Report No: 70178. People's Republic of China

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Report No: 70178


People's Republic of China

China PSD Program

{From Technological Catch-up to Innovation: The Future of China's GDP Growth}








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From Technological Catch-up to Innovation: The Future of China’s GDP Growth

Shahid Yusuf

The World Bank Group



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From Technological Catch-up to Innovation
Income gaps among countries are largely explained by differences in productivity. By raising the capital/labor ratio and rapidly assimilating technologies across a wide range of activities, China has increased factor productivity manifold since 1980 and joined the ranks of middle income countries. With the launch of the 12th FYP, China has set its sights on becoming a high income country by 2030 through a strategy combining high levels of investment with rapid advances in technology comparable to that of Japan from the 1960s through the 1970s and Korea’s from the 1980s through the end of the century. During the next decade, more of the gains in productivity are likely to derive from technology absorption and adaptation supplemented by incremental innovation. By 2030, China expects to have pulled abreast technologically of the most advanced countries and increasingly, its growth will be paced by indigenous innovation which pushes outwards the technology frontier in areas of acquired comparative advantage. Both the first stage and the next will rest on the success of a number of policies focused on: competition and the evolution of the business sector; skill development; R&D; national and international networking to promote innovation; and the nurturing of innovation in major urban centers.
A competitive market environment is the precondition for a steady improvement in productivity. Starting in the late 1980s, for example, market oriented reforms stimulated entry and competition in most manufacturing sub-sectors. Even in some “strategic” or “pillar” industries (for example, airlines and telecommunications) the breaking up and corporatization of incumbent providers in 1990s created new competitive forces. More recently, the phasing out of tax incentives which had favored foreign investors stimulated competition by leveling the playing field with domestically-owned firms. China’s WTO accession in 2001 increased competition from imports and the large volume of FDI has led to a further intensification of competitive pressures. Sustaining this trend through institutional reforms and measures to enhance the supply of risk capital, will be critical to the making of an innovative economy, as it will stimulate the deepening of the private sector, reduce barriers to firm entry and exit, promote the growth of dynamic SMEs, induce the SOEs to raise their game (and pave the way for further reform), and result in national market integration as well as much needed regional or local specialization of industry.
The speed with which advanced technologies diffuse and the capacity to innovate will be keyed to the availability of a vast range of technical and soft skills for example, management, research, design, production, effectively harnessing IT support, and marketing and customer relationships. By 2030, China is expected to have up to 200 million college graduates, more than the entire workforce of the United States. Moreover, the quality of university training is improving rapidly – only five other countries have more universities than China in the top-ranked 500 universities of the world, compared to twelve just eight years ago. Even so, the quality of tertiary education more broadly is a matter of concern and employers are experiencing a serious shortage of skills. For China to become an innovative knowledge economy, both the private sector and the government need to invest more in building analytic and complex reasoning capabilities, enhancing scientific literacy and the knowledge base of students, encouraging creativity and instilling communication and teamwork skills. To increase the volume and quality of skills, China will have to rely more on innovations in pedagogical techniques involving the greater use of multimedia and flexible online training customized to the varying needs of students so as to raise the productivity of the education sector overall and to maximize the benefits from the limited pool of talented instructors and the available physical facilities. Traditional standardized approaches to training by way of lectures to large classes may need to be rethought with institutions being encouraged to experiment and given the autonomy to do so. In this context, the more active participation of leading foreign universities would be advantageous.
Spending on R&D is on a steep upward trend which will enlarge the production of ideas and prepare the ground for innovation. But because most applied research and innovation are done within firms and the majority of scientists will be employed by businesses the commercializing of ideas will flourish and drive productivity when firms make innovation a central plank of their business strategies. How quickly firms take advantage of the knowledge capital being created by R&D will be a function of market growth and competition, the quality of the workforce and fiscal and other incentives prioritizing research intensive activities.
An adequate volume of much needed basic research, by virtue of its public good characteristics, will depend upon government initiatives and funding. Government agencies and key universities and research institutions will need to take the lead especially in the high risk, blue skies research through well targeted incentives, by committing a sufficient (and sustained) volume of funding to high-caliber institutions, and by means of prizes and awards. In the U.S, the National Institutes of Health have played a central role in boosting innovations in life sciences, as have agencies such as the Department of Energy and DARPA.
Increased publishing of scientific papers and patenting is likely to have only a small impact on productivity growth – even if China is able to raise R&D spending to 2.2% of GDP by 2020 – unless the quality of this research and its commercial relevance and uptake is substantially increased. Good research must be complemented by a stringent and disciplined process of refereeing and evaluation of research projects and findings. The research community needs to take the initiative here and uphold ethics and set high standards, with public agencies providing the ground rules. Universities can also more actively reach out to the business community in order to maximize the relevance of the research conducted, and serve the cause of learning by promoting public lectures, exhibitions, and contributing to the teaching of science in local schools. Beyond that, it is up to firms to transform research findings into profitable products and services.
The central government can help build country wide research networks to mobilize national talent, and create consortia comprised of firms from inland and coastal areas so as to raise the technological levels of all participants through cross fertilization. Similar consortia have been successfully sponsored by governments in Japan, the U.S. and Taiwan (China) and they can help China develop more “global challengers”.
Many high tech multinational corporations have invested in R&D facilities in China (including in inland cities such as Xian and Chengdu). This should be further encouraged because of its significant long run spillover effects, the reputational gains for Chinese cities which are fast becoming science hubs, and the contribution such research can make to industrial upgrading. Closer collaboration and partnerships with MNCs on the basis of mutual trust and recognition will contribute to the making of a dynamic and open innovation system. In this context, an efficient and discriminating patenting system that reflects the experience of the U.S. and European systems (both of which are in the throes of reform) and effective protection of intellectual property especially in fields such as biotechnology, nanotechnology, software and multimedia, will expedite the growth of China’s indigenous innovation capabilities.
Innovative cities will be the locus of technological advance in China as in other advanced countries – and urban development strategy intersects with strategies for technology development and growth. Innovative cities take the lead in building large pools of human capital (especially in attracting many science and technology workers) and in embedding institutions that support the generation, debate, testing, and perfecting of new ideas. Innovative cities serve as the axes of regional and even international knowledge networks; they derive technological leverage from an industrial base that employs scientific and technological talent; they are home to a few leading, research oriented firms; and they invest in state of the art digital networks and online services. Such cities thrive on the heterogeneity of knowledge workers drawn from all over the country – and the world. Moreover such cities are closely integrated with other global centers of research and technology development. Finally, innovative cities are “sticky” because their leading edge in design, assets, attributes, and governance attracts and retains global talent. International experience suggests that stickiness derives in large part from the presence of world class research universities which China is committed to creating. To succeed in stimulating urban innovation, China will need to endow its leading institutions with a measure of autonomy from government but also to ensure that they are disciplined by competition and remain efficient providers of services. These universities must interact with employers to mix technical and soft skills as well as impart the latest industry know-how. China’s front ranked schools must mobilize the funding and staff faculty positions to sustain cross disciplinary post graduate and post doctoral programs, introduce innovative approaches to imparting knowledge and analytical skills, and establish specialized, well staffed research institutes some of international standing. An important contribution universities can make to innovation is to groom the entrepreneurs of tomorrow who can transform ideas into commercial products and services.
The search for and embrace of green technologies by innovative cities will provide an additional boost to both research and commercialization. Energy pricing reform and the enforcing of national environmental and energy efficiency standards will generate pressures to upgrade technologies and urban development will be the main venue for introducing new construction materials, and technologies for transport, heating and cooling and many others urban needs. Demand-side instruments such as government procurement and standard setting can also spur innovation. The key to success however, will lie in genuine open competition.

From Technological Catch-up to Innovation: The Future of China’s GDP Growth1
China has set its sights on becoming a global innovative powerhouse2 by 2020. Policymakers reason that productivity gains from structural changes3 and technological catch-up4 will be largely exhausted within a decade and thereafter growth rates in the 6-7 percent range will be increasingly tied to productivity gains stemming from innovativeness in its several forms5. The purpose of this chapter is twofold: First is to examine the scope for productivity gains even as the technological gap between China and the advanced countries narrows and suggest how China could hasten the pace of technological catch-up by creating a more competitive economic environment and a world class innovation system. Second, is to sketch a menu of policies that could help to make innovation a major driver of growth. The two are closely interrelated. Policies that promote technological catch-up over the medium run overlap with those that can enlarge innovation capacity over the longer term.
The chapter is divided into four parts. Part 1 underlines the increasing significance of total factor productivity growth (TFP) as a source of growth6, describes China’s performance since 1980 and examines sectoral trends. Part 2 reviews China’s progress in building technological capacity. Part 3 assesses China’s strengths and some of the constraints hindering the development of innovation capabilities. And Part 4 is devoted to the discussion of national and sub-national policies that would enable China to realize its ambition of eventually becoming an innovative nation on par with the U.S.7 Japan, Germany and Korea albeit one capable of sustaining a higher rate of growth than these mature economies.

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