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Psychoanalytical Jurisprudence


From the “plain view doctrine”, “Miranda warning”, and “exclusionary rule” to “qualified immunity” – police and the courts act co-constitutively to justify unconstitutional action both preemptively and retroactively. The discursive schema known as “the law” is used to uphold the legitimacy of this empty system by expanding carefully constructed police narratives and legal ideology. This system enables the police to manifest reason for the courts existence and the court the opportunity to sustain police existence, respectively. Such a symbolic regime locks in the linguistic possibilities of the law while expanding doctrines such as qualified immunity into a disciplinary signifier that exceeds purely legal manifestation and impacts all fields of society.

Dragan Milovanovic, 2003

Milovanovic is a professor at the College of Arts and Sciences at Northeastern Illinois University, his studies focus on postmodernism, post-structuralism, the Frankfurt school, chaos theory, complexity theory, catastrophe theory, topology theory, constitutive theory, edgework analysis, and Lacanian psychoanalytic semiotics. “An Introduction to the Sociology of Law”, pg 252-254

Hunt's specific proposal is that law helps constitute discursive formations (our own terminology is "linguistic coordinate systems"), which then function to "both place limits of possibility on social action and impose specific forms of discursive possibility" (1993: 293).9 In other words, subjects both use and reconstitute the law "field" in their everyday activity. Consider activist lawyers who must make use of legal discourse, legal categories, and principles of formal rationality to defend rebels before the court. In the process, a case may be "won," but legal ideology, the rule of law, is given further unintentional legitimation. It is inadvertently reconstituted. The example offered is the interaction between the courts and the police. If we envision the courts and the police as two relatively independent spheres, but nevertheless in a situation of mutual dependence, we can then see how constitutive theory is pertinent. For example, Hunt tells us that courts often legitimize police practices, but courts in turn need police to legitimize their own task; that is, police practices provide an opportunity for the courts to legitimize their own existence and effectiveness (ibid., 296). Consider, for example, how such juridically established case opinion as the "plain view doctrine," the "Miranda warning," and the "exclusionary rule," came into being. Once the plain view doctrine was established it became a basis of constructing narratives by police, both in restricting law enforcement practices and in an ex post facto fashion. However, crises could upset this balance, as for example, when the media exposes the police engaging in unconstitutional behavior (i.e., illegal searches, arrests, surveillance, etc.), or when some "sting operation" uncovers some unscrupulous judge. The mutual dependence between relatively autonomous spheres, therefore, is always unstable (ibid., 297) . This produces change. But attributing change to one sphere or the other is misleading; rather, both spheres are implicated in change as they adjust to each other. Let us provide our own example of the application of a constitutive approach to the interaction between the sphere of policing and the sphere of law-making/law-finding. Consider the plain view doctrine (police who are investigating a crime who come across other illicit activity in plain view need not return to a judge to obtain an arrest or search warrant). Police training educates the neophyte police officer as to its constitutional origins and importance in a democratic society based on the "rule of law." Much of the everyday activity of the police may be guided by this doctrine; much, however, uses it as a way of constructing narratives after the fact that fit constitutionally permissible police operations. In other words, it is a way of avoiding the dismissal of otherwise illegally obtained "evidence" during "suppression hearings" prior to trial. After- the-fact narratives are constructed by incorporating given legal principles and linguistic forms (words, concepts, principles, etc.) to obtain, on the face, a logically, coherently appearing story of the "what happened?" Thus both spheres - the police and the judiciary - are implicated in the construction of narratives and in the continuance of their form. Police constructions give continuous form, scope and energy to legally established principles, providing them with further support and legitimacy which in turn appear to be guiding police everyday behavior. Police stories are therefore carefully constructed with the discursive elements dictated by the higher courts, and provide readily available examples of their constitutional behavior. Courts, by accepting these narratives provide legitimation for these renditions of "what happened?" Hunt also provides a thesis that perhaps law could be better under­ stood in terms of how it combines and recombines with different relatively autonomous spheres (ibid., 299-300). Law, in modern society, he tells us, increasingly penetrates different disciplines (e.g., mental health, corrections, education, the sciences, etc.) and is penetrated by them. The significance of law, in Hunt's words, is that it acts as "a mediating mechanism - law as the bearer of the normative framework of the normalization worked on by a diversity of disciplinary practices" (ibid., 299) .

Normalizing symbolic forces result in the manifestation of Oedipal subjecthood – a subjectivity that is confined within institutional pathways and is forced into a singular oneness in order to enable coherence. The social constructions of scientific reasoning and universal human subjecthood form the basis of exclusion, repression of subjectivity, and structures of disciplinary power – only radical questioning can stop the continual reconstruction of the legal subject.

Andreja Zevnik, 2016

Zevnikis a Lecturer in International Politics at the University of Manchester, UK. Her research interests include theories of subjectivity, political violence and resistance, aesthetic politics, law and psychoanalysis. She is co-editor of Jacques Lacan Between Psychoanalysis and Politics (Routledge, 2015) and a convener of the Critical Global Politics research cluster at Manchester. “Lacan, Deleuze and World Politics – Rethinking the Ontology of the Political Subject”, pg 35-39

In Oedipal logic the subject is seen as a relational/mirror construction where one always requires the other for its formation. A legal subject is not just any form of existence; rather only a very particular embodiment of ‘the self’ experiences the second, the institutional birth, and begins to count as a subject of law. In such a way, a legal subject is limited to only particular experiences of the world, 66 while a range of subjects remain outside the institutional forms of legal subjectivity. They might have gone through the first birth, but not the second. The problem with such Oedipal legal subjectivity is twofold. First it is exclusionary as only a very limited number of subjects are recognised as full subjects of law. The legally recognised notion of existence derives from a Cartesian idea of a human being capable of reasoning and making rational decisions. Such exclusionary character of legal subjectivity implants a contradiction in the very heart of the discourse of universalism of human rights and equality in the face of law. 67 Second, the Oedipal logic still ordering current legal discourse is no longer predominant. Postmodern notions of the decentred subjects whose relation to authority is no longer hierarchical and whose ways of subjectivation are no longer paternal challenged rational Cartesian subjectivity. 68 Moreover mythical foundations of law on which Oedipal logic rests are precarious, as Legendre noted already in 1970 and 1980. 69 They have been challenged and destroyed by a range of events–such as for example the US politics after 9/11 – where nomos or a myth grounding authority has been exposed. When such exposure of the myth is recognised there is no way back. No new laws or rules can resurrect the mythical foundations once they have been exposed. The only option left is either a creation of a different myth or a complete ‘ontological’ reconsideration of ways in which one thinks and relates to law and legal subjectivity. That we consider societies to comprise of human beings endowed with reason and subjected to inalienable and sacred human rights should not be taken for granted. The statement might seem to be common sense; yet, it is such because of a particular scientific reasoning, initially invisible, yet seminal for modern notions of the self. The images of the subject pictured here are rational and scientific, and subjective and mythical. Both images play along various dualisms prominent in modern thinking of the self: body–mind, person–thing, mind–matter; all these dualisms construct a way of reasoning that legitimises the existence of ‘one’ in relation to the existence of the ‘other’. In other words, ‘one’ is conceived only in relation to the ‘other’. 70 The implications of such reasoning, and the conception of what is‘human life’ and how it exists and consequently how the subject gets constituted, are immense. However, the dualism does not only operate on the level of the self (the way it is ‘internally’ perceived), but also on the way the subject is constructed. Being faithful to dualism and modern western metaphysics based on the Cartesian thought implies that the subject, aside from‘internal forces’, equally requires an external impetus for its formation. 71 That does not mean that the subject needs an external impetus for it to be able‘to form itself’,but rather that the external impetus is essential for it‘to appear in the world’. A subject as a particular embodiment of being, in the process of subjectivation, loses its agency. Instead of being free and capable of taking control of social and political fields, the subject is subjected to rules and freedoms associated with a particular order and dominant social conventions. 72 For reasons of order and one’s own security, a subject abandons its freedoms and is subjugated to the rule of a rational power and law. The law, being a combination of biological and symbolic aspects, connects the subjects’ infinite mental universe–or all possible ways of existence or embodiments of being-ness–with its physical existence and institutes them as rational beings. 73 Yet, such act does not only institute the subject as a rational being, but also institutes an institution of ‘subject-hood’, which is specific to a particular society and its dominant mode of existence. It institutes a particular law that brings these subjects together; and, as a final outcome, such institution of‘subject-hood’ (as a particular form of life with its distinctive laws of relating to another subject and belonging to a community), transgresses the finitude of the subject’s life and operates as a force of continuity. It facilitates the reproduction of the same legal subjects. The‘subject-hood’ thus operates in a similar way to Kantorowicz’s idea of the king’s two bodies. 74 The continuity of the king’s powers is insured by the eternal and infinite institution of sovereignty. It is here that the role or the institution of sovereignty is eternal: after the death of one sovereign, the body of sovereignty is merely transferred to another sovereign. In the same way the institution of a (political) community exists to provide continuity of relationships between the sovereign and its subjects. This ‘unifies’ subjects into one ‘collective subject’, which as such bonds and is governed by the institution of the sovereign. The logic, which is associated with the rational representation of a legal subject, derives from the Oedipal law. As such, the legal personality does not address the needs and the changes that appear in the modern social, legal and political realm. With changes in the way a subject relates to authority and the disappearance or a denial of a mythological foundation of law, Oedipal law and the paternal function law symbolises no longer accurately represent the subjects within the law, and cannot account for their legal subjectivity. Instead, they veil the reality of their incompetence and inability to remain the main guarantors of legal authority. As I explain later, if we are to understand law no longer as an abstract and universal discourse but rather from the perspective of the effects it has on the subject, we ultimately have to rethink the bond that law creates with the political being and subject-hood that results from this bond. As Véronique Voruz in her psychoanalytically influenced comment writes:‘not only is there no law without a subject–for law only exists in the moment of its inscription onto the subject–but also the subject is the primary instance of all discourses, that of law included’. 76 The subject does not come into being but is instituted by way of an affective – or libidinal –binding between life and the social. 77 Thus the change of legal subjectivity reflects a change in the libidinal bond, or in the way a being relates to its desire. To be a legal subject then means nothing else but to exist for and in the law, or as Neil Duxbury writes, ‘to be displayed as this thing in existence, referred to primarily in relation to idols’. 78 In other words, to be a legal subject means to exist not only for the law, but also for those who interpret and make law. With the structure of Oedipal law being shaken by the emergence of the truth ornomos, or by the decentralisation of the ‘subject’ in western culture a need for a ‘different law’ emerged. According to Lacan, Legendre and many other critical scholars who engage with the origins of law and its problem in postmodern western society, an alternative formation of law should arise from the conditions that exist before the initial intervention of the Father–before or at the moment of subject’s first birth. Such conditions correspond to the pre-social ‘laws of maternity’ (the desire of the mother) present before the intervention of the father, and suppressed in the unconscious after the intervention. In Lacan’s colourful expression, the mother’s desire is fundamental, because: it is not something that is bearable just like that, that you are indifferent to. It will always be a weak havoc. A huge crocodile in whose jaws you are–that’s the mother. One never knows what might suddenly come over her and make her shut her trap. That’s what mother’s desire is. 79 What Lacan says in this metaphorical expression is that departing from the legislative function of the father and reverting the very roots of subjectivation and the emergence of society, leaves us with uncertainty and with no guarantee of a ‘positive’ outcome. Though what one can be certain of is that the 38 Law and life outcome would be different and that the order arising from this would be subjugated to different rules and laws. Voruz, for example, fully acknowledges the importance of such difference. She writes: [I]n the absence of a ready-made mode of instituting the necessary separation between language and jouissance – separation also being Legendre’s version of the paternal function in his later work…we have to refuse the comfort provided by the horizontal mode of identification… and learn to recognise the absolute singularity of each subject’s mode of inscription in the social. 80 What Voruz is advocating in the above quotation is precisely the need to‘try out’ different organising principles–principles in relation to which‘beings’ form different ways of existence. One is no longer the subject–as the‘external’ reference point in relation to which the subject is formed no longer exists – but rather a different form of being that relates to a particular understanding of law differently. From the external creation of the subject, Voruz implies, that the being has to be left to its own capacities to create and re-create itself in different forms of existence, and law has to be there to facilitate this openness. The subject of law and society is then a subject whose desires correspond to the predominant logic of‘legal’ Oedipal desire (suppression of mother’s desire and a recognition of paternal authority). In terms of legal subjectivity, this stands for the double birth of the legal subject. Both births shape forms of being in ways, which correspond to the recognised Oedipal legal subjectivity and in turn creates a particular legal and political subject-hood. Hence, only a very narrow expression of being-ness, or one form of being is recognised as a subject of law. As a consequence, all other forms remain outside the limits of law, often without rights, duties or in fact even without any acknowledgement of their existence. While these two sections dealt with the role law plays in the current Oedipal/paternal legal ordering, the following section takes a step forward and considers how such Oedipal ordering can be challenged.

Any attempts at transgressions, be it individual rebellion, acts of violence, or otherwise, only serve to maintain a system of law which has included them since the very beginning – every criminal needs an innocent and every ruler needs a people. Only a critique of the underpinning signifiers which sustain this existence can prompt change.

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Maria Aristodemou, 2014

Reader in Law, Literature and Psychoanalysis Assistant Dean for International Links and Enterprise at the Birkbeck University of London School of Law. “Law, Psychoanalysis, Society: Taking the Unconscious Seriously” pg 65-67

So as we mentioned before, while prisoners' interrogation is supposed to respect the universal prohibition of torture, the practice of torture is the system's dirty little secret which also keeps the officials bound to each other. Racism in the police, sexism in companies, paedophilia in the Catholic church are all examples of such an obscene underside to the official rhetoric, an institutional dirty secret running underneath the official line of the rule of law, equality between the sexes and protection of children in one's care. Sexual abuses of detained immigrants is a recent addition to the list; even with few such cases being, brought to the media, let alone the courts, it is not hard to imagine that guards engaging in such abuse protect themselves. and each other, by keeping this shared 'secret'.('-7 Like the abuses at Abu Ghraib, far from being isolated 'bad apples' in an otherwise functioning system, they are part and parcel of the machinery of prohibition; take the obscene supplement away and the structures that sustain the prohibition will also disappear. Zizek goes further to suggest that one only becomes a 'full' member of a community not when she identifies with that community’s explicit rules, but when she participates in its hidden rules. So it is not only the abuses themselves that we can imagine the perpetrators 'enjoying' but the fact that they are sharing an illicit secret. This is the case not just in communities sharing a common guilt, but for the constitution of a legal community and of the legal system as such. The founding gesture of' any system, including the legal system, is a crime so radical it redefines the existing standards of legality and illegality. The subjects' shared guilt for this illegality and collective disavowal of this guilt is responsible for creating and maintaining a community of legal subjects. This is why the chief distinction when addressing legality and illegality is not that between law and individual acts of disobedience to law, but the distinction between particular transgressions and the absolute transgression at the origin of the legal system itself. Like Brecht's, 'what is the robbery of a bank compared to the founding of a new bank' the founding of a new legal system was preceded by a crime so great it overthrew the existing system and set up a new one. As Zizek puts it: 'The antagonism between law and crime is internal to law itself." Once the crime is universalized it no longer appears as a crime but it turns from transgression into a new order." The rationale for contemporary calls to pay restitution to the descendants of victims of past injustices, from slavery, to colonialism, and apartheid, is the acknowledgement of the original crime that set up the system and a false hope that somehow the system can 'cleanse' and purify itself of the crime that installed it in power in the first place. This is the type of arch-crime and arch-disobedience that Chesterton's police in The Man Who Was Thursday are in search of: they know the real criminals are not those who disobey the law but the men who 'believe that all the evil results of human crime are the evil results of the system that has called it crime'. "" Chesterton confirms the identity between crime and law at the end of The Man who Was Thursday: Sunday, the President of the anarchist Council is the same person as the Chief who hired them all to the elite Scotland Yard force to fight the anarchists. So the man who reminded us that 'civilization itself" is the most sensational departure and the most romantic of rebellions' and that 'morality is the darkest and most daring ofconspiracies"'3' concludes that Law is the arch-crime and the original act of transgression. As we see soon, if there is an anarchist among the crew in The Man Who Was Thursday it is God himself. Since the law is supported not only by the visible symbolic structures but their obscene underside, for a subject to defy the system, their disobedience must go beyond critique and disobedience of particular laws. As Chesterton shows and as Zizek insists, the chief distinction is not that between law and individual transgressions of the law, but between transgressions and the absolute transgression that appears as universal law. The genius of the arch-crime is that it dissolves its own criminality by negating and overcoming the existing definitions of what is legal and what is criminal: 'it turns its own transgression into a new order. '7' So law, although a crime at its inception, becomes universalized crime'."" Compared to the transgression that is Law itself, ordinary criminals appear as petty bourgeois adventurers. HBO’s The Wire implies the same dynamic between the arch-transgression that is the law and individual criminal transgressions: as Wendell Pierce, the actor playing policeman Bunk Moreland, spells it out: 'Hopefully people can see how they benefit from having an underclass, which is the real criminal element of the show'. As we have seen, the drug trade is not the crime, indeed Stringer Bell and the other drug dealers are more tied to the law and the symbolic order than the detectives and police Commissioners who are convinced of the futility of the prohibitions. Further up the chain of command, however, the notion of having no crime, no criminals and thus no criminal underclass, is the real danger; for without the criminal underclass maintained by the drug war, where would the corrupt activities of the institutions themselves be? The drug, dealers' defense lawyer Levy accuses Omar Little who makes it his business to rob drug dealers, of being a parasite: 'You're feeding off the violence and despair of the drug trade', he tells him. To which Omar responds, 'Just like you man. I got the shotgun. You got the briefcase. It's all in the game'. Jesse in Breaking Bad recommends Saul Goodman to Walt White for the same reason 'when the going gets tough', he says, 'you don't want a criminal lawyer. You want a criminal lawyer'. In this respect the legal system relies on and breeds on illegality. The last thing it wants is the disappearance of illegal activity. Since the system relies on illegality, it takes more than mere disobedience to change let alone transform the system. Instead, individual transgressions only succeed in feeding and maintaining the system.

We advocate psychoanalytical jurisprudence as a methodology to limit qualified immunity for police officers. We’ll defend that qualified immunity is bad and is significantly limited in the world of the affirmative.

Qualified immunity is not only a legal doctrine, but a regime of signifiers that buttresses the judicial system’s inability to be questioned or critiqued from the outside. Psychoanalysis disrupts modern jurisprudence through questioning the unconscious of institutions, adding subjectivity to an otherwise objective mix. Through this reading, we can begin to understand the legal order as socially reproduced by subjects, a grid which forms identity and relationship according to its institutional confines. Our methodology is one of a process of analysis and critique, which enables a critical interrogation of the affectivity, power, and textual linguistic codes that make up what we call “the law”.

Peter Goodrich, 1997

Goodrich is a Professor of Law and Director of Law and Humanities at the Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law at Yeshiva University, he was the founding dean of the department of law at Birkbeck College, University of London, he is managing editor of Law and Literature and was the founding editor of Law and Critique. “‘THE UNCONSCIOUS IS A JURIST’: PSYCHOANALYSIS AND LAW IN THE WORK OF PIERE LEGENDRE” Legal Studies Forum, Vol. 20, pg 199-202

First, and most strikingly, psychoanalysis has long been perceived as too threatening or too personal a form of knowledge to be addressed directly in the study of law. Study of the unconscious, or acknowledgment of the emotions, of the body and of its repressions or hidden domains of desire have not figured greatly in the modern theories of positive law. For the discipline of law, psychoanalysis has remained a dark continent or 'China within. It threatens to disrupt the complacent truths of modernist jurisprudence and so also to question the rationality of legal practice by finally addressing the unconscious of institutions, and correlatively the repetitions and repressions, the drives and desires both of the authors and interpreters of law as well as of its subjects. It is thus perhaps unsurprising that although law is primarily concerned to judge the discourses and the actions of natural and corporate subjects it has studiously avoided the most radical of contemporary theories of the subject. In the first instance, the work of a psychoanalytic jurisprudence is thus to introduce the question of emotion and the domain of subjectivity into the analysis of the institution and specifically of its law. The introduction of a psychoanalytic perspective into the analysis of law and of what Legendre terms its "capture of the subject" involves the elaboration of a critical methodology for reading law. In Freudian terms it involves a 'double reading,' an acknowledgment of a relation between conscious and unconscious dimensions of the human subject and so also of the texts of law. At the level of jurisprudence or the theoretical analysis of law, this means a reading of the institution of law 'as if' it were a subject and so driven to reproduce itself. Thus at the level of method, Legendre has consistently used psychoanalysis to develop a radical theory of law as a social subject ceaselessly labouring to create subjects. In these terms psychoanalytical jurisprudence is in the first instance a theory of law which seeks to understand the legal order as the structural mechanism or social form of reproduction of subjects. Law, for Legendre, is intrinsic to the formation of the individual subject, and law is both historically and theoretically at the centre of the symbolic order in relation to which individual identity is formed. Where Lacan referred to the unconscious as being structured like a language, Legendre adds that the unconscious acts like a jurist. The second theme, which Legendre reiterates in varying contexts, concerns the specific familial form of subjectivity, whether the subject is an institution acting 'as if it were a natural subject or an individual. If the unconscious, for Legendre, is a jurist then its legalism should be understood in a dual sense. First, law determines the space of intimacy or of subjectivity, it dictates in advance the familial places, the roles and relationships, the 'familial fates' into which the subject is born. In a second and more theoretical guise, Law in the sense of the foundational social principle of authority is intrinsic to the symbolic dimension of social relations, and forms the context or 'mirror' within which identity is constructed in the institution. What is most striking about Legendre's project of re-thinking law from a psychoanalytic perspective is thus much less a question of the utility of psychoanalysis in explaining features of the subjectivity of law than it is an instance of reinscribing law in our understanding of the subject. In this sense the case of Lortie is far more than an instance of the utility of psychoanalysis in the explanation of the unconscious causes of a subject's actions. The case of Lortie is rather a vivid and, precisely because it is perverse, exemplary site for playing out or, more simply, understanding the legal categories which constitute the subject. To borrow a Roman law maxim, of which Legendre is fond, law's function is "to institute life" [vitam instituere] 9 and in so doing its domain of application is co-extensive with the substantive domain addressed by psychoanalysis. What psychoanalysis provides is a method of listening to and interpreting, both individual biography and institutional history. It allows us access to what Legendre, mimicking Freud, terms the "other dimension of law," namely its other scene or unconscious. 10 In practical terms, psychoanalysis thus allows us to address the most complex and critical of institutional questions, those which relate to the subjectivity of legal practice and to what has recently been termed the affectivity of law." A psychoanalytic jurisprudence could be said to address the subjective enigma-the delirium-of institutions, and to ask the most simple and unanswerable of questions. What is it that leads a subject to love the social representation, the living image, or emblem of law? Equally, what causes a subject to submit to the institution and to follow the law? Why is it Lortie that is mad and not the government of Quebec? 2 The answer to such questions can only be equivocal or contingent. The institution which acts 'as if it were a person is not necessarily free of those delirious, violent or poetic states which we term passion, madness or love. What is principally at issue is the ability of the subject to recognise its identity or place, its role within the familial order of institutions or of household government. Whether institutional or individual, madness is most immediately manifest in a failure to recognise where, when and to whom a subject is entitled to speak. The law in this context is simply the manifestation of power as a structure, and madness is the failure to observe the space and the images or faces of that manifest structure. Returning to the case of Corporal Lortie and his psychotic endeavour to erase the social fantasm of paternity, a government with the face of his father, the legal categories that institute subjectivity, the function, and here the failure, of law are peculiarly clear. Lortie's transgression emerged initially out of a desire to destroy an evil father, the social image or fantasm of paternity, the President of Quebec. This desire was expressed initially in terms of a drive to prevent the destruction of the national language. While this allusion to language might seem incidental, it can also be taken as the most fundamental of references to structure and to law. The third theme to be addressed relates to the particular form in which the institution not only acts 'as if it were a subject but also acts as if it had a body and so also, in Freudian terms, an unconscious. Since Lacan, psychoanalysis has constantly emphasised the importance of the fact that we are inhabitants of language. To the observation that language is the inescapable symbolic structure into which each subject is born, Legendre adds that in the west we are the inhabitants of a very specific material form or body of language, the text or written reason of law. The reference to language, and so indirectly to texts and to their Western manifestation as written law, thus refers us to the foundational structure, the symbolic form and scriptural identity of Western institutions. The question of law is a question of structure, and for Legendre this means that it is a question of a Text-a Book or books-which set out the specific social places of legitimate authority. It is the text that establishes our social identity and institutional place, it is the text which provides us with our jurisdiction or right of speech, it is the text in which we are born and in which we die, or in classical legal terms, Rome-a Text, a system of law-is our common homeland (Roma communis nostra patria est). 13

The role of the ballot is to vote for the best methodology to analyze the unconscious.

Societal consciousness known as the superego, can both maintain and deconstruct the mythology of the law, which upholds particular notions of living and forecloses alternative methods of being. Institutions are structured according to this underlying ideological regime which gives them their perceived authority in the form of rules and obligations. Pathways for change are therefore constructed at a symbolic level – with and between social subjects – and political, normative, and legal influence must be leveraged on the level of this discursive form to result in change.

Andreja Zevnik, 2016

Zevnikis a Lecturer in International Politics at the University of Manchester, UK. Her research interests include theories of subjectivity, political violence and resistance, aesthetic politics, law and psychoanalysis. She is co-editor of Jacques Lacan Between Psychoanalysis and Politics (Routledge, 2015) and a convener of the Critical Global Politics research cluster at Manchester. “Lacan, Deleuze and World Politics – Rethinking the Ontology of the Political Subject”, pg 24-25

The psychoanalytic engagement with law explores these three aspects; and in particular the mythical foundations of law and law’s relation to the body. There are at least two ways in which legal myth institutionalises the life of individuals (by limiting and determining forms of existence). First, a particular idea of law relates to a particular notion of ‘life’ (or form of existence e.g. the subject), which is instituted in a legal system as a result of a particular idea of law. However, the characteristics of a system that derives from this particular interpretation of life and law are not set in stone. Any change in the understanding of life, or in psychoanalytical terms, in the subject’s unconscious and its relation to the self, the other and the authority (or the law) is transformed at the level of the symbolic order which consequently influences the political, the social, the content and the logic of the law. In other words, forms of existence (or life) and social and political structures are inherently linked. The collapse of this bond disintegrates a (paternal) social bond, which could lead into a collapse of the symbolic order, and from that, 24 Law and life to the collapse of the normative, political and legal order we know today. Legendre conducted a study of legal texts by Glossators from the medieval times onwards to trace the origins of the modern paternal structure of law and the limitations and prohibitions it imposes on forms of existence that eventually become fully recognised by law. In his work, he explicitly writes that‘the principle of paternity is essential to the symbolic survival of Western culture’. 9 For psychoanalysis then, one can speculate that the character of modern western culture is a product of paternal/Oedipal logic. Second, ‘psychoanalytic law’ is most importantly the law of a superego. 10 As such, psychoanalytic law rather than constituting or directly influencing the substance of positive law represents the basis, or the underlying logic of law. In other words, superego gives positive law–a system and an institution of rules and obligations according to which societies live–its legitimacy, it sets its framework and enables both the compliance and the transgression of law. Thus, the superego has a double role: it provides unconscious orientation for the law, or the spirit of the logic in which laws should be made; and acts as its reverse–the other –side, for which law cannot account, and which is outside the principles of positive law. Thus, the superego embodies the source of authority that the subject internalises once it becomes part of a society. In Legendre’s thought, that source of authority is associated with the figure of the ‘imaginary father’ (origins of the idea of the Name-of-the-Father) that entered the discursive and legal practice of the western juridical order through medieval legal writings and the official institution of legal interpretations or a legal interpreter –a judge or a sovereign. On a psychoanalytical level, in contrast, ‘the father’ became part of the subject’s unconscious in the moment of child’s separation from the‘mother’; in the moment when the prohibition of incest –and from that the Oedipus complex–intervenes as one of primordial social prohibition. I return to how Oedipal law functions as an ordering logic of law and legal subjectivity later on. From the above discussion two most important aspects are the relationship between law and form of existence (the body), and the paternal or Oedipal idea of law in the context of authority and the institution

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