Newsletter of the gfwc of Holden Beach P. O. Box 902, Supply, nc 28462 Volume 8, Issue 5, September 10, 2013 Julie Wolfe, President Judy Brock, Editor

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The Communiqué

Newsletter of the GFWC of Holden Beach

P. O. Box 902, Supply, NC 28462

Volume 8, Issue 5, September 10, 2013

Julie Wolfe, President Judy Brock, Editor

“Our heroes are made of the same stuff and dreams that make all of us.” Unknown


Dear Friends,


Where did summer go? It seems to have flown by! I hope yours was enjoyable and relaxing and that you are all refreshed and ready to jump into a busy fall. This summer has not been particularly quiet, though, plenty going on in GFWC-HB land.

Since we last met, several of us attended the GFWC Annual Convention in Hollywood, Florida: Ann Landis, Judi Stankowich, B.J. Stephens, Peggy Schiavone, Carol Ann Lohman and myself. It was a great group and a great trip, both informative and fun. Elsewhere in this issue you will see my personal account that our GFWC-NC President, Wendy Carriker, asked me to write for the State Magazine. Hope it inspires you to sign up for the next one!
Our Summer Social was so delightful! After worrying all day about the iffy weather, we were treated to a sunny afternoon to catch up with each other and our significant others. The Galan’s certainly know how to make us feel welcome and their gorgeous waterfront setting was the perfect locale. Once again the lovely ladies of the Whiteville Woman's Civic League treated us to their gracious smiles and a delicious meal.  Thanks so much to all of you who helped with organization, set up and clean up. What a team!
A big “Thank You!” to Donna Geise and all of you who helped with the Education Committee’s “Stuff the Bus” project this summer. It, too, was a great success. Our community’s school children are so grateful for your efforts!


Hope you are planning to attend our September 17th meeting. Hosted by Public Issues CSP, we will welcome the mayor of Holden Beach, Alan Holden, who will present on hurricane preparedness. Should be extremely worthwhile.


Also on the agenda for our meeting will be the presentation of the slate of nominees for 2014. The Nominating Committee, Chairman B. J. Stephens, Maureen Wright and Doris Kelley, has been hard at work this summer putting together this year’s slate of officers which will be presented at our September meeting in preparation for the election in October. Also for your consideration you will be receiving via email revisions to the Club’s Bylaws and Standing Rules.  We will be voting on them at our October meeting.  This year’s Bylaws Committee, Chairman Peggy Schiavone, B.J. Stephens, Ann Landis, Karen Throckmorton, Judi Stankowich and myself, have been working over the summer to fine tune these documents so that we can function even more smoothly in the future. Thanks for all of your hard work!


Here are some important and fun events to keep in mind:

-On September 20th “Links 4 Literacy" will once again be held at the Riverwood Golf Club in Clayton, NC. Proceeds support literacy projects and teacher scholarships. For more information check out .

-Our District 7 Fall Meeting is coming up in October, hosted by the Wilmington NC Sorosis and Junior NC Sorosis. I will forward more information to you when it is received. 

-The Southeastern Regional Meeting in Winston-Salem, November 1&2. You should have received the information about this last week. Let me know if you did not receive it and let me know if you are planning to attend.
I am looking forward to seeing you all next week at our meeting.
In Federation Friendship,


GFWC of Holden Beach

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Holden Beach Chapel

Holden Beach, NC
GFWC of Holden Beach held its regular meeting at the Holden Beach Chapel on Tuesday, May 21, 2013. President Julie Wolfe called the meeting to order at 6:50 pm.
Prior to the business meeting, President Wolfe and Charity Gala Chairman Karen Throckmorton presented checks to Providence Home and Hope Harbor. These beneficiaries of the Charity Gala each received donations of $7,500. Refreshments were provided by the Executive Board, in celebration of the success of the Gala and in honor of the new members to be inducted at the meeting.
Opening devotion, offered by Caroline Galan, reminded us that simple acts of kindness can enrich lives.
First Vice President B.J. Stephens led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, the Salute to the Flag of North Carolina, and the Club Collect.
Judi Stankowich, GFWC-HB Parliamentarian and Honorary Past President of GFWC of Pennsylvania, presided over the induction of new members Rosemarie Rosenblatt and Lillian West. Judi emphasized the history of GFWC and how each member helps maintain its values.
Membership Vice President Linda Sturgill presented each club member with new yearbook updates, along with a new leadership survey. The yearbook revisions contain federation information, an updated history of the club, and a picture roster. She asked that members complete the surveys to indicate where they would like to serve; this will facilitate the work of the Nominating Committee. Guest Linda Dievdonne was welcomed.
The minutes of the April meeting were approved as sent in The Communiqué.
Chairman of the Charity Gala Karen Throckmorton reported that the overall revenue was more, and the expenses were less, than budgeted. Net proceeds were $23,559. President Wolfe presented a gift to Karen in appreciation of her work on the Gala.
Report from the Executive Board

In accordance with the adopted budget, a $200 donation will be made to GFWC-NC Links 4 Literacy Golf Tournament, which supports the Greeson-Johnson Teaching Scholarship.

Recording Secretary Maureen Wright, by direction of the Executive Board, moved that the Charity Gala be held on May 3, 2014, at Sea Trail Resort and Convention Center, with fashions from Island Breeze.

Motion adopted.

Recording Secretary Maureen Wright, by direction of the Executive Board, moved that $250 be donated to the Holden Beach HOA to purchase a commemorative brick to be inscribed GFWC of Holden Beach. Funds from this fundraising effort are being used to purchase equipment and build a playground at the community park.

Motion adopted.

By direction of the Executive Board, Recording Secretary Maureen Wright moved

...that GFWC-NC District 7 quilt raffle tickets be offered for sale tonight and that the club purchase any remaining tickets up to $160.

that the Summer Social be held at the home of Caroline Galan on August 17, 2013, with catering by the Whiteville Women’s Civic League, with the cost not to exceed $20 per person. A tip of 15% will be paid by the club.

that $50 be donated to GFWC-NC District 7 for the graduation celebration at Boys and Girls Home of N.C.

Motions adopted.

By direction of the Executive Board, Recording Secretary Maureen Wright moved that $300 be donated to Smart Start for its “Just Watch It Grow” anti-obesity program for preschoolers.

Motion adopted.

CSP Reports

  • Arts – no report

  • Conservation – Chairman Carol Ann Lohman said the committee is working with NC DOT to obtain recognition for a project to clean up Ocean Boulevard West.

  • Education – Chairman Donna Geise reported that proctors are still needed at Cedar Grove Middle School and Supply Elementary for EOG testing May 29-31. She reminded everyone to collect souvenirs on their travels this summer for the Souvenir Auction. Judi Stankowich will organize this event which will be held at our Christmas social. Collection of items will begin in September. The Stuff the Bus campaign to collect school supplies will be at the Holden Beach Walgreen’s on July 5. Contact Donna if you can help with this program.

  • International Outreach - Chairman Pam Burris reported that thus far we have purchased 50 flocks of chicks through the Heifer Program. The committee will repeat this offer in December.

  • Home Life – no report

  • Public Issues – Chairman Peggy Schiavone offered to collect any clothing to be donated to BCC and domestic abuse victims as they begin job interviews. She also asked that we gather items for the GFWC-NC Precious Purses project which the Club is continuing on the local level. This will be the feature of our September meeting.

Corresponding Secretary Kris Thomas reported that Lower Cape Fear Hospice sent a note to thank us for fulfilling our pledge on the serenity garden. A note was also received from Bennie Hall in appreciation of her selection as our Clubwoman with Heart.

Treasurer Karen Throckmorton reported that the budget total is $12,500.
President Wolfe thanked Sunshine Chairman Doris Kelley for organizing and staffing the Belk Charity Sale. President Wolfe also thanked Penny Heidtke for chairing the Bake Sale at Days at the Docks, which resulted in $510 profit.
Treasurer Throckmorton reminded everyone that she has tickets for the GFWC-NC District 7 Quilt raffle.

President Wolfe announced that at the GFWC-NC Convention, GFWC-HB was recognized on several levels:

  • First place silver awards were received for the Newsletter, the Yearbook, and the GFWC Signature Project: Domestic Abuse and Violence Prevention.

  • Past President Peggy Schiavone received the GFWC-NC Juanita Bryant Citizenship Award.

  • Runner-up awards were presented to the Arts CSP and the Conservation CSP. *

  • ESO awards were presented to Judi Stankowich, Century V Level; Patti Hogan and Jane Decker, Torch Level.

President Wolfe thanked the committee that prepared the reports and award submissions. The committee was chaired by Peggy Schiavone and included Judy Brock, Carol Gardner, Judi Stankowich, and the six CSP Chairmen.

President Wolfe reported on the forming of a Nominating Committee. The Executive Board has approved B.J. Stephens and Maureen Wright to serve, and another member shall be elected from the floor.

By unanimous consent, Doris Kelley was elected to serve on the Nominating Committee.
In Patti Hogan’s absence, Donna Geise presented the Gem of the Month to Karen Throckmorton, for her outstanding work on the Charity Gala.
In closing, President Wolfe thanked Caroline Galan for hosting the Summer Social on August 17 and asked for members to attend the Graduation Celebration at the Boys and Girls Home on June 9. Members were also reminded of the GFWC Convention in Hollywood, Florida in June and the GFWC-NC trip to Washington, DC in August.
Caroline Galan offered closing prayer, and the meeting adjourned at 8:40 pm.

Maureen Wright, Recording Secretary


Education Community Service Program Committee

Donna Geise, Chair
The Education Community Service Program Committee has been busy the entire summer. On July 4th they collected school supplies at Walgreens and since then, they have been collecting and distributing the supplies to Supply Elementary and Cedar Grove Middle Schools.

Education chair Donna Geise takes “Stuff the Bus”

Contribution at Walgreens along with Peggy Schiavone and President Julie Wolfe.

Education Chair Donna Geise delivers school supplies to Cedar Grove Middle School along with the help of members Ann Landis and Maureen Wright.

Education Chair Donna Geise and club members Maureen Wright and Ann Landis also delivered school supplies to Supply Elementary School.

International Outreach Community Service Program Committee

Pam Burris, Chairman
Over the summer committee members have continued to promote Heifer's Gifts of Chickens program.   Thanks to your generosity, and that of our friends, neighbors, and families, we have collected enough for 65 flocks of chickens.  So, naturally, we've increased our goal from 50 flocks to 100, and you all can help!   Autumn is the right time to be thinking of holiday gifts and hostess gifts.  What better way to express, not only your affection for a loved one, but your gratitude for your own good fortune, than by giving the gift of hope and life in a loved one's name.  What better way to foster worldwide citizenship and heartfelt giving than to give to other children and their families in a beloved child's name.  It is, as they say, a perfect "teaching moment".  
A gift of a flock of chickens costs $20.00.   The impact of this gift is truly incredible.  ONE chicken lays an average of 257 nutritious eggs a year.

A starter flock from Heifer includes 10 - 50 chickens, meaning there will be enough eggs to eat, sell, and share - ensuring health and well being for an entire community.  Please help us attain our goal of helping 100 families.  If each club member provides ONE flock of chickens at $20.00, we will have achieved our goal - and, more importantly, we will have provided nutrition and sustenance, as well as hope, to 100 needy families.  At our September and October meetings we will have honor cards available and hope you all will participate in this program.  You might say the International CSP members are ladies with a mission.  You might say we are "chicks for chicks"!   Please join us.....

Public Issues Community Service Program Committee

Peggy Schiavone, Chair
Public Issues Committee will have Mayor Alan Holden speak on emergency preparedness on Tuesday, Sept. 17.  With hurricane season upon us,

along with other emergencies that can occur, it is important to know what papers, supplies, etc. you need in case you must leave your home on short notice. 


Anyone who has "Precious Purses" completed can bring these to the meeting.  Even after our fabulous donations of "working" clothes to Hope Harbor, we will again be collecting clothing sometime this fall for another donation.  



2014 Charity Gala Gears Up


Tick Tock - Tick Tock - Tick Tock

There’s never enough time on the clock

But September is here

And our Charity Gala is dear

So let’s put 2014’s on the top!
It’s hard to believe the summer is over and we are beginning to plan another successful Gala already!
Here’s what’s happening now:
Silent auction/sponsorship solicitation committee; Donna Geise - Chairman

Those who are interested in being a member of this committee please join us at my house for a meeting and some wine & cheese at 5:00pm on the September 30th. We will work on the solicitation letters and our coverage strategy for sponsorships and silent auction items.  We will begin solicitation in October.

Silent auction committee; Judy Brock - Chairman

Linda Sturgill will manage the flyers for the silent auction items and Donna Aycock will manage the bid tags, bid sheets and the pricing log for the items.

They will be looking for support too but the immediate need is finding a solution for storage of the silent auction items. If you have any thoughts please let me know.
In November we will have a full Gala kick off meeting for the full committee. Be thinking about the roll you would like in next year’s event.
Finally, if you have not given me your hours for this year’s event please bring them to our meeting on September 17th.
If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks, Karen

Coming Events Calendar

Sept 17: 6:00 Board Meeting

6:30 Club Social

6:45 Club Meeting
Sept 20: Links 4 Literacy Golf Tournament

Riverwood Golf Club, Cary, NC

Nov. 1-2: SER Fall Conference

Winston-Salem, NC
Nov. 22-23: GFWC-NC Fall Conference

Cary, NC

Message from our Membership VP

Linda Sturgill

Do you have a friend that would like to get involved in their community and make a difference? Invite them to a future Club meeting.

Giving back is an incredibly rewarding experience - no matter who benefits - especially when it comes to improving the well-being of families’ right in our very own neighborhood.

Your membership gives you access to the funding and support you need to organize activities based on your interests and the needs of your local community.

Get involved…

Get active…

Become a member!

Always do your best.

What you plant now,

Will harvest later…..

Happy Birthday

June July

Jean Newland, 4 Judi Stankowich, 3

Julie Wolfe, 16 Carolyn Metrakos, 4

Jane Decker, 8


Carol Gardner, 9 September

Ann Landis, 19 Maureen Wright, 2

Sandi Emerson, 28 Kris Thomas, 13

Judy Brock, 31 Cecelia Weston, 20

Lillian West, 31

Summer Adventures
Several GFWC of HB members toured Washington DC with the GFWC-NC President’s trip.

And then there was the summer social. (Editor’s note: See other social pics in other places within the newsletter as page fillers.)

Hosts Ernie and Caroline Galan share a moment with President

Julie Wolfe.

Smart Living

by Kris Thomas

Sleep Routine

Summer is winding down and a change of seasons is just around the corner. You may be feeling the need to get back into a routine. You may feel a need to reconnect with physical activity, healthy eating, and sleep. Getting enough sleep directly correlates with good health. According to the National Sleep Foundation, a vast majority of adults fail to get the recommended amount of rest. While every situation and individual is different; generally 7-8 hours a night is good goal. Some ways to ease into a sleep routine: the bedroom should be an environment conducive to sleep — quiet, dark and cool; your bed should be free of clutter and comfortable; remove distractions such as computers, cell phones and televisions; establish a routine before bed that includes quiet time, such as reading or a warm bath; avoid big meals and caffeine close to bedtime; regular exercise is encouraged; and avoid bright light near bedtime to ensure your body clock is prepped for sleep.

Sweet dreams,


Great Women in History


Caresse Crosby

Publisher, poet, and inventor. Born on April 20, 1892 in New York, New York. While she spent most of her career engaged in the literary arts, Caresse Crosby helped change fashion and free women from confining corsets by getting the first patent for the modern brassiere or as we call it now the bra.


GFWC of HB Members Attend GFWC International Convention

The following article is a convention review written by our very own President, Julie Wolfe for the State Clubwoman Magazine.
2013 GFWC Annual Convention Hollywood, Florida

Pssssst. Can you keep a secret? Just between us? Don’t tell anyone, OK? The 2013 GFWC Convention was……FUN!!!!!!
The fun started when I checked into the Westin. Located between the Atlantic and The Intracoastal Waterway, it provided spectacular views in every direction. Its facilities were first class. The rooms were beautiful and the food at every meal was delicious!
Having never been to southern Florida, I couldn’t resist taking advantage of the planned excursions. The Everglades! On an Airboat! Finding alligators in the wild then meeting all 1200 pounds of Cannibal, up close! Holding one myself! Eeeek! (Did you know that the Florida Everglades National Park exists today because of the foresight and hard work of GFWC Florida?)
Next was brunch at the Peacock Garden Café and a private tour of the Villa Vizcaya Museum and Gardens. Wow---those International Harvester heirs knew how to live! What a delightful introduction to this part of Florida.
However, all of that excitement and adventure paled in comparison to the thrill of the Opening Ceremonies of the GFWC Convention. Forty-eight states, the District of Columbia and three foreign countries were represented. There was our GFWC-NC President, Wendy Carriker and our Director of Juniors, Crystal O’Neal. There was our Juanita Bryant, recognized and honored as a distinguished past president of GFWC. Your fourteen GFWC-NC delegates could not have been more proud and that pride just grew and grew throughout the convention. How affirming to see GFWC-NC recognized again and again for its outstanding contributions to the Federation.
Sometimes it takes a large gathering like this to clarify how special the GFWC-NC members are. You have already received the details of the awards presented to GFWC-NC. Suffice it to say that GFWC-NC was repeatedly recognized as a shining presence throughout the convention.
We were treated to excellent speakers, each of whom delivered meaningful, thought-provoking messages, in engaging and entertaining ways. My favorite? Our own Beverly Lassiter’s brave and touching disclosure of how she overcame her fears and took the chance years ago that led to her joining her first GFWC club. We all so grateful that she did take that chance!
The convention days were filled with business meetings, programs, award presentations, luncheons, social gatherings and dinners. Throughout each day we shared best practices, gained new insights and developed new connections. But we also found time to gather informally, in smaller groups, and just talk and laugh together. Opportunities like that are so rare in our busy lives. Such a pleasure and such a treat!
This year’s theme was, “Enhancing Federation, Fostering Friendship.” My experience at convention reflected that theme. My understanding of our Federation was strengthened and deepened: what it has been, what it is now, and why it is so important. And my friendships with the other delegates were enriched in ways too many to count.
Oh, did I mention that all of this happened while I was having FUN! Don’t tell!

. . . And based on these photos, they DID have fun???

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