Ray Scurfield, University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast

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Post-Katrina Storm Disorder and Recovery in South Mississippi Over Two Years Later

Ray Scurfield, University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast raymond.scurfield@usm.edu [Post-Katrina Storm Disorder 1-sp to Traum.1.8.08]

[Pre-publication copy. In-press, Traumatology, 2008]

This commentary describes a Katrina survivor and provider’s dual perspective two years post-Hurricane Katrina. Highlights of the impact on individual, family, community and regional levels, and on social, economic and mental health levels are identified. This includes discussion of “Post-Katrina Storm Disorder,” the plight of the poor and near-poor and immigrants, a cognitive reframing intervention for disaster relief agency workers, as well as helpful clinical strategies, impact on religious and spiritual beliefs and a modified “six stages of disaster recovery.” Finally, positive developments are elaborated concerning changes in personal priorities, life in a FEMA trailer, metamorphosis of the University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast campus, the role of volunteers and resident self-help and personal life commitments.

Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast on August 29, 2005. 1 My family and I stayed through the storm and its aftermath. My personal losses were substantial: the destruction of my University of Southern Mississippi Gulf Coast office and our social work department building that are situated right on the Gulf, to include the loss of 95% of 30 years of professional records, In addition, there was serious damage to our home in the Gulf Coast community of Long Beach. However, this paled in comparison to the extraordinary extent of the physical devastation across the Gulf Coast that was unprecedented in U.S. history.

I will first briefly highlight the impact and recovery on the Mississippi Gulf Coast at three points in time: in the immediate aftermath of Katrina, one year later and two years later. I have tried to present a balanced picture of progress and lack of on the Mississippi Gulf Coast. However, I readily admit that this is quite difficult to do and any summation of positives and negatives inevitably is open to criticism of not being objective.
August 29-September, 2005: In Mississippi alone, the destruction was extraordinary (Scurfield, 2006a, b; Editor’s Notebook, 2005b):

  • Extensive destruction across some 12 Mississippi Gulf Coast communities, from Pearlington and Waveland in Hancock County to Gautier and Pascagoula in Jackson County

  • Over 235 confirmed deaths (G. Pender, 2005)

  • 68,700 homes and businesses were destroyed, 65,000 sustained major damage, and 60% of the forests in the coastal communities were destroyed along with much of the shipping and fishing industry (Editor’s Notebook, 2005a). [The number of homes destroyed in Mississippi is over 30 times the number destroyed in the tragic wildfires in Southern California in October, 2007.]

  • There was 34 feet high storm-surge from Katrina in western Mississippi that was propelled inland as far as 10 miles from the coast through myriad rivers and bayous, severely damaging or destroying homes and communities that had never previously been flooded by storm surges. And damaging hurricane-level winds and tornadoes swept up through the central and north central areas of the state. (Walsh, 2006)

  • An estimated 350 buildings listed in the National Register of Historic Places were washed or blown away, along with most of the evidence of 300 years of Gulf Coast history. This makes Katrina the worst historic preservation disaster in our nation’s history (Huffman, 2006)

  • The two major east-west bridges on the Mississippi Gulf Coast that connect the three coastal counties together were totally destroyed

One Year Post-Katrina: October, 2006: Changes on the Mississippi Gulf Coast were very mixed but felt more negative than positive.

  • As of March 13, 2006, almost 100,000 Mississippians were living in FEMA trailers, and hundreds of other displaced residents were not eligible for FEMA trailers (Copeland, 2006). By October, 2006, there were 101,000 Mississippians living in FEMA trailers, the unemployment rate in the three MS coastal counties hovered around 12%---considerably above pre-Katrina levels and reconstruction was at a snail’s pace for most homeowners. (As a personal example, our home had a new roof and new fencing, but it took over a year to find a contractor willing to repair the internal damages to our home. It was almost impossible to find a reputable and reliable contractor to do the work, and labor and material costs had skyrocketed since Katrina---estimated at over 30% or higher.)

  • Affordable housing was at a premium and the too few rentals had dramatically higher rental rates.

  • In a 60 mile east-west swath of Highway 90 bordering on the Gulf, many of the large debris piles had been removed. However, only one restaurant had reopened and not one gas station, only a handful of residents were back in their homes within the first block of the Gulf and essentially almost all of the marked amount of debris that Katrina sucked back into the Gulf was still there, making it dangerous to even wade in the water.

  • A considerable number of residents were firmly in the “disillusionment” phase post-disaster in which the enormity of the challenges yet to be accomplished had hit them. Many people, quite frankly, were simply exhausted from what they had been through and were facing to get their lives, homes and routines back.

  • While a number of residents had been able to return to a normal living, several more years remained before a semblance of normal living and meaningful levels of rebuilding would take place for many Gulf Coast residents—and for too many it would even longer. Even so, too much history has been lost that was irretrievable, and it was way too soon to know if the ultimate outcome would be a Gulf Coast that is as good or better than what existed pre-Katrina---especially for the lower and working class sectors.

  • Finally, while the economy was benefiting from considerable construction activity underway, especially luxury high-rise condominiums and casinos, a very inadequate transportation system and conflicts as to the vision for the future of the devastated communities presented enormous challenges—and opportunities.

October, 2007: Twenty-five months post-Katrina: There is much to fuel optimism about the ultimate recovery of the Mississippi Gulf Coast. As an illustration, taking a drive along Highway 90 from Biloxi to Bay St. Louis, the signs of recovery are very welcome:

  • The new Bay St. Louis Bridge had opened two lanes in the Spring 2007 to much celebration, and the new Biloxi Bay Bridge is on-schedule to open two lanes in November 2007.

  • Almost no hurricane debris piles remain

  • Not so many derelict buildings remain

  • Several luxury high-rise condominiums have been built and a number more are being built or planned

  • Most all of the casino/hotel complexes have been rebuilt and are making more money than pre-Katrina

  • Several new casino complexes are approved or in various stages of planning

  • There is a sprinkling of homes rebuilt and others visible in various stages of rebuilding

  • If you want fast food, you are in luck—as long as you like waffles: the ubiquitous Waffle House chain is back in operation in several locations.

  • New lighting and landscaping has sprung up along much of the Highway 90 median---to include oak tree saplings and, somewhat jarringly to those familiar with what used to be block after block of mature oak trees---a new species of palm tree that had never before greeted motorists along Highway 90.

Across the Gulf Coast there are very encouraging signs of many repaired and new homes, as well as new developments underway or planned. A number of the destroyed schools have been reopened in repaired or temporary facilities, at least two of the community libraries have been reopened, most businesses that have reopened are doing well, and a number of residents and small businesses have relocated further inland, spreading yet further economic growth. In addition, unemployment rates are now over two points lower than before Katrina, population estimates in the six southern counties are only 2.5% lower than pre-Katrina, over 30,000 building permits have been issued, annual retail sales in the three coastal counties have increased 61% since 2004, there is $343 billion in planned military projects and 45% of all new jobs created in the State of Mississippi have been in Harrison County, the most populous of the three coastal counties. (Gulf Coast Business Council, 2007)

On the other hand, a closer look even at what is not happening just along Highway 90 next to the Gulf illustrates how much remains for full recovery and physical rebuilding of the MS Gulf Coast.

  • Steps to nowhere, slabs and properties devoid of any structures far outnumber those with intact buildings

  • New or rebuilt modestly-sized homes are rare

  • Almost no commercial activity exists outside of the casino complexes—other than Waffle House restaurants, not one working gasoline pump, only a handful of non-casino restaurants, only one outlet catering to tourists (the others have been demolished or remain storm-shattered shells). “A lot of businesses haven’t reopened and aren’t going to reopen.” (Sayre, 2007)

  • If you take just a short turn north into East Biloxi, or into several neighborhoods of Gulfport, or especially if you drive just a few short blocks into what used to be the downtowns of Long Beach or Pass Christian, or drive onto Henderson Point, the signs of progress are remarkably few and far between. Almost none of the devastated communities have yet to even adopt a master plan for rebuilding as competing visions for the future have made consensus difficult to achieve among community leaders, citizens and developers.

Across the Mississippi Gulf Coast, there is a daunting time-lag required for rebuilding destroyed homes and buildings. It took more than a decade for the 28,000 homes in Florida wrecked in 1992 by Hurricane Andrew to be rebuilt; Mississippi alone has over four times that number of homes to be rebuilt (Rubinkam, 2005). The long time-line is due to a number of factors:

  • still remaining uncertainty regarding revised federal flood requirements for rebuilding

  • numerous unresolved insurance settlement claims and lawsuits

  • obtaining affordable property insurance remains a major barrier to both homeowners and businesses; for example, rates for wind insurance have skyrocketed dramatically---about 90% for homeowners and 200% for business (Sayre, 2007)

  • continuing lack of electricity, water, sewage infrastructure in many of the devastated areas, and

  • the lack of construction industry capacity to meet the overwhelming demand.

Yes, the rebuilding of lost homes and personal property remains a staggering task.

Another troubling reality that is evident subjectively in talking with many Gulf Coast residents is the remarkable increase post-Katrina in seemingly almost daily occurrences reported in the newspapers and in the local news of such incidents as homicides, robberies, assaults, home invasions, other violent acts, meth lab and other drug busts, and fatal vehicular crashes. Somehow, the relatively quiet, sleepy, peaceful milieu that once characterized the Mississippi Gulf Coast is no more---and never will be again.

Furthermore, the reports from several recent studies and observations reveal that affordable housing, be it homes or rentals, is in distressingly short supply.

  • “ . . . the recovery of units for low to moderate-income renters or homeowners lags significantly behind higher-priced residents . . . Lower-income households, people who had mortgage loans but didn’t get the full amount they hoped for from grants or insurance programs—those people are in a real squeeze . . . They clearly have been slower to make the decision to rebuild.” (Frulla, 2007). Even the overall optimistic report by the Gulf Coast Business Council two year report (2007) states that “unaffordable and unavailable insurance for residents and business owners continues to inhibit economic growth and housing starts for the workforce.”

  • Several south Mississippi communities and their city governments have rejected applications from developers to build affordable housing, claiming that such do not fit with the character of the surrounding communities and will have a negative impact on residential values. “Not in my back yard” syndrome seems to be in full force in a number of communities in south Mississippi.

  • Several city councils have even made it difficult or impossible for Katrina cottages (small modular homes that, in contrast to FEMA trailers, are much more stable and wind-resistant, apparently formaldehyde free and meet building code requirements) to be used in place of FEMA trailers. Opponents voice concerns that property values will be hurt and some property owners might choose to want to keep the Katrina Cottages, which are not viewed as acceptable long-term housing units (Welsh, 2007). Yet even opponents admit that Katrina Cottages are extremely better living environments than FEMA trailers.

The reports concerning mental health impact post-Katrina are sobering:

  • According to a study of 92 different Katrina FEMA parks published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, suicide attempts in Louisiana and Mississippi’s parks are 79 times higher than the national average. Major depression is seven times the national rate. (Spiegel, 2007). However, it is very important to note that it is extremely ill-advised to lump together statistics for Louisiana and Mississippi, as a number of reports have done. The realities in each state can be so dramatically different that statistics that are an average of Mississippi and Louisiana end up being statistics that describe almost no one. In addition, there is severe criticism that such statistics are spurious and highly suspect because of how extremely low numbers sampled have been utilized to make such projections (Barrilleaux, 2007).

  • A government survey released on August 16, 2007, reported that mental illness is double the pre-storm levels (about 14% have symptoms of severe mental illness and an additional 20% have mild-to-moderate mental illness), rising numbers suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder which typically goes away for most disaster survivors has increased to 21% versus 16% in 2006), and there is a surge in adults who say they’re thinking of suicide. (Elias, 2007a). [However, it is important to note that anecdotal observations by the author and from mental health providers along the Mississippi Gulf Coast are not congruent with the figures in studies that report high levels of PTSD. Rather, many local providers who I am in touch with report lots of post-traumatic stress, but relatively few cases of full-blown post-traumatic stress disorder directly related to Katrina.] (Barrilleaux, 2007) 2

  • A Mississippi Gulf Coast survey by the National Center for Disaster Preparedness at Columbia University found that half of parents said their children had developed emotional or behavior problems after the storm; about 2/3 were depressed; nearly as many felt afraid. “What’s unique about Katrina is how much children have lost . . . So many have lost virtually everything; their homes, their neighborhoods, close extended families that are often scattered, their friends and churches.” (Marilyn Elias, 2007b).

  • The Gulf Coast Business Council (2007) describes mental health needs as continuing to be the top health issue facing Coast residents. For example, Memorial Hospital in Gulfport is seeing twice the mental health issues compared to pre-Katrina, and the Gulf Coast Mental Health Center reports a 25% increase in Hancock County and a 54% increase in those seeking substance use services since Katrina. (Barrilleaux, 2007).

The bottom line mental health wise is that practically everyone who works in or has studied post-Katrina mental health agrees that there is a crisis concerning Katrina survivors’ mental health, although there is considerable “disagreement on the scope, severity and duration of the crisis.” (Norman, 2007).

PKSD: Post-Katrina Storm Disorder
A number of local clinicians are using such descriptive phrases as “post-katrina storm disorder (PKSD),” “post-storm disorder” or “post-katrina stress disorder” to describe sub-threshold stress-related cases that do not meet full PTSD diagnostic criteria. (Barrilleaux, 2007). There are several dynamics captured by the term PKSD.
While not necessarily meeting PTSD or major depression diagnostic criteria, hundreds-of-thousands of Katrina survivors in Mississippi continue to experience and many continue to mourn a profound sense of loss, grief and malaise over the irreplaceably lost “ sense of place” of what used to be the Mississippi Gulf Coast---destruction of places of employment, small and large businesses, churches, schools, neighborhoods, recreational facilities, historic sites and even entire communities---the loss of so much about life that was familiar and cherished along the entire Mississippi Gulf Coast (Scurfield, 2006a, 2006b). There is an underlying poignant sadness among many about what was South Mississippi literally being gone forever. For example, East Biloxi never again will be a vibrant eclectic neighborhood of older and new immigrants, a rich ethnic and racial tapestry of poor, near-poor and modest neighborhoods and family-run small businesses.
Additionally, there is a substantial minority of the population that is not benefiting from the post-Katrina recovery. In my experience, this sub-group is more likely to have become cynical, moody, despondent and perhaps angry, seemingly immersed in the disillusionment phase of post-disaster response (see Scurfield, 2006c)—as they are reminded daily of the gap that grows ever wider between those seemingly stuck, in contrast to the majority who are moving ahead and appear to have “put Katrina behind them.” Ironically, it has been observed that the plethora of relief programs has brought with it what seems to be an ever-increasing sense of entitlement among a number of survivors as “more and more patients are waiting for the next relief program to arrive.” 3
Exhaustion appears to be a major component of PKSD: exhaustion at having to continue to deal with fights with insurance companies; exhaustion at trying to find affordable housing or struggling to afford the dramatically increased rental rates or insurance premiums; exhaustion at having to commute on still-ravaged roads and longer driving distances that are required to access a major grocery store or recreation resources; exhaustion at the increased traffic jams and the markedly slow progress in revitalizing the downtown areas of most of the 12 coastal communities ravaged by Katrina. Even among those who have more resources, such as those who have been able to move back into their homes, it is not uncommon to hear, “We’re exhausted—we got back in our homes and we are still exhausted.” And a number of residents who are still struggling feel that “they can’t complain” about their “loss of a normal existence” because they are in their homes, have resources and have jobs (many in public government, human services, hospitals, etc.); but yet, “they are really suffering the stress of carrying and serving their communities while their families are starting to crumble.” 4
And then there is post-storm-related anxiety. I have observed a number of Katrina survivors (non-clinical cases) who, for example, have exaggerated anxiety or panic reactions during severe thunderstorm warnings—let alone when another tropical storm is forming out in the Atlantic and there is a chance that it will be coming our way. For example, I was presenting at The Veterans for Peace Annual Conference in St. Louis in early August, 2007, when I received an urgent telephone call from a colleague at the Southern Miss Gulf Coast campus. She was calling because three employees (who had lost almost everything in Katrina) were having serious anxiety reactions as a tropical storm out in the Atlantic was being projected in some weather computer models “to possibly hit the Mississippi Gulf Coast within several days.”
And I am certain that whenever the next hurricane does make landfall, severe anxiety and other Katrina-related issues will resurface and profoundly impact many Gulf coast residents (Scurfield, 2007). I predict that this will occur among both those who decide to stay, and those who choose to evacuate. There is hope that the next round of evacuations from the Gulf Coast will be better organized than occurred during Katrina. Even so, the characteristic stresses associated with evacuation in the face of an approaching Hurricane (massive traffic jams, fear of running out of gas and fraught with other uncertainties such as having adequate cash, food supplies, reliable transportation, room for family and pets, where to stay, etc.) will almost certainly be exacerbated when the next Hurricane is approaching. Ironically, this is partly because many more south Mississippi residents who previously did not evacuate prior to Katrina have vowed that they now will.
The Doubly-Disadvantaged: Low and Moderate-Income Citizens Who Become Disaster Survivors
People who were already disadvantaged prior to Katrina, such as the poor and the near-poor, the sick and the elderly, find themselves disadvantaged even more in the face and wake of natural disasters. After my family had decided that we were not going to evacuate, we went to our church, St. Thomas, early in the morning of August 28th, to pray in the adoration chapel. While there, we saw one other person, someone we knew whose wife was physically disabled. We asked him, “Are you going to evacuate or stay?” His reply still tugs at my heart: We’re staying. We have nowhere to go, and no money to get there with (Scurfield, 2006b).
The already disadvantaged are the ones:

  • Least able before the disaster to prepare adequately if they are staying: to safeguard their property and possessions, to stock up on needed provisions

  • Least able before the disaster to evacuate due to lack of necessary resources: money, reliable transportation, a safe and affordable place to go to

  • Least able to safeguard their family pets or to take their pets with them or know what happened to them (and, no, I am not equating humans and pets; however, many people are very attached to their pets who are their trusted and loved companions; this is yet one more separation and loss of something very important to so many. And yes, we were able to take our two Golden Retrievers and bob-tailed kitten with us---at the insistence of our daughter, I must admit.)

  • Least able to return to their communities if they have been displaced and evacuated, especially when displaced many miles away from home

  • Least able to have adequate, if any, insurance coverage of their property and possessions

  • Least able after the disaster to get needed resources to survive on: shelter, basic necessities, cash, transportation, medical assistance

  • Least able after to find out in a timely manner what has happened to their loved ones

  • Least able after to actually access needed resources post-disaster

And so, there is at least a double-disadvantage for many sectors of our society in the aftermath of disasters, making a successful post-disaster readjustment from a very difficult series of traumatic events even more complicated and difficult. And then, politics and policies may not benefit the doubly disadvantaged. For example, the Governor of Mississippi, Haley Barbour, whose post-Katrina leadership has facilitated a remarkable infusion of resources into our state, released details of his office’s plan for spending $3 billion in federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. Noticeable were those who were excluded from being eligible to receive up to $150,000 grants for Katrina-caused damages and loss. Critics noted that left out were those who had the least and needed help the most, many of whom were elderly or disabled (Stallworth et al, 2006). These included:

  • Renters. About one-half of those who lost homes and apartments that they were renting were excluded

  • Uninsured homeowners outside of the flood plain. Many of our poor, elderly and disabled neighbors were those who could not afford insurance if they were to be able to feed their families and pay medical bills.

  • A waiver was requested of the federal regulation that 50% of the funds go to low- and moderate-income folks—and we know that at least 50% of Katrina’s victims fall into this category. (Stallworth et al, 2006).

In addition, Mississippi has the highest food tax in the nation---a very regressive tax that is disproportionately hurtful to the less well-to-do. Food, after all, is not a discretionary expenditure! And a number of Mississippi politicians continue to be against reducing the food tax, citing concerns that it has been impossible (two years post-Katrina!) to yet calculate what the loss of revenue would be to local communities. Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, the availability of affordable housing—always at a premium---has become almost non-existent in the wake of Katrina’s destruction (Copeland, 2006). This has made it particularly difficult for those on fixed incomes and other lower-income and working class residents.

In the best of times, healthy and sufficient food and timely medical care are difficult for many disadvantaged people to afford---and even more so in communities devastated by natural disaster. And the competing priorities of a free market economy versus availability of low- or no-cost services can clash. For example, the continued operation of a food tent in Pass Christian was opposed by businessmen who argued this made it difficult for small businesses to re-open and have sufficient customers. This was in spite of the fact that every restaurant on the coast that was open or re-opened typically has been overflowing with customers and in need of additional workers.
Similarly, a free medical clinic had been operating in the Bay St. Louis/Waveland area---along with neighboring Pearlington arguably the two most devastated communities on the entire Gulf Coast. Several local physicians had been pressing for this free medical clinic to be closed down “because it is making it economically unfeasible for us to be able to re-open our medical practices.” And how many of the citizens who were using these free medical services could actually even afford to go see one of these physicians in their private practices?
Yes, the poor, the near-poor and other disadvantaged people know full well their reality of what Kris Kristofferson wrote and sung in “Me and Bobby McGee”: Freedom’s just another word for nothin’ left to lose, nothin’ mean worth nothin’ but it’s free

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