Priority Existing Chemical

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National Industrial Chemicals Notification and
Assessment Scheme
Methylcyclopentadienyl Manganese Tricarbonyl (MMT)

Priority Existing Chemical
Assessment Report No. 24

June 2003

 Commonwealth of Australia 2003

ISBN 0-9750516-6-0

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This assessment was carried out under the National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme (NICNAS). This Scheme was established by the Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989 (Cwlth) (the Act), which came into operation on 17 July 1990.

The principal aim of NICNAS is to aid in the protection of people at work, the public and the environment from the harmful effects of industrial chemicals.

NICNAS assessments are carried out in conjunction with Environment Australia and the Therapeutic Goods Administration, which carry out the environmental and public health assessments, respectively.

NICNAS has two major programs: the assessment of the health and environmental effects of new industrial chemicals prior to importation or manufacture; and the other focussing on the assessment of chemicals already in use in Australia in response to specific concerns about their health and/or environmental effects.

There is an established mechanism within NICNAS for prioritising and assessing the many thousands of existing chemicals in use in Australia. Chemicals selected for assessment are referred to as priority existing chemicals.

This priority existing chemical report has been prepared by the Director of NICNAS, in accordance with the Act. Under the Act, manufacturers and importers of priority existing chemicals are required to apply for assessment. Applicants for assessment are given a draft copy of the report and 28 days to advise the Director of any errors. Following the correction of any errors, the Director provides applicants and other interested parties with a copy of the draft assessment report for consideration. This is a period of public comment lasting for 28 days during which requests for variation of the report may be made. Where variations are requested, the Director’s decision concerning each request is made available to each respondent and to other interested parties (for a further period of 28 days). Notices in relation to public comment and decisions made appear in the Commonwealth Chemical Gazette.

In accordance with the Act, publication of this report revokes the declaration of this chemical as a priority existing chemical; therefore manufacturers and importers wishing to introduce this chemical in the future need not apply for assessment. However, manufacturers and importers need to be aware of their duty to provide any new information to NICNAS, as required under Section 64 of the Act.

For the purposes of Section 78(1) of the Act, copies of assessment reports for new and existing chemical assessments may be inspected by the public at the library of the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission (NOHSC). Summary Reports are published in the Commonwealth Chemical Gazette, which are also available to the public at the NOHSC library.

Copies of this and other priority existing chemical reports are available on the NICNAS web site. Hardcopies are available from NICNAS either by using the order form at the back of this report, or directly from the following address:

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NSW 2001


Tel: 1800 638 528

Fax: +61 (02) 8577 8888

Other information about NICNAS (also available on request and on the NICNAS web site) includes:

  • NICNAS Service Charter;

  • information sheets on NICNAS Company Registration;

  • information sheets on the Priority Existing Chemicals and New Chemical assessment programs;

  • safety information sheets on chemicals that have been assessed as priority existing chemicals;

  • details for the NICNAS Handbook for Notifiers; and

  • details for the Commonwealth Chemical Gazette.

More information on NICNAS can be found at the NICNAS web site:

Other information on the management of workplace chemicals can be found at the web site of the National Occupational Health and Safety Commission:


Anti-valve seat recession (AVSR) fuel additives were declared as Priority Existing Chemicals for full assessment under the Industrial Chemicals (Notification and Assessment) Act 1989 on 5 December 2000. They were nominated by the public because of health and environmental concerns due to their increasing widespread use in automotive lead replacement petrol (LRP). Four AVSRs have been notified for assessment: methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl-based, phosphorous-based, sodium-based and potassium-based additives.

AVSR fuel additives are available for both industrial and consumer use and are delivered either by pre-blending to unleaded petrol at the oil refinery (LRP) or purchased and added to unleaded petrol by the vehicle owner (known as aftermarket addition). Methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl (MMT) (CAS # 12108-13-3) is a manganese (Mn)-based AVSR imported predominantly for addition to LRP and in smaller quantities for formulation of aftermarket fuel additives.

The natural attrition of older cars requiring AVSR additives means a decreasing AVSR market and consequently the use of AVSR additives including MMT is likely to decline with time. The production and infrastructure support of LRP will eventually become economically unviable and aftermarket addition of AVSR additives will be the sole method of providing valve seat protection through fuel. This report considered the occupational health and safety, public health and environmental consequences of two separate scenarios for the use of MMT – a Present Use scenario assuming 100% market share and present delivery modes and levels of demand, and a 2004 scenario assuming attrition of the AVSR vehicle fleet, reduced demand and delivery of MMT via aftermarket addition only.

MMT is highly toxic to aquatic organisms. Spill incidents and leaks to water bodies and land may potentially occur during shipment into Australia, bulk handling and storage and leaks from underground storage tanks. These should be managed through existing Federal, State and Territory legislative frameworks and protocols to mitigate adverse effects to the aquatic environment.

Manganese, a by-product from combustion of MMT, is naturally occurring and ubiquitous in the environment. It is an essential nutrient of plants and animals. Environmental exposure to manganese compounds arising from combustion of MMT will mostly arise through the gaseous phase. Eventually, these will deposit to land and waters. The emission of manganese into the environment from use of fuels containing MMT is unlikely to develop to levels of concern for terrestrial or aquatic environments. As such, the findings of this assessment have not identified any significant risk to the environment given the considered current use pattern of fuels containing MMT as an AVSR.

MMT is highly toxic in animals and humans. It is absorbed by all routes of exposure and metabolised predominantly in the liver. Metabolites are excreted in urine and faeces. The liver, kidney, brain and lung are the primary sites of Mn accumulation following MMT absorption. The critical effects from acute exposure to MMT are neurological and pulmonary dysfunction. Acute lethal exposure to MMT in animals is associated with damage to the lungs by all routes, kidney, liver and spleen effects, tremors, convulsions, dyspnea and weakness. In humans, giddiness, headache, nausea, chest tightness, dyspnea and paresthesia are reported in anecdotal cases of acute occupational exposure. Repeated inhalation exposure to MMT in animals results in degenerative changes in liver and kidneys.

MMT (as Mn) is currently listed in the NOHSC List of Designated Hazardous Substances with no classification. Based on assessment of health effects, this report has concluded that MMT meets the NOHSC Approved Criteria for Classifying Hazardous Substances for classification on the basis of acute lethal effects by all exposure routes and severe effects after repeated or prolonged exposure via inhalation. The following risk and safety phrases are recommended: R26 - Very Toxic by Inhalation; R28 – Very Toxic if Swallowed; R24 – Toxic in Contact with Skin; R48/23 – Toxic: Danger of Serious Damage to Health by Prolonged Exposure Through Inhalation; S36 - Wear Suitable Protective Clothing; S38 - In Case of Insufficient Ventilation Wear Suitable Respiratory Equipment.

As MMT is combusted to a number of inorganic Mn species, the health hazards associated with the use of MMT also include those associated with inorganic Mn. In animals and humans, neurological dysfunction is the critical effect following acute exposure to Mn compounds. Decreased activity, alertness, muscle tone, touch response and respiration are reported in animal studies. In humans, chronic occupational exposure to respirable Mn dusts is associated with subclinical nervous system toxicity through to overt manganism, a progressive neurological disorder characterised by altered gait, tremor and occasional psychiatric disturbances.

Minimal occupational exposure to MMT is likely for workers involved in formulating and distributing LRP or aftermarket fuel additives and those involved in automotive maintenance. Overall, a low occupational risk associated with MMT was concluded.

Occupational exposure to Mn, mainly via inhalation, may occur also for these and other workers associated with or in the vicinity of automotive usage. Where automotive usage is ubiquitous, chronic inhalation of inorganic Mn species may result. In the absence of Australian occupational exposure data, a worst-case scenario was considered for Mn exposure of Australian auto mechanics from the use of MMT using overseas personal inhalational exposure estimates. A low occupational risk associated with Mn exposure from MMT combustion was concluded.

Minimal public exposure to MMT is likely as a result of spills and splashes of LRP and aftermarket additives. A low risk is concluded. A similar low risk is envisaged from MMT in LRP given the lower concentrations of MMT compared to aftermarket additives.

Acute health effects could occur as a result of accidental ingestion of MMT by a child or by adults when siphoning fuel. The health risk to adults from accidental ingestion of LRP containing MMT during siphoning or to children following ingestion of LRP stored inappropriately around the home is considered low, given the low level of MMT in LRP. However, a comparison between the potential oral dose of MMT from accidental ingestion of aftermarket additive by a child and animal oral LD50 values indicates that MMT represent a significant acute health risk for children.

Although the public use of MMT may increase ambient air Mn levels and therefore doses received by inhalation, given that the predominant sources of Mn for humans via food and water are unlikely to be altered significantly by the use of MMT, overall chronic Mn exposures (from all sources combined) are unlikely to change significantly. The margins of exposure for the public are greater than 1000. The estimated ambient air concentration of Mn due to MMT combustion according to the Present Use scenario is less than a range of overseas inhalation health standards and guidance values. Given the conservative assumptions used in the exposure assessment, the overall public health risk from the use of MMT as an AVSR is low.

This report has identified the need particularly to reduce public exposure to MMT as much as practicable. Given its toxicity profile and consumer use, it is recommended that the National Drugs and Poisons Schedule Committee (NDPSC) consider scheduling MMT on the Standard for Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons (SUSDP). It is recommended also that consumer packaging be of a design to facilitate the accurate addition of additive to fuel tanks without spillage and incorporate an automatic measuring and dispensing capacity and child-proof closures.

This report encourages the monitoring of ambient air Mn to more accurately estimate the risk to the public. It also supports research into the effects of fuel-related Mn emissions especially on susceptible subpopulations such as children.


Preface iii



a)Introduction 13

a.1Declaration 13

a.2Objectives 13

a.3Sources of information 13

a.4Peer review 14

b)Background 15

b.1What is an anti-valve seat recession additive? 15

b.2International perspective 16

b.3Australian perspective 17

b.4Assessments by other national or international bodies 18

c)Applicants 19

d)Chemical Identity and

Composition 20

d.1Chemical identity 20

d.2Composition of commercial products 20

e)Physical and Chemical Properties 21

e.1Physical state 21

e.2Physical properties 21

e.3Chemical properties 21

e.4Conversion factors (at 25oC) 21

f)Methods of Detection and
Analysis 22

f.1Identification 22

f.2Atmospheric monitoring methods 22

f.3Biological monitoring methods 22

f.4Water monitoring methods 23

f.5Petrol monitoring methods 23

f.6Soil monitoring methods 23

g)Importation and Use of MMT 24

g.1Importation 24

g.2Uses 24

g.2.1Demand for anti-valve seat recession additives 24

g.2.2 Use scenarios 25

h)Exposure 28

h.1Environmental exposure 28

h.1.1Use of MMT as an AVSR Agent 28

h.1.2Release of MMT 29

h.1.3Exhaust release of manganese compounds from combustion of MMT 30

h.1.4Emission rate and physical form of manganese in exhaust gases 30

h.1.5Effect of MMT on exhaust gases (NOx, CO, CO2, hydrocarbons, particulates) and onboard pollution control equipment 33

h.2Fate 34

h.2.1Atmosphere 34

h.2.2Water 35

h.2.3Soils and sediments 35

h.2.4Fate of inorganic compounds from combustion of MMT 36

h.3Environmental concentrations of MMT and manganese 36

h.3.1MMT 36

h.3.2Manganese in the atmosphere in Canada 37

h.3.3Manganese in the atmosphere in Australia 38

h.3.4Release of Mn to the water compartment 41

h.4Occupational exposure to MMT 42

h.4.1Bulk fuel and fuel additive blending at refineries and formulators 42

h.4.2Petrol stations and maintenance workshops 43

h.5Occupational exposure to manganese from MMT use 43

h.5.1Exposure data and estimates 44

h.6Public exposure 47

h.6.1Consumer exposure 47

h.6.2Indirect exposure via environment 48

i)Kinetics and Metabolism of MMT 54

i.1Absorption 54

i.2Distribution 54

i.3Metabolism 56

i.4Elimination and excretion 57

i.5Summary 58

j)Toxicity of MMT 60

j.1Acute toxicity 60

j.2Irritation and corrosivity 62

j.2.1Skin 62

j.2.2Eye 63

j.3Sensitisation 63

j.4Repeated dose toxicity 63

j.5Reproductive toxicity 64

j.6Genotoxicity 66

j.7Carcinogenicity 67

j.8Pulmonary toxicity 68

j.9Neurotoxicity 70

j.10MMT combustion products 73

j.11Human exposure 74

k)Pharmacokinetics and Toxicity of

Manganese 76

k.1Kinetics and metabolism 76

k.2Human health effects 77

k.3Effects in animals 80

l)Hazard Classification 83

l.1Physicochemical hazards 83

l.2Health hazards 83

l.2.1Acute toxicity 83

l.2.2Irritation and corrosive effects 84

l.2.3Sensitising effects 84

l.2.4Effects from repeated or prolonged exposure 84

l.2.5 Reproductive effects 85

l.2.6Genotoxicity 86

l.2.7Carcinogenicity 86

m)Effects on Organisms in the Environment 87

m.1Terrestrial animals 88

m.1.1MMT 88

m.1.2Manganese 88

m.2Terrestrial plants 88

m.2.1MMT 88

m.2.2Manganese 88

m.3Aquatic plants 89

m.3.1MMT 89

m.3.2Manganese 89

m.4Aquatic invertebrates 90

m.4.1MMT 90

m.4.2Manganese 90

m.5Fish 94

m.5.1MMT 94

m.5.2Manganese 95

m.6Amphibians 97

m.6.1MMT 97

m.6.2Manganese 97

m.7Summary of environmental effects 97

m.7.1MMT 97

m.7.2Manganese 97

n)Risk Characterisation 99

n.1Environmental risk 99

n.1.1Terrestrial risk 99

n.1.2Aquatic risk 100

n.2Occupational risk 100

n.2.1Critical health effects 101

n.2.2Occupational health and safety risks 102

n.2.3Uncertainties 103

n.3Public health risk 104

n.3.1Acute effects 104

n.3.2Chronic effects 105

n.3.3Uncertainties 106

o)Risk Management 107

o.1Assessment of current control measures 107

o.1.1Elimination and substitution 107

o.1.2Isolation and engineering controls 107

o.1.3Safe work practices 108

o.1.4Personal protective equipment 109

o.2Hazard communication 109

o.2.1Labels 109

o.2.2MSDS 111

o.2.3Education and training 112

o.3Occupational monitoring and regulatory controls 112

o.3.1Atmospheric monitoring 112

o.3.2Occupational exposure standards 112

o.3.3Health surveillance 114

o.3.4National transportation regulations 114

o.3.5National storage and handling regulations 114

o.3.6Control of major hazard facilities 114

o.4Public health regulatory controls 115

o.5Environmental regulatory controls 115

o.5.1Air quality management 115

o.5.2Aquatic ecosystem management 117

o.5.3Disposal and waste treatment 117

o.6Emergency procedures 117

p)Discussion and Conclusions 119

p.1Health hazards 119

p.2Environmental hazards and risks 121

p.3Occupational health and safety risks 121

p.4Public health risks 122

p.5Data gaps 124

q)Recommendations 125

q.1Recommendations for regulatory bodies 125

q.1.1NOHSC 125

q.1.2National Drugs and Poisons Schedule Committee 125

q.1.3Tasmanian Department of Primary Industries, Water and Environment 125

q.2Recommendations for MMT importers and formulators of MMT products 126

q.2.1Hazard communication – MSDS 126

q.2.2Hazard communication – labels 126

q.2.3Packaging 126

q.2.4Emergency procedures 127

r)Secondary Notification 128



Figure 1. Exhaust valve recession into the cylinder head. From: Barlow (1999) 3

Figure 2. The number of vehicles requiring leaded or lead-replacement petrol 16


ACGIH American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists

ADG Code Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road

and Rail

AMSA Australian Maritime Safety Authority

ANZECC Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation

AOAA aminooxyacetic acid

aq aqueous

ARMCANZ Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand

ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry

ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics

AVSR anti-valve seat recession

bw body weight

CAA Clean Air Act

CAS Chemical Abstracts Service

CC16 Clara cell protein

CID cubic inch displacement

Cmax maximum concentration

CMT carboxycyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl

DNA deoxyribonucleic acid

DOPAC 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid

EA Environment Australia

EC50 median effective concentration

EINECS European Inventory of Existing Commercial Chemical

FORS Federal Office of Road Safety

g gram

GABA 4-aminobutyric acid

h hour

HAPS hazardous air pollutants

HMT hydroxymethylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl

HQ hazard quotient

HVA homovanillic acid

IC25 25th percentile inhibitory concentration

IC50 median inhibitory concentration

IIWL interim indicative working level

IMO International Maritime Organisation

ip intraperitoneal

IPCS International Programme on Chemical Safety

iv intravenous

kg kilogram

Km Michaelis constant

L litre

LC50 median lethal concentration

LD50 median lethal dose

LOAEL lowest-observed-adverse-effect level

LRP lead replacement petrol

LT50 median lethal time

g microgram

μm micrometre

MATC maximum acceptable threshold concentration

ML megalitre

mg milligram

mL millilitre

MMT methylcyclopentadienyl manganese tricarbonyl

Mn manganese

MOE margin of exposure

MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet

m3 cubic metre

NAPS National Air Pollution Surveillance

NDPSC National Drugs and Poisons Schedule Committee

NEPC National Environment Protection Council

NEPM National Environment Protection Measure

ng nanogram

NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council

NICNAS National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessment Scheme

NOAEL no-observed-adverse-effect level

NOEC no-observed-effect concentration

NOEL no-observed-effect level

NOHSC National Occupational Health and Safety Commission

NOS not otherwise specified

NPI National Pollution Inventory

OECD Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

PEC predicted environmental concentration

PNEC predicted no-effect concentration

PPE personal protective equipment

ppm parts per million

RfC reference concentration

ROS reactive oxygen species

SEM scanning electron microscopy

SUSDP Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Drugs and Poisons

T1/2 half-life

TBOB t-butylbicycloorthobenzoate

TGA Therapeutic Goods Administration

TLm median threshold limit

Tmax maximum time

TWA time-weighted average

UKDETR United Kingdom Department of Environment, Transport and


USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency

Vmax maximum enzymatic velocity

VSR valve seat recession

WHO World Health Organisation

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