength of the stratospheric cyclonic winter vortex and the tropospheric circulation over the North Atlantic (Perlwitz and Graf, 1995; Kodera et al., 1996; Ambaum and Hoskins, 2002). The strong link between the North Pacific basin and the North Atlantic through the Aleutian-Icelandic lows seesaw (Martineu et al., 1999; Honda et al., 2001) might be another source of potential NAO variability. The NAO on interannual time scales appears to be a preferred mode of the atmosphere that can be excited in a number of different ways. For instance, the NAO interannual variability seems to be linked to the large-scale atmospheric circulation (Shabbar et al., 2001) and, to some extent, to tropical (Czaja and Frankignoul, 1999; Hoerling et al., 2001) and extratropical SST (Drévillon et al, 2001) through the modulation of the storm track activity (Peng and Whitaker, 1999; Drevillon et al., 2002).

The nature of climate variability implies that, even if the global SST could be exactly prescribed, the associated NAO evolution would not be uniquely determined in a model given the diversity of strong interactions taking place. The chaotic nature of atmospheric dynamics would amplify any initial uncertainty blurring the NAO predictability. If links between SST anomalies and NAO variability exist, previous studies indicate that they are likely to be weak. Hence, the overall change of the atmospheric state with regard to climatology over the North Atlantic region associated with specified SST anomalies may not be large. Therefore, the amount of predictable signal associated with the boundary conditions will be small compared with the climatological variance (Palmer and Sun, 1985). In practice, an estimate of the atmospheric probability density function (PDF) can be determined from a set of integrations of a model (Epstein, 1969a; Leith, 1974; Brankovic and Palmer, 1997). This led to the concept of ensemble forecasting, whose basic idea is to run not just one deterministic model but to run a model many times with slightly different initial conditions. The set of initial conditions is obtained by introducing perturbations that sample the system uncertainty in the phase space. To tackle uncertainty in the generation of an initial state, multi-analysis forecasts have also been considered in medium-range weather forecasting (Richardson, 2001). Examples of seasonal ensemble integrations have been discussed in Brankovic et al. (1994), Palmer and Anderson (1994), Stern and Miyakoda (1995), Barnett (1995) and Palmer and Shukla (2000).

Initial conditions are not the only source of uncertainty in seasonal forecasting. There are many contributions to the error in a numerical forecast: truncation error, simplification in the model parameterizations, etc. A basic way of dealing with this kind of uncertainty is to use a multi-model approach (Tracton and Kalnay, 1993; Vislocky and Fritsch, 1995; Fritsch et al., 2000; Palmer et al., 2000; Krishnamurti et al., 1999, 2000; Karin and Zwiers, 2002; Stefanova and Krishnamurti, 2002). The multi-model approach consists of merging forecasts from different models, either with the same initial conditions or not, to develop a wider range of possible outcomes that will allow for a better estimate of the atmospheric PDF. Model combination has already been applied in the development of better standards of reference (Murphy, 1992) or the forecast improvement by independent forecast combination (Thompson, 1977). Using several models in an ensemble is a way of taking into account our uncertainty about the atmospheric laws, since different models make different assumptions showing different performance in their variability simulation. Each model can as well produce an ensemble of simulations. This may be considered as yet another form of ensemble and is referred to as multi-model ensemble (Harrison et al., 1995; Atger, 1999; Doblas-Reyes et al., 2000; Evans et al., 2000, Pavan and Doblas-Reyes, 2000). By merging several single model ensembles into a unique multi-model ensemble, the effect of perturbations in both initial state and model formulation can be included, sampling in this way part of both sources of error. Long-range forecasting is probably one area of fruitful application for model merging, as forecasts from many different models are already available.

Given that large-scale climate features are more predictable than smaller scale anomalies, this study investigates the skill of seasonal NAO hindcasts, as a proxy to deliver seasonal forecasts over the Euro-Atlantic region, in a multi-model framework. In Section 2 we introduce the experiment. Section 3 describes the hindcast accuracy over the European region. The verification of different sets of NAO hindcasts is made in Section 4, and, finally, a discussion of the most important results is drawn along with the main conclusions in Section 5.

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