Sheila k. Hoffman 607. 331. 1519

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#28659 SHEILA K. HOFFMAN 607.331.1519

2013-present Université de Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, Paris, France

Doctoral Candidate in Art History, cotutelle

Director of research: Dominique Poulot

2011-present Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Doctoral Candidate in Museology, Cultural Mediation, and Heritage Studies

Co-directors of research: Yves Bergeron and Jennifer Carter

Dissertation: La documentation des objets d’art : les impacts des technologies optiques et numériques sur la pratique documentaire des musées des beaux-arts
Sep 2005 Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies, Washington, D.C.

Certificate in the Management of Museum Collections

1998-2002 University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma

Master of Arts in History of Art

Director of research: Dr. Susan H. Caldwell

Thesis: From the Emblem of Aphrodite to the Badge of St. James: An Iconological Study of the Scallop Shell from Ancient through Medieval Art
1997-1998 Université Laval, Québec, Canada

Certificat en français, langue seconde

1994-1995 Institut d'Études Politiques, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France

    1. Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana

Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and French, cum laude, Dean’s List

Honor’s Thesis: The Future of United Nations Intervention: The Lessons of Somalia
Winter 2017 University of Massachusetts, Lowell, Lowell, Massachusetts

Adjunct Professor of Art History
Teaching Art Appreciation to introduce students to the technical, aesthetic and historical aspects of painting, sculpture, and architecture. May be contributing to the creation of Museum Studies and Digital Humanities courses.
Winter 2014 Université de Paris VII-Diderot, Paris, France

Guest Lecturer, Séminaire multidisciplinaire : Théories et pratiques des images aux Etats-Unis.
Presented on “Situational Awareness: Challenges Facing US Museums,” and lead students through a thought experiment concerning the digital documentation of objects.
Summer 2013 Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Coordinator for Doctoral Seminar, MSL9005 « Objets, expositions, médias »
Assisted the management of this multi-week, multi-national intensive doctoral seminar on new objects, methods of exhibition and new media types that influence interpretation.
2005-2011 Corning Community College, Corning, New York

Visiting Lecturer in French / ACE Liaison in French and Spanish
Taught introductory French and monitored high school accelerated learning courses for French and Spanish. Advised regional language instructors on new methods of teaching.
2002-2004 Saginaw Valley State University, Saginaw, Michigan

Adjunct Professor of Art History
Course designer and instructor for Introduction to Art History and Modern Art classes. Created volunteer program for students at the local museums.
1997-1998 ELS Educational Services, Inc., Marian College, Indianapolis Indiana

Associate Language Instructor
Taught all aspects and levels of English as a Second Language (ESL) for adult students from diverse cultures. Coordinated Conversation Partners program with Marian College students and faculty.
2004-2010 Rockwell Museum of Western Art, Corning, New York

Curator of Collections

Chiefly responsible for the acquisition, cataloguing, research, care, display and interpretation of a 5,000-piece collection of American and Native American art and artifacts, which included paintings, works on paper and rare manuscripts, as well as sculpture and decorative art. Responsible for permanent and temporary exhibitions in an institution with $1.5M budget and annual attendance of 35,000. Supervised curatorial, registrar, preparation, and library staff

  • Successfully lead movement to change the museum’s mission to be more inclusive of Native American works of art.

  • Inaugurated joint committee of Education, Public Programs and Collections to overhaul exhibition conceptualization.

  • Supervised selection and implementation of TMS Collections Management System; oversaw data migration and process conversion.

  • Supervised digitization of collection images.

  • Wrote and supervised production of 3 major exhibition catalogues.

  • Administered the design, installation, budgets and research for more than 20 temporary exhibitions.

2000-2004 Saginaw Art Museum, Saginaw, Michigan

Executive Director / Chief Curator

Responsible as chief curator, administrator, and fund-raiser for an institute with budget of $450,000, that attracted more than 25,000 visitors annually. Worked with Board of Trustees to improve programming, donations of art and funds, membership, corporate sponsorship, and attendance. Supervised 12 person staff and more than 100 volunteers.

  • Launched and successfully completed campaign to raise $7.5M to construct new buildings and create an endowment.

  • Supervised the construction of two new buildings for exhibitions, collections and education.

  • Enlarged programming and administrative staff.

  • Grew exhibition program from local to national status.

  • Successfully regained AAM Accreditation.

  • Administered installation, budgets and research for a dozen temporary exhibitions.

1998-2000 Oklahoma City Art Museum, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Curator of Exhibitions
Solely responsible for scheduling and developing exhibitions for seven galleries, including research, procurement, and display. Recommended works for accession. Identified and realized art donations from new donors. Worked with curatorial staff of six to implement programming.

  • Designed and conceived of more than a dozen temporary exhibitions.

  • Developed “Dr. Art’s Conservation Clinic” as an audience engagement tool

Digital Cultural Heritage
2015-present Ancient History Encyclopedia,

Co-host / Writer, History, Etc.
Host and script writer for an international educational television series focusing on ancient archaeological, historical and artistic topics. History, Etc. will be launched in 2017 available for online streaming through the Ancient History Encyclopedia website and televised in the United Kingdom. With 12.2 million unique visitors in 2015, AHE is the most visited ancient history website globally and the second most visited general history website in the English language.
2014-present Past Preservers Productions,

Heritage and Culture Consultant
Consultant and media personality for Past Preservers, a video production company that serves as creative hub between the cultural heritage and media industries.

2012-2013 Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Research Assistant
Assisted Dr. Jennifer Carter in a multi-year, multi-continent comparative study of human rights museums, analyzing the impact of the museums on human rights discourse and how their pedagogical approaches influence interpretive efforts in other museums.
2012 Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Research Assistant
Assisted Dr. Jennifer Carter as part of a multi-disciplinary team from the Faculty of Information at the University of Toronto in the creation of an annotated bibliography and identification of major themes to examine models of collaboration and convergence among libraries, archives, and museums (LAMs).


2013-2016 Vanier Canada Graduate Scholar, Université du Québec à Montréal, $150,000

April 2013 Graduate Scholar Award, Sixth International Conference on the Inclusive Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark

2011 Recruitment Scholarship, Université du Québec à Montréal, $12,000
2004 Finalist, Individual Contributor to the Arts, All Area Arts Awards. Awarded by the Saginaw Community Enrichment Commission, Saginaw, Michigan.

2012-present Chair of Ethics Subcommittee, Board Member, Regional Representative, CURCOM
2012-2014 Vice President, Board of Trustees; Chair of the Technology Committee; Adirondack Architectural Heritage (AARCH)
2010 Board of Trustees; Director Search Committee (2010) Vice-Chair; Conductor Search Committee (2008); Events Committee (2007) - Orchestra of the Southern Finger Lakes
2006 Chair of Civic Activities (2006); President (2007) - Twin Tiers Young Professionals
2000-2004 Board of Directors; Finance Committee; Task Force & Benchmark Alliance Team; Chair of Arts Culture, Recreation, Entertainment Master Plan; Racial Harmony Alliance - Saginaw County Vision 2020
2001 Vice President (2004); Treasurer (2003); Director’s Search Committee (2002) - Saginaw County Convention & Visitor’s Bureau Board of Directors

2015 Associate Editor, The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, Volume 8, Issue 1.
2009 Manuscript Reviewer for Harris, A. D. (2009). Wildlife in American Art: Masterworks from the National Museum of Wildlife Art. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press.
2006+ Peer Reviewer, American Alliance of Museums Accreditation Committee (AAM)
2004 Grant Reviewer, Michigan Council for the Arts and Cultural Affairs

Refereed Articles
2015 Hoffman, Sheila K., Nathan C. Jones and W. James Burns, “Advancing the Practice: a Report of the US National Curator’s Committee Ethics Subcommittee on the 2014 Curatorial Survey and Core Competencies Projects,”  ICOFOM Study Series, vol. 43b, International Committee for Museology, Paris : L’Harmattan.
Bergeron, Yves et Sheila K. Hoffman, « Pour une nouvelle formation en muséologie : au-delà du «savoir» et du «savoir-faire», le «savoir-devenir» », Éducation et francophonie : Vingt ans de recherche en éducation muséale, Volume XLIII, numéro 1, Printemps 2015.
2014 Hoffman, Sheila K. « Les musées en crise : de la survie à la prospérité, » 81e Congrès de l'Acfas, Colloque thématique, Université Laval, Québec, mercredi le 8 mai 2013 (pending).
Perich, Shannon T. and Sheila K. Hoffman, “Material Girls in a Digital World: Curating in the 21st Century”, The International Journal of the Inclusive Museum, (pending).

Museum Publications
2015 Jones, Nathan and Sheila K. Hoffman, Curator Core Competencies. Washington, D.C.: American Alliance of Museums, Curators Committee (CURCOM), Subcommittee on Ethics, April 28, 2015.
2013 Hoffman, Sheila K., Neo-Tradition: 15 Years in Bronze by Tammy Garcia. Santa Fe, NM: Blue Rain Gallery, 2013.
2011 Hoffman, Sheila K. “Tammy Garcia: The Future of Tradition.” SOFA West: Santa Fe 2011: Sculptural Objects and Functional Art Fair. Chicago, IL: The Art Fair Company, Inc., 2011, pp. 10-13.
2010 Burns, W. James, and Hoffman, Sheila K. 21st Century Regionalists: Art of the Next West. Corning, NY: Rockwell Museum of Western Art, 2010.
2009 Hoffman, Sheila K. Visions Beyond Clay: The Artwork of Tammy Garcia. Corning, NY: Rockwell Museum of Western Art, 2009.

2008 Hoffman, Sheila K. “Eanger Irving Couse: A Place in the Sun,” American Art Review, vol. XX, no.6, Nov.-Dec. 2008: 94-9.

2007 Hoffman, Sheila K. Crafted to Perfection: The Nancy & Alan Cameros Collection of Southwestern Pottery. Corning, NY: Rockwell Museum of Western Art, 2007.
2005 Hoffman, Sheila K. “The Landscapes of Clyde Aspevig.” In Sheila K. Hoffman, (Ed.) Elemental Solitude: The Landscapes of Clyde Aspevig. Corning, NY: Rockwell Museum of Western Art, 2005, pp. 11-24.
2002 Saginaw County Vision 2020: Arts, Culture, Recreation, and Entertainment (ACRE) Master Plan for Saginaw County. (QL.D.1). Saginaw, MI: Saginaw County Chamber of Commerce, 2002.
2012 English translation of Desvallées, A., Mairesse, F., & Deloche, B. (2011). « Patrimoine.» In F. Mairesse et A. Desvallées (Ed.), Dictionnaire encyclopédique de la muséologie (pp. 424-452). Paris: Éditions Armand Colin.

Juried Conference Presentations
10/20/2016 “The Two Digital Art Histories: Eight Provocations for Considering the Digital Object in Both,” Art History in Digital Dimensions, U. of Maryland, College Park, MD.
05/26/2016 The Struggle is Real: A Game Plan for Ethical Conundrums,” with Elizabeth Varner, Nathan Jones, James Burns American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.
06/07/2014 “If the collections database were reinvented today, what would it look like? : A report on the inception of MODD Pro—the Material Object Digital Documentation Project” with Shannon T. Perich, ICOFOM 37th Annual International Symposium, Paris, France.
05/10/2013 « Les musées en crise : de la survie à la prospérité. » 81st Congress of the Association francophone pour le savoir, Université Laval, Québec.
05/08/2013 « Repenser la muséologie : Une nouvelle muséologie pour un nouvel monde, » with Yves Bergeron, Directeur des études supérieurs en muséologie, UQÀM. 81st Congress of the Association francophone pour le savoir, Université Laval, Québec.
04/22/2013 “Material Girls in a Virtual World : Curating in the 21st Century,” with Shannon Thomas Perich, Inclusive Museums Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Invited Presentations (Selected)
03/25/2016 “The Digitally Remastered Museum.” The George Washington University, Museum Studies program, Washington, D.C.
02/24/2016 “Museum Studies.” Museum People. (ep. 7) [Audio podcast, New England Museum Association].
11/04/2015 “From Bits to Bytes to Buffet: Big Data and Museum Collections.” Featured Presentation, New England Museums Association Annual Meeting, Portland, Maine.
01/10/2013 « Digital Curatorship » : Modèle ou non pour le conservateur du 21e siècle? Undergraduate seminar : Cybermuséologie 2000, Université de Québec à Montréal, Canada.
09/24/2013 “Digital Curatorship as a Model for 21st Century Curatorial Practice.” The Smithsonian Institute’s National Museum of American History colloquium, Washington, D.C.
11/13/2012 « Les conservateurs et la conservation. » Graduate Seminar, Université du Québec à Montréal, Québec.
5/12/2011 « La Muséologie Acte II: Une Crise d’Identité ? » Le 79e congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir, Université de Sherbrooke, Québec.
3/26/2011 “Where Have all the Cowgirls Gone?: Exclusion of Women in Western Art.” Keynote Address, Desert Caballeros Western Museum, Cowgirl Up! Invitational Exhibition and Colloquium Wickenburg, Arizona.
10/22/2010 “New Frontiers: Collecting the West in the East,” Booth Western Art Museum, Cartersville, Georgia.
8/31/2010 “Audubon’s Legacy,” Keynote Address, Kentucky National Wildlife Competition, Ohio Valley Art League, Henderson, Kentucky
11/11/2007 “Crafted to Perfection: The Nancy & Alan Cameros Collection of Southwestern Pottery,” Memorial Art Gallery, Rochester, New York.

Rockwell Museum of Western Art
2010 21st Century Regionalists: Art of the Next West. With guest curator, W. James Burns, selected artists to exemplify contemporary western art. Co-authored exhibition catalogue.
2009 Visions Beyond Clay: The Artwork of Tammy Garcia. Worked with the artist to select exhibition of monumental bronze and glass work. Wrote catalogue.
2009 Eanger Irving Couse: A Place in the Sun. Selected works by Couse from across his career, including studies with Bouguereau. Contributed article to American Art Review.
2008 Crafted to Perfection: The Nancy & Alan Cameros Collection of Southwestern Pottery. Cultivated the owners of a private collection to exhibit their collection and fund a catalogue. Wrote and supervised production of 200-page catalogue.
2005 Elemental Solitude: The Landscapes of Clyde Aspevig. Worked with the artists to select and research works. Edited and contributed to accompanying catalogue.
2004 The Legends of the Spider Woman: Traditional Navajo Weavings from the Permanent Collection. Selected and (re)interpreted works for display.
Saginaw Art Museum
2004 American Masterworks: From the Butler Institute of American Art. Selected this collection of works by pivotal American artists.
2003 The Disasters of War: Etchings by Francisco Goya from the Blaffer Foundation. Cultivated the lending and installation of this famed series.
2001 CoBrA Revue. An exhibition on the members of this artistic and literary movement named for the cities of its founding members: Copenhagen, Brussels, and Amsterdam.
2000 Corot and His Contemporaries. Drawn from the permanent and public collections to illustrate Romantic, Barbizon, and “Pre-Impressionist” schools of art.
Oklahoma City Museum of Art
1999 The Age of Opulence: Arts of the Baroque. Selected from private and public collections, including the National Gallery of Art, the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Philbrook Museum of Art, and the Blaffer Foundation.
1998 Dr. Art's Conservation Clinics. A series of interactive instructional exhibitions aimed at a young audience. Exhibitions highlighted conservation issues of different media.
AAM American Alliance of Museums – 2000-2016

ACFAS Association francophone pour le savoir – 2013-2016

CELAT Centre interuniversitaire de recherche sur les lettres, les arts et les traditions – 2012-2016

CURCOM Curator’s Committee, Professional Network of the AAM – 2012-2016

ICOM International Council of Museums – 2014-2016

ICOFOM International Committee for Museology – 2014-2016

INHA Institut National de l’Histoire de l’Art – 2013-2016

NEMA New England Museums Association – 2012-2016

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