Reminder to Owners of Unsuccessful Bat Houses

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Reminder to Owners of Unsuccessful Bat Houses

IF AFTER AT LEAST ONE active season, your bat house remains unoccupied, try moving it to a new location where it receives more or less sun. Reports thus far indicate that most successful bat houses are occupied within the first year, and that most failure results from too little exposure to sun. A house that fails at first, but is occupied after a move, may provide especially enlightening information on what local bats need.

If your houses are mounted on poles, try rotating them from a north/south exposure to sun to east/west. Since houses seem to be too cool more often than too warm, this may help. If your houses are insulated and empty, try removing the insulation to permit greater heat gain. You also can try painting houses a different color, most often darker. Attaching nursery houses back-to-back on poles may reduce extremes of temperature fluctuations Such houses in the hottest climates may benefit from tin roofs with enough overhang on the east and west sides to reduce solar heating during mid-day. Ventilation slots, like those used by Lisa Williams, are also a good idea.

Advice Summary

CAREFULLY CAULK AND ADD two or three coats of paint to all houses. The objective is to provide a seal against moisture and to prevent drafts at the top where bats roost. Best colors in the South are light brown, possibly white or medium brown, ranging to dark brown or black in the North, probably black in Canada. Provision of at least a five-inch extension of the back board for a vertical landing platform, horizontally grooved at half-inch intervals, will help returning bats.

Most occupied houses face east or west, but additional experimentation with dark brown versus black, facing south, is recommended in the coolest climates. An overlapping tin roof may provide additional protection in the hottest areas. Our tests last summer showed that houses with at least partial sloping bottoms are more stable in temperature. This could prove useful, especially in the North, but be sure to allow enough slope to permit droppings to fall out.

We strongly encourage paired comparisons of differently treated houses, changing only one variable at a time, such as the amount of time or direction of sun exposure, color of house, closed or open bottom, internal roost space dimensions, construction materials, or habitat placement. After you have attracted your first bats, we encourage you to try your own unique designs, varying materials, color, and sun exposure.

How Bats Find New Homes

When planning where to mount your bat house, remember that bats, like us, are creatures of habit. Most North American bats that don’t live in caves search for nursery roost sites by investigating traditional locations: along the trunks of leafless snags, at the broken ends of dead branches high above ground, or along cliff faces. Additionally, a large proportion now have become accustomed to searching the eaves of buildings.
It seems likely, then, that artificial roosts placed in such locations would be the first to be found. We could also hypothesize that, given their apparent preference for height, bats may be less likely to find houses mounted on the lower trunks of live trees, and more likely to find houses high on poles.

To test these hypotheses, we checked 1993 Research Associate reports to see if houses in differing locations also differed in the amount of time required for bats to find them. We compared houses mounted on the sides of buildings, poles, and trees, selecting only those houses that were eventually occupied and that received at least four hours of daily sun. We also omitted houses that were located near where bats had been excluded from buildings and houses that had not been regularly checked for occupancy. The sample was thus restricted to eliminate most biases, especially those that might be introduced if poorly designed houses were included, or if some houses profited from local evictions.

The resulting sample size was 28: 13 houses on buildings, 5 on poles, and 10 on tree trunks. It took bats an average of 71 days to find the houses on buildings and 73 to find those on poles. But it took an average of 255 days to find the houses mounted on tree trunks, meaning that success didn’t come until the second year. Although this sample was small and needs to be corroborated by additional data, it is consistent with the suggestion that the location of houses relative to bat search behavior is probably important.

Success Reminders

The vast majority of unused bat houses are mounted on trees where they receive less than seven hours of daily sun, are not painted dark enough for the area, or provide roosting chambers more than 3/4-inch wide. Smooth roosting surfaces and failure to carefully caulk and paint also contribute to failure. Locations on the sunny sides of buildings or on poles 25-50 feet from the nearest trees seem to be preferred, especially near lakes, streams, or rivers. Rough-surfaced landing areas, extending three to six inches below the entrance, also are helpful. All bat houses should be mounted at least 10-12 feet, preferably 15-20 above ground.

Frequently Asked Questions about Bat Houses

Q. What constitutes an adequate water source for a bat colony?
A. This varies by species, but bats usually need open freshwater at least 10-15 feet across. Rivers, streams, irrigation ditches, lakes, ponds, and marshes are all good water sources. Saltwater and brackish water are not, nor are swimming pools and birdbaths. Bats drink in flight and require open space.
Q. What time should I install my bat house?
A. Anytime, but if you install it before bats return in the spring, you have a much greater chance of it being occupied the first year. When bats are excluded from buildings, houses should be installed several weeks before the exit holes are plugged.
Q. Can I mount my bat house on a light pole?
A. Yes, provided the light does not shine into the bat house. Of course, height, solar exposure, etc. must still be correct. We also do not know if the ultrasonic frequencies emitted by some high intensity lights affect bats. An alternate location, if available, would be preferable.
Q. Do “bug zappers” interfere with my bat house?
A. Probably not, but we still recommend that your bat house be located away from the “bug zapper” if possible. The frequencies emitted by the light could disturb the bats (see above).
Q. Can I place my bat house near a doorway or other busy area?
A. It is best to locate them where disturbance is minimal, though some such houses have been successful, as bats have gradually adapted.
Q. Will my bats produce a lot of guano?
A. A bat will only produce a dozen or so droppings daily that fall beneath the roost. The rest is dispersed during its feeding flights.
Q. Can I move my bat house once bats move in?
A. You can move it a short distance, say from your house to a pole in your yard, but it should only be moved in the winter when the bats are absent. Longer moves should be done in steps over several years.

Bat Houses and Temperature

Temperature is one of the most important ingredients in bat house success, and probably the least understood. Unpainted bat houses and those mounted in the shade are seldom warm enough, and thus are rarely used. Many bat house owners needlessly worry that their bat houses will get too warm. Available evidence suggests the opposite. Unless you live in an exceptionally hot climate, you can help an under heated bat house by moving it to a sunnier spot and painting it a darker color after carefully caulking all exterior joints.

Actual bat house color is less important than darkness. Dark houses absorb more solar radiation, thus warming them better. The ambient, or outside, temperature is affected by factors such as cloud cover, prevailing winds, elevation, latitude, and topography, making earlier painting suggestions based solely on latitude too simplistic. Our latest recommendations are based on the average high temperature in July for your area. Because temperatures are averaged, the value may be lower than you expected. You can obtain specific information from your local weather bureau or university, or use a published reference such as the Climatic Atlas of the United States. The map to the left, while not very detailed, provides a good starting point.

Bat houses may overheat, especially in the south, but the latest BCI designs, with roofs and vents, are designed to greatly reduce that possibility. It is probably better to err on the side of warmth when painting and locating a bat house. Later you can extend the roof, add more vents, or paint the bat house lighter if needed.
Bat House Color Recommendations and Average Daily
High Temperatures in July in the U.S.

Black areas = less than 85° F. -- Recommend black paint.

Dark areas = 85°-95° F. -- Recommend dark shade of paint.
Medium areas = 95°-100° F. -- Recommend medium shade of paint.
Light areas = 100° F or greater. -- Recommend light shade of paint.


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