September, 1988 The Ada Information Clearinghouse (AdaIC) Newsletter is a quarterly publication of the AdaIC

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September, 1988 The Ada Information Clearinghouse (AdaIC) Newsletter is a quarterly publication of the AdaIC. Comments concerning this publication should be brought to the attention of the AdaIC at the following Address: A Ad da a I In nf fo or rm ma at ti io on n C Cl le ea ar ri in ng gh ho ou us se e, Rm 3D139 (Fern St./C-107), The Pentagon, Wash- ington, DC 20301-3081, (703) 685-1477. The AdaIC is contractor operated for the Department of Defense, A Ad da a J Jo oi in nt t P Pr ro og gr ra am m O Of ff fi ic ce e ( (A AJ JP PO O) ). Support is provided by I II IT T R Re es se ea ar rc ch h I In ns st ti it tu ut te e. Vol VI, No. 3 Ada INFORMATION CLEARINGHOUSE NEWSLETTER The Ada Information Clearinghouse often receives queries about the ad- dresses and phone numbers of the various document distribution points within the government. The list of documents may be obtained by calling the AdaIC. Here are the distribution points. NTIS = National Technical Information Service. The National Technical Information Service distributes documents to the public at a cost. Anyone can order documents from NTIS. National Technical Information Service U.S. Department of Congress 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, Virginia 22161 (703) 487-4650 DTIC = Defense Technical Information Center. The Defense Technical Information Center distributes documents only to military, government or defense contractors who are regis- tered users of DTIC. All documents that are submitted to DTIC and are marked UNCLASSIFIED are automatically forwarded to NTIS and made available to the public. Defense Technical Information Center Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22314 (703) 274-7633 NAVAL PUBS = Naval Publications and Forms Center. Naval Publi- cations is the central distributor of all Military Standard Documents, including the standard for the Ada Language Reference Manual (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983). Commanding Officer Naval Publications and Forms Center Attn: NPODS 5801 Tabor Avenue Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19120 Write orders only. The order will be processed within 7 days from receipt of your letter. Phone only to check 2 September 1988 In This Issue Advanced Ada Workshop 2 Report on ATIP Progress 3 Dear AVO 6 Validated Ada Compilers 8 Ada Compiler Points of Contact 19 Ada Translation 20 Advanced Ada Workshop The Coordination Working Group (CoWG) of the Ada Software Engineering Education and Training (ASEET) Team sponsored an Advanced Ada Workshop on August 16-19, 1988, at the Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado. There were 38 attendees from industry, academia and the DoD. All the participants had a basic understanding of Ada and software engi- neering. The workshop consisted of four one-day tutorials taught by members of the ASEET Team. Each instructor is now teaching or has taught Ada in an academic environment. The tutorials included: software engineering, ex- ceptions, tasking and generics. The purpose of these tutorials was to provide educators and trainers with the opportunity to further their understanding of Ada software engineering principles and practices. Where appropriate, new teaching strategies were introduced. The participants were provided with a copy of all slides, including examples they may use in their own teaching experiences. Two birds-of-a-feather sessions were held. The first session was to provide participants with information on the ASEET Team, the Ada Informa- Ada Software Repository: Correction In the March 1988 edition of the Ada Information Clearinghouse newsletter we stated incorrectly that the Ada Software Repository Master Index could be obtained from New York Zoetrope, Inc. This information is in error and we regret any inconvenience it may have caused our readers. New York Zoetrope is the source of The Ada Software Repository and the Defense Data Network: A Resource Handbook, which is available for $16.95 plus shipping and handling. The Ada Software Repository Master Index can be obtained from MACA. Information on the Ada Software Repository can be ob- tained from the Ada Information Clearinghouse by request or by downloading 3 Ada Information Clearing- A Ad da a I In nf fo or rm ma at ti io on n A Av va ai il la ab bl le e t th hr ro ou ug gh h A Ad da aI IC C B Bu ul ll le et ti in n B Bo oa ar rd d The Ada Information Bulletin Board is a publicly available source of information on the Ada language and Ada activities. This Bulletin Board is used by the AdaIC to announce current events, general activities and indicate the status of various Ada compiler efforts. Access to the Bulletin Board requires a computer terminal and modem. D Da at ta a: : ( (2 20 02 2) ) 6 69 94 4- -0 02 21 15 5 o or r ( (3 30 01 1) ) 4 45 59 9- -3 38 86 65 5 Telecommunications setup information: 3 30 00 0/ /1 12 20 00 0/ /2 24 40 00 0 b ba au ud d; ; N No o P Pa ar ri it ty y; ; 8 8 d da at ta a b bi it ts s; ; 1 1 s st to op p b bi it t 4 September 1988 ATIP Progress (Recently, the ATIP projects made a presentation to the Ada Joint Program Office. This article is a report on the progress of some of those Graphic Information Presentation System (GIPSY) Software engineers now determining requirements for the Worldwide Military Command and Control System (WWMCCS) Modernization Program are looking for ready-to-run Ada packages to produce the system#s computer graphics. The Graphic Information Presentation System (GIPSY) will combine statisti- cal graphs, mapping cabilities, information processing, and report format- ting into a single, integrated, on-line, interactive system. Programmed entirely in Ada, the system will be file and data independent. Paul Armstrong, project manager, explained in a phone interview that the team at the WWMCCS Information System Joint Program Management Office (WIS JPMO) is focusing on GIPSY#s data processing functions while hoping to take care of the system#s graphics with existing Ada programs. ##We#re trying to use existing standards, namely GKS [graphic kernel systems], so that we do not have to develop them ourselves and can instead concentrate our resources on information and presentation. What we#re looking for is the GKS implementations from commercial packages or government repositories.## Originally programmed in FORTRAN with some assembly, GIPSY was destined to be programmed in Ada before the DoD#s 1987 directives on using the language. ##We started this effort much before the mandate came,## Armstrong says. ##One of the operational requirements we have is that the GIPSY software be able to run on a host machine which is as yet not divined.## Armstrong reports to the Defense Communications Agency Joint Data Systems Support Center which is serving as the technical arm to the WIS JPMO. ##Probably the next target will be a 32-bit machine, which would have a major impact on the system,## Armstrong said. ##We also need to support a number of terminals -- general purpose terminals -- which are an unknown. ATIP Occupier The purpose of Occupier is the development of a generalized set of software modules which will support the construction of transaction processing, message processing, and other information processing systems. Occupier will demonstrate the effectiveness of Ada as an engineering basis for 5 Ada Information Clearing- software solutions and also the usability of Ada on applications with high performance requirements in a UNIX environment. In addition, Occupier will examine the facility with which Ada might interface with applications libraries implemented in other languages. The approach to this project is the development of Ada software in parallel with an ongoing C language development. Rigorous engineering methods will be applied to the design phase using an Ada based program design language (PDL) and processor in an attempt to demonstrate an acceleration and fa- TACAMO The Naval Air Development Center (NADC) in Warminster, Pa., is taking special pains with the software engineering of the TACAMO Message Process- ing System (TMPS) upgrade in hopes of producing reusable and generic communications applications software. The TACAMO (Take Charge and Move Out) MPS will operate on an E-6A Communications Relay aircraft. The National Command Authority sends messages to the E-6A which processes, categorizes and transmits them to submarines. The mission software is being developed at two sites: the NADC, which leads the effort, and the Naval Ocean System Center (NOSC), in San Diego, which is concentrating on message processing. This project, partially sponsored by ATIP, is expected to be completed in 1991. The TMPS upgrade at the NADC is being developed on a Data General MV15000 under ADE 3.0, and will run on a redundant system with Rolm Hawk/32 under the operating system AOS/VS. It will attain the C2 level security. The current system, running on a Rolm 1602, needs to be modernized. Chuck Koch (pronounced Cook), Software Technology Branch head at NADC, said in a telephone interview that his team is ##looking at making this more general than it would be otherwise for communications platforms.## To achieve that goal, the NADC has undertaken what Koch calls ##a model development in Ada## by closely monitoring the project#s progress. ##We have a Software Development Plan that spells out guidelines and specifies that we collect a lot of software metrics so that we can quantify the benefits of using Ada. It will be more controlled than the typical soft- ware development process.## The software engineering team is evaluating HIPAFCS The Howitzer Improvement Program (HIP) is designed to provide continuous and close field artillery fire support to the maneuver elements of mechanized infantry and armored forces. HIP will permit field artillery commanders to use new techniques to enhance survivability and maintain effective fire support. The Command, Control, and Communications (C3) structure and Automatic Fire Control System (AFCS) will allow the Howitzers 6 September 1988 to fire at high volume within a large battery area and rapidly move toward another position to escape counter-battery strikes. The HIP will correct current shortcomings in four primary areas: respon- siveness, survivability, terminal effects, and reliability, availability, and maintainability. It is expected to be in the Army#s arsenal from 1990 to 2010. The HIP Self Propelled Howitzer is equipped with an Automatic Fire Control System (AFCS) which is supported by computer resources, including the Display and Control Unit, a man-machine interface. Ballistic computations (technical fire direction) are calculated on-carriage using inputs from the Battery Computer System (BCS). The AFCS also controls the electro/ Inertially Aided Munitions Program The Inertial Guidance Technology Demonstration (IGTD) is a joint Air Force/ Navy demonstration of a low- cost guidance kit for general-purpose weapons. The kit includes an inertial sensor. steerable fins, and guidance computers packaged in a tail cone assembly. Advantages of this kit include increasing the release envelope, impact angle, and range while reducing the weapons miss distance. Boeing and Northrop, were awarded contracts for parallel development in February 1987. After overcoming many technical barriers, Boeing has developed over 90 percent of the software code in Ada. Boeing has demonstrated that Ada im- plementations are achievable in mission-critical, embedded, real-time computer software and can provide a low- cost solution when interfacing a guidance system to existing weapons. To date the program has been very successful, with testing to begin in late August at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, and at the Naval Weapons Center, China Lake, California. Additional tasks to improve the efficiency in Boeing#s software design, and to start Ada software development of the Northrop design to be directed M60A3 Tank Ada Technology Insertion The Pascal-to-Ada conversion effort of the M21 computer used in the M60A3 tank fire control system is concentrating on the trade-off study of hardware and software. The study includes evaluation of the current generation of 8086 compilers to determine if more efficient compilers will further reduce the execution time and enable the system to meet specifications. In addition, hardware will be investigated to determine the complexity of the hardware changes. Two of the ten circuit card assemblies have been replaced to upgrade the analog computer to a digital unit which will provide programmability (UVPROM), increased data (ballistic solution) storage, increased relia- 7 Ada Information Clearing- bility, low cost update (reprogramming), digital processing, and accommoda- tion of future gun and ammunition development. The software was developed in Pascal in parallel with the Ada Language System (ALS) development. The Ada development selected a portion of the Pascal code which would encompass as many of the features of Ada as possible. This section is the man-machine interface portion which is approximately 30 percent of the total code. Tests of the first attempt to implement Ada with a streamlined Softech ALS compiler (reduced Run-time Library) in December 1986 found the program to be 5 times slower than the Pascal version. In March 1987 a second generation Softech Ada86 compiler was benchmarked with the same code, and the execution time was 2.5 times slower than the Pascal code. This improvement still did not meet the system specification. Presently there are approximately 300 lines of Pascal code and 600 lines of assembly code. Based on the 30 percent con- version coding results, 3700 lines of Ada code and 600 lines of assembly code are anticipated for the Ada conversion. General Teleconferencing The objective of the General Teleconferencing Program is to develop a tele- conferencing application capable of being ported to any minicomputer or mainframe with minimum effort. The goal is for at least 95 percent of un- commented source code to port with no change. Included in this effort will be the development of a general purpose terminal I/O package to handle varying terminal types and allow multiple users per copy. The approach of General Teleconferencing is to start with the DPS 6/Level 6 Teleconferencing (TLCF6) software (an existing Ada application) as the baseline and modify it to attain 95 percent portability on four hardware suites: -- Honeywell DPS 6/95 -- Honeywell H6000/DPS 8 September 1988 Dear AVO The AJPO, Ada Validation Organization (AVO) and the Ada Validation Facility (AVF) managers receive and answer many questions concerning the ##Ada Procedures and Guidelines## and specific compiler implementation issues. Publication of these questions and their answers promotes a better understanding of how the compiler validation process actually works. We have decided to introduce an opportunity for readers to ask questions and comment on answers. Please send your questions and comments to the AdaIC. D De ea ar r A AV VO O: : How many kinds of ACVC tests are there? What exactly do the file names on ACVC tests represent? A An ns sw we er r: : In general, there are two kinds of ACVC tests, positive and negative. Positive tests exercise the correct, legal features of the language, while negative tests check a compiler#s ability to reject illegal constructs. Tests are grouped into six classes, A,B,C,D,E, and L. Class A - Tests that are passed if they compile without error. They contain no self-checks, but simply report PASSED when run. Class B - Tests that are illegal. These tests are passed if all errors they contain are detected at compile-time and no legal constructs are rejected. Class C - Tests that are executable, self-checking programs. They are passed if they complete execution and do not report failure. Class D - Tests that attempt to determine capacities, such as the number of identifiers permitted in a compilation, number of units in a library, etc. A compiler may refuse to compile class D tests that exceed capacity. However, successful compilations should then execute without reporting failure. Class E - Tests that provide information about an implementation#s inter- pretation of the Standard. Each test has its own pass/fail crite- rion. Class L - Tests that are illegal, but whose errors, in general, cannot be detected until link-time. They are passed if errors are detected prior to beginning execution of the main program. ACVC file names reflect the class of test (A,B,C,D,E, or L), the corresponding chapter/section (in hex) in the Implementers# Guide (IG), and the test objective/subobjective number. In addition, the file name exten- sion (.ADA, .DEP, or .TST) indicates whether the test has no implementation dependencies, is potentially implementation dependent, or needs parameter values for a specific implementation. 9 Ada Information Clearing- For example, B37039B.ADA represents a class B test, IG section 3.7.3, test objective 9, subobjective B. The .ADA extension indicates that there are no dependencies or parameters needed for this test. Multiple unit tests have a unit number following the subobjective, e.g. CA3006C5M.ADA. The M following the unit number indicates that this file contains the main unit. * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * D De ea ar r A AV VO O: : Is there any possibility of creating a class of compilers which have signed declarations of conformance, but are neither formally vali- dated, nor approved for derived status? A An ns sw we er r: : We assume that you are referring to a ##class of compilers## used for developing products that will be sold to or used by commercial or academic organizations. The use of compilers that have been certified is voluntary for commercial or academic organizations, and state or local governments. Thus, an organization that is not part of the Federal Government or that does not sell to the Federal Government could accept a signed declaration of conformance for a compiler. However, when a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) exists for a compiler, buyers for the Federal Government are obligated to obtain a product that has been validated and is listed as such by the National Bureau of Standards (NBS). [See the previous issue of ##Dear AVO## for more information]. You may have noticed that testing and certification of products is becoming a more common practice in the U.S., Europe, and Japan because of market pressure. Commercial experience has shown that products with formal conformance to standards are usually better received and more likely to be purchased. There is no reason for the DoD or the NBS to create a special class of compilers. The AJPO and the NBS will continue to maintain a list of only those compilers formally conforming to the Ada Standard. * ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** * D De ea ar r A AV VO O: : Validation policy has obviously changed recently. When will these changes be reflected in a revised policy document? (Attn: Fred Yu) ********* Recognizing the importance of Chapter 13 of the ANSI/MIL-STD 1815A, the AJPO encourages the Ada community to review ACVC 1.10 as soon as possible, and to raise issues regarding this aspect of the Ada language. Send com- ments to the AVO so we can use them to improve future releases. 10 September 1988 Validated Ada Compilers - (as of 1 September1988) The following is the list of validated Ada compilers, listed alphabetically by vendor. A vendor#s validation certificate is in effect for one year, expiring on the Expiration Date. There are currently 153 validated base Ada compilers and 65 derived compilers. This list is updated monthly. For V Ve en nd do or r & & H HO OS ST T T TA AR RG GE ET T AETECH IBM PS/2, Model Same as Host IntegrAda, 80 (under IBM Version 2.0.1 PC-DOS, 3.30) (#880624W1.09122) AETECH Zenith Z-184 Same as Host IntegrAda, (under Zenith Version 2.0.1 MS-DOS, 3.21) (#880624W1.09123) AETECH Zenith Z-248 Same as Host IntegrAda, (under Zenith Version 2.0.1 MS-DOS, 3.21) (#880624W1.09124) AETECH PC#s Limited 386 Same as Host IntegrAda, (under Compaq Version 2.0.1 MS-DOS, 3.1) (#880624W1.09125) Aitech Software MicroVAX II Motorola MVME Engineering Ltd. (under MicroVMS, 133 board AI-ADA/020, Version 4.5) (MC68020) (bare Version 1.0 machine) (#880520W1.09061) *Derived Aitech Software DEC MicroVAX II, Motorola MVME Engineering, Ltd. 3500, & 3600; 133 board AI-ADA/020, VAX-11/730, 750, (MC68020) (bare Version 1.0 780, 782, & 785; machine) (BASE VAX 8200, 8250, #880520W1.09061) 8300, 8350, 8500, 8530, 8550, 8600, 8650, & 8700; VAXstation I, II, 2000, 3200, & 3500 (under MicroVMS & VMS 4.5, 4.6, & 4.7) *Derived Alliant Computer Alliant FX/40, Each Host, Systems Corp. FX/8, FX/4, & self-targeted Alliant FX/Ada FX/1 (under Compiler, Concentrix, Version 2.1 Release 4.0) (BASE #880620W1.09063) Alliant Computer Alliant FX/80 Same as Host Systems (under Corporation Concentrix, Alliant FX/Ada Release 4.0) Compiler, Version 2.1 (#880620W1.09063) ALSYS Data General Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 DASHER 286 (under Version 3.1 MS-DOS 3.1) (#870601N1.08115) *Derived ALSYS Data General Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 DASHER 286 (under Version 3.2 MS-DOS 3.1) (BASE #870601N1.08115) ALSYS IBM PC/AT (under Intel iSBC286/14 AlsyCOMP_019 PC/DOS 3.2) (bare machine) Version 3.0.1 (#870619N1.08090) Alsys Macintosh II Same as Host 11 Ada Information Clearing- AlsyCOMP_027 (under A/UX, Seed Version 3.21 Release 3.3.1) (#871127A1.09002) *Derived Alsys Apple Macintosh Same as Host AlsyCOMP_027, II (under A/UX, Version 4.1 Seed Release (BASE 3.3.1) #871227A1.09002) ALSYS Apollo DN3000 Same as Host AlsyCOMP_004, (under Aegis, Version 3.21 Version SR9.7) (#880212A1.09026) *Derived ALSYS Apollo DN300, Each Host, AlsyCOMP_004, DN320, DN330, self-targeted Version 3.21 DN460, DN550, DN (BASE 560, DN570, #880212A1.09026) DN580, DN590, DN660, DN4000, DFS1000, DSP500-T, DSP80, DSP90, DSP160, & DSP9000 (under AEGIS, Version SR9.7) *Derived ALSYS Apollo DN300, Same as Hosts AlsyCOMP_004, DN320, DN330, Version 4.1 DN460, DN550, (BASE DN560, DN570, #880212A1.09026) DN580, DN590, DN660, DN3000, DN4000, DFS1000, DSP500-T, DSP80, DSP90, DSP160, DSP9000 (under AEGIS, Version SR(.7) ALSYS Sun 3/260 (under Same as Host AlsyCOMP_005, Sun UNIX BSD 4.2 Version 3.21 Release 3.2) (#880212A1.09027) *Derived ALSYS Sun 3/52, /75, Each Host, AlsyCOMP_005, /110, /160, /180, self-targeted Version 3.21 & /280 (under Sun (BASE UNIX BSD 4.2, #880212A1.09027) Release 3.2) *Derived ALSYS Sun 3/52, 3/75, Same as Hosts AlsyCOMP_005, 3/110, 3/160, Version 4.1 3/180, 3/260, (BASE 3/280 (under Sun #880212A1.09027) UNIX BSD 4.2, release 3.2) ALSYS HP 9000/350 Same as Host AlsyCOMP_002, (under HP-UX, Version 3.21 Version 6.01) (#880212A1.09028) *Derived ALSYS HP9000/310, /318, Each Host, AlsyCOMP_002, /320, & /330 self-targeted Version 3.21 (under HP-UX, (BASE Version 6.01) #880212A1.09028) *Derived ALSYS HP9000/310, /318, Same as Hosts AlsyCOMP_002, /320, /330, /350 Version 4.1 (under HP_UX, (BASE Version 6.01) #880212A1.09028) Alsys VAX 11/750 (under Same as Host AlsyCOMP_018, VMS, Version 4.5) Version 3.21 (#880609A1.09101) Alsys MicroVAX II Same as Host AlsyCOMP_010, (under ULTRIX, Version 3.21 Version 2.2) (#880609A1.09102) Alsys VAX 11/785 (under Motorola 68020 AlsyCOMP_022, VMS, Version 4.5) (MVME 133-1 Version P3.4 16.67 Mhz) (with (#880609A1.09103) RealTime Craft, 12 September 1988 Version XEC 68 V2.0) (bare machine) Alsys Sun 3/260 (under Motorola 68010 AlsyCOMP_015, Sun UNIX BSD 4.2, (MVME 121) (with Version P3.4 Release 3.2) ARTK, Version (#880609A1.09104) P3.4) (bare machine) Alsys HP9000/320 (under Motorola 68020 AlsyCOMP_012, HP-UX, Version 5) (MVME 130C0F) Version P3.4 (with VRTX, (#880609A1.09105) Version 3.31) (bare machine) Alsys IBM PS2 Model 60 Motorola 68000 AlsyCOMP_028, (under PC/DOS, (MVME 101) (with Version P3.4 Version 3.3) ARTK, Version (#880609A1.09106) P3.4) (bare machine) Alsys Ltd IBM 370 3084Q Same as Host AlsyCOMP_023 (under MVS Version 3.5 Version 3.2) (#880528N1.09064) ALSYS Ltd. IBM 370 3081K IBM 370 3084Q AlsyCOMP_006, (under VM/SP CMS (under MVS Version 3.2 Version 3.1) Version 3.2) (#871210N1.09009) ALSYS Ltd. IBM 370 3081K Same as Host AlsyCOMP_006, (under VM/SP CMS Version 3.2 Version 3.1) (#871210N1.09010) ALSYS Ltd. IBM PC/AT (under IBM 370 3081K AlsyCOMP_013, PC/DOS Version (under VM/SP CMS Version 3.2 3.1) Version 3.1) (#871210N1.09011) ALSYS Ltd. IBM PC/AT (under IBM 370 3084Q AlsyCOMP_013, PC/DOS Version (under MVS Version 3.2 3.1) Version 3.2) (#871210N1.09012) Alsys, Inc. IBM PC/AT with Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 (IBM DOS 3.20) Version 3.1 (#870601N1.08066) *Derived Alsys, Inc. IBM PC/AT with Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 (IBM DOS 3.20) Version 3.2 (BASE #870601N1.08066) Alsys, Inc. ZENITH Z-248 PC Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 (under MS-DOS Version 3.1 3.20) (#870601N1.08109) *Derived Alsys, Inc. ZENITH Z-248 PC Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 (under MS-DOS Version 3.2 3.20) (BASE #870601N1.08109) Alsys, Inc. SPERRY IT (MS-DOS Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 3.1) Version 3.1 (#870601N1.08110) *Derived Alsys, Inc. SPERRY IT (MS-DOS Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 3.1) Version 3.2 (BASE #870601N1.08110) Alsys, Inc. HP VECTRA (under Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 MS-DOS 3.10) Version 3.1 (#870601N1.08111) *Derived Alsys, Inc. HP VECTRA (under Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 MS-DOS 3.10) Version 3.2 (BASE #870601N1.08111) Alsys, Inc. COMPAQ Deskpro Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 386 (under COMPAQ 13 Ada Information Clearing- Version 3.1 DOS 3.10) (#870601N1.08112) *Derived Alsys, Inc. COMPAQ Deskpro Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 386 (under COMPAQ Version 3.2 DOS 3.10) (BASE #870601N1.08112) Alsys, Inc. INTEL 301 (under Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 IBM DOS 3.10) Version 3.1 (#870601N1.08113) *Derived Alsys, Inc. INTEL 301 (under Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 IBM DOS 3.10) Version 3.2 (BASE #870601N1.08113) Alsys, Inc. Wang PC 280 Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 (under MS-DOS Version 3.1 3.20) (#870601N1.08114) *Derived Alsys, Inc. Wang PC 280 Same as Host AlsyCOMP_003 (under MS-DOS Version 3.2 3.20) (BASE #870601N1.08114) Apollo Computer, Apollo DN4000 Same as Host Inc. (under Comain/IX, Domain/Ada, Release SR9.7) Version 2.0 (#880620W1.09070) CAP Industry Ltd MicroVAX II Intel iAPX 80286 CAPTACS-E286 (under MicroVMS (protected mode) Version 2.1 Version 4.6) (bare machine) (#880528N1.09065) *Derived CAP Industry Ltd MicroVAX II Intel 80386 CAPTACS-E286 (under MicroVMS (bare machine) Version 2.1 4.6) (BASE #880528N1.09065) Center for DEC VAX-11/750 Same as Host Software (under UNIX Technology Version 4.2 BSD) CST/Olivetti Ada Compiler Release 2.1 (#870724S1.08119) CISI Ingenierie SUN 3/50 (under Same as Host EMER-Ada, Emeraude V10.3 / Version 5.5-SUN SUN UNIX BSD 4.2, (#880609A1.09107) Release 3.5) CISI Ingenierie BULL SPS7/70 Same as Host EMER-Ada, (under Emeraude, Version Version 22.0.3 5.5-SPS7/70 emer 10.4) (#880609A1.09108) CISI Ingenierie BULL DPX 2000 Same as Host SP-Ada, Version (under SPIX, 5.5-300 Version 31.2) (#880609A1.09109) Concurrent Concurrent Same as Host Computer Computer Corporation Corporation 3280 C3 Ada, MPS (under OS/32, R02-00.00 Version (#880627W1.09093) r08-02.02) Control Data CYBER 180-830 Same as Host Corporation (under NOS/VE, CYBER 180 Ada Level 688) Compiler, Version 1.0 (#880122S1.09018) *Derived Control Data CYBER 180-810, Any Host Corporation -815, -825, -830, CYBER 180 Ada -835, -840, -845, Compiler, -850, -860, Version 1.0 -930-11, -930-31, (BASE -990 (under 14 September 1988 #880122S1.09018) NOS/VE Level 688) Control Data CYBER 180-930-31 Same as Host Corporation (under NOS/VE, CYBER 180 Ada Level 700) Compiler, Version 1.1 (#880624S1.09132) CONVEX Computer CONVEX C-210 Same as Host Corporation (under CONVEX CONVEX Ada, UNIX Version 6.2) Version 1.0 (#880501W1.09045) *Derived CONVEX Computer CONVEX C-120, Each Host, Corporation C-130, C-201 self-targeted CONVEX Ada, (under CONVEX Version 1.0 UNIX Version (BASE 6.2); CONVEX #880501W1.09045) C-120, C-201, C-202, C-210, C-220, C-230, C-240 (under CONVEX UNIX Version 7.0) Data General MV/20000 (under MV/20000 (under Corporation AOS/VS, Version AOS/VS Version ADE Version 2.45 7.56) 7.56; and under (#870526S1.08118) AOS/RT32 Version 4.03) *Derived Data General MV Family (under Any Host Machine Corporation AOS/VS 7.56) (under AOS/VS ADE Version 2.45 7.56; and under (BASE AOS/RT32) #870526S1.08118) Data General MV/20000 (under MV/20000 (under Corporation AOS/VS, Version AOS/VS, Version ADE, Version 7.56) 7.56) and 3.00 MV/15000 (under (#880527S1.09112) ARTS/32, Version 4.03) DDC International DEC VAX-11 Model Same as Host A/S 8530 (under VMS, DDC-I Ada Release 4.5) Compiler System, Version 4.1.1 (#871214W1.09013) DDC-I, Inc. DEC MicroVAX II Intel 8086 iSBC DACS-80x86, (under MicroVMS 86/05A, Intel Version 4.2 4.4) 80186 iSBC (#871125S1.09003) 186/03A, Intel 80386 iSBC 386/21, Titan 8086 SECS 86/20, Titan 80286 SECS 286/20 (bare machines) *Derived DDC-I, Inc. DEC VAX-11/7xx, Intel 8086 iSBC DACS-8086, VAX-8xxx, VAX 86/35 (bare Version 4.2 Station, & machine) (BASE MicroVAX Series #871125S1.09003) (under VAX/VMS 4.6 or MicroVAX/VMS 4.6) *Derived DDC-I, Inc. DEC VAX-11/7xx, Intel 80186 iSBC DACS-80186, VAX-8xxx, VAX 186/03A (bare Version 4.2 Station, & machine) (BASE MicroVAX Series #871125S1.09003) (under VAX/VMS 4.6 or MicroVAX/VMS 4.6) *Derived DDC-I, Inc. DEC VAX-11/7xx, Intel 80286 iSBC DACS-80286, VAX-8xxx, VAX 286/12 (bare Version 4.2 Station, & machine) (BASE MicroVAX Series #871125S1.09003) (under VAX/VMS 4.6 or MicroVAX/VMS 4.6) *Derived DDC-I, Inc. DEC VAX-11/7xx, Intel 80286 iSBC DACS-80286, VAX-8xxx, VAX 286/12 Protected Mode Station, & (protected mode) 15 Ada Information Clearing- Version 4.2 MicroVAX Series (bare machine) (BASE (under VAX/VMS #871125S1.09003) 4.6 or MicroVAX/VMS 4.6) *Derived DDC-I, Inc. DEC VAX-11/7xx, Intel 80386 iSBC DACS-80386, VAX-8xxx, VAX 386/21 (bare Version 4.2 Station, & machine) (BASE MicroVAX Series #871125S1.09003) (under VAX/VMS 4.6 or MicroVAX/VMS 4.6) *Derived DDC-I, Inc. DEC VAX-11/7xx, Intel 80386 iSBC DACS 80386, VAX=8xxx, VAX 386/21 Protected Mode Station, & (protected mode) Version 4.2 MicroVAX Series (bare machine) (BASE (under VAX/VMS #871125S1.09003) 4.6 or MicroVAX/VMS 4.6) DDC-I, Inc. DEC MicroVAX II Force CPU-386 DACS-80x86, (under MicroVMS VMEbus (bare Version 4.2 4.4) machine) (#871125S1.09004) Digital Equipment VAX 8800 (under Same as Host; Corporation VAX/VMS, Version and VAXstation VAX Ada, Version 4.7) II (under 1.5 MicroVMS, (#871209S1.09014) Version 4.7) *Derived Digital Equipment All members of Any Host Corporation the VAX family: VAX Ada, Version MicroVAX I, 1.5 VAXstation I, (BASE MicroVAX II, #871209S1.09014) VAXstation II, VAXstation 2000 (under MicroVMS, Version 4.7); MicroVAX 3500 & 3600; VAXserver 3500, 3600, & 3602; and VAXstation 3200 & 3500 (under VAX/VMS, Version 4.7A); VAX-11/730, 750, 780, 782, & 785; and VAX 8200, 8250, 8300, 8350, 8530, 8550, 8600, 8650, 8700, & 8800 (under VAX/VMS, Version 4.7) Digital Equipment VAX 8800 (under MicroVAX II Corporation VAX/VMS, Version (under VAXELN VAX Ada, Version 4.7) Toolkit, Version 1.5 3.0 in (#871209S1.09015) combination with VAXELN Ada, Version 1.2) *Derived Digital Equipment All members of Any of the Corporation the VAX family: following VAX Ada, Version MicroVAX I, configurations: 1.5 VAXstation I, MicroVAX I & II; (BASE MicroVAX II, rtVAX 1000; #871209S1.09015) VAXstation II, KA620 (rtVAX VAXstation 2000 1000 processor (under MicroVMS, board); MicroVAX Version 4.7); 3500 & 3600; MicroVAX 3500 & VAX-11/730 & 3600; VAXserver 750; and VAX 3500, 3600, & 8500, 8530, 3602; and 8550, 8700, & VAXstation 3200 & 8800 (under 3500 (under VAXELN Toolkit, VAX/VMS, Version Version 3.0 in 4.7A); combination with VAX-11/730, 750, VAXELN Ada, 780, 782, & 785; Version 1.2) and VAX 8200, 8250, 8300, 8350, 8530, 8550, 8600, 8650, 8700, & 8800 (under VAX/VMS, Version 4.7) 16 September 1988 Elxsi Elxsi 6400 (under Same as Host Elxsi VADS, 5.5 ENIX, 4BSD) (#880610W1.09088) Encore Computer Encore Multimax Same as Host Corporation 320 (under Umax Encore Verdix 4.2, Version Ada Development R3_1.1) System, Version 5.5 (#880620W1.09092) GEC Software Ltd HP 9000/350 Same as Host VADS Version 5.5 (under HP-UX (#880602N1.09079) Version 6.01 B) Gould Inc. Gould PowerNode Same as Host APLEX Ada Model 9080 (under Compiler, UTX/32S, Revision Version 2.1 1.1) (#880523W1.09054) Gould Inc. Gould PowerNode Gould CONCEPT/32 APLEX Ada Model 9080 (under Model 6744 (bare Compiler, UTX/32, Revision machine) Version 2.1 2.1) (#880523W1.09055) Gould Inc. Gould NP1 Model Gould CONCEPT/32 APLEX Ada 4050 (under Model 6780 Compiler, UTX/32 Revision (under MPX-32, Version 2.1 3.0) Revision 3.4) (#880523W1.09056) Gould, Inc. Gould PowerNode Same as Host APLEX Ada Model 9080 (under Compiler, UTX/32 Version Version 2.0 2.1) (#880221W1.09038) *Derived Gould, Inc. Gould PowerNode Any Host APLEX Ada Model 90XX series Compiler, (under UTX/32 Version 2.0 Version 2.1) (BASE #880221W1.09038) *Derived Gould, Inc. Gould PowerNode Any Host APLEX Ada Model 60XX series Compiler, (under UTX/32 Version 2.0 Version 2.1) (BASE #880221W1.09038) *Derived Gould, Inc. Gould PowerNode Gould PowerNode APLEX Ada Model 90XX series Model 60XX Compiler, (under UTX/32 series (under Version 2.0 Version 2.1) UTX/32 Version (BASE 2.1) #880221W1.09038) Gould, Inc. Gould CONCEPT/32 Same as Host APLEX Ada Model 9780 (under Compiler, MPX-32 Version Version 2.0 3.4) (#880221W1.09039) *Derived Gould, Inc. Gould CONCEPT/32 Any Host APLEX Ada Model 97XX series Compiler, (under MPX-32 Version 2.0 Version 3.4) (BASE #880221W1.09039) *Derived Gould, Inc. Gould CONCEPT/32 Any Host APLEX Ada Model 67XX series Compiler, (under MPX-32 Version 2.0 Version 3.4) (BASE #880221W1.09039) *Derived Gould, Inc. Gould CONCEPT/32 Gould CONCEPT/32 APLEX Ada Model 97XX series Model 67XX Compiler, (under MPX-32 series (under Version 2.0 Version 3.4) MPX-32 Version (BASE 3.4) #880221W1.09039) 17 Ada Information Clearing- Gould, Inc. Gould NPl Model Same as Host APLEX Ada 4050 (under Compiler UTX/32 Version (#880221W1.09040) 3.0) Harris Harris H1200 Same as Host Corporation (under VOS, Harris Ada Version 7.1) Compiler, Version 4.0 (#880603W1.09058) *Derived Harris Harris H1600, Each Host, Corporation H1500, H1100, self-targeted Harris Ada H1000, H900, Compiler, H800, H700, & H60 Version 4.0 (under VOS 7.1) (BASE #880603W1.09058) Harris Harris HCX-9 Same as Host Corporation (under HCX/UX, Harris Ada Version 3.0) Compiler, Version 4.0 (#880603W1.09059) *Derived Harris Harris HCX-7 & Each Host, Corporation HCX-5 (under self-targeted Harris Ada HCX/UX 3.0) Compiler, Version 4.0 (BASE #880603W1.09059) Hewlett Packard HP 9000 Series Same as Host Company 300 Model 310 HP 9000 Series (under HP-UX 300 Ada Revision 6.01) Compiler, Version 3.25 (#880429W1.09049) Hewlett Packard HP 9000 Series Same as Host Company 300 Model 350 HP 9000 Series (under HP-UX 300 Ada Revision 6.01) Compiler, Version 3.25 (#880429W1.09050) Hewlett Packard HP 9000 Series Same as Host Company 300 Model 360 HP 9000 Series (under HP-UX 300 Ada Revision 6.2) Compiler, Version 3.25 (#880429W1.09051) Honeywell Bull DPS 90, DPS 8/70 Each Host, GCOS 8 Ada (under GCOS 8 self-targeted Compiler, SR30001) Version 2.0 (#870403S1.08037) Honeywell Bull, DPS 6/95-2 (under Same as Host Inc. GCOS 6 MOD400 ONE PLUS Ada R4.0) Compiler, Release 4.1 (#880115S1.09016) *Derived Honeywell Bull, DPS 6/75, 75-1, Each Host, Inc. 76, 78-1, 85, Self-targeted ONE PLUS Ada 85-1, 92, 94, 95, Compiler, 95-1, 96, 98-1, Release 4.1 98-2 (under GCOS (BASE 6 MOD400 R4.0) #880115S1.09016) *Derived Honeywell Bull, DPS 6/95-1 & 95-2 DPS 6/75, Inc. (under GCOS 6 6/75-1, 76, ONE PLUS Ada MOD400 R4.0) 78-1, 85, 85-1, Compiler, 92, 94, 95, Release 4.1 95-1, 96, 98-1, (BASE 98-2 (under GCOS #880115S1.09016) 6 MOD400 R3.1) Honeywell Bull, DPS 6 PLUS/420 Same as Host Inc. (under HVS 6 PLUS ONE PLUS Ada V1.0) Compiler, Version 1.1 18 September 1988 (#880115S1.09017) *Derived Honeywell Bull, DPS 6 PLUS/400 & Each Host, Inc. 410 (under HVS 6 Self-targeted ONE PLUS Ada PLUS V1.0) Compiler, Version 1.1 (BASE #880115S1.09017) IBM Corporation IBM 3081 (under IBM RT PC (under IBM S/370-VM/SP VM/SP, (using AIX, Version to RT PC AIX Ada CMS), Version 1.1) Cross Compiler, 3.1) Version 2.2 (#870427W1.08046) IBM Corporation IBM 4381 (under Same as Host IBM Development VM/HPO, Release System for the 4.2) Ada Language System, Version 2.1.0 (#880318W1.09041) IBM Corporation IBM 4381 (under Same as Host IBM Development MVS/XA, Release System for the 2.1.7) Ada Language System, Verison 2.1.0 (#880318W1.09042) IBM Corporation IBM 4381 (under IBM 4381 (under IBM Development VM/HPO, Release MVS/XA, Release System for the 4.2) 2.1.7) Ada Language System, Version 2.1.0 (#880318W1.09043) InterACT VAX-11/785 (under Fairchild Corporation VMS 4.4) 9450/1750A in an A.C.T. Ada 1750A HP 64000 Compiler System workstation Release 2.1 (bare machine) (#870624S1.08106) Intermetrics, IBM 3083 (S/370) Same as Host Inc. (under UTS, UTS Ada Version 2.3) Real-Time Compiler, Version 202.35 (#880617W1.09115) Intermetrics, IBM 3083 (S/370) Same as Host Inc. (under CMS, CMS Ada Release 4) Real-Time Compiler, Version 202.35 (#880617W1.09116) Intermetrics, IBM 4341 (under Same as Host Inc. MVS/370, Release MVS Ada 1.3.4) Real-Time Compiler, Version 202.35 (#880617W1.09117) MASSCOMP MASSCOMP MC6600 Same as Host MASSCOMP Ada, (with M68030 CPU Version 1.1 & M68882 FPA) (#880520S1.09110) (under MASSCOMP RTU, Version 4.0) *Derived MASSCOMP MASSCOMP MC5400, Each Host, MASSCOMP Ada, MC5450, MC5520, self-targeted Version 1.1 MC5550, MC5600, (BASE MC5700 (all with #880520S1.09110) M68020 CPU & M68881 FPA); MASSCOMP MC6300, MC6400, MC6700 (all with M68030 CPU & M68882 FPA) (under RTU 4.0) MASSCOMP MASSCOMP MC5600 Same as Host MASSCOMP Ada, (with M68020 CPU Version 1.1 & Lightning FPA) (#880520S1.09111) (under MASSCOMP RTU, Version 4.0) 19 Ada Information Clearing- *Derived MASSCOMP MASSCOMP MC5400, Each Host, MASSCOMP Ada, MC5450, MC5520, self-targeted Version 1.1 MC5550, MC5700 (BASE (all with M68020 #880520S1.09111) CPU & Lightning FPA); MASSCOMP MC6300, MC6400, MC6600, MC6700 (all with M68030 CPU & Lightning FPA) (under RTU 4.0) Meridian Software Zilog System 8000 Same as Host Systems, Inc. (under Zeus 3.21) Meridian AdaVantage, 2.2 (#880605W1.09071) Meridian Software Apple Macintosh Same as Host Systems, Inc. II (with Floating Meridian Point AdaVantage, 2.2 Co-Processor) (#880605W1.09072) (under Finder 6.0, System 4.2) Meridian Software Apple Macintosh Same as Host Systems, Inc. Plus (under Meridian Finder 6.0, AdaVantage, 2.2 System 4.2) (#880605W1.09073) Meridian Software IBM PS/2 Model 30 Same as Host Systems, Inc. (with Floating Meridian Point AdaVantage, 2.2 Co-Processor) (#880605W1.09074) (under IBM PC DOS, 3.30) Meridian Software IBM PS/2 Model 60 Same as Host Systems, Inc. (with Floating Meridian Point AdaVantage, 2.2 Co-Processor) (#880605W1.09075) (under IBM PC DOS, 3.30) Meridian Software ITT XTRA/286 Same as Host Systems, Inc. (with Floating Meridian Point AdaVantage, 2.2 Co-Processor) (#880605W1.09076) (under MS/DOS, 3.20) Meridian Software ALR 386/2 (with Same as Host Systems, Inc. Floating Point Meridian Co-Processor) AdaVantage, 2.2 (under MS/DOS (#880605W1.09077) 3.20) Meridian Software ZENITH Z-248 Same as Host Systems, Inc. (with Floating Meridian Point AdaVantage, 2.2 Co-Processor) (#880605W1.09078) (under MS/DOS, 3.10) MIPS Computer MIPS M/1000 Same as Host Systems (under UMIPS, MIPS/VADS, Version 3.0) Version 1.30 (#880613W1.09062) Prime Computer, Prime 9955 Model Same as Host Inc. 2 (under Primos, Prime Ada Rev 20.2.2) Compiler, Version 2.0 (#880429W1.09052) R and R Software, IBM PS/2, Model Same as Host Inc. 80 (under IBM JANUS/Ada, PC-DOS, 3.30) Version 2.0.2 (#880624W1.09119) R and R Software, Zenith Z-183 Same as Host Inc. (under IBM JANUS/Ada, PC-DOS, 3.30) Version 2.0.2 (#880624W1.09120) R and R Software, Zenith Z-248 Same as Host Inc. (under Zenith JANUS/Ada, MS-DOS, 3.21) Version 2.0.2 20 September 1988 (#880624W1.09121) R.R. Software, Compaq Deskpro Same as Host Inc 286 (under JANUS/Ada, Compaq#s MS-DOS Version 2.0.0 3.1) (#871211W1.09005) R.R. Software, NCR Worksaver 300 Same as Host Inc (under MS-DOS JANUS/Ada, 2.1) Version 2.0.0 (#871211W1.09006) R.R. Software, PC#s Limited 386 Same as Host Inc (under Compaq#s JANUS/Ada, MS-DOS 3.1) Version 2.0.0 (#871211W1.09007) R.R. Software, IBM PC/XT (under Same as Host Inc PC-DOS 3.3) JANUS/Ada, Version 2.0.0 (#871211W1.09008) Rational, Inc. R1000 Series 200 Same as Host Rational (under Rational Environment, Environment Version D_10_8_6 Version D_10_8_6) (#880503W1.09048) Rational, Inc. R1000 (under Philips PG2100 MC68020/OS-2000, D_10_9_10wp) (memory size 4 Version 2.0.30 MB) (under (#880613W1.09085) OS-2000) Rational, Inc. R1000 (under Mikros M1750A, Version D_10_9_1_1750a) MKS1750/SO (bare 2.0.122 machine) (#880613W1.09086) Rational, Inc. R1000 (under Motorola 68020 MC68020_Bare, D_10_9_10wp) in MVME 135 Version 2.0.30 board (1 MB (#880613W1.09087) memory) (bare machine) Rockwell DEC VAx 8650 (VMS CAPS/AAMP (bare International 4.7) machine) Corporation DDC-Based Ada/CAPS Compiler, Version 2.0 (#880613W1.09090) ROLM Mil-Spec MV 10000 (under ROLM 1666B Computers AOS/VS, Revision (under RMX/RDOS, Ada/66 Compiler 7.54) Revision 3.50) Rev. 1.2 (#870617S1.08097) *Derived ROLM Mil-Spec Data General MV ROLM 1666B, Computers Family (under 1666C & 1666 Ada/66 Compiler AOS/VS, Revision (under RMX/RDOS, Rev. 1.2 7.54) Revision 3.50) (BASE #870617S1.08097) ROLM Mil-Spec MV 10000 (under MSE14 (under Computers AOS/VS, Revision ARTS/16, Ada/14 Compiler 7.54) Revision 3.00) Rev. 1.2 (#870617S1.08098) *Derived ROLM Mil-Spec Data General MV MSE/14 & MSE/14 Computers Family (under Micro (under Ada/14 Compiler AOS/VS, Revision ARTS/16, Rev. 1.2 7.54) Revision 3.00) (BASE #870617S1.08098) ROLM Mil-Spec Data General ROLM Hawk/32 Computers MV/10000 (under (under AOS/VS Ada/32 Version AOS/VS, Version Version 7.54; 2.45 7.54) and ARTS/32 (#870617S1.08117) Version 2.6) *Derived ROLM Mil-Spec Data General MV Any Host Computers Family (under Machine, Ada/32 Version AOS/VS, Version HAWK/32, and 2.45 7.54) Rugged HAWK/32 (BASE (under AOS/VS, 21 Ada Information Clearing- #870617S1.08117) Version 7.54) Rolm MIL-SPEC Data General ROLM HAWK/32 COMPUTERS MV/20000 (under (under AOS/VS, ADE/32 Revision AOS/VS, Revision Revision 7.56) 3.00 7.56) (#880527S1.09113) Rolm MIL-SPEC Data General ROLM HAWK/32 COMPUTERS MV/20000 (under (under ARTS/32, ADE/32 Revision AOS/VS, Revision Revision 2.7) 3.00 7.56) (#880527S1.09114) Siemens AG, Siemens 7.570P Same as Host Muenchen (under BS2000, Siemens BS2000 V7.6) Ada Compiler, V1.0 (#880305I1.09046) Silicon Graphics Iris 3000 Series Same as Host Computer Systems Workstation Ada, Version 1.0 (under UNIX (#880613W1.09067) System V, Release GL2-W3.6) Silicon Graphics Iris-4D Entry Same as Host Computer Systems Systems Ada, Version 1.0 Workstation (#880613W1.09068) (under UNIX System V.3, Release 3.5) Silicon Graphics Iris-4D Series Same as Host Computer Systems Workstation Ada, Version 1.0 (under UNIX (#880613W1.09069) System V.3, Release 3.5) SofTech, Inc VAX-11/780 and INTEL iAPX 8086 Ada86 Version VAX-11/785 (under (bare machine) 1.34 VAX/VMS 4.5) (#870612S1.08086) *Derived SofTech, Inc VAX 700 and 8000 INTEL iAPX 8086 Ada86 Versions series (under (bare machine); 1.34, 1.59, VAX/VMS 4.5) & INTEL iAPX 80386 1.70, 2.60, 2.63 MicroVAX II compatible 8086 (BASE (under MicroVMS real mode or #870612S1.08086) 4.5) protected mode SofTech, Inc VAX-11/780 and INTEL iAPX 80186 Ada86 Version VAX-11/785 (under (bare machine) 1.34 VAX/VMS 4.5) (#870612S1.08120) *Derived SofTech, Inc VAX 700 and 8000 INTEL iAPX 80186 Ada86 Versions series (under (bare machine); 1.34, 1.59, VAX/VMS 4.5) & INTEL iAPX 80386 1.70, 2.60, 2.63 MicroVAX II compatible 8086 (BASE (under MicroVMS real mode or #870612S1.08120) 4.5) protected mode SofTech, Inc VAX-11/780 and INTEL iAPX 80286 Ada86 Version VAX-11/785 (under real mode (bare 1.34 VAX/VMS 4.5) machine) (#870612S1.08121) *Derived SofTech, Inc VAX 700 and 8000 INTEL iAPX 80286 Ada86 Versions series (under real mode (bare 1.34, 1.59, VAX/VMS 4.5) & machine); INTEL 1.70, 2.60, 2.63 MicroVAX II iAPX 80386 (BASE (under MicroVMS compatible 8086 #870612S1.08121) 4.5) real mode or protected mode SofTech, Inc VAX-11/780 and INTEL iAPX 80286 Ada86 Version VAX-11/785 (under protected mode 1.34 VAX/VMS 4.5) (bare machine) (#870612S1.08122) *Derived SofTech, Inc VAX 700 and 8000 INTEL iAPX 80286 Ada86 Versions series (under protect mode 1.34, 1.59, VAX/VMS 4.5) & (bare machine); 1.70, 2.60, 2.63 MicroVAX II INTEL iAPX 80386 (BASE (under MicroVMS compatible 8086 #870612S1.08122) 4.5) real mode or protected mode Software Sequent Symmetry Same as Host Leverage, Inc. S81 (under Dynix, Sequent Ada, Version 3.0.8) 22 September 1988 Version S5.5.1 (#880606W1.09066) *Derived Software Sequent Symmetry Same as Host Leverage, Inc. S27 (under Dynix Sequent Ada, 3.0.8) Version S5.5.1 (BASE #880606W1.09066) SYSTEAM KG VAX 8530 (under KWS EB 68/20 SYSTEAM Ada VMS, Version 4.6) CPU3 (under Cross Compiler OS-9, Version VAX/VMS x 2.0) MC68020/OS-9, Version 1.61 (#880229I1.09044) SYSTEAM KG VAX 8530 (under Same as Host SYSTEAM Ada VMS, Version 4.7) Compiler VAX/VMS, Version 1.8 (#880524I1.09118) Systems Designers VAX 8600 (under Ferranti 1750A plc VMS 4.5) Computer System SD VAX x 100A MIL-STD-1750A Ada-Plus, 2B.00 (#870605N1.08075) *Derived Systems Designers DEC VAX-11/7xx, Ferranti 1750A plc VAX 8xxx, VAX Computer System SD VAX x Station, & 100A (bare MIL-STD-1750A MicroVAX series machine) Ada-Plus, 2B.00 (under VAX/VMS (BASE 4.5 or MicroVMS #870605N1.08075) 4.5) *Derived Systems Designers DEC VAX-11/7XX, MC68000/10 plc VAX 8XXX, & VAX DVME-107 board SD VAX x Station (under (bare machine) Motorola VMS 4.6) MC68000/10 Ada-Plus DVME-- 107- Configuration, 3A.00 (BASE #870618N1.08091) Systems Designers DEC VAX 8600 MC68020 plc (under VMS 4.5) implemented on SD VAX x the MVME 133 Motorola M68020 board with a Ada-Plus, 2C.00 M68881 (#870618N1.08092) floating-point coprocessor (bare machine) *Derived Systems Designers DEC VAX-11/7xx, MC68020 plc VAX 8xxx, VAX implemented on SD VAX x Station, & the MVME 133 Motorola MC68020 MicroVAX Series board, Ada-Plus, 2C.00 (under VAX/VMS incorporating an (BASE 4.5 or MicroVMS MC68881 #870618N1.08092) 4.5) floating-point processor (bare machine) *Derived Systems Designers DEC VAX-11/7xx, MC68020 plc VAX 8xxx, VAX implemented on SD VAX x Station (under the MVME 133 Motorola M68020 VMS 4.6); board, Ada Plus, 3A.00 MicroVAX Series incorporating an (BASE (under MicroVMS MC68881 #870618N1.08092) 4.5) floating-point processor (bare machine) Tandem Computers Tandem NonStop Same as Host Tandem Ada, VLS (under Version T9270C10 GUARDIAN 90, (#880520W1.09060) Version C10) Tartan MicroVAX II Same as Host Laboratories (under MicroVMS, Incorporated Version 4.6) Tartan Ada VMS/VMS, Version 23 Ada Information Clearing- 2.0V (#880322I1.09047) Tartan MicroVAX II Texas Laboratories (under MicroVMS, Instruments Incorporated Version 4.6) VHSIC 1750A Data Tartan Ada Processor VMS/1750A, Module, and Version 2.0V Fairchild F9450 (#880519I1.09129) (1750A) (bare machine) Tartan Sun 3/60 (under Same as Host Laboratories SunOS, Version Incorporated 3.5) Tartan Ada Sun/Sun, Version 2.0V (#880519I1.09130) Tartan Norsk Data ND-570 Same as Host Laboratories (under SINTRAN Incorporated III, Release K) Norsk Data ND-500 Ada Compiler, Release A00 (#880519I1.09131) *Derived TELESOFT UNISYS 5000/80/90 Same as Host UNISYS TeleGen2 (under UNIX Ada Compiler, System V, Release Version 3.20.01 4.0 (1R1) (BASE MC68020) #880219W1.09029) TELESOFT Sun Microsystems Same as Host Sun Ada, Version Sun-3/280 1.2 Workstation (#880219W1.09030) (under Sun UNIX Version 4.2, Release 3.2) *Derived TELESOFT Sun Microsystems With software Sun Ada, Version Sun-3 FPI switch: Any 1.2 Workstations, Host; With (BASE Models: 260, 180, hardware FPI #880219W1.09030) 160, 150, 140, switch: Any Host 110, 75, 60; 50 other than and 52 (with Sun-50 & 52 software floating point); 50ME and 52 + 152A (with MC68881 FPC) (under Sun UNIX Version 4.2, Releases 3.2 & 3.4) *Derived TELESOFT Sun Microsystems With software Sun Ada, Version Sun-3 FPI switch: Any 1.3 Workstations, Host; With (BASE Models: 280, 260, hardware FPI #880219W1.09030) 180, 160, 150, switch: Any Host 140, 110, 75, 60; other than 50 and 52 (with Sun-50 & 52 software floating point); 50ME and 52 + 152A (with MC68881 FPC) (under Sun UNIX Version 4.2, Releases 3.2, 3.4, & 3.5) TELESOFT MicroVAX II Same as Host TeleGen2 Ada (under VMS, Development Version 4.6) System, Version 3.20 (#880219W1.09031) *Derived TELESOFT DEC VAX family Each Host, TeleGen2 Ada (MicroVAX, self-targeted Development VAXStation, System, Version VAXServer, 3.20 VAX-11, & VAX (BASE 8xxx models) #880219W1.09031) (under VMS 4.5 & 4.6) TELESOFT Sun Microsystems MC68000, Sun Ada, Version Sun-3/280 implemented on a 24 September 1988 1.2 Workstation Motorola MVME (#880219W1.09032) (under Sun UNIX 101 board (bare Version 4.2, machine) Release 3.2) *Derived TELESOFT Sun Microsystems MC68000, Sun Ada, Version Sun-3 implemented on a 1.2 Workstations, Motorola MVME (BASE Models: 260, 180, 101 board (bare #880219W1.09032) 160, 150, 140, machine) 110, 75, 60; 50 and 52 (with software floating point); 50ME and 52 + 152A (with MC68881 FPC) (under Sun UNIX Version 4.2, Releases 3.2 & 3.4) *Derived TELESOFT Sun Microsystems MC68010, Sun Ada, Version Sun-3 implemented on a 1.2 Workstations, Motorola MVME (BASE Models: 260, 180, 117-4 board #880219W1.09032) 160, 150, 140, (bare machine) 110, 75, 60; 50 and 52 (with software floating point); 50ME and 52 + 152A (with MC68881 FPC) (under Sun UNIX Version 4.2, Releases 3.2 & 3.4) TELESOFT MicroVAX II MC68000, TeleGen2 Ada (under VMS, implemented on a Development Version 4.6) Motorola MVME System, Version 101 board (bare 3.20 machine) (#880219W1.09033) *Derived TELESOFT DEC VAX family MC68000, TeleGen2 Ada (MicroVAX, implemented on a Development VAXStation, Motorola MVME System, Version VAXServer, 101 board (bare 3.20 VAX-11, & VAX machine) (BASE 8xxx models) #880219W1.09033) (under VMS 4.5 & 4.6) TELESOFT Sun Microsystems MC68010, Sun Ada, Version Sun-3/280 implemented on a 1.2 Workstation Motorola MVME (#880219W1.09034) (under Sun UNIX 117-4 board Version 4.2, (bare machine) Release 3.2) TELESOFT MicroVAX II MC68010, TeleGen2 Ada (under VMS, implemented on a Development Version 4.6) Motorola MVME System, Version 117-4 board 3.20 (bare machine) (#880219W1.09035) *Derived TELESOFT DEC VAX family MC68010, TeleGen2 Ada (MicroVAX, implemented on a Development VAXStation, Motorola MVME System, Version VAXServer, 117-4 board 3.20 VAX-11, & VAX (bare machine) (BASE 8xxx models) #880219W1.09035) (under VMS 4.5 & 4.6) TELESOFT Sun Microsystems MC68020, Sun Ada, Version Sun-3/280 implemented on a 1.2 Workstation Motorola MVME (#880219W1.09036) (under Sun UNIX 133A-20 board Version 4.2, with a MC68881 Release 3.2) floating-point coprocessor (bare machine) *Derived TELESOFT Sun Microsystems MC68020, Sun Ada, Version Sun-3 implemented on a 1.2 Workstations, Motorola MVME (BASE Models: 260, 180, 133A-20 board #880219W1.09036) 160, 150, 140, with an MC68881 110, 75, 60; 50 floating-point and 52 (with coprocessor 25 Ada Information Clearing- software floating (bare machine) point); 50ME and 52 + 152A (with MC68881 FPC) (under Sun UNIX Version 4.2, Releases 3.2 & 3.4) TELESOFT MicroVAX II MC68020, TeleGen2 Ada (under VMS, implemented on a Development Version 4.6) Motorola MVME System, Version 133A-20 board 3.20 with a MC68881 (#880219W1.09037) floating-point coprocessor (bare machine) *Derived TELESOFT DEC VAX family MC68020, TeleGen2 Ada (MicroVAX, implemented on a Development VAXStation, Motorola MVME System, Version VAXServer, 133A-20 board 3.20 VAX-11, & VAX with a MC68881 (BASE 8xxx models) floating-point #880219W1.09037) (under VMS 4.5 & coprocessor 4.6) (bare machine) TELESOFT MicroVAX II MIL-STD-1750A TeleGen2 Ada (under VMS, ECSPO RAID Compiler for Version 4.6) Simulator VAX/VMS to Version 4.0, 1750A, Verison executing on the 3.22 Host (bare (#880429W1.09053) machine) TELESOFT Sun Microsystems Same as Host Sun Ada, Version Sun-4 Workstation 1.3 (SPARC Processor) (#880610W1.09089) (under Sun UNIX, Release Sys4-3.2) TELESOFT Motorola Delta Same as Host Motorola Delta Series, Model Series TeleGen2 2616 (under Ada, Version 1.2 Motorola UNIX (#880610W1.09094) System V/68, Release 3) TELESOFT Motorola Delta Motorola VME Motorola Delta Series, Model 133A-20 Series TeleGen2 2616 (under (MC68020) (bare Ada, Version 1.2 Motorola UNIX machine) (#880610W1.09095) System V/68, Release 3) TELESOFT Macintosh II Same as Host Macintosh (under Apple A/UX TeleGen2 Ada, UNIX, Release Version 1.2 1.0) (#880610W1.09096) TELESOFT Cray X-MP (under Same as Host Cray Ada UNICOS 3.0) Compiler, Version 1.0 (#880610W1.09099) TELESOFT Cray-2 (under Same as Host Cray Ada UNICOS 3.0) Compiler, Version 1.0 (#880610W1.09100) TELESOFT / Intel VAX 8530 (under Intel 80386 on Corp. / TeleLOGIC VMS, Version 4.6) Intel 386-100 Ada386 Version board (bare 3.20 machine) (#880320I1.09057) TLD Systems Ltd MicroVAX II TLD 1750A TLD VAX/1750A (under MicroVMS, Instruction Ada Compiler Version 4.5) Level Simulator, System, Version Version 0.4.4 1.0.0 (under TLD 1750A (#870622W1.08085) Single Program Kernel) Tolerant Systems Tolerant Eternity Same as Host Tolerant Ada (under TX, Development Release 5.3.15) System, Version 2.2 (#880613W1.09091) U.S. Navy / VAX 8600 (under Same as Host SofTech, Inc VMS 4.4) 26 September 1988 AdaVAX 3.6A (#870424S1.08052) UNISYS UNISYS 5000/80/90 Same as Host UNISYS TeleGen2 (under UNIX Ada Compiler, System V, Release Version 3.20 4.0 (1R1) (#880219W1.09029) MC68020) University of Sun 3/50 (under Same as Host York UNIX (SunOS 3.2)) University of York Ada Compiler, Release 3 (#871126N1.09001) Verdix Sequent Balance Same as Host Corporation 8000 (under VAda-010-2323, Sequent DYNIX, Version 5.5 Rel 2.1) (#880201W1.09019) Verdix Prime EXL (under Same as Host Corporation UNIX System V, VAda-010-3333, Release 3.0) Version 5.5 (#880201W1.09020) Verdix Intel System 320 Intel iSBC Corporation (under UNIX 386/20 (bare VAda-010-32315, System V rel 3.0) machine) Version 5.5 (#880201W1.09021) Verdix AT&T 3B15 (under Same as Host Corporation UNIX System V rel VAda-010-5151, 2.1) Version 5.5 (#880201W1.09022) *Derived Verdix AT&T 3B2 (under Same as Host Corporation UNIX System V rel VAda-010-5151, 3.1) Version 5.5 (BASE #880201W1.09022) Verdix MicroVAX II Same as Host Corporation (under MicroVMS VAda-010-0303, 4.4) Version 5.5 (#880201W1.09023) Verdix MicroVAX II Microbar Corporation (under UNIX 4.2 GPC-68020 (bare VAda-010-01125, BSD) machine) Version 5.5 (#880201W1.09024) Verdix MicroVAX II Microbar Corporation (under MicroVMS GPC-68020 (bare VAda-010-03125, 4.4) machine) Version 5.5 (#880201W1.09025) Verdix DEC MicroVAX II Intel iSBC Corporation (under VMS 4.7) 386/20P, using VAda-010-03315, file-server Version 5.5 support from the (#880606W1.09080) host (bare machine) Verdix Sun Microsystems Same as Host Corporation Sun-3 (under Sun VAda-010-1313, UNIX 4.2, Release Version V5.5 3.4) (#880606W1.09081) Verdix Sun Microsystems Microbar Corporation Sun-3 (under Sun GPC68020, using VAda-010-13125, UNIX 4.2, Release file-server Version V5.5 3.4) support from the (#880606W1.09082) host (bare machine) Verdix DEC MicroVAX II Fairchild 9450 Corporation (under VMS 4.7) under Tektronix VAda-110-03406, emulation (bare Version V5.51 machine) (#880606W1.09083) Verdix DEC VAX 11/750 Same as Host Corporation (under Berkeley VAda-010-0101, UNIX, Version Version V5.5 4.2BSD) 27 Ada Information Clearing- (#880606W1.09084) Company Point of Contact Phone Number AETECH Aitech Software Engineering Gabriel Leemor (408) 720-9400 Alliant Computer Systems Dan Palka (617) 486-4950 Alsys Lee Ehrlichman (617) 890-0030 Apollo Computer Mike Ballentine (617) 256-6600 X4132 CAP Industry Ltd Peter Hanson 44 734 55900 Center for Software Technology Steve Mattin (603) 893-1000 CISI Ingenierie Concurrent Computer Robert Perciaccante (201) 758-7569 Control Data Robert Cunius (301) 468-8067 CONVEX Computer Bill Wallace (214) 952-0280 Data General John Doyle (617) 366-8911 DDC International Tom Vedel 45 2 872622 Lee Silverthorn (602) 863-6910 Digital Equipment Dave Quigley (603) 881-2343 Elxsi Encore Computer Ron Cohen (617) 460-0500 GEC Software David Howells 44 1 240 7171 Gould Bill Dehlinger (305) 797-5509 Harris Georganne Chitwood (305) 977-5573 Hewlett-Packard Dave Graham (408) 725-8111 Honeywell Bull Sylvia Lundberg (617) 895-7262 IBM (800) 387-0262 INTELLIMAC Hobart Mendenhall (301) 984-8000 InterACT Ken Moskowitz (212) 696-3600 Irvine Compiler Ed Thurber (213) 944-0351 X3493 (714) 250-1366 MASSCOMP Meridian Software Systems (800) 221-2522 (714) 380-9800 MIPS Computer Systems Steve Hanson (408) 991-0236 Prime Computer Stanley Zabrowski (617) 879-2960 X4071 R.R. Software Doug Wagner (608) 244-6436 Rational Diana Martin (408) 496-3990 Rockwell International Don Stover (319) 395-5648 ROLM Mil-Spec Computers Jon Elliott (408) 432-7701 Siemens AG 89 63644236 Silicon Graphics Dave Bagshaw (415) 960-1980 SofTech Beverly Vidler (617) 890-6900 Software Leverage Glenn Allin (617) 648-1414 28 September 1988 To Translate or not to Translate... Is there an answer? While a number of projects the ATIP Office is funding are converting a pro- gram from its original language to Ada, none of the project managers we spoke to had chosen to use a translator to ease the process. Yet translator vendors told the AdaIC in recent interviews that their products are a ##win-win## solution to conversion efforts. Most companies guarantee 95-100 percent translation into Ada with negligible handcoding. They said that their translators can produce ready-to-run real-time applications and convert specialized libraries. So why are ATIP software engineers hesitating to use these programs? Paul Armstrong, project manager of the Defense Communication Agency#s Graphic Information Presentation System (GIPSY), said his team read studies concerning translators and decided against using one because of too many differences between the languages. ##We#d heard about some translators for FORTRAN, but you just end up with fortranized Ada code; all the problems of FORTRAN in Ada code. I don#t think that#s in the interest of good software engineering practices.## Doo J. Lee, system engineer for the Army#s M60A3 Tank Ada Technology Insertion program, is considering using a translator for this Pascal-to-Ada project, but will decide against it if the resulting software is too slow. ##Sometimes translators are more trouble than they#re worth,## he said. According to Jim Stewart of R.R. Software, Inc., in Madison, Wis., which has developed a Pascal-to-Ada translator, the similarities between the languages make it the most feasible translation. He said that a lot of Ada#s characteristics were structured around those people liked in Pascal, and consequently many of the utilities are in a somewhat altered but highly recognizable form. Stewart admitted that the program design suffers even though Pascal, like Ada, is a strongly typed, highly structured language. ##Typically we eschew using translating at all because you don#t have software engineering techniques in 99 out of 100 cases,## he said. ##We offer the source code so clients can reconfigure the program itself to accept their Pascal.## R.R. Software claims it makes machine efficient about 95 percent of the millions of lines of Pascal code its clients translate into Ada. Five percent consists of various parameters, reserve words, etc. which are unique to Pascal and cannot be fit into Ada gracefully. ##A 100 percent translation system that attempts to make apples into oranges is going to do the users a disservice,## Stewart said. 29 Ada Information Clearing- R.R. does not produce a translator for turning FORTRAN code into Ada because the company does not believe it is feasible. For example, I/O libraries, built-in numeric libraries, trigonometric and exponential li- braries are not an inherent part of Ada yet are used extensively by FORTRAN programmers. Stewart believes that leaving these out reduces translated code to ##50-percent or less efficiency.## ##If we had thought it was efficient, considering the market for FORTRAN- to-Ada translators,## Stewart said, ##believe me, we would have done it.## 30 September 1988 Ada Events Calendar The Ada Events Calendar includes information on upcoming Ada activities such as conferences, seminars and classes. The Ada Calendar lists only those programs having fixed dates and will not include programs which are scheduled on a repetitive basis. This calendar is provided for informa- October 1988 9-12 Ada Expo '88 North Hall, Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, Cali- fornia P.O.C.: Exhibit Space Information Jan McCusker 1888 North Market Street P.O. Box 3867 Frederick, MD 21701 (301) 662-9400. For information about discounts on airfare, car rental and ground transportation, call Hunter Travel at 1-800- 525-7888. 24-27 TRI-Ada Conference and Exposition Charleston Convention Center Charleston, W.V. Features the exclusive support and participation of Senator Robert Byrd and the (national) SIGAda and the support of the Ada Joint Program Office, the Software Engineering Insti- tute, and the Software Valley Corporation. Multiple tracks for technical and management personnel. P.O.C.: Ralph Crafts Tri-Ada Conference Manager c/o SSS&T Harpers Ferry, WV 25425 (304) 725- 6542. November 1988 15-16 CALL FOR PAPERS AIDA-88: Fourth Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence & Ada Sponsored by: George Mason University, Department of Computer Science, In cooperation with: Software Productivity Consortium. Conference P.O.C.: Jorge Diaz-Herrera Dept of Computer Science George Mason University 4400 University Drive Fairfax, Virgina 22030 (703) 323-2713. Submissions of Papers P.O.C.: John Moore Software Productivity Consortuim 1880 Campus Commons Drive North Reston, VA 22091 (703) 391-1729. AIDA-88 is the only technical conference addressing the interactions of Arti- fical Intelligence and the Ada programming language. It is the fourth in a continuing series sponsored by the Computer Science De- Ada Information Clearinghouse Ada Joint Program Office 3D139 (1211 Fern., C107) 3E114 The Pentagon The Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-3081 Washington, DC 20301-3081 (703) 685-1477 (202) 694-0208 AV 224-0208 31 Ada Information Clearing- The Ada Joint Program Office has the responsibility for managing DoD's effort to implement, introduce, and provide life-cycle support for the Ada programming language, the DoD's common high- order language. The Ada Information Clearinghouse facilitates

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