The Evolutionary Gene and the Extended Evolutionary Synthesis Qiaoying Lu and Pierrick Bourrat1

Genes, phenotypes and environments

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2.2 Genes, phenotypes and environments

As we showed at the beginning of Section 2, theorists also use the notion of ‘environment’ in different ways. In what follows, we define the notions of ‘phenotype’ and ‘environment’ in accordance with the concept of evolutionary gene we just provided.

The phenotypes have originally been characterized as ‘[a]ll “types” of organisms, distinguishable by direct inspection or only by finer methods of measuring or description’ (Johannsen [2014], p. 991). The phenotype is now typically understood as a ‘class to which that organism belongs as determined by the description of the physical and behavioral characteristics of the organism’ (Lewontin [2011]). In this organism-centred sense, the phenotype is considered descriptively regardless of its causes.

Haig ([2012], p. 461), building his notion of phenotype from the notion of gene, defines a phenotype as ‘a gene’s effects relative to some alternative’, which is not organism-centred, but is coupled to the notion of gene. Two things should be noted. First, as we have mentioned several times, the evolutionary gene is defined by its heritable effects on the phenotype. Hence, to define the phenotype as ‘a gene’s effects’ corresponds well to the concept of evolutionary gene. Second, the requirement of the existence of some alternative seems to mean that if there is no alternative, then there is no phenotype. This is not as problematic as it may first seem to be for three reasons. First, in Johannsen’s original definition, phenotypes refer to distinguishable ‘types’ of organisms, which implicitly assumes a comparison being made. Second, evolution, as it is classically understood, only occurs when the target population satisfies the condition of variation (Lewontin [1970]). Even in the limit cases where there is no variation in the population at a particular time, because for instance one variant invaded the population, heritable variations are regularly produced. Finally, under the manipulationist account, causation can only be established when at least two alternatives are compared. Thus, we regard the existence of alternative phenotype(s) in an evolutionary context as a reasonable assumption.

Inspired by Haig’s definition, we define the phenotype of an evolutionary gene as everything that the gene makes a difference to when compared to another gene. Prima facie this definition seems to weaken the physical distinction between genotype and phenotype, especially in the case of prions. We will address this issue later in Section 3.2. Our definition implies two things. First, a phenotype may refer to any part of an organism that is not the gene itself. Second there is no restriction on whether parts of the phenotype can extend beyond the physical boundaries of the organism. A classical example proposed by Dawkins ([1982], p. 200) is a beaver’s dam. The fact that beavers build dams is supposed to be an effect of the beaver’s genes, makes the dam (which is external to the physical boundaries of a beaver) part of the phenotype of these genes (the hypothetical genes’ effects compared to alternatives) rather than part of the environment (gene-centred environment as we will define below). A toy example of extended phenotype is habitat choice. Consider an organism choosing of living under the sun or under the rain depending on (evolutionary) genetic factors. Suppose also that both habitats ‘rainy’ and ‘sunny’ have an influence on an organism’s height. In this case, the rainy and sunny habitats are not environmental variations, as they are part of the organism’s phenotype. Only when there is nothing related to the organism that could explain why it chooses to live under the rain or under the sun, then the rainy and sunny habitats can be counted as environmental variations.9 These and similar examples will be problematic cases if by ‘environment’ one understands any variable beyond the physical boundaries of the organisms of the population studied.

The environment, to be defined consistently with the evolutionary gene and the gene-centred notion of phenotype, should be understood as the set of variables that are not causally influenced by evolutionary genes but that might causally influence a target trait.10 Physically speaking, the gene-centred environment of a given evolutionary allele can include other allele(s) at the same locus, other parts and mechanisms of the organism and the extra-organismic world. This position is very similar to that of Sterelny and Kitcher who claim that ‘the specification of the total environment’ of an allele ‘should be understood relative to the total allelic environment’ ([1988], p. 354). The difference is that they regard an allele as consisting solely of DNA pieces. Following our framework, one can see that on the one hand it is possible for part of the phenotype to be extended beyond the organism. On the other hand, it is also possible for some molecules or mechanisms inside the organism not causally influenced by evolutionary genes, that is, insensitive to genetic variations, to count as part of the gene-centred environment.

Organisms ‘have, for centuries, served as the paradigmatic individuals inhabiting the natural world’ (Bouchard and Huneman [2013], p. 1). For molecular biologists and those whose primary concern is development, the notion of environment usually refers to the part of the world external to the organism (Jablonka and Lamb [1995]; Jablonka and Lamb [2014]). They are concerned with external factors affect an organism’s development resulting in an adult trait, which renders the external environment a crucial role in individual development. But this understanding of the environment represents a notion that is quite different from the evolutionary gene-centred notion of the environment for the latter also includes parts of the organism in comparison of two or more traits in a population. Making this distinction, as we will argue, might be a first step to encourage gene-centric evolutionary biologists to think more about developmental factors playing in evolution.

To summarise so far, we proposed that the conception of gene in the formal evolutionary models, from which derived the gene-centric view, is different from the notion in molecular biology. The conceptions of environment and phenotype from a gene-centric evolutionary perspective are also different from the organism-centred notions used by developmentally minded biologists. The definitions for each concept can be seen in Table 1. Figure 1 is an illustration of the two frameworks: the evolutionary framework centred on the gene, and the developmental framework centred on organisms. From a formal evolutionary point of view, the gene can encompass not only DNA pieces, but also epialleles that give rise to the same effects. The gene-centred phenotype, that is the effect(s) an evolutionary gene is responsible for, can partially correspond to the organism-centred environment; and the gene-centred environment can correspond to some part of an organism. Since an imperfect overlap exists between corresponding concepts—‘gene’ with ‘organism’, and ‘gene-centred environment’ with ‘organism-centred environment’—this can potentially lead to confusions between different disciplines. Therefore, these two ways of partitioning the world should not be mixed.

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