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Fine Quality Classical LPs


To order: please see the Contact page on my website, for an order form, or send an email to sophia@spiralclassics.co.uk or see “Ordering” below.



Most of the records in this catalogue are second-hand. Any new LPs say NEW after the price. Otherwise, I use the following gradings:

E = Excellent: unmarked surface

E + light/small non-sounding mark = Near mint

V/E = Minor marks that don't sound on my system

V = Very good: no marks that sound. May not have quite silent surface

G = Good: marks that will sound softly, possibly some wear

F = Fair: marks that will sound, surface noise, wear likely.

Records in poor condition are not usually included in the catalogue.

Sleeves are in similar condition to the LP, or better, unless I describe a problem.

An "E-" sleeve is very nearly excellent. A "V/E" sleeve has minor wear to its edges, a small tear, or some tape.

Please ask me if you want more information about a sleeve.

I am aiming to provide reliably graded records, & I examine records very carefully, & try out any visible marks on my office turntable (a Garrard 401) to see if they sound. When a mark sounds quite softly, I describe this as 'ticks'. Loud sounds are described as 'clicks'. I realise that different equipment may produce different results. I aim to provide enough guidance on condition for you to choose the condition you find acceptable. As a rule of thumb, I expect records graded 'E' or 'V/E' to sound perfect, unless I mention a problem in the text. I suggest you try out my 'G' grade to see if this grading is acceptable to you. 'F' grade records are still playable, & can be good value if you are not irritated by some noise on records. Established collectors will know already that early pressings often have more surface noise than later issues. My practice is to adjust my gradings to take account of this.


Each listing follows this approximate layout:

Stock number, COMPOSER, Title of record (if any), Title of piece, soloists, orchestra or ensemble, conductor, date recorded/issued, [mono etc], record company (not always listed), record code, description of label/pressing, condition, price.

Date recorded, This is only approximate. Where the record label or sleeve gives the date there is no problem. Otherwise I use my reference books.


c = conducted by

Ch = Choir or Chorus

CO = Chamber Orchestra

cond = condition

foxed = small brown marks on paper

i = date issued

MoR = Music on Record

O = Orchestra

orig = original

pr = pressing

r = date first issued (or date recorded if known)

r&i = date first issued (or recorded) and date issued are same: so this is the original issue

s. = side

sl = sleeve

SO = Symphony Orchestra

 (in margin) = Audiophile, i.e recognised as being of exceptional sound quality, or claimed to be so by the record company

 (in margin) = "Spiral Classics" recommendation of selected recordings

All records are stereophonic unless one of the following codes appears:

[M] mono, [Q] quadrophonic & stereo, [D] digital, [R] digitally remastered, [E] electronically reprocessed stereo


All records, however well cared for, gradually acumulate dust in the grooves, resulting in "ticky" noises even on LPs that look perfect. I have a Keith Monks Record Cleaning Machine, which gently brushes each side of the LP with a mixture of alcohol & distilled water, and then vacuums off the fluid and dirt giving a very much quieter surface. Unless you have access to a similar machine yourself I do recommend you to tick the box on the order form requesting that I clean your records before despatching them. The charge of £2.50 per LP includes a new inner sleeve.


I include a brief description of the label where it may be helpful. For Decca SXL 2000s and SXL 6000s up to about SXL 6400, I describe the original label as 'wide band'.

ED1 is the earliest wide band label, with "Original Recording" between 9 & 12 o'clock.

ED2 is the second wide band label, with "Made in England" between 9 & 12 o'clock, and a groove pressing. It is the original label for many SXLs.

ED3 is the third wide band label, with "Made in England" between 9 & 12 o'clock, and no groove. It is the original label for the later SXL wide bands.

I describe the next label as 'narrow band'. This is the later label for SXLs up to 6400, and the original label for SXL 6449 onwards. Some LPs between SXL 6400 & 6449 have no wide band label. If I say that the label is "wide band" or "narrow band" the pressing is always an English pressing. The earliest wide band pressings have a groove in the vinyl about 1 cm in from the outer edge of the label. These are described as "groove pressings". For other Decca labels, such as SOL, DSLO, ZRG, SPA, I generally describe the pressing – English or Dutch. But please note, that ECS & SDD labels are almost always English pressings, so I don’t decribe the pressing unless it is Dutch.

ASD and SAX labels are more complicated, so I describe the label, & say "original" if it is the first label for that record code. For mono issues such as LXT, ALP, 33CX, I describe the label. If you are not certain that a copy has the right pressing or label for you, please ask.


Please send orders to Sophia Singer, Spiral Classics, 52, Herbert Street, Loughborough, England, LE11 1NX. Send me the following details of the records you would like:

Page number, Stock number, Record Code, Brief description

You can EMAIL me at sophia@spiralclassics.co.uk. Or use the ORDER FORM on my website, www.spiral classics.co.uk . I am happy to take orders over the PHONE, on 01509 557846, between 10 a.m. & 8 p.m. If I am not available please leave me a message on my answer machine. Please phone again later to check that I have received the message. If ordering by post, send no money until you receive a pro-forma invoice. Or to save delay & postage you can send me a cheque with a maximum limit.

Spiral Classics is a Mail Order business only, & not a shop.

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