Partner Site Information – check all that apply

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Early Childhood Artist Residency Application 2016-17

Partner Site Information – check all that apply

 Site is a licensed daycare or preschool center

 Site is a Head Start Center
 Site is part of the public school system regulated by the Department of Public Instruction
 Site is a community collaboration DPI 4K program
Site Name:


City: Zip Code:
Main Contact Name: Position:
Phone: Email:

Program Fee Agreement
The Invoice for this program can be sent to: Name Email _______________

A portion of the expenses for this program is underwritten by grants from foundations and businesses. In addition to hiring a professional artist to conduct the residency sessions, there are many other costs associated with this program. So that we can continue to deliver the quality of programs you have come to expect, it is necessary for VSA Wisconsin to implement a nominal program fee.
If your application is approved for a VSA Wisconsin Early Childhood Residency, you agree to pay a $150 program fee per classroom (an educator workshop is available for an additional $100). Your site will be invoiced at the start of the residency. Payment must be made within 30 days of the date on the invoice.

Name Date

My typed name, below, confirms that I supplied the responses on this form using my best professional judgment.
Submit this completed application to VSA Wisconsin:


Mail: 1709 Aberg Ave., Suite 1, Madison, WI 53704

Fax: 608-241-1982
Application Questions
1. Will the site meet the following criteria?

  1. Be inclusive of students with and without disabilities when possible & appropriate q YES q NO

  2. Take place in an accessible location q YES q NO

  3. Commit to 10 weeks of programming for each classroom (1 visit per week) q YES q NO

  4. Attend residency meetings and participate in all sessions q YES q NO

  5. Complete a Student Outcome Summary and Residency Evaluation q YES q NO

If you answered no to any of these questions, please describe why:

2. Identify three goals you hope this program will achieve:

3. Indicate the art forms you are interested in exploring:

 Visual Art  Music  Movement  Creative Drama

4. Is there a specific VSA Wisconsin teaching artist or art form you would like to work?

5. Indicate the number of classrooms that will participate in the program and if the site would like to participate in the optional educator workshop (see page 5 for more information about this professional development opportunity). The site will be invoiced at the start of the residency.

Artist Residency Classroom 1: $150.00

Artist Residency Classroom 2: $150.00

Educator Workshop (optional): $100.00


Educator and Classroom Demographic Information - Class #1

Classroom educator’s name:

Contact Phone: E-mail:

Best way to reach you: Best time to reach you:

Best time and day for this program: First Choice: _______________ Second Choice ________________

Classroom Information (check all that apply)

 Licensed daycare or preschool center

 Head Start Center

 Part of the public school system regulated by the Department of Public Instruction

 Community collaboration DPI 4K program

 Year round  9 months  other: ____________________________________

_____ Student’s age range

_____ Total number of students in this class

_____ Number of students who: have a disability, or have an IEP, or are in the referral process, or receive speech & language services and may or may not have an IEP. Describe:

_____ Number of students, not included above, who: qualify for additional *support services, or have chronic health issues, or have physical, cognitive, behavioral/social/emotional delays and challenges, or have challenges not yet identified. (*do not include ELL Services). Describe:


 I have read and agree to the Educator Requirements for this program listed on page 5.

 I would like a Continuing Education Certificate for 10 hours, through the Registry.

(**Educators holding a DPI license may include VSA Wisconsin’s programs to meet their professional development plan goals by completing the Educator Requirements listed on page 5.)
My signature (or typed name) below confirms that I supplied the responses on this form using my best professional judgment. By participating in this residency, I give VSA Wisconsin permission to take and use my photo or video in publications and on its website.

Classroom Educator’s Name Date

Educator and Classroom Demographic Information - Class #2

Classroom educator’s name:

Contact Phone: E-mail:

Best way to reach you: Best time to reach you:

Best time and day for this program: First Choice: _____________ Second Choice ________________

Classroom Information (check all that apply)

 Licensed daycare or preschool center

 Head Start Center

 Part of the public school system regulated by the Department of Public Instruction

 Community collaboration DPI 4K program

 Year round  9 months  other: ____________________________________
_____ Student’s age range

_____ Total number of students in this class

_____ Number of students who: have a disability; or have an IEP; or are in the referral process; or receive speech & language services and may or may not have an IEP. Describe:

_____ Number of students, not included above, who: qualify for or receive additional *support services, or have chronic health issues, or have physical, cognitive, behavioral/social/emotional delays and challenges, or have challenges not yet identified. (*do not include ELL Services). Describe:


 I have read and agree to the Educator Requirements for this program listed on page 5.

 I would like a Continuing Education Certificate for 10 hours, through the Registry.

(**Educators holding a DPI license may include VSA Wisconsin’s programs to meet their professional development plan goals by completing the Educator Requirements listed on page 5.)
My signature (or typed name) below confirms that I supplied the responses on this form using my best professional judgment. By participating in this residency, I give VSA Wisconsin permission to take and use my photo or video in publications and on its website.

Classroom Educator’s Name Date

Early Childhood Artist Residency Educator Requirements

Attend Program Meetings

  • Planning Meeting - The VSA Wisconsin Program Director and the teaching artist will meet with the participating educators to review program materials, discuss goals, and complete planning forms and schedule 10 weeks of residency sessions (1 visit per week).

  • Mid-Residency Meeting - The teaching artist will use this meeting to "check-in" with educators, discuss sessions, adaptations and finalize any final celebrations (optional).

Coordinate Classroom Observation

Prior to the start of the residency the teaching artist will visit the site to meet the children and classroom staff, find out what the students know about the art medium, identify the space where programming will take place, and find out what resources are available in the classroom/space.

Active Participation in Sessions

Educators are expected to participate in residency activities and collaborate with the teaching artist. Educators will assist in classroom management, help adapt activities for children with disabilities, model how activities are done, document student progress and communicate with the teaching artist.

Documentation and Evaluation

Using the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards, educators will identify goals for two students with disabilities in their classroom. At program conclusion, educators will report on the students' outcomes as well as other key experiences and best practices they observed. Educators will complete the Student Outcome Summary and Artist Residency Evaluation form within two weeks of the last artist residency class.

Final Celebration (optional)

The final celebration is a time for parents/guardians to join their child in the final residency session and learn more about the accomplishments the children have made through VSA Wisconsin programming. This is a sharing of skills, not a performance.

Educator Workshop (optional)

For a $100 fee, the teaching artist will facilitate a workshop for up to 12 educators at the program site. As part of their ongoing professional development training, educators will

  • participate in hands-on activities and discover new resources

  • learn key strategies to incorporate the art medium in the classroom

  • discuss and develop appropriate adaptations for students with disabilities

  • be inspired to use the arts as a teaching tool for early learning skills

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If you need assistance please call 608-241-2131.

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