Rail safety news issue 6 – October 2011

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Please note: The newsletter was originally issued in October 2011. This accessible version was created in December 2012 and contains web addresses, phone numbers and names of staff which are no longer accurate.


Issue 6 – October 2011

Rail Safety News is a tri-annual newsletter for accredited rail operators in Victoria. It serves the purpose of being an important tool for the regulator to communicate rail safety information and initiatives that will help drive change.

Chris McKeown Director Rail Safety

On 19 August 2011, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) signed Inter-Governmental Agreements to establish national transport safety regulatory scheme frameworks in the rail and commercial maritime sectors. Both frameworks are scheduled to come into effect in 2013.

The rail safety regulatory framework includes the introduction of national rail safety law administered by a new national regulator based in Adelaide.

This process is being led by the National Rail Safety Regulator Project Office who worked with the states and territories, Commonwealth and industry to develop the scope and detailed arrangements for implementation of these significant national reforms. The agreement represents a major milestone in this process.

At this stage, Transport Safety Victoria (TSV) understands that day-to-day regulatory functions will continue to be performed locally under delegation from the national regulator. In addition, TSV will continue to be directly responsible for rail safety regulation in regard to light rail.

TSV and the Department of Transport have worked collaboratively throughout the negotiations to seek to ensure the capacity to respond quickly to changes in local risk factors in Victoria, which is integral to the design of the new regulatory system.

The inter-governmental agreement also includes arrangements for cooperative resource sharing between the Office of the Chief Investigator in Victoria and the Australian Transport Safety Bureau as the national investigator.

TSV is committed to ensuring a smooth transition to the implementation of the new national regulator, and that safety remains the top priority for rail safety regulation in this State.

Image; Chris McKeown

Rail safety - perception and reality

21st International Railway Safety Conference 16 - 21 October 2011

TSV is delighted that Melbourne plays host to this year’s International Railway Safety Conference (IRSC). For many of Victoria’s rail safety professionals, the opportunity to have this international event on their doorstep and to share industry knowledge and experiences in a global forum is rare and one not to be missed.

‘Rail Safety - perception and reality’ is an enigmatic theme which will be thoroughly explored by participants. TSV is presenting the State’s regulatory role and showcasing how our risk-based approach to regulation seeks to be best practice.

Alan Osborne, TSV’s Safety Director, is joining Brian Nye (CEO, Australasian Railway Association) and the Hon Terry Mulder MP (Minister for Public Transport) in opening the conference program.

If you are attending the conference, look out for TSV’s Manager, Human Factors, Elizabeth Grey, who is presenting on the second day her paper that explores the value, benefits and implications of a just culture approach for rail organisations and regulators.

Also check out TSV’s poster paper which is on display, about our commitment to excellence in rail safety regulation. This paper contains reflections on TSV’s experience as one of the rail safety regulator’s with the longest experience in Australia of independently administering modern ‘stand-alone’ rail safety legislation.

Of course, please visit the TSV stand and pick up a wide range of rail safety material and chat with our staff. We are happy to answer any questions that you may have!

Exploring a just culture approach

A topic of exploration within TSV has been the value, benefits and implications of the ‘just culture’ approach both across the rail industry and within the regulator itself. The just culture concept is widely accepted within modern safety science and is often promoted to safety critical organisations as a means of enhancing organisational learning by improving reporting about incidents and accidents.

As part of the activities at this year’s International Rail Safety Conference (IRSC), TSV is presenting a paper which explores the literature and offers some observations from the regulator’s perspective on why and how a regulator might adopt a just culture approach. The impact of adopting a just culture approach within industry, the barriers that may prevent effective adoption by the regulator, as well as the benefits and challenges of such an approach will also be discussed.

Modern thinking about regulation

Modern rail safety regulation aims to promote continuous improvement in the management of rail safety. Achieving this outcome relies on good regulatory decision-making driven by legislation and policies based on prevailing societal values. These decisions should be guided by regulatory good practice, supported by findings from safety science research.

The rail safety legislation in Victoria has since 2006 provided the regulator with a modern framework that allows for more graduated regulatory interventions and a greater focus on risk management and safety management systems. This legislation enhances the regulator’s scope to facilitate safety improvement through a range of regulatory mechanisms, including the introduction of a chain of responsibility where all stakeholders have safety duties including those ‘upstream’ involved in all aspects of the rail system such as procurement, design, operations, management and maintenance.

This legislation was implemented following serious accidents in New South Wales at Glenbrook, in 19991 and Waterfall in 20032, and in Victoria (for example, Broadmeadows in 20033). It reflects rising public concern as noted by Justice McInerney in the report on the Glenbrook accident, following these events and others in the UK. It also brings our rail safety legislation in line with the changes to safety regulation that have occurred internationally during the last 30 years.

TSV’s regulatory approach4,5 fits broadly within this graduated intervention model. In this model, enforcement begins with cooperative strategies (education and influencing), which are located at the base of the ‘enforcement pyramid’. Interventions then progress through administrative tools such as improvement notices and prohibitions to more punitive strategies (such as prosecution, suspension and revocation of accreditation) if the earlier strategies fail4. Improvement notices sit around the middle of the pyramid.

Modern thinking about safety

The just culture approach seeks to balance the need to hold people accountable for their actions while facilitating opportunities to learn from accidents. It is ‘just’ in that punishment is reserved for willful violations and destructive acts. Actions arising from human error are seen as an opportunity for learning and organisational improvement. The success of this approach depends on a mature understanding of the causes of human error. Error is considered a symptom of wider organisational or systemic deficiencies and the inevitable outcome of human activity. People who ‘make’ errors often inherit error-provocative situations.

Contrary to some misconceptions, the just culture approach is not a free pass for poor behaviour. Implemented well, it can provide a framework for decision-making about the need for and extent of punishment. It takes into account the systemic causes of accidents based on research on human behaviour and complex socio-technical systems. A proposition is made that the regulator’s ability to employ the full spectrum of the regulatory toolkit (from influencing and education through to administrative sanctions and prosecution) to achieve improved system safety may be enhanced by the incorporation of a just culture perspective.

Determining accountability

A prerequisite for a just culture is that all members of an organisation understand where the line is drawn between unacceptable behaviour that deserves disciplinary action and the remainder where punishment is neither appropriate nor helpful in furthering the cause of safety6.

Marx7 has addressed this issue, distinguishing three classes of behaviour: human error, at risk behaviour and reckless behaviour and malicious or willful violations. Human error occurs when an intended action fails to achieve an intended outcome, and inadvertently causes an unintended result. Sometimes these errors occur simply because the systems or conditions that people work within fail them8.

The just culture response is one of consoling, educating and improving design of systems9. At risk behaviour tends to involve violations (or rule breaking) that create a risk to safety, resulting in an unintended outcome8. The behaviour may feature short cuts and poor habits in order to get the job done. The individual involved may not expect that there is a risk to safety10 as such behaviour may well be the norm within the workforce and the organisation. The just culture response to at risk behaviour involves coaching, incentives, and disincentives.

Malicious willful acts intend to cause harm. Reckless behaviour is action taken with conscious disregard for safety. These are acts or omissions in which a person knows or can be reasonably expected to foresee the outcome, but proceeds despite this knowledge8. In a just culture approach, reckless and malicious acts require sanctions and/or punishment10.

Evidence for just culture

The just culture approach is the product of modern thinking on the causes of accidents in complex socio-technical systems and is increasingly supported by evidence from research in a number of safety critical industries7,11. It has been applied in industries such as aviation and healthcare and has been the subject of enquiry in the fields of human factors and sociology. Parallels to the just culture approach may be drawn in regulatory and legal theory particularly responsive regulation12,13 and from guidance such as the model litigant guidelines14. Further support for a just culture approach may be inferred from some regulatory commentators. For example, it has been suggested that deterrence activities such as prosecution, if not undertaken thoughtfully, could lead to situations where regulated organisations become uncooperative and defensive15,16. Thus sharing of critical information is restricted and the safety outcome reduced. Hence just and fair intervention by a regulator could be a key feature in promoting safety.

Why deterrence is not enough

The traditional view of regulation and justice is punishment of the guilty through prosecution. Prosecution is based on the rationale that safety can be maintained by punishing the guilty parties, apparently acting as a deterrent to future behaviour that might lead to accidents. While prosecution should be available as an intervention, the punitive-deterrent strategy seems rigid when considered from a just culture perspective. A more sophisticated approach is required to improve safety in complex socio-technical systems. Such an approach needs to reflect the findings from safety science, and social, behavioural and regulatory research. The issues are worthy of consideration.

Human error and organisational failures

Research in psychology8 suggests that people are fallible as a result of innate limitations which are determined by our biology, for example, our evolved cognitive abilities (such as selective attention), and the impact of distraction and fatigue under contemporary industrial workloads. Threatening people with punishment will not stop them forgetting a crucial item under pressure. Nor will it prevent errors that arise due to poor systems design (such as design that does not match how people perceive and process information, build models of the world, or how decisions are made under pressure).

Research on accidents in complex socio-technical systems has identified contributing factors from the organisational and management system9. These latent failures are usually associated with system failures removed in time and/or space from the operational locus of the organisation and originated unintentionally by people such as designers, managers and maintenance staff. These failures are considered latent because the causes of the failure can lie undetected and dormant for considerable periods until they combine with other factors causing an accident situation that reveals them9. In a just culture, incidents are recognised as manifestations of earlier systems deficiencies and should be treated accordingly. Incidents are a valuable source of insight required for continual improvement, but only if they are seen as opportunities for learning.

Punishment as a deterrent for intentional behaviour

There are two ways that punishment can deter future acts. The first is the idea of specific deterrence. That is, having experienced negative consequences, the prosecuted entity (be it a person or company) is less likely to perform the behaviour again through fear of experiencing those consequences again. The second is the concept of general deterrence. That is, by becoming aware of negative consequences imposed on someone else, other non-prosecuted entities are less likely to engage in that behaviour through fear that they will receive these consequences.

There is mixed evidence for the effectiveness of punishment in deterring future offences. The evidence is particularly weak for general deterrence. General deterrence is based on rational choice theory, which views individuals and companies as ‘utility maximisers’ who logically weigh up the costs and benefits of compliance and make a decision based on maximising benefits and minimising costs17. However, research has shown that decisions may not always be made in a rational and logical fashion and may be subject to a range of cognitive biases, which lead to poor decision-making18. Decision-making involves complex psychological mechanisms. For example, research has shown that experts do not systematically compare options to select the best one, but use schemas developed from past experience to efficiently choose an option that is known to work in similar situations19.

Benefits of just culture: Learning from incidents and accidents

Leape, before a hearing of the US Congress, asked how could the "…report gathering function of regulators be modified to become a force for error reduction rather than an incentive for error concealment”(20,p.97). In seeking to build on existing safety improvements, the US rail regulator, the Federal Railways Administration (FRA)21, acknowledged that it did not know enough about how and why accidents occurred. The FRA identified that the Federal Employee Liability Act (FELA), a law passed by Congress in 1908 to enable railroad employees the right to recover damages for any injury that results from the carrier’s negligence, was a barrier to organisational learning and safety improvement.

A punitive environment has also been found to be a barrier to learning by studies in the healthcare industry. Research1 focused on blood transfusion safety found that the effectiveness of data collection and analysis of transfusion errors, adverse events, and near misses, depended on the willingness of individuals to report this information. Errors were widely perceived as a reflection of personal negligence, indeed, medical negligence was defined as the “failure to meet the standard of practice of an average qualified practicing physician in the specialty in question”(22,p.383). As a result, only a minority of medical errors tended to be reported, typically those errors that cannot be covered up23. Further, because a punitive inquiry tends not to go beyond identifying culpable people, there was an unwillingness to understand the whole system, and therefore the benefits of improved system design were not realised.

The implementation of just culture initiatives in the aviation industry has been found to significantly increase reporting of incidents, particularly of ‘low risk’ events and near misses24,25. Baines26 attributed increased reporting to:

  • a belief that the just culture principles would be followed and that punitive action would be considered within the just culture policy

  • a better understanding of reporting requirements though training

  • more effective investigations and dissemination of findings

  • a belief that reporting will make a difference in improving safety.

Following the implementation of a mandatory reporting system in Denmark, Naviair, the Danish Air Traffic Control service provider employing all air traffic controllers in Denmark, decided to actively implement this new reporting system. This decision was not made solely because it was mandatory, but because management foresaw a benefit for the company’s main product, flight safety27. During the first 24 hours of operation, Naviair received 20 reports from air traffic controllers. One year after the reporting system was implemented, Naviair had received 980 reports compared to the previous year’s 15 reports28.


There is preliminary evidence for benefits to the regulator’s goal of improved system safety through increased reporting by adopting a just culture approach. The literature does not yet reveal whether the adoption of a just culture approach by the regulator leads to similar adoption in industry or what other benefits may accrue through broader application of the approach. However, these findings encourage further exploration of the potential benefits of the approach. There is an opportunity here for leadership in ensuring that performance management systems whether in regulators or rail operators are designed to drive optimal behaviour.

Within a regulator’s office, the success of a just culture approach would depend upon the regulator’s ability to be flexible in its application of its legislation. Jurisdictions with a requirement for punitive action against regulatees or conversely, limited legislative basis for punitive action are likely to have trouble adopting the approach successfully. The enforcement pyramid with its graduated intervention approach adopted in Victoria, allows the regulator to make decisions about how to intervene. The just culture approach adds another dimension to this decision-making that is supported by growing research evidence and meets a commonly held desire for fair and just intervention that promotes trust.

Given our understanding of system safety developed during the last 40 years, there is a moral and pragmatic imperative to deliver the safest systems by taking account of human fallibility and the imperfection of systems. While more research is required, the just culture approach has the potential to provide sound criteria for making these decisions in structured and systematic ways. The just culture approach is not a free pass for poor behaviour. Therefore, specific criteria for determining when to intervene need to be well documented and communicated clearly so that the parameters of acceptable behaviour are known and understood by all parties. As this discussion continues within TSV, a next step will be to draft criteria for assessing organisational behaviour and test them internally against a range of case studies.

This is a journey the regulator and the industry should consider in order to achieve improved safety outcomes. In adopting such an approach regulators need to seek mature relationships with regulatees, and demonstrate organisational commitment through educated, skilled and committed regulatory staff. Likewise, regulated organisations aiming to benefit from the just culture approach need equally skilled employees and also to seek mature relationships with the regulator founded on mutual respect and an understanding of the role of the regulator as a defence in depth. Both rail safety regulators and the rail industry in Australia should explore further the principles of just culture and its potential application. As we move towards the implementation of the National Rail Regulator in Australia with modern legislation, how just culture is positioned as a part of the regulatory approach will be increasingly important.

For the complete conference paper please contact TSV or go to the IRSC website at http://irsc2011.org/


    1. McInerney PA. Special Commission of Inquiry into the Glenbrook Rail Accident Final Report; April 2001. Available from: http://pandora.nla.gov.au/tep/47325

    2. McInerney PA. Final report of the special commission of inquiry into the Waterfall rail accident. Volume 1. New South Wales: Special Commission of Inquiry into the Waterfall Rail Accident; 2005.

    3. Australian Transport Safety Bureau. Runaway of suburban electric passenger train 5264 and collision with diesel locomotive hauled passenger train 8141. Rail investigation report no. 2003/0001. Australian Transport Safety Bureau, Civic Square ACT. 2003.

    4. Transport Safety Victoria. Draft TSV regulatory approach. Victoria Government, Melbourne, 2011. [date accessed Aug 22nd 2011]. Available from: http://www.transportsafety.vic.gov.au/ _data/assets/pdf_file/ 0008/38861/Transport-Safety-Victoria-regulatory-approach-policy-2.pdf

    5. Fung A. Solass I. Baxter K. Transport Safety Victoria: A commitment to excellence in rail safety regulation. Unpublished poster paper, presented at the International Rail Safety Conference, Melbourne; October 2011.

    6. Hudson PH, Vuijk M. Meeting expectations: A new model for a just and fair culture. Paper presented at the SPE International Conference on Health, safety and environment in oil and gas exploration and production, Nice, France (SPE 111977); 2008.

    7. Marx D. Patient Safety and the “Just Culture”: A primer for health care executives; [Internet] 2001. [date accessed 14 Jul 2011]. Available from: http://www.mers-tm.org

    8. Reason J. Human error. New York: Cambridge University Press; 1990.

    9. Reason J. Managing the risks of organisational accidents. Ashgate, Surrey United Kingdom, 1997.

    10. Marx D. Whack –a-Mole. By Your Side Studios; 2009.

    11. Dekker S. Just culture: Balancing safety and accountability. Ashgate Publishing, Burlington; 2007.

    12. Ayres I. Braithwaite J. Responsive regulation: Transcending the deregulation debate. Oxford University Press, New York, 1992.

    13. Braithwaite J. Restorative justice and responsive regulation. Oxford University Press, New York; 2002.

    14. Department of Justice, Alternative Dispute Resolution Directorate. Victorian model litigant guidelines. Department of Justice, State of Victoria. Melbourne. [Internet]. March 2011. [date accessed: 19 Jul 2011] Available from: http://www.justice.vic.gov.au/wps/wcm/connect/justlib/DOJ+Internet/resources/ 3/4/34fd7f00459fb2b0b6a2b6e6d4b02f11/RevisedModelLitigantGuidelines.pdf

    15. Gunningham N. Sinclair, D. Multiple OHS inspection tools” Balancing deterrence and compliance in the mining sector. National Research Centre for OHS Regulation, Canberra. Working Paper 55; 2007.

    16. Gunningham N. Sinclair D. Regulation and the role of trust: Reflections from the mining industry. National Research Centre for OHS Regulation, Canberra. Working Paper 59; 2008.

    17. McCallum N, Schofield T, Reeve B. Reflections on general deterrence and OHS prosecutions. National Research Centre for OHS Regulation, Working Paper 75; 2010.

    18. Kahneman D, Frederick S. "Representativeness Revisited: Attribute Substitution in Intuitive Judgment". In Gilovich T. Griffin D. Kahneman D. (eds). Heuristics and Biases: The Psychology of Intuitive Judgment. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. p.51–52; 2002.

    19. Klein, GA. Sources of power: How people make decisions. Massachusetts: MIT Press; 1998.

    20. Leape, LL. Testimony, United States Congress, Subcommittee on health of the committee on veterans’ affairs, House of Representatives. One Hundred Fifth Congress, First Session. Serial No. 105-23. October; 1997.

    21. Federal Railways Administration. The FRA risk reduction program: A new approach for managing railroad Safety. FRA, Washington, DC [Internet]. December 2008. [date accessed 22 August 2011]. Available from: http://www.fra.dot.gov/downloads/safety/A NewApproachforManagingRRSafety.pdf

    22. Leape LL, Brennan TA, Laird N, Lawthers AG, Localio R, Barnes BA, Hebert L, Newhouse JP, Weiler PC, Hiatt H. The nature of adverse events in hospitalized patients. The New England Journal of Medicine. 1991; 324(6): 377-384.

    23. von Thaden TL. Hoppes M. Measuring a just culture on healthcare professionals: Initial survey results. Paper presented at the Safety Across High-consequence Industries Conference, St. Louis, MO; 2005.

    24. Baines K. Just culture: From aspiration to reality. Baines Simmons Limited, [Internet] 2008. [date accessed: 25 July 2011]. Available from: http://www.raes-hfg.com/reports/21may09-Potential/21may09-baines.pdf

    25. Eurocontrol. Eurocontrol voluntary ATM incident reporting. EVAIR Safety Bulletin; 1, 3-19. 2008.

    26. National Reporting and Learning Service. NRLS quarterly data workbook up to March 2011. NPSA. London. [Internet] August 2011. [date accessed 16 Aug 2011]. Available from: http://www.nrls.npsa.nhs.uk/resources/ collections/quarterly-data-summaries/?entryid45=131140

    27. Høivik D. HSE and Culture in the Petroleum Industry in Norway. Paper presented at the SPE International Conference on health, safety and environment in oil and gas exploration and production, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; 2010.

    28. Nørbjerg PM. The creation of an aviation safety reporting culture in danish air traffic control. Kastrup, Denmark, Naviair Publication; November 2003.

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