Texas department of family and protective services advisory council meeting

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July 20, 2012

The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services Advisory Council met July 20, 2012, at 9:00 a.m. in the John H. Winters Building, Room, 125-E, 701 West 51st Street, Austin, Texas. Members present were Chair Gigi Edwards Bryant, Vice Chair Imogen Papadopoulos, Patricia Cole, Debbie Epperson, Tina Martin, Ben Morris, and Linda Bell Robinson. Also present were DFPS Commissioner Howard Baldwin, General Counsel Gerry Williams, and agency staff.

Not present were council members Anna Maria Jimenez and Scott Rosenbach.
Agenda Item 1 Call to Order
Chair Gigi Bryant called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. A quorum was present. Chair Bryant asked for a moment of silence for the victims in the theater shooting in Aurora, Colorado, on July 19.
Agenda Item 2 - Reading, Correction, and Approval of Minutes of April 20, 2012 meeting
Chair Gigi Bryant asked for approval and any corrections regarding the Minutes in Agenda Item 2. There being no corrections, the Minutes were approved as presented.
Agenda Item 3 - Agency Briefings
3.a. Review Legislative Appropriations Request (LAR) Timeline and Exceptional Items, Cindy Brown, Finance
Cindy Brown, Chief Financial Officer, updated the Council on the Legislative Appropriations Request timeline and exceptional items. The remaining steps in the timeline include finalizing the baseline request for Fiscal Years 2014 and 2015 and the exceptional item requests. The agency is limited in its baseline request to the amount expended in Fiscal Year 2012 and the amount budgeted for Fiscal Year 2013. We may exceed the appropriated general revenue for entitlement programs, such as foster care/adoption subsidies and permanency care assistance, which also includes general revenue for forecasted caseload growth tied to those programs. The deadline for submitting the LAR is August 16. The document will be posted on the Agency’s website by August 21.
Ms. Brown presented an overview of exceptional items to be requested with the LAR, which include Exceptional Item 1, to address Erosion of Federal Title 4-E Eligibility. The problem addressed is that the FY ’13 FTE cap will not be covered for CPS direct delivery staff because of a national decline in Title IV-E eligibility tied to income standards in place in 1996 used for the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program. AFDC no longer exists; standards have not been adjusted for inflation in over 15 years and fewer people are eligible today. Also, Texas has a large number of relative placements, and those children cannot be counted to determine the percentage of IV-E financial participation because they are not in verified foster homes. A request for general revenue funds for FYs ’14 and ’15 is being made to avoid the reduction of currently authorized CPS direct delivery FTEs. The need is expected to be $15 to 20 million each year.
Exceptional Item 2 is Direct Delivery Staff to Maintain Caseloads. DFPS must provide protective services for an increasing population. The number of CPS and APS caseworkers needed will increase for FY ’13 in order to maintain current caseloads per worker. Similarly, the call volume at Statewide Intake is projected to increase due to population growth, and additional staff will be requested to prevent long hold times and abandoned calls.
Exceptional Item 3 is Caseload Growth for the Relative Caregiver Program which provides monetary assistance for sibling groups, reimbursements per child to relatives and other designated caregivers for children in DFPS conservatorship and day care services for relatives who work full time. Additional general revenue is needed to fund projected caseload growth so that relatives are able to care for a child, rather than placing the child in paid foster care; a setting that is less desirable for the child and more costly for the state.
Exceptional Item 4 is Caseload Growth for Foster and Protective Day Care. As CPS caseloads increase, additional resources are needed for day care services in the foster care program and for children in open CPS cases still living at home. Foster day care assistance is available for foster parents who work full-time; protective day care is available to families participating in Family-Based Safety Services as a means of preventing the child from entering paid foster care.
Exceptional Item 5 is Enhance Staff Retention. The highest rate of turnover is among entry-level caseworkers. About 29 percent of new caseworkers in CPS and about 25 percent in APS leave within their first year. The current certification program provides the first pay increase at 12 months for APS, 18 months for CPS and Statewide Intake, and 24 months for Licensing. Providing the first pay increase sooner, at 9 months, may get new caseworkers to stay longer. Lower turnover will lead to lower caseloads per worker and better client safety decision-making. Also, funds will be requested for salary compression between the entry level direct delivery supervisor position and the high-end caseworker position; both positions utilize the same pay group, but the supervisor has more responsibility which creates a disincentive for the high-end caseworker to move into the entry level supervisor position. The solution is to move the direct delivery series up by one pay group. This solution will create another salary compression between the direct delivery supervisor position and the direct-delivery program administrator position. Therefore, a higher level classification will also be requested for the program administrators. Addressing these salary compression issues will help retain more experienced staff.
Exceptional Item 6 is Strengthen CPS Kinship Services. Kinship caseworkers work with the family to provide support and training. Kinship staffing has not kept pace with the increase of the number of children placed with relatives. There has been no increase in staff since FY 2009. Additional caseworkers and supervisors are requested for the program. Without proper support from Kinship Services, placements will disrupt and children will enter paid foster care.
Exceptional Item 7 is Update Casework System to Improve Assessment and Service Delivery Processes. APS and CPS plan to improve services by implementing changes in casework practices and processes. The APS risk assessment tool has been presented to the Council, which will access client risk levels and guide decision-making regarding level and intensity of services for in-home cases. CPS also plans to implement a new stage of service to allow for differential response to intakes, providing for a less adversarial approach than the traditional investigation model in cases with less risk for injury to the child. Additional funding is needed for these program process changes as they will require programming changes in IMPACT, the agency's automated case management system.
Exceptional Item 8 is Improve the Collection of Licensing Fees. This effort is to improve the way providers pay their licensing fees and improve tracking and reconciliation of those payments. The payment of fees currently is a manual process and information provided is insufficient to reconcile the payment of the fees. Additional funding is required to automate the process and allow for online fee payments.
Exceptional Item 9 is Increase Performance and Usability of Casework System. This request is for a re-engineering project to modernize IMPACT, the automated case management system. While the functionality and capabilities of IMPACT have increased, its infrastructure has not changed in 17 years. Skilled staff to maintain the legacy code for the current system is costly and hard to find. Modernization of IMPACT will make it more efficient and easier to use.

Exceptional Item 10 is Reduce Supervisor Span of Control for CPS Investigations and Conservatorship. In FY ’06 the legislature funded CPS reform and established functional units for Investigations, Conservatorship, and Family-Based Safety Services. The units were to have a supervisor span of control of 5 caseworkers to 1 supervisor. Subsequently, the agency's number of authorized positions was reduced, which increased the supervisor span of control. The funding requested would lower the supervisor span of control in Investigations from 6:1 to 5:1 and from 7:1 to 6:1 in Conservatorship. No changes are being recommended for Family-Base Safety Services at this time.

Exceptional Item 11 is Restore Prevention and Early Intervention Services. These services were reduced by the 82nd Legislature by 32 percent from the FY ’11 funding level. Funds are requested to restore the level of service to that appropriated in FY ’11.
Exceptional Item 12 is Restore State Match for CPS Purchase Services. The 82nd Legislature also replaced state matching funds with assumed local match for three programs: Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) Life Skills Training, Purchase Adoption Services and Post-Adoption Services. PAL has a 20 percent state match and both of the adoption programs have a 25 percent state match. Contracted providers of these services must now provide that match which reduces their funding stream, and they have voiced their inability to sustain their programs if the requirement for local matching continues. The request is for the restoration of the general revenue match for these services.
Following the presentation of the 12 exceptional items, Ms. Brown showed the 10 percent GR reduction schedule required by the LAR to reduce general revenue by 10 percent if necessary. An attempt was made to avoid a reduction of caseworkers and other direct delivery staff that provide critical protective services and to avoid a reduction to the foster care rates. The cuts include program support and administrative expenditures, such as travel, overhead and IT costs that do not impact the agency’s ability to administer programs. Also, there are projected reductions to certain programs and staff, including some Prevention and Early Intervention and CPS Purchase Client Services. Staff positions included were contract managers for Prevention and Early Intervention contracts and some of the special investigators. If implemented, staff reductions would be managed through attrition to avoid layoffs.
Ms. Papadopoulos asked about a dual ladder for promotion for caseworkers and supervisors so that those caseworkers best at direct delivery are not promoted out of that into supervisory positions. Audrey Deckinga, Assistant Commissioner of CPS, answered that CPS has considered dual ladder promotions and has yet to figure out how to best implement it. She agreed that that possibility could be further researched.
Commissioner Baldwin announced Cindy Brown’s retirement and expressed appreciation for her years of service.
3.b. GoMobile Technology, Terri Ware, Operations
Terri Ware, Chief Operating Officer, presented the Agency’s GoMobile technology. The caseworker position is a field-based position; the work is not done in the office. Traditionally, a caseworker would first go to the office and then out to the field to meet with the client. He would then return to the office to complete documentation. Caseworkers would have to return to their offices several times each day following visits with clients. Supervisors used a personal management style to measure each caseworker’s performance. Caseworkers used desktops and cellular phones and utilized paper files or binders for case organization. Training was heavily-based in basic skills development (BSD); there was no technology to incorporate into training. In general, there was an expectation that caseworkers go to the office every day.
Ms. Ware described the transition from a paper-and-pencil agency to one linked to a mobile environment, beginning with the provision of tablet PCs in 2006. In 2007, the agency implemented the Mobile Protective System (MPS), which allows caseworks to check out cases from IMPACT, document contacts and other case information while in the field, and then later sync up to the main system when they return to the office. In 2011, laptops were deployed to supervisors to encourage work in the field. Other innovations such as air cards, Blackberries, state-issued cell phones with unlimited texting plans, and digital cameras have been added to support field work. Over the last several years, the agency has moved to a less office-oriented model. Leasing of laptops and tablet PCs has been effective in allowing the agency to keep up with emerging technology; with leasing, the units are refreshed every three years. Technology has been integrated into BSD training. Some programs have moved sections of their training to a web-based environment, instead of an instructor-led setting. The agency is moving towards a reduction in office footprint for select offices where staff share cubicles with docking stations to plug in the equipment when they are in the office.
The strategy of GoMobile is to bring services under one project management structure. Ms. Ware discussed goals of the program. A pilot evaluation of using Wifi on the tablets is currently being conducted, with hope of providing additional IT support in the field. A mobile workspace template will be piloted. Revisions are proposed in performance management, training, and policy review. All areas are being reviewed related to mobility and an evaluation will be conducted.
Ms. Cole commended the staff for increased efficiency. Chair Bryant asked about the use of Skype to replace some office meetings. Ms. Ware responded that instant messaging and webinars are being used; however, there are questions regarding security with Skype. Staff is considering other web conferencing tools.
3.c. Foster Care Redesign, Audrey Deckinga, Child Protective Services
Audrey Deckinga, CPS Assistant Commissioner, presented an overview and update for Foster Care Redesign. Redesign of the foster care system was initiated because of the number of children in conservatorship who were either placed away from their home communities, away from siblings, or not in least-restrictive settings. The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) was formed, and a model was devised to address systemic challenges of foster care. The scope of the model would be for paid foster care only, cost neutral, and case management and managing conservatorship would remain with the department.
Ms. Deckinga stressed that redesign is not an attempt at outsourcing or privatization; judges will continue to hold DFPS accountable for making recommendations in the best interest of each child. The systemic changes lie in how the agency procures, contracts, and pays for services. Procurement is competitive. One contract will be awarded in a catchment area to a single source continuum contractor (SSCC); that provider can either provide or subcontract for all services in the catchment area. Payment for services will be handled differently in order to eliminate disincentive. Traditionally, services were paid by service level, so as the child gets better and the level of need decreases, so do payments to providers. The new system will award a performance-based, outcome-based contract in the catchment area; providers will be rewarded for improving the outcomes of the child and reducing the child's needs level.
A request for proposal (RFP) was posted from August 1 to November 1, and the department received 10 proposals. RFPs were posted for a metro area, Regions 7 or 11, and a non-metro area, Regions 1 or 2/9. Six proposals were received for the metro areas, and four proposals were received for the non-metro areas. Five best values were used to evaluate the proposals: the extent to which the respondent provides services to meet the department’s needs and the needs of the children and families we serve; respondent's fiscal stability; respondent's probable performance; respondent's accreditation in the field of residential child care services; and respondent's historical experience providing residential child care and family services in Texas.
Tentative contract awards based on the relative strengths of proposals received were announced June 20. Lutheran Social Services of the South received the tentative award for the metropolitan catchment area in Region 11. Providence Service Corporation of Texas received the tentative award for the non-metropolitan catchment area in Regions 2/9. Contract negotiations are in process, and we hope to have final contracts in place September 1. The SSCC must then submit management and community engagement plans within 60 days of contract approval. Joint training will follow for DFPS and the SSCC.
The first referrals will be children who are coming into paid foster care, next will be referrals for children, already in foster care, who need to be moved to a less restrictive placement or to be closer to siblings. The second stage of redesign will focus on coordination of services; the third stage will be implementation of case rate, including a length-of-stay financial incentive to move to permanency.
3.d. Commissioner's Report to include: Public Education Campaigns, Regional Visits, Children's Rights, Strategic Planning Public Hearings, and Notification of Rule Adoptions, Howard Baldwin
Chair Bryant called on Commissioner Baldwin to present the Commissioner’s Report to include: Public Education Campaigns, Regional Visits, Children’s Rights, Strategic Planning and Public Hearings, and Notification of Rule Adoptions.
Three public education campaigns are underway: Watch Kids Around Water; Room to Breathe; and Help for Parents, Hope for Kids. Watch Kids Around Water reminds adults to be vigilant about water safety. Room to Breathe reminds parents of the safest way for babies to sleep. Help for Parents, Hope for Kids is a new campaign intending to prevent abuse by making parents aware of resources. This campaign uses six testimonial videos to advertise on TV, radio and billboards. The videos can also be viewed on YouTube and at the helpandhope.org website. Three of the testimonials were played for the Council.
Commissioner Baldwin reported that he has now visited every region with the exception of Region 5, which he will visit next week. Since the last Council meeting he has been to Laredo, Midland, Odessa, Lubbock, Abilene and Beaumont.
Regarding staff travel, the state is able to now pay the full federal reimbursement rate for mileage. An automated system of travel submission is being worked on to make reimbursement more quick and efficient and should be operational in early 2013.
With recent improvement in the economy, the department is again experiencing turnover. A robust retention and recruitment strategy is in place, resulting in lowering number of vacancies.
As you know, the Children’s Rights lawsuit was filed by a national advocacy group against the State of Texas; the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down a class action certification and remanded the case back to the trial court. A December hearing has been set regarding class certification. There was a large class in the initial lawsuit; now, a smaller class represents children in permanent managing conservatorship and smaller subclasses. If classes are certified, the option of appealing with the Court of Appeals remains.
Commissioner Baldwin reported on the packets of rule changes that were presented at the April Council meeting and published in the Texas Register May 8, 2012. There was no public comment on two of the packets; therefore, these rules have gone to Executive Commissioner Suehs for approval of the Council’s recommendation to adopt them:

  1. Agenda Item 6.b.: DFPS Rule, 40 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 700, Subchapter M, Substitute-Care Services has been adopted as proposed.

  2. Agenda Item 6.c.: DFPS Rule, 40 Texas Administrative Code, Part 19, Chapter 700, Subchapter Y, Contracting with Licensed Residential Providers; and Chapter 732, Subchapter L, Contract Administration has also been adopted as proposed.

Commissioner Baldwin spoke about Foster Care Redesign. As Phase 2 is reached, contract service dollars will be turned over to the SSCC where the dollars can be used in the targeted way to get better outcomes for children through reunification and in obtaining other necessary services for children. The movement from one stage to the next will be deliberate before proceeding with procurement for other portions of the state.

Chair Bryant asked the Council members if they had any questions concerning Foster Care Redesign. Ms. Deckinga explained that the contract process is still in final negotiations, not in startup phase, at this point. Ms. Cole asked about compensation for a home with a special needs child. Compensation will depend on the SSCC proposal. General Counsel Gerry Williams commented that the minimum pass-through will still be in place but could vary depending on the SSCC’s contract with the care provider. Ms. Papadopoulos asked about quality control. Ms. Deckinga stated that a team of people at state office with program experience, contracting monitoring experience, and fiscal experience will be responsible for monitoring. Quality assurance measures will be built in as well as the outcome measures. Additionally, the PPP will continue in its advisory capacity. Local advisory groups will provide day-to-day communication and monitoring in specific areas. The courts will continue to monitor the children in care; CASA, attorney ad litems, and caseworkers will continue to visit children; and Licensing will continue to be involved in the oversight and monitoring of facilities. Chair Bryant suggested that the Council listen to the House Committee on Health and Human Services meeting from July 16 to hear the presentation and comments from stakeholders in the community.
3.e. Chair's Report, Gigi Bryant
Chair Bryant called on council members to report on their activities. Ms. Cole from Fort Worth represents Region 3. She practices elder law and has also worked with CPS. She recently met with CPS special investigators in Fort Worth concerning GoMobile’s progress and reported the investigators are very excited about improvements to GoMobile.
Ben Morris of Cleburne has Region 4 and shares Region 3 with Ms. Cole and Ms. Epperson. He recently went on a ride-along with an APS caseworker, completing four visits in one morning. Most of Mr. Morris’ experience has been with CPS due to his career in the public school system. Accompanying the APS caseworker was eye-opening and humbling. The caseworker was incredibly professional and organized. Mr. Cole has a new appreciation for how complex APS cases can be, sometimes involving multiple social service agencies.
Tina Martin is from the Rio Grande Valley and represents Region 11. Much of her time is spent focused on the Children’s Advocacy Center. She recently went with Commissioner Baldwin to the Strategic Planning Public Hearing held in San Antonio. The public hearing was very interesting; specifically, Ms. Martin noted stakeholders’ concern about the lack of mental health services. Star County is fortunate to have just opened a new mental health wing at the Children’s Advocacy Center that was funded by a $75,000 grant. Ms. Martin also recently attended a two-day Children’s Advocacy Workshop in Austin. Chair Bryant added that Ms. Martin was honored as an Outstanding Volunteer of the Year and a Shining Star for her outstanding service.
Imogen Papadopoulos, representing Regions 5 and 6, made a presentation to the American Leadership Forum, a group in Houston. She is a Senior Fellow of this group and appreciates the networking opportunity it provides. Ms. Papadopoulos has expressed concern about the number of aging baby boomers and how they might impact APS. She and Dr. Carmel Dyer co-presented the American Leadership Forum (ALF) program called "What’s Age Got to Do with It?" on the impact of this aging population in the community and the increased demand for services.
Debbie Epperson from Dallas represents Regions 3 and 4. She recently provided refreshments for the department’s intensive training forum held in the Dallas-Fort Worth area. She also is president of a local women’s club, Preston Hollow Women’s Club. The club supports the Buckner Family and Children’s Services, providing birthday celebrations for foster children. The club was selected as Buckner’s Charity of the Year.
Linda Robinson from Houston serves Region 5 and 6, along with Ms. Papadopoulos. Her focus is also on the baby boomers coming into this system. She tries to attend APS events to assist with identifying ways and means for accommodating our baby boomers. Additionally she had the honor of attending the half-day Permanency Roundtable discussion training. She recommends this training to Council members, as the real benefit is that everybody comes to the table as equals to ensure children are placed with someone who loves them.
Chair Bryant called on Gerry Williams, Legal Counsel. He has worked with the program staff on the rule packets and thanked them for their help. He specifically thanked his own staff, program staff, Terri Ware’s staff and Irma Davilla. He talked about Children’s Rights and the ongoing lawsuit which has had cooperation and coordination among several agencies including HHSC, the Governor’s Office, and the Attorney General’s Office, including their Solicitor General’s Office. He thanked the agencies involved. Chair Bryant asked for a round of applause for staff.
Chair Bryant introduced a regional director, Shelia Brown, who has been recognized by the St. Luke African Methodist Episcopal Church as a leader in her community in Waco and surrounding areas.
Agenda Item 4 – Council Operations
4.a. Location of the October Council Meeting, Gigi Bryant
There was discussion about the next council meeting being in Dallas, Texas on Friday, October 19, 2012, in the Dallas City Council Chambers located at 1500 Marilla Street. The start time of 10:30 will be for the work session; the actual council meeting, which will include public testimony, will start at 2 p.m. Both will be on the same day.
Ms. Cole made the motion to move the October council meeting to Dallas, Texas, to be held on October 19, 2012, at 10:30 a.m. at the Dallas City Council Chambers. The work session will begin at 10:30 am and the meeting will begin at 2 p.m. Ms. Epperson added to the motion, clarifying that the Dallas City Chambers is located at 1500 Marilla Street, Dallas, Texas. Ms. Martin seconded, and the motion passed by voice vote.
Agenda Item 5 – Public Testimony
Chair Bryant explained the guidelines for stakeholders providing public testimony.
Ashley Harris, Child Welfare Policy Associate for Texans Care for Children, a nonpartisan policy organization, spoke about the implementation of House Bill 3234 that prioritizes case record requests for individuals formerly in foster care. The release of this type of information, if not provided in a therapeutic environment, can be detrimental to a person's emotional wellbeing. Ms. Harris encourages the department to consider a supportive setting when the information is released. She brought recommendations regarding permanency roundtables for the department to consider. Texans Care for Children supports consumer-driven permanency planning, recognizing that “youth are the experts”. Ms. Harris stressed that the department could learn from other states’ experience. In Georgia, for instance, stakeholders recommended that the round tables should be increased in frequency and that follow-up phone calls be decreased. Additionally, Ms. Harris suggested that external stakeholders who are important to the child's future be included in meetings to discuss the child’s future. Texans Care for Children has been working with CPS to strengthen youth voice and engagement and supports any efforts of systemic change that is in the best interests of the children served.
Mike Foster from A World of Children spoke about foster care redesign concerns and provided written material. The provider community wants to accomplish the outcomes. Mr. Foster spoke on three points of concern for providers. First is the conflict of interest issue when the SSCC is also a provider, leading to an uneven playing field. Mr. Foster stated that the RFP did not address due process for a traditional provider who is denied a contract by the SSCC. Second, as a member of the Travis County Disproportionality Committee, he states that a lot of groundwork has been done in disproportionality and disparity. This work needs to be continued by the SSCC. Lastly, Mr. Foster is anxious to see what the business model will be as providers anticipate changes in the way foster care is financed.
Chair Bryant stated that council members are committed to reading the supplemental material provided by those who testify.
Theresa Todd, Texas Network of Youth Services, spoke about the LAR. Research shows many negative effects of child abuse and neglect. Child abuse and neglect is the root of social problems, such as poor school performance, truancy, gang violence, runaways, teen pregnancy, criminal activity, domestic violence, mental and physical health issues, poor socialization and job skills, poverty, and homelessness. Child maltreatment also results in financial burden; findings show that each death due to child maltreatment has a lifetime cost of approximately $1.3 million and for a child that survives, the lifetime cost is just over $210,000. Texas spends over $6.25 billion per year on the after-effects of child abuse and neglect. Ms. Todd maintains that the economic burden of abuse and neglect clearly outweighs the cost of prevention. The work of this agency is too essential to make any cuts, but if made, cuts should be across the board, not targeting prevention. Prevention should be considered as equally important as other programs.
Rachel Hammon, Executive Director for the Texas Association for Home Care and Hospice, spoke on the recommendation to adopt rule changes for 40 TAC Chapter 705 and 711. She thanked DFPS staff for working with them during the comment period to resolve their concerns. The remaining issue is related to the inclusion of negligence within the definition of neglect. Ms. Hammon maintains that reports of negligence on a licensed individual need to be reported per their licensing standards to their licensing board and ask that a clarifying statement be included in the response to comments to differentiate between unlicensed and licensed caregivers, clarifying that complaints regarding licensed caregivers need to be reported to their licensing board.
Rebecca Allen, with the Texas Association of Child-Placing Agencies, spoke about Foster Care Redesign. The members of the association are very supportive of and invested in the outcomes outlined in the redesign. One concern is that administrative functions of the SSCC will pull down some funds; providers are concerned that a loss of limited financing will result in providers having to discontinue some services. The overriding concern about Foster Care Redesign is the issue of conflict of interest. The contract needs to clarify the dual roles of administration and provision of services of the SSCC. The SSCC should not provide service; they should just oversee the goals.
Al Blankenship is with Covenant Kids, an adoption agency that helps children leave foster care. In 2011, the average time to adoption for children in foster care was 32 months, which is nearly three years. Mr. Blankenship has worked in child welfare for 20 years and one of the most challenging problems he has noticed is that children lose hope when they are in limbo; children get older, behaviors get worse, and their chances for adoption are reduced. Mr. Blankenship is pleased to see redesign added as an exceptional item, noting that the number of children awaiting adoption has increased from 6,000 in 2002, to 12,000 in 2012.
Chair Bryant thanked those who gave public testimony and returned to Item 4 to discuss location and time for the October Council Meeting.
Chair Bryant called for a break at 11:10. Chair Bryant called the meeting back to order at 11:21 a.m.
Agenda Item 6 – New Business
Chair Bryant noted that council members had heard from staff in the July 19th work session regarding the recommended rule changes. Council members had opportunity to ask questions at that time. Stakeholders will have the opportunity to comment on the rules during the 30-day public comment period. Any comments received for these six rule proposals will be reviewed at the council meeting to be held in Dallas on October 19.
6.a Recommendation to propose rule changes in 1 TAC, Subchapter H, Reimbursement Methodology For 24-Hour Child Care Facilities, §355.7103 Rate-Setting Methodology for 24-Hour Residential Child-Care Reimbursements, Pam Robers, HHSC
Sarah Hambrick, with Health and Human Services, Rate Analysis Department, presented the recommendation to propose rule changes in 1 TAC, Subchapter H, Reimbursement Methodology For 24-Hour Child Care Facilities, §355.7103 Rate-Setting Methodology for 24-Hour Residential Child-Care Reimbursements. It is a technical change to move the cost report excusal requirements from §355.7103 to §355.105. There are no effective changes. Chair Bryant called for questions and the vote.
Ms. Cole moved that the Council recommend for proposal by HHSC, the amendment to §355.7103, concerning rate-setting methodology for 24-hour residential child-care reimbursements, as reflected in the Council’s July 20, 2012 agenda item 6.a. Dr. Robinson seconded the motion, which carried by voice vote.
6.b. Recommendation to propose rule changes in 40 TAC Chapter 727, Licensing of Maternity Facilities, Chapter 745, Licensing, Michele Adams, CCL
Michele Adams, Assistant Commissioner for Child Care Licensing, presented proposed rule changes in 40 TAC Chapter 727 and Chapter 745 to support and implement new legislation passed during the 82nd Legislature, Regular Session. The rules are being amended or repealed to be consistent with changes in the law related to §§13 through 16 of Senate Bill 1178 regarding the regulation of maternity homes. Ms. Adams asked that the Council recommend to Commissioner Baldwin and Executive Commissioner Suehs that the rule changes be published in the Texas Register for formal public comment. Chair Bryant asked for questions and the vote.
Mr. Morris moved that the Council recommend for proposal by HHSC the repeals and amendment concerning maternity homes, as reflected in the Council’s July 20, 2012 agenda item 6.b. Ms. Martin seconded, and the proposal passed by voice vote.
6c. Recommendation to propose rule changes in 40 TAC, Chapter 744, Minimum Standards for School-Age and Before or After-School Programs; Chapter 746, Minimum Standards for Child-Care Centers; Chapter 747, Minimum Standards for Child-Care Homes; and Chapter 748, General Residential Operations, Michele Adams, CCL
Ms. Adams presented the proposal to change rules in 40 TAC, Chapter 746, Chapter 747 and Chapter 748 to support and implement new federal regulations related to safety standards for cribs and to amend rules related to safe sleep practices based on recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics, and also to change rules in 40 TAC, Chapter 744, Chapter 746, and Chapter 747 which require childcare homes and centers to include procedures in their operational policies if they conduct health checks of children in care. She asked that the Council recommend to Commissioner Baldwin and Executive Commissioner Suehs that these rules be proposed and published in the Texas Register for formal public comment. Chair Bryant asked for questions and the vote.
Ms. Martin moved that the Council recommend for proposal by HHSC the amendments concerning minimum standards as reflected in the Council’s July 20, 2012 agenda item 6.c. Ms. Epperson seconded, and the proposal passed by voice vote.
6.d.Recommendation to propose rule changes to Background Checks in 40 TAC, Chapter 744, Minimum Standards for School-Age and Before or After-School Programs; Chapter 745, Licensing; Chapter 746, Minimum Standards for Child-Care Centers; and Chapter 747, Minimum Standards for Child-Care Homes, Michele Adams, CCL
Ms. Adams presented the proposal to change rules in 40 TAC Chapters 744, 745, 746 and 747 with respect to implementing the background check process and risk evaluation process. Ms. Adams asked that the Council recommend to Commissioner Baldwin and Executive Commissioner Suehs that these rule changes be proposed and published in the Texas Register for formal public comment. Chair Bryant called for questions and the vote.
Ms. Papadopoulos moved that the Council recommend for proposal by HHSC the amendments, repeals and new sections concerning background checks as reflected in the Council’s July 20, 2012 agenda item 6.d. Ms. Epperson seconded, and the proposal passed by voice vote.
6.e. Recommendation to propose rule changes in 40 TAC, Chapter 700, Child Protective Services; Chapter 702, General Administration; and Chapter 705, Adult Protective Services, relating to the prioritization of requests to release certain case records maintained by the Department of Family and Protective Services, TJ Wasden, Operations
T.J. Wasden with Operations asked the Council to recommend one new rule in Chapter 702 and two rule amendments in Chapters 700 and 705 relative to releasing certain case records maintained by DFPS as a result of legislation passed during the 82nd Legislature. He asked that the Council recommend to Commissioner Baldwin and Executive Commissioner Suehs that the rule changes be published in the Texas Register for formal public comment. Chair Bryant called for questions and the vote.
Ms. Cole commended the department for the work resulting in these proposed changes. Ms. Martin moved that the Council recommend for proposal by HHSC the amendments and new section concerning prioritization of requests to release certain case records as reflected in the Council’s July 20, 2012 agenda item 6.e. Mr. Morris seconded. Mr. Williams stated that the comment regarding this rule that was heard earlier will be addressed during the comment period. The proposal passed by voice vote.
6.f. Recommendation to propose rule changes in 40 TAC, Chapter 702, General Administration, New Subchapter C, Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry, Gerry Williams, Legal
Mr. Williams, General Counsel, presented the new rules concerning the Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry. The registry consists of validated cases of child abuse and neglect, which is required by the Texas Family Code. The rule clarifies that validated cases of abuse and neglect from CPS investigations, as well as school investigations, APS facility investigations involving child victims, and CCL investigations, all must be included in the DFPS Central Registry. Mr. Williams asked that the Council recommend to Commissioner Baldwin and Executive Commissioner Suehs that the rule changes be published in the Texas Register for formal public comment. Chair Bryant called for questions and the vote.
Ms. Epperson moved that the Council recommend for proposal by HHSC the new sections concerning the Child Abuse and Neglect Central Registry as reflected in the Council’s July 20, 2012 agenda item 6.f. Dr. Robinson seconded, and the proposal passed by voice vote.
Agenda Item 7 – Old Business
7.a. Recommendation to adopt rule changes in 40 TAC, Chapter 705, Adult Protective Services, including abuse, neglect and exploitation definitions for In-home investigations; and Chapter 711, Investigations in DADS and DSHS Facilities and Related Programs, Beth Engelking, APS
Beth Engelking, Adult Protective Services, recommended adoption of rule changes in Chapter 705 to establish definitions of abuse, neglect and exploitation and to improve language for clarity and update outdated language. Rule changes to 711 are needed to provide consistency with changes in Chapter 705, to update names and outdated terminology, and to expand or clarify terms. Ms. Engelking asked that the Council recommend to Commissioner Baldwin and Executive Commissioner Suehs that the rules be adopted, effective September 1, 2012. Chair Bryant asked for questions and the vote.
Dr. Robinson moved that the Council recommend for adoption by HHSC the repeals, new sections and amendments concerning the adult protective services program, as reflected in the Council’s July 20, 2012 agenda item 7.a. Ms. Epperson seconded. Chair Bryant asked Mr. Williams and Ms. Engelking to speak to comments made earlier by Ms. Hammon. The department has added language regarding clinical issues and whether some issues should be investigated for neglect to the comments, not the rule, in response to Ms. Hammon’s comments. Also, the preamble will be modified and republished. The proposal passed by voice vote.
Agenda Item 8 – Adjourn
Commissioner Baldwin had no closing remarks and the meeting was adjourned by Chair Bryant.

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