Modular Inverse Algorithms without Multiplications for Cryptographic Applications

Combined Speedups: Algorithm RSDH+−

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3.1.7Combined Speedups: Algorithm RSDH+−

The second variant of the plus-minus trick and the delayed halving trick can be combined, giving the fastest of the presented right shift modular algorithms. It is 43…60% faster than algorithm RS1 (which is 30% faster than the traditional implementation RS), but still slower on most computational platforms than the left shift and shifting Euclidean algorithms, discussed below.

3.2Binary Left-Shift Modular Inverse: Algorithm LS1

The left-shift binary modular inverse algorithm (similar to the variant of R. Lórencz [12]) is described in Figure 3. It keeps the temporary variables U and V aligned to the left, such that a subtraction clears the leading bit(s). Shifting the result left until the most significant bit is again in the proper position restores the alignment. The number of known trailing 0-bits increases, until a single 1-bit remains, or the result is 0 (indicating that there is no inverse). As before, keeping 2 internal variables R and S updated, the modular inverse is calculated.

U  m; V  a;

R  0; S  1;

u  0; v  0;

while((|U| ≠ 2u) && (|V| ≠ 2v)) {

if(|U| < 2n-1) {

U  2U; u  u+1;

if (u > v) R  2R;

else S  S/2;


else if(|V| < 2n-1) {

V  2V; v  v+1;

if (v > u) S  2S;

else R  R/2;


else // |U|, |V| ≥ 2n-1

if(sign(U) = sign(V))

if(u v)

{U U V; R R - S;}


{V V U; S S - R;}

else // sign(U) ≠ sign(V)

if(u v)

{U U + V; R R + S;}


{V V + U; S S + R;}

if (U = 0 || V = 0) return 0; }

if (|V| = 2v) { R  S; U  V; }

if ( U < 0 )

if (R < 0) R  -R;

else R  m – R;

if (R < 0) R  m + R;

return R; // a-1 mod m

Figure 3. Left-shift binary algorithm
Here u and v are single-word variables, counting how many times U and V were shifted left, respectively. They tell at least how many trailing zeros the corresponding U and V long integers have, because we always add/subtract to the one, which has fewer known zeros and then shift left, increasing the number of trailing zeros. 16 bits words for u and v allow us working with any operand length less than 64K bit, enough for all cryptographic applications in the foreseeable future. Knowing the values of u and v also helps speeding up the calculations, because we need not process the known least significant zeros.


The reduction of the temporary variables is now done by shifting left the intermediate results U and V, until they have their MS bits in the designated n-th bit position (which is the MS position of the larger of the original operands). Performing a subtraction clears this bit, reducing the binary length. The left-shifts introduce spurious factors, 2k, for the GCD, but tracking the number of trailing 0 bits (u and v) allows the determination of the true GCD. (For a rigorous proof see [12].)

We start with U = m, V = a, R = 0, S = 1, u = v = 0. In the course of the algorithm there will be at least u and v trailing 0-bits in U and V, respectively. In the beginning

GCD(U/2min(u,v),V/2min(u,v)) = GCD(m,a) (2)

If U or V is replaced by U−V, this relation remains true. If both U and V had their most significant (n-th) bit = 1, the above subtraction clears it. We chose the one from U and V to be updated, which had the smaller number of trailing 0-bits, say it was U. U then gets doubled until its most significant bit gets to the n-th bit position again, and u, the number of trailing 0's, is incremented in each step.

If uv was before the doubling, min(u,v) does not change, but U doubles. Since GCD(m,a) is odd (there is no inverse if it is not 1), GCD(2·U/2min(u,v),V/2min(u,v)) = GCD(m,a) remains true. If u < v was before the doubling, min(u,v) increases, leaving U/2min(u,v) unchanged. The other parameter V/2min(u,v) was even, and becomes halved. It does not change the GCD, either.

In each subtraction-doubling iteration either u or v (the number of trailing known 0's) is increased. U and V are never longer than n-bits, so u and vn, and eventually a single 1-bit remains in U or V (or one of them becomes 0, showing that GCD(m,a) > 1). It guaranties, that the procedure stops in at most ||a||+||m|| iterations, with U or V = 2n−1 or 0.

In the course of the algorithm:

U/2min(u,v) ≡ Ra mod m, V/2min(u,v) ≡ Sa mod m. (3)

At subtraction steps (U−V)/2min(u,v) ≡ (R−S)·a mod m, so (3) remains true after updating the corresponding variables: U or V ← U−V, R or S ← R−S.

At doubling U and incrementing u, if u < v was before the doubling, min(u,v) increases, so U/2min(u,v) and R remains unchanged. V/2min(u,v) got halved, so it is congruent to (S/2)·a mod m, therefore S has to be halved to keep (3) true. This halving is possible (V is even), because S has at least v−u trailing 0's (can be proved by induction).

At doubling U and incrementing u, if uv was before the doubling, min(u,v) does not change. To keep (3) true R has to be doubled, too (which also proves that it has at least v−u trailing 0's).

Similar reasoning shows the correctness of handling R and S when V is doubled.

At the end we get either U = 2u or V = 2v, so one of U/2min(u,v) or V/2min(u,v) is 1, and GCD(m,a) is the other one. If the inverse exists, GCD(m,a) = 1 and we get from (3) that either 1 ≡ Ra mod m or 1 ≡ Sa mod m. After making R or S of the right magnitude, it is the modular inverse a−1 mod m.

Another induction argument shows that R and S does not become larger than 2m in the course of the algorithm, otherwise the final reduction phase of the result to the interval [1, m−1] could take a lot of calculation. []

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