Spatio-Temporal Variability and Predictability of Relative Humidity Over West African Monsoon Region

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Spatio-Temporal Variability and Predictability of Relative Humidity Over West African Monsoon Region

Daniel Broman1, Balaji Rajagopalan1,3, Thomas Hopson2 and Rajul Pandya3

(1) Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO; (2) National Center for Atmospheric Research; (3) University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Spatial and temporal variability of relative humidity over the West African Monsoon (WAM) region is investigated. In particular, the variability during the onset, peak and retreat periods of the monsoon is considered. A K-means cluster analysis was performed to identify spatially coherent regions of relative humidity variability during the three periods. The cluster average of the relative humidity provides a robust representative index of the strength and timing of the WAM. Correlating the cluster anomalies with large-scale dynamial and thermodynamical features indicate that the land-ocean temperature gradient and the corresponding circulation, tropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures (SSTs), and to a somewhat lesser extent SSTs over the tropical Pacific, all play a role in modulating the timing of the monsoon season relative humidity onset and retreat. These connections to large-scale climate features were also found to be persistent over intraseasonal time scales, and thus best linear predictive models were developed to enable skillful forecasts of relative humidity during the two periods at 15-75 day lead times. The public health risk due to meningitis epidemics are of grave concern to the population in this region, and these risks are strongly tied to regional humidity levels. Because of this linkage, the understanding and predictability of relative humidity variability is of use in meningitis epidemic risk mitigation, which motivated this research.
This project focuses on the interaction between climate and disease incidence in eight countries in West Africa: Ghana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Chad, Niger, Mali, and Burkina Faso. All or parts of these countries lie within the African ‘Meningitis Belt’, and whose seasonal weather patterns are controlled by the West African Monsoon (WAM). Limited healthcare networks exist in this region, with international organizations providing logistic and material support. Understanding of the interseasonal variability of the WAM system could provide more informed decision-support in allocating healthcare supplies given identified links between meningococcal meningitis epidemics and climate. One of the strongest links identified is with relative humidity, motiving this study.
The traditional measure of monsoon variability has been seasonal rainfall. The region experiences periods of low and high rainfall, including the Sahelian drought of the 1970s and 80s. Past investigation has looked at identifying causes of both the annual rainfall cycle and the larger decadal scale patterns. Connections have been made with global sea-surface temperatures, circulation patterns, along with other ocean and land-surface processes including soil moisture.
The WAM is a dominant low-level southwesterly flow affecting sub-Saharan Africa temperature and precipitation patterns. This seasonal flow advects moisture from the Gulf of Guinea and equatorial Atlantic onshore during the boreal summer in sharp contrast to the dry northeasterly Harmattan winds that exist throughout the rest of the year. Monsoon behavior is linked to the seasonal latitudinal migration of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) and the intertropical front (ITF), the latter representing the interface between monsoon winds and Harmatton winds. Eltahir and Gong (1996) investigated the sources of moisture in West Africa and found the Tropical Atlantic contributes 23%, Central Africa 17%, and that 27% comes from precipitation recycling within West Africa. This study only quantified moisture in the form of precipitation but provides a basis for understanding moisture fluxes in the region. The Gulf of Guinea source is controlled by the southwest monsoon flow, the Central African source by westerly flows generated by monsoon circulation, and the precipitation recycling by land surface properties. Using a Lagrangian approach, Nieto et al. (2006) tracked the sources of moisture for the Sahel and found that in summer, precipitation recycling over the Sahel was the most important. Other identified sources included the Tropical Atlantic, Central Africa, and the Eastern Mediterranean. For this last source, increased SSTs increased local evaporation and the moisture was advected to the Sahel through low-level transport. Lavaysse et al. (2009) identify several dynamical elements of the West African Monsoon that represent and influence its behavior including the West African Heat Low (WAHL), the African Easterly Jet (AEJ), the Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ), and African Easterly Waves (AEW). The pressure gradient between the WAHL and the South Atlantic anticyclone drives the southwesterly monsoon winds. The strength and position of the West African Heat Low (WAHL) is dependent on preferential heating controlled by surface albedo and solar heating conditions (Ramel et al. 2006). These controls also influence the shape of the WAHL that can be more zonally elongated than round in some years (Lavaysse et al. 2009). Work by Drobinski et al. (2005) suggest that the orography of North Africa, the Hoggar Massive and Atlas Mountains in particular, aid in the deepening of the WAHL in late spring and describe its location centered over the Sahara Desert. Subsidence to the north of the mountains from the northern branches of the Hadley cell and the WAHL increase the pressure gradient rotating southeasterly winds to northeasterly winds. This behavior strengthens WAHL circulation, deepening the low pressure region. Monsoon onset as defined by Sultan and Janicot (2003) is split into two phases a “preonset” identified as the date the ITF reaches 15ºN (with the ITF being the zero mean zonal wind component at 925mb). This phase represents the start of the rainy season in the region and the mean date of occurrence is the 14 May with 9.8 day standard deviation. Monsoon onset is defined by an abrupt transition or “jump” of the ITCZ from 5º to 10ºN corresponding with increases in rainfall and a deepening of the heat low. The mean date of occurrence is 25 June with 9 day standard deviation. The deepening of the WAHL occurs on a mean date of 20 June, five days before the mean date of monsoon jump (Lavaysse et al. 2009).
Nicholson (2009) presented a “new look” on WAM dynamics and suggested the importance of the African Easterly Jet (AEJ) and Tropical Easterly Jet (TEJ) to rainfall and moisture advection. She identified the region between the waves as the “tropical rainbelt”. Instability resulting from conservation of vorticity promotes convection in this region. The cross-equator pressure gradient driving monsoon flows produces in some years a low-level westerly jet whose strength is strongly correlated with rainfall. A weak pressure gradient and a weak or nonexistent westerly jet occur during dry years and a strong pressure gradient and strong well-defined westerly jet occur during wet years. The AEJ transports mesoscale convective systems (MCS) westward, which are responsible for large-scale precipitation in the region (Mohr and Thorncroft 2006). The speed of the AEJ centered at 650mb is controlled by WAHL meridional circulation (Thorncroft and Blackburn 1999). Uplift in the WAHL generates an anticyclone aloft whose easterly circulation strengthens the AEJ. The strengths of the AEJ and TEJ control the location and propagation of African Easterly Waves (AEW) which help organize MSC (Jackson et al. 2009). The number and timing of AEWs are responsible for the interseasonal variability of WAM rainfall.
The strength of the cross-equator pressure gradient has been linked to sea-surface temperatures (SST) in the Gulf of Guinea. Lough (1986) identified a precipitation dipole between the Guinea Coast and the Sahel. Future work by Vizy and Cook (2002), Fontaine and Louvet (2006), and Caniaux et al. (2011) have investigated this dipole and linked it to SST anomalies in the Gulf of Guinea. In April, cross-equator southeast trade winds strengthen as the ITCZ shifts northward. These trades produce Ekman pumping north of the equator lowering SSTs and lead to the formation of the “Atlantic cold tongue”. This feature is well developed during the peak of the monsoon. Positive SST anomalies in the Gulf of Guinea increase evaporation enhancing precipitation over the Guinea Coast. Concomitant low-level winds from the Sahara extends further south leading to subsidence and suppressed precipitation in the Sahel.
Modeling studies by Koster et al. (2004) suggest a strong land-atmosphere coupling between soil moisture and precipitation in boreal summer. This supports the precipitation recycling findings mentioned above.
Hagos and Cook (2008) explain the decreasing Sahelian rainfall in the 1980s through increased sea-surface temperatures in the Indian Ocean. Warming produced a region of subsidence over the Sahel blocking monsoon-advected moisture from the Atlantic. Continued increases in Indian Ocean SSTs have shifted this zone westward over the Atlantic leading to an increase, though still depressed rainfall over the Sahel.
IPCC AR4 Assessment suggests due to the increased SST in the tropics an amplification of the precipitation dipole between the Sahel and Guinea Coast with decreased rainfall over the Sahel and increased rainfall over the Guinea Coast. Haarsma (2005) investigate rainfall variability over the Sahel using climate reanalysis data and found a strong link between rainfall and mean sea-level pressure over the Sahara, the summer location of the WAHL. Increases in surface air temperatures suggest a deepened heat low and increased rainfall over the Sahel. Cook and Vizy (2006) address this uncertainty. There is low model agreement for much of West Africa, and the CGCMs used in the ensemble did not capture well the precipitation distribution or monsoon dynamics.
Coinciding with the West African Monsoon region is the African meningitis belt (Lapeyssonnie 1963) extending through the semi-arid region south of the Sahara. Several studies have indicated a strong link between atmospheric moisture, in the form of relative humidity or specific humidity, and meningococcal meningitis susceptibility. (Molesworth et al. 2003) classified districts by their seasonal specific humidity profiles found that this classification along with land cover were the best predictors in a meningitis epidemic risk model. This relationship appears robust as studies by Besancenot et al. (1997) in Benin, Yaka et al. (2008) in Niger and Burkina Faso reached similar conclusions. This link between relative humidity and its predictive capability of meningitis risk is corroborated from preliminary analysis [xx ref xx;], shown in Figure 1. This figure indicates an inverse relationship between relative humidity and meningitis risk.

Figure 1: Meningitis relative humidity relationship [REF]

The probability of exceedance is based on the mean relative humidity for the proceeding four weeks at a two-week lag. The red dashed line indicates the inherent background risk of a meningitis epidemic independent of relative humidity. Humidity in the region and more importantly the timing of humidity increase and decrease are controlled by the WAM system. Thus, understanding monsoon dynamics to better predict monsoon onset and retreat in the context of increasing and decreasing relative humidity would allow better prediction of meningitis epidemic risk. [REF]

Prior to the development of a conjugate vaccine for serogroup A meningococcal meningitis the primary method of treating all epidemics of meningococcal meningitis relied on the distribution of a polysaccharide vaccine to regions at risk for epidemics. The motivation was to contain the disease before it spread to surrounding districts. Districts at alert level, 5 cases in 100,000 received the vaccine if surrounding districts had already reached the epidemic level of 10 cases in 100,000. If a district reached the alert level without neighboring a district at the epidemic level, the decision to allocate vaccine was based on vaccine supply and time to the end of meningitis season. This allocation, managed by the International Coordinating Group on Vaccine Provision (ICG), is still used to manage epidemics of other meningococcal meningitis serogroups, particularly W-135. [REF for this section]

While prior research efforts largely focused on monsoon seasonal rainfall and its variability, this study is motivated by the need to provide better tools to help mitigate and manage the meningitis risk. To this end, here we propose to investigate the interannual variability and predictability of relative humidity during the onset and retreat phase of the monsoon season which coincides with the retreat and onset season of meningitis risk. This research offers a unique and complementary perspective to the existing body of literature. The paper is organized as follows. The study region and data sets used are first described followed by the methods. Next, results from climate diagnostics and predictability are presented followed by results from predictive models and concluding with summary and discussion of the results.

An understanding of the interseasonal variability of relative humidity could provide better prediction of the end of the meningitis season allowing for more informed decisions while allocating vaccine and healthcare resources. This study aims to investigate this interseasonal variability. Weather station data for the time period 1973 – 2012 were used along with climate reanalysis data to identify potential predictors of relative humidity behavior. Identified predictors were used to develop predictive models of relative humidity.

Data and Study Region

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