It’s Amazing What They Can Do!” The Media and Israel’s “Four Mothers” Protest Movement

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It’s Amazing What They Can Do!”

The Media and Israel’s “Four Mothers” Protest Movement

Daniel Lieberfild

It’s not for one writer to change things; you need a movement. You need a social movement, [a] certain activity in the street of people who speak out clearly. And then this interplay between voices in the media and voices outside in the streets … can make some sort of a change, or can be heard.

-- Ha’Aretz journalist Amira Hass (2003)

Protest movements that aspire to change government policies require sustained media attention. The mainstream media’s coverage of protest can place an issue on the national political agenda and overcome public apathy. By conveying protestors’ messages to the public, the media push policymakers to engage protestors’ arguments, rather than ignoring them. Conversely, grassroots movements that lack media coverage have little possibility of changing public or elite opinion. News media are “the central arena for political debate in western countries and those who hope to promote their ideas to the public have few alternative channels.” It is news media that determine “who gets to speak and what is considered an appropriate form of argument” (Peri 2004: 207). For its part, the state uses the media to propagate messages upholding official policies so that “competition over the news media is a major element in modern political conflicts” (Wolfsfeld 1997: 2). Especially on matters of national security, media coverage of dissent opens up possibilities for democratic and grassroots inputs into policymaking.

When a social movement establishes itself to the degree that it is taken seriously by the political establishment, an intense “framing contest” develops among the state, the movement, and counter-movements that is filtered through the news media (McAdam, McCarthy, and Zald 1996: 17). Political outcomes depend “not only on the substantive merits of the competing frames, but on the independence, procedures, and sympathies of the media” [[source?]].

In this contest, authorities enjoy “tremendous advantages in the quantity and quality of media coverage they receive” (Wolfsfeld 1997: 5), and challenger groups “face the double burden of the underdog: more difficulty getting access to the media, and more difficulty getting their views presented without distortion” (Ryan 1991, 8-9). According to Small (1994, 2), who studied coverage of protest during Vietnam,
Oppositional mass movements have a difficult time obtaining fair, much less favorable coverage from establishment media, even in the freest of democracies. For a variety of economic, political, and institutional reasons, journalists and their employers tend to denigrate those out of the mainstream, despite the fact that they themselves may doubt the wisdom of administration policies. The Right’s offensives against the media over the past quarter century have obscured the fact that most newspapers, magazines, and television news services are bulwarks of the status quo whose attitude toward dissent and unusual political ideas is generally negative.
Recognizing the formidable obstacles that grassroots movements face in winning political contests, Wolfsfeld nevertheless concludes that “many challengers can overcome these obstacles and use the news media as a tool for political influence…. Challengers can and do compete with the authorities in the news media…. Researchers should focus their attention on the exceptions as well as the rules” (1997: 5, original italics). Relatedly, Ryan (1991: 5) asks, “Given the inequities in resources and power, how can challenger groups maximize the possibility that the mainstream media will cover their concerns and present them in a recognizable way?”

This article takes up the agenda proposed by these researchers. It analyzes the experience of a social movement, Four Mothers—Leaving Lebanon in Peace, that attracted considerable media attention in the late 1990s and, according to journalistic and scholarly sources (e.g., Frucht 2000; Shavit 2006; Hermann 2006: 51), helped precipitate Israel’s decision to end its military occupation of southern Lebanon in 2000. It asks how the movement attracted and sustained media coverage that, in turn, gave it political influence? What framing strategies helped the movement claim a voice in a national-security debate? The article considers the dynamic relationship between the media and the movement, as well as the complications that media attention raised for the movement, especially the media’s tendency to personalize the movement and portray it in gender stereotypic terms. The conclusions explore implications of the movement’s experience for the questions of when and how challengers can communicate their message via the media and effect political change.

Background on the Four Mothers Movement and Israeli Public Opinion on Lebanon

Four Mothers—Leaving Lebanon in Peace was formed by a small group of Israeli women living close to Lebanese border, whose sons were fighting in the “security zone” that Israel occupied in southern Lebanon after its 1982 invasion. The group formed in February 1997 in response to the fatal crash of two transport helicopters with 73 Israeli soldiers on board: On a Galilee kibbutz (collective community) near where the crash occurred, a few women whose sons were in combat units in Lebanon decided to write a letter of support to a small group of members of parliament who had publicly called for Israel to end its presence there.1 Its eventual newsworthiness notwithstanding, the group, during its first two months of activity, was ignored by the national media. Widespread media interest began due to the group’s association with national politicians, particularly Yossi Beilin, a member of the parliamentary group that opposed the war and a former government minister from the Labor party. Beilin responded to the women’s letter by visiting them on the kibbutz in March and encouraging their activism. A member of Beilin’s staff also alerted a reporter from Israel’s television Channel 1 to the story.

Just before the first t.v. feature on the group aired in May 1997, the mass-circulation daily Yediot Aharonot, Israel’s largest, found out about it and quickly put together a page-one feature on the group that scooped the t.v. show (while also increasing the t.v. audience). The Yediot article and the television feature initiated a wave of attention in which most national print and broadcast outlets sought the group out. Beilin was a prominent politician and the group’s appearances with him at they anti-war events they jointly organized helped to certify the movement as newsworthy.2 To remain so the group, which included men and former soldiers, organized rallies and smaller-scale protests, made talk-show appearances, and issued press releases anytime a soldier died or any development occurred regarding Lebanon. The group also notified the media when it met with members of Parliament (the Knesset)—over 50 times in its first 15 months of activity (Ben Zvi 1998). While some politicians would have willingly met the group’s representatives in any case, others likely found that the political opportunities provided by media coverage enhanced the meetings’ appeal. While numbering only a few hundred activists

When the movement began, a substantial majority of the Israeli public and political elites believed that, absent a peace agreement with Lebanon and Syria, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) should remain in southern Lebanon. Defense Minister Yitzhak Mordechai maintained that there was “no alternative to the IDF presence in the south Lebanon security zone.” According to Military Intelligence chief, Major-General Moshe Ya’alon, even to raise the question of Israel’s leaving represented a victory for Hezbollah, the Iranian and Syrian backed militia that was Israel’s chief Lebanese adversary (Collins 1997). Support for the military’s presence in Lebanon crossed political party lines, with opposition Labor-party leader Ehud Barak, a former IDF Chief of Staff, contending that a unilateral Israeli withdrawal would be “disastrous because it would bring Hezbollah right to our border” (Honig 1997).

Despite such pronouncements, public opinion between 1997 and 1999 turned decisively against the Lebanon war, due to rising Israeli casualties and to protests by the Four Mothers movement, which was the only grassroots national movement protesting the war. By the time Barak, the recently elected prime minister, withdrew Israeli forces in March 2000, nearly three fourths of Jewish Israelis supported the decision (Arian 1999). The movement voted to disband soon after the withdrawal.

The Four Mothers movement attracted media and political attention to the extent that, according to a journalist’s analysis, by 1999 the group had become “synonymous with the public debate demanding withdrawal from Lebanon, and media practitioners … actively [sought] their reactions to any event related to the issue” (Mabat Nashi [“Women’s View”], 13 March 1999 in Lemesh and Barzel 2000: 160). The movement attracted attention from elements of the mainstream media due in part due to journalists and politicians’ actively promoting the group, and due to structural factors in the political and media environments that provided incentives for coverage. Both media practitioners’ agency and structural factors are explored below.

As individuals voicing their shared grievance, the founders of the Four Mothers movement were “discovered” by politicians and by editors and journalists who also disagreed with Lebanon policy, and who saw in the group a means of promoting policy change. Reporters and editors’ political and personal outlooks on the Lebanon war motivated crucial early coverage of the group and were instrumental in its becoming a national movement. Tarrow (1994: 127) assesses that “The media help movements to gain initial attention, and this may be the most important stage of their impact” (see also Gitlin 1980: 26-27). An article about the group’s founders in the national newspaper of the kibbutz movement, Ha’Kibbutz, helped transform them into leaders of a self-conscious movement: The article’s title gave the group the “Four Mothers” name it eventually adopted, and when readers contacted the group in response to the article and offered their support the group recognized the need for a formal organization that could coordinate these disparate volunteers and put their energies to use.

For Ha’Kibbutz editor Ora Armoni (2007), ““It was clear that we wanted to support the movement. My son was in Lebanon at the time.” Movement leaders likewise perceived that some journalists, as well as some politicians, deliberately gave the group a platform due to their political sympathies. Ben Dor (2007) observed that the author of the original “Four Mothers” article in Ha’Kibbutz, “grabbed onto us when he saw someone acting on his point of view.” Journalists, she noted, “have an agenda, a point of view. They searched for us, fought for us, to get our story in the news.” Indeed, Armoni (2007) explained that the Ha’Kibbutz article was intended “as a message to the Four Mothers, saying ‘You are not alone. We are with you.’”

Other journalists who gave the movement media access and a platform from which to influence national politics also had personal relationships to the soldiers in Lebanon. According to former Israel Broadcasting Authority news editor Chanan Naveh, “Three broadcasters—Carmela Menashe, Shelly Yechimovich, and I—pushed in every way possible the withdrawal from Lebanon towards 2000. In our newsroom, three of the editors had sons in Lebanon, and we took it upon ourselves as a mission…. It came from our guts because of the boys in Lebanon” (Fendel 2007). A reporter for the government-run Channel 1, whose television feature on the group in May 1997 precipitated a wave of media interest, explained, “Personally, I felt Israel had no business being in Lebanon.”

While some in the media played up gender stereotypes of women and mothers, emphasizing their tears and feelings, other journalists saw in the group an expression of women’s empowerment. Ha’Kibbutz editor Armoni (2007), for example, connected the group to “the idea that women can do some things connected to war and peace better than men.” A videographer whose piece on the group aired on a “video magazine” on a regional Galilee station, recalled that she was inspired to make the feature after hearing about the group on the radio and feeling “very proud of this group of women who gave me the feeling that I’m not alone” (Fertig 2007).

Features about the group, of the sort that appeared in the magazine section of national newspapers, tended to be by female journalists such as Yael Paz Melamed of Maariv, Ariela Ringel-Hoffman of Yediot Aharonot, or Amira Segev of Ha’Aretz. Although reporters who wrote on the movement for regional newspapers in the North tended to be men, male journalists at the national level were less responsive to the group’s personal requests for coverage than were female journalists (Ben Dor 2007). Some female reporters who promoted the group were likely representative of a wider trend of the “feminization” of the journalistic profession in Israel (Caspi & Limor 1999: 303).

Social movements are commonly affected by reporters’ professional values or orientations (Kielbowicz and Sherer 1986: 75-76). Israeli media are not monolithic and some journalists actively opposed the movement. Regarding Hagai Segal, of the pro-settler radio station Arutz Sheva and the ideologically linked newspaper Nekuda, for example, Ben Dor commented, “We were a great punching bag for him!” More significantly, Lebanon, like other wars, was covered by military correspondents whose careers depended on good relations with the military and the Defense Ministry, and who were often personally, as well as professionally, identified with the army. The “Commander” of the popular and esteemed military-run radio network Gali Tzahal, for example, is appointed by political echelons responsible for the IDF, and broadcasters are constrained by a history of dismissals “because of the political views they expressed in civilian life” (Caspi & Limor 1999: 140, 142). Even non-military reporters adhere to the norm of upholding consensus policies when Israel is at war, and practice internal editorial censorship accordingly (Gruber 2007). Pro-institutional, statist tendencies run deep among Israeli journalists, with government-media cooperation widespread since the founding of the state.

Veteran journalists in the 1990s found the Lebanon war personally and professionally significant in that the 1982 invasion had pushed Israel’s press toward more of a watchdog role and away from its traditional role as a government mouthpiece: After an initial “rally-‘round-the-flag” period (Schiff and Ya’ari 1984: 304), journalists’ exposés helped bring about Israel’s partial withdrawal from Lebanon in 1985 (Peri 2004: 87-88). The war also hardened tensions between Israel’s media and its political institutions (Caspi & Limor 1999: 175; Wolfsfeld 1997: 4).

Structural features of the media and political environments also created incentives to cover the Four Mothers movement. Ryan (1991: 144) notes that “The media will ignore a chronic crucial problem … until an event occurs that provides an immediate, concrete, and dramatic focus.” The helicopter crash became such a focus, as did subsequent military disasters in Lebanon. In addition, the movement possessed a catalog of elements of dramatic newsworthiness: women protesters, the army, actual and potential death, and mourning. The human-interest and drama quotient in stories about the movement was inherently high.

Adding to the group’s newsworthiness was the novelty of the grassroots protest regarding Lebanon, where none had been heard since the mid-1980’s, and the protesters’ identity as women and mothers, and as kibbutz members—whose status, in Israel, was that of national pioneers, and as northerners—who were the population most vulnerable to rocket attacks. According to Shahar of Ha’Kibbutz (2007), “They developed a reputation for being a good story, because it was a group of women. Women are supposed to be inside, not outside. When women go to the streets, it’s a story.” A Four Mothers activist observed, “Women were used by media as something new, and perhaps something to mock” (El Or 2007). However, journalist Ofer Shelah (2007) also noted that reporters assumed that the mothers were often voicing what their sons thought about the war but could not say publicly.

For television journalists, talk shows with citizen activists arguing against officials were a refreshing change from the usual shows featuring stale-seeming debates among politicians. While government representatives’ message held no novelty after more than 15 years of conflict in Lebanon, the movement’s message, that the policy had failed, was at least novel.

Four Mothers leaders were frequent guests on television talk shows, in which they were pitted against pro-war generals and military experts, or on occasion parents who supported the war despite their sons having been killed in it. The media’s balance norms, particularly in talk shows, lent legitimacy to the movement and gave the soldiers’ families equal time and nearly equal status to that of their official interlocutors. A journalist who often had Four Mothers activists on his show, commented (2007), “The group was sexy for the media: Women from Rosh Pina [the prosperous Galilee town where Ben Dor lived] beating a general in a debate” (Shelah 2007).

Such talk-show appearances were important opportunities for the movement, Ben Dor noted: “When our pictures are in the paper, or are on the news, that lets people know who we are and what we are, but it doesn’t convince anyone we are right.” Talk programs and newspaper feature articles were better than news reports because “When you are just given a quote in a story you can’t really express a message, but when you are the story then you have an opportunity to convince people” (Ben Zvi 1998: 14).

Media are strongly attracted to controversy, so that even when the movement was criticized by officials, it still received beneficial coverage. For example, a colonel in the IDF derogated the movement as “the Four Rags” and was eventually compelled to issue a halfhearted apology (O’Sullivan 2000). A disparaging remark toward the group by the bureau chief in Prime Minister Netanyahu’s office similarly attracted coverage of the controversy (e.g., Collins 1998).3

Social movements are affected by the degree of media competition (Kielbowicz and Scherer 1986: 75-76). Concentration of media ownership diminishes possibilities for dissemination of alternative and opposition perspectives (Ryan 1991: 138), while proliferation of media outlets can facilitate such dissemination. Media competition in Israel grew during the 1990’s with the appearance of a new commercial television station and multiplication of radio stations (Wolfsfeld 2004: 55). This media environment probably helped the movement attract coverage by expanding competition for scoops and good stories. Media competition tended to engender more sensationalism, so that stories about soldiers killed, and related protests, became more newsworthy.

Ryan (1991: 39) notes the strong element of circularity in the idea of “newsworthiness”: Once a story becomes news, the media recognize it as newsworthy, inviting further coverage. For reasons discussed below, the group’s story fit the structural interests of media and took on momentum, with rival journalists not wanting to miss out. Ownership links between Israeli newspapers were likely a factor in attracting coverage: Ha’Kibbutz and Yediot Aharonot belonged to the same publishing group, along with Kol HaEmek ve HaGalil (“Voice of the Valley and the Galilee”), the North’s main regional paper.

Also noteworthy is the plentiful attention that the movement attracted from international media, including CNN, the BBC, Sky News, and the major U.S. and European networks and newspapers. Because most international media have permanent news bureaus in the region, their reporters were continually on the lookout for stories, particularly in the absence of activity on the Israeli-Palestinian front. Foreign media opportunities were plentiful enough that the movement delegated a member to concentrate on the foreign press. Although international media attention probably had less direct political impact within Israel than did coverage by national media, stories in the foreign press probably had an indirect influence in that they made the group’s activities seem more worthy of national press coverage and directed the attention of Israeli politicians toward the group and its goals.

Politically, the movement benefited from the fact that while opposition to the Lebanon war was originally a minority viewpoint, such opposition did cross political party lines. Also significant was the general trend away from elite consensus on security issues and toward a more polarized political landscape more generally. With a decline in elite consensus about a war, media professionals grow more willing to address a war’s negative aspects, as was evident for the United States regarding Vietnam (Hallin 1986) as well as for Israel in Lebanon in the 1980s [[Meirom?]]. As more politicians came out in favor of ending the war, and as Netanyahu’s governing coalition grew increasingly fragile, Israel’s media grew more willing to cover antiwar protest. In this light, the narrowness of the governing coalition’s parliamentary majority during the years of movement activity enhanced the movement’s ability to attract media coverage. As Wolfsfeld (1997: 4) observes,
When authorities succeed in dominating the political environment, the news media find it difficult to play an independent role. When, on the other hand, the authorities lack or lose control it provides the news media with a much greater array of sources and perspectives from which to choose. This offers important opportunities for challengers to promote their own frames to the press.
With the Palestinian front relatively unthreatening in 1997-99, the movement’s attempts to focus national attention on Lebanon competed with few other security stories. And as the only movement protesting the Lebanon war at the national level, Four Mothers faced no obstacles from “market saturation” or competing movements.

Regarding the political environment in the late 1990s, it is worth noting that journalists’ relations with the Netanyahu government were typically negative. Journalists were frustrated by Netanyahu’s extensive efforts to manipulate his image in the media, as had also been the case with Defense Minister Ariel Sharon stonewalled the press during the invasion of Lebanon in 1982 (Schiff & Ya’ari 1984: 41). Some journalists, following Prime Minister Rabin’s 1995 assassination, also felt the media should have been less complacent toward right-wing extremism. They consequently sought to give more attention to political opponents of Netanyahu and to provide facts to counter his propaganda (Malka XXXX). The press’s animus toward Netanyahu was unrelated to the Lebanon war, which had not originated with him; it nevertheless formed part of the context in which the media embraced the movement.

During 1996-1999, when most movement activity took place, the public had the most sustained favorable attitudes toward the possibility of peace of any time between 1994 and 2005 (Yaar & Hermann 2006). Polls show that fears that Arabs intended to destroy the Jewish state and kill Jews dropped to historically low levels from 1997-1999 (Arian 1997, 1998, 1999).4 Decreased perceptions of threats to the survival of the state affect government-media relations by lessening the perceived need for rigid censorship and self-censorship in security matters (Caspi & Limor 1999: 307; Schudson 2002: 40), which opens up public space for debating the war’s costs and benefits.

Hallin (1986: 116) terms this latitude for acceptable partisan debate the “sphere of legitimate controversy.” Particularly in the early stages of the movement, its allies among politicians and journalists used it to shift the idea of ending the Lebanon war from the “sphere of deviance,” rejected by the political mainstream as “unworthy of being heard,” to the “sphere of legitimate controversy.” In Wolfsfeld’s analysis, Israel’s media “went far beyond reflecting the changing public opinion, and actually accelerated it by giving generous coverage to anyone in favor of a withdrawal” (Frucht 2000). Yet the media’s relatively unquestioning acceptance of Lebanon policy until 1997 suggests that grassroots protest and a degree of elite dissensus, more than journalists’ antiwar agendas, was ultimately responsible for altering public opinion. Emphasizing the diversity of professional interests and political viewpoints among journalists, Ben Dor assessed (4.6.07), “Maybe in the beginning [sympathetic reporters] were using us to promote their goals, but as we progressed it was mutual interest. Later on people blamed them [saying] that they worked for us—I don’t think they did.” Wolfsfeld himself concludes that Four Mothers’ “main contribution was to legitimize the public debate over Lebanon. Before they came along, debating what we were doing in Lebanon was a taboo subject: It wasn’t patriotic to raise it” (Frucht 2000). The following section explores how the movement broke this taboo and shifted policy toward Lebanon into the “sphere of legitimate controversy.”


The previous section outlined the combination of individual agency and structural factors contributing to media interest in the movement. Movement leaders did not, however, passively await coverage; they strategized continually about how to sustain media attention, in service of their goal of changing public and elite opinion. Initially naive concerning the media’s ability to further their political goals, movement founders began, within a few months, to prioritize media coverage, holding bi-weekly discussions of media strategies and appointing a former journalist for a mass-circulation newspaper, whose close friend had been killed in Lebanon, in charge of media outreach.

The group’s strategy of influencing national public opinion meant that it had to sustain media coverage over months and years. The goal, from the movement’s perspective, was to be in the news all the time, to create something interesting and provocative enough for the media to want to cover, and to create an expectation among journalists that the group could be counted on to provide them with news. As the movement’s media coordinator noted, “Whenever we can we try to provide interesting pictures and interesting quotes. We realize that the media has the job of bringing a captivating story, and we know that each time our name gets mentioned on the news the prestige and power of the movement grows” (Ben Zvi 1998: 13).

Rather than hope that journalists would cover the group’s activities based on their press releases, activists personalized follow-up contacts to encourage coverage. They solicited appearances by celebrity entertainers at Four Mothers rallies. Occasionally the group also provided journalists with scoops. After meeting with President Ezer Weizman, for example, the media coordinator called journalists with the story that Weizman had expressed support for the goal of leaving Lebanon, even though Weizman’s staff asked the group not to quote the president on the subject. After the story appeared, the media coordinator received a furious call from the president’s bureau chief, but considered the publicity well worth it (Haggai 2007).

The group learned that the political success of a demonstration was reflected not as much by the size of the crowd at a Four Mothers event as by how much attention or “noise” it was able to generate. Given the cost and effort of organizing large rallies, obtaining media coverage of less demanding, smaller-scale events became more important. As activist Arik Ben Zvi recounted (1998: 13), “Early on it was recognized that it was more effective for the furthering of the goals of the movement to have a demonstration of fifty people get shown on the news than a demonstration of five hundred people that gets no coverage at all.” In fact, many of the group’s protests attracted only a handful of people, but when photos appeared in the news they tended to be tightly framed, creating the impression of greater participation.

When the group’s leaders learned that the first television crew to do a feature on the movement was coming, they organized an impromptu demonstration at a road junction near the kibbutzim where they lived, enlisting several workers in a nearby kibbutz-run restaurant to become demonstrators at a “made-for-t.v.” protest.

Movement leaders nearly always avoided illegal actions, but the imperative of obtaining coverage at times overrode this stricture. An activist described how, at a demonstration near the Defense Ministry,
I saw that the television crews were starting to lose interest. I was concerned that the pictures they had were not interesting enough to be broadcast on the news so I decided to give them something to show. I grabbed a few people and led them into the middle of the street to block traffic. Within minutes the police were there, motorists were getting out of their cars, there was a pushing match. That night we were the lead story on the nightly news (Ben Zvi 1998: 13).
The news media search for drama obsessively, with the assumption that “dramatic coverage is the only way to compete for audiences” [[Peri?? or Wolfsfeld?]]. This was particularly true of Yediot Aharonot, Israel’s largest daily, known for “simplistic, dramatic coverage” (Avraham et al. 2000: 122). Movement leaders took this imperative into account in their efforts to attract and sustain coverage. As Small notes (1994: 23-24; see also Kielbowicz and Sherer 1986: 75-76), television news needs visuals and action and is otherwise uninterested in peaceful demonstrations. Initially, the media were slow to cover the movement, because, movement leaders learned, they “wanted action.” Adapting to the media’s preference for dramatic, visible events, movement leaders began to provide good visuals and theatrical gimmicks with media coverage in mind, bringing, for example, a live ostrich to a demonstration at the prime minister’s residence to symbolize the myopia of his Lebanon policy. For a demonstration on the Lebanon border, activists unfurled a huge, easily photographed green cloth banner. At other demonstrations, they released doves or balloons. Conversely, Ben Dor argued against the idea of establishing a protest tent in Jerusalem because “The media only come on the first day and the last day and we didn’t want to be shown ‘folding up our tent.’”

When stories appeared in newspapers or on television, movement leaders tried to include the group’s logo and telephone number in the pictures, so they became “free advertising” that attracted more members. The movement also used media coverage to inform potential supporters about upcoming demonstrations and to encourage the public to attend. Ben Dor commented (2007), “You have to be clever enough to get into the newspaper for free. Who needs to spend money for advertising?”

Framing Strategies and Self-Presentation

Beyond transmitting facts, the news participates in the making of political meanings. The symbolic and mythic content of news is central to the framing of political debates. Ryan (1991: 79, 93) points out that successful frames draw on culturally recognizable plots and narratives: “A frame’s chance for success increases when it ‘resonates with’ familiar cultural themes…. The guiding question [for movements selecting cultural references] is, ‘What symbols will touch and mobilize existing and/or potential bases of support because the resonances speak to their lives?’ and secondarily, ‘What cultural resonances will grab the assignment editor?’”

Political effectiveness depended on movement leaders’ ability to create discursive frames that resonated with the cultural values of potential supporters (Snow, Rochford, Worden, and Benford 1986). Beginning with the “Four Mothers” name, movement chairperson Ben Dor adapted biblical narratives and traditional cultural themes in service of war protest. To emphasize their Israeliness, Four Mothers protestors carried Israel flags, sang Ha’Tikva, the national anthem, and invoked national heroes and symbols in their protests. Signs at Four Mothers demonstrations included “Support our soldiers,” implying, “Yes, we do support them.” Since demonstrators were often soldiers’ family members, their assertions of support were not easily contested.

The Four Mothers movement was notable for selecting metaphors, such as exodus and return, that figure heavily in Jewish cultural history, and adapting them to the framing contest over the Lebanon war. The movement’s metaphors were drawn from the Bible and other easily assimilable, culturally resonant sources, and were thus well suited to the broadcast media, which typically eschew complexity and are drawn to two-sided controversies. Wolfsfeld (2004: 18, 20, 54) observes, “Simple story lines, especially when they are accompanied by good visuals, are the key to reaching a mass audience.” A videographer who did a feature on the movement recalled that she was attracted to the movement because they “took a complicated situation and made it into a cultural event. They reminded people that we are Jews” (Fertig 2007).

Wolfsfeld (1997: 5) notes that “The news media keep a large stock of anti-authority frames for those antagonists who have the resources and skills to use them.” Beginning with the helicopter disaster, the movement focused on the losses, holding large-scale protests at the anniversaries of the invasion and small-scale vigils each time an Israeli soldier died in Lebanon. By making each Israeli victim an occasion for protest, rather than an occasion for escalating the war, the movement changed the frame around deaths of Israeli soldiers in Lebanon from “unavoidable and necessary”—the official version—to “unnecessary and unjust.”

Unlike civilian casualties from terrorism, which Israelis typically see as beyond their control, military casualties are seen to result from policy decisions that are relatively controllable, that “depend on us.” Solutions to military casualties are easier to imagine than those from terrorism, and more amenable to uncomplicated slogans (Shahar 2007). Wolfsfeld (2004: 53) observes that

The higher the level of violence in a conflict, the greater the need for the news media to allocate blame. One common method for deciding fault is to focus on the victims. Victims are a central element in most good news stories about political conflicts and once the victim (or potential victim) has been identified, so has the aggressor.
The movement framed soldiers and their families as victims of a government that lacked initiative and imagination. However, activists carefully avoided blaming the military, which enjoys the highest prestige among Israeli institutions.

Regarding the group’s self-presentation, Ben Dor emphasized, “Mainstream, mainstream, mainstream was the goal. We were the authentic people—like the next-door neighbors.” In contrast to groups like Women in Black, whose mode of protest symbolically separated them from Israel’s mainstream (Helman & Rapoport 1997), Four Mothers activists facilitated their media access through their mainstream identity, by their avoidance of illegal actions, and by limiting their goals to ending the war rather than more radical social change. Wolfsfeld (1997: 52) notes that “Challengers who make what are deemed by the press to be unjustified demands will be framed as either weird or dangerous. The mainstream media have a basic belief in the need for reform and an abhorrence for radical change.” When more radical groups attended Four Mothers demonstrations, the group was nervous about being associated with them and, although it could not prevent their coming, at times covertly used their banners to block television cameras from filming such protesters (Ben Zvi 2006).

By not highlighting the harm that the war was doing to Lebanese civilians, movement leaders avoided disturbing the media’s essential ethnocentrism in which stories are almost always about “us” and “claims about our own acts of aggression and the other’s suffering are either ignored, underplayed, or discounted” (Wolfsfeld 2004: 22). Partly to stay within the political consensus, and also because no comparable group existed on the Lebanese side, the movement had few links with the Lebanese adversary. In this regard the movement differed from those peace groups in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that included members of both national groups or that sponsored joint activities, and that often remained marginal to Israeli politics.5

Ben Dor noted (2007) that she chose spokespeople for media opportunities based on consideration of their political symbolism and appeal: those who had dramatic life stories and who could be seen as symbols of Israeliness. For example, for one interview Ben Dor chose an activist who had been the first girl born on a kibbutz that was famous for having suffered a terrorist attack from Lebanon.

“I really emphasized the personal,” Ben Dor noted (2007). “This is what people want to hear.” While personalizing the movement risked distracting audiences from the essentially political nature of security policy toward Lebanon, personalization was necessary since the media would not have otherwise covered the group. Despite widespread feelings in Israel that the war should be ended, “the feeling needs a character, a voice. The media follows people. The Four Mothers personalized it in an intriguing way” (Shelah 2007). Selectively publicizing activists’ personal stories via media interviews was a key to conveying the movement’s political message to politicians and the public.

In their media appearances, movement members strove to give an impression of calm, poised rationality, while at the same time allowing enough emotional intensity to come through. In modulating their emotions, group leaders sought to counter the stereotype of hysterical mothers whose fears for their sons disqualified their opinions on security matters. They considered openly grieving mothers, such as Orna Shimoni, who was frequently interviewed about her son who had been killed in Lebanon, and who was often erroneously identified with the Four Mothers movement, problematic since they reinforced the stereotype of irrational mothers (Ben Dor 2007).

Ben Dor also noted the need to remain strategically minded and unprovokable, so as to deflect attacks on the movement from right-wing nationalists and military officials:
There were so many types of attacks on us…. Our response was to stay reasonable and calm, not get too emotional. It’s sometimes good to be emotional, but balanced. It’s calculated: You have to think what will be the best for each audience.
Journalist Freddy Gruber (2007), who interviewed activists for the first television feature on the group, commented, “They were eloquent, good interviewees. They presented well.”

Lemish & Barzel (2000) argue that the media distorted the movement by framing it as maternal. However, their focus on the language the media used to describe the movement may obscure the movement’s own political goals, as well its leaders’ active role in framing the movement’s identity. An illustration of the extent to which movement leaders sought to accommodate the perceived preferences of the media, and were agents who framed the movement’s identity, rather than being mere objects of a framing process imposed by journalists, can be seen from the minutes of a Four Mothers meeting in September 1997 in which the group discussed appointing a media spokesperson:

Movement Chairperson Ben Dor: “We need a male voice to recruit men to the movement.”
Media Coordinator Haggai: “The media won’t accept a male spokesperson as a representative. We have to play by the rules of the media.”
Female participant: “The media wants mothers and this is what the media is going to promote.”
Activist Michal Pundak: “We shouldn’t fight against media attention. We should play more on this role of emotion and motherhood” [[(Four Mothers 1997).]]
A process is evident in which movement leaders try to anticipate media predilections, and debate how best to accommodate or use them for political purposes.

Framing the movement’s identity as familial/maternal was politically useful since anti-war movements may be accused of exploiting the tragedy of soldiers’ deaths to score political points—in the Israeli formulation, “dancing on the blood.” The movement did gain media attention from protesting whenever Israeli soldiers died in Lebanon. IDF casualties were typically reported on the front pages of Israeli newspapers and stories about Four Mothers movement protests often appeared alongside the stories and pictures of soldiers who had been killed. Media are reluctant to use the context of Israeli fatalities to criticize security policy because they may be accused of “dancing on the blood.” This stricture was less problematic in reporting on the Four Mothers movement because its leading activists were mainly parents of soldiers, who could only with difficulty be attacked for profiting politically from the deaths of their sons and their sons’ comrades.

After a disastrous initial appearance on the Popolitica talk show, movement representatives were for the most part well prepared for the televised debates they participated in, often pitted against military officials. Movement representatives were typically teachers and other professionals, many of whom could speak from personal experience about security conditions in the North. For talk-show appearances Ben Dor tried to choose spokespersons who could quote officials’ own statements about the war and deploy the military’s own terminology. Many generals, by contrast, appeared not to have thought deeply about policy toward the war.6

The movement gained legitimacy from having former officers join and from having spokespersons who were conversant in security discourse. Activists could at times cite military sources that either spoke to them anonymously or who made public pronouncements. When comments in support of withdrawal by General Amiram Levine, the head of the IDF Northern Command responsible for Lebanon, were leaked to the press, the movement released a statement supporting Levine that was picked up by the media and integrated into stories about Levine’s comments. The movement’s media consultant assessed, “By releasing a statement quickly we were able to catch a ride on a story that otherwise had nothing to do with us. Suddenly it seemed that an IDF general was being quoted as supporting our position…. The event increased our prestige considerably” (Ben Zvi 1998: 14).

Movement leaders consciously restricted themselves to a single goal—ending the war. Rejected proposals for taking on other social-political issues made it easier for activists to stay non-partisan and on-message: Their point, continually stressed, was that the security zone not working, that the policy was a failure, soldiers were dying in the meantime, and, therefore, it was best to bring the boys home. The group’s anti-war message deliberately avoided the term “withdrawal,” with its unpopular connotation of defeat, and did not specify just how the war should be ended. Instead the group insisted that after 15 years people wanted a solution and politicians and security experts should devise one.
In the foregoing assessment, the movement’s decisionmaking can be seen to account for its success in wooing media attention, most of it positive. Movement leaders actively solicited press coverage, with an awareness of the media’s motivations and preferences. They initiated contacts with journalists, offered scoops, created mediagenic visuals, personalized the Lebanon issue, and even created on-the-spot news.

Equally importantly, the movement carefully chose its modes of protest. It framed the debate in terms of mainstream Israeli culture, claiming patriotic symbols, Biblical stories and holidays, and motherhood itself in service of its goals. It avoided partisan politics, illegal actions, criticizing the army, over-identification with the Lebanese adversary, and association with groups perceived as far-left.

The movement thus adopted the imagery and discourses typical of the “sphere of consensus,” the region of “motherhood and apple pie,” and used it to move opposition to the Lebanon war from the “sphere of deviance,” where it had not gotten a hearing in the media, to the “sphere of legitimate controversy,” the region of political debates and electoral contests (Hallin 116). As the group carried out this transformation, views opposing the war became worthy of widespread media coverage, which precipitated a politically decisive shift in public opinion against the war.

Media coverage confers external legitimacy on movements as newsworthy subjects whose goals are within the Sphere of Legitimate Controversy, and also legitimation for activists. As Small (1994: 19) notes, “Especially when one is launching a movement, media attention, even if it is not entirely favorable or fair, can be comforting. Someone is paying attention—we are having an impact, is the feeling.” With many people around them doubting that they could, in fact, change policy toward the war, Four Mothers leaders found media coverage greatly encouraging, as some editors and reporters had intended. For Ben Dor (6.7.2007), “Without the encouragement of regional newspapers at the beginning, I would have felt delusional.”

Certainly, movement leaders at times questioned whether the stresses and sacrifices entailed by their activism were worthwhile: Ben Dor and others recounted incidents in which people spat on them, and sent them anonymous threatening phone calls and letters. Ben Dor was awakened at night by the assistant to the Defense Minister and told that her her activism was going to kill her son, which Ben Dor interpreted as a threat to cause her son problems while he was serving in Lebanon.

When movement leaders felt it difficult to continue, they drew inspiration from journalists like Shahar of Ha’Kibbutz, who recognized that “Movements frequently disband—you need pushing, inspiration.” Regarding one such journalist, Ben Dor assessed,

Just the fact that Ofer Shelah—who was an officer, a military person—backs you up is a confirmation that he thinks there’s something to you. It makes other people respect you, gives you this sense that it’s worthwhile. It’s a very encouraging validation. So when his colleagues say things about you, then it doesn’t get to you.
However, media attention poses a set of challenges regarding the tendency toward personalization, mentioned above, as well as gender bias in the case of movements involving soldiers’ families, and media interest in the movement’s internal divisions.
Over-personalization and Gender Bias in Media Framing

A challenge for the movement was the media’s tendency to focus on the human-interest aspects of its protests. A human-interest focus implies less focus on institutions and policies. Bennett (1983: 8, in Ryan 1991: 45) notes, “The personal angle ends up hiding the political import of events as viewers respond on an emotional level; the focus on human emotions often obscures the most important features of events, most notably the workings of political processes, power relations, and economic forces.”

In the near-term, however, media personalization had some advantages, notably that activists’ personal stories could help influence public opinion. “Using the misery” that the war caused and exposing the suffering that many movement representatives experienced was a strategy for influencing public opinion. An activist described the movement wanting to use the media’s curiosity about them, “because you wanted the publicity,” while also needing to control the media’s tendency to turn the movement into “something sentimental or hysterical” (El-Or 2007).

The movement sought personal relationships with media professionals, encouraging them to cover the movement. Ben Dor noted, “We met with many leading reporters, just getting to know them personally, hoping something would come out of it.” Male journalists, according to Ben Dor, tended to be more suspicious about “buying this product” than were female journalists, and personal relationships with reporters were hazardous for the movement, as noted below.

Lemish and Barzel (2000: 159) argue that the human-interest and “soft gossip type journalism” often characterized reports on the movement, framed it “within the private sphere” and marginalized its message, reflecting pervasive gender bias. Newspaper articles on the group typically included the word “Mothers” in the headline and “journalists actively chose to stick to the motherly frame” declining to interview the movement’s spokesperson because he was a man [[Rachel: When was this? After 9/97 meeting??]]. Ben Dor reflected in 1998,
We didn’t conceive that motherhood and femininity would serve our opponents as an opportunity to divert attention from the issue and dwell on us and on our name. We tried time and again to say that fathers and many good citizens are partners in our protest, but the exposure was mainly to us as a [maternal] phenomenon (Lemish and Barzel 2000: 153-154).
While the media tended to reinforce the movement’s maternal identity—for example by reporting that women activists were mothers of combat soldiers, but omitting their professional or educational backgrounds—the movement’s founders deliberately adopted the “Four Mothers” name and were aware of advantages of the motherhood frame as well as its limitations:
All the time they latched onto the female thing rather than to the problem at hand. It allowed them to cling to the motherhood issues and not go in depth into the problem. It afforded them a way to escape the problem. On the other hand it was apolitical, a mother’s cry … it worked (Ben Dor in Lemish and Barzel 2000: 154).
Israel’s nationalist mythology and the quasi-reverential status surrounding mothers of combat soldiers for the most part insulated the movement from direct attacks by government and military officials and ensured that the movement’s message would not be ignored. Political philosopher Yaron Ezrahi emphasizes that Four Mothers activists were not confined to the traditional role of Israeli soldiers’ mothers as mourners who silently sacrifice their children for the nation. Rather, in “turning their children from (being) heroes who have died into the victims of unimaginative policy makers” they “point fingers at government and show it is not doing its duty.” Ezrahi concludes, “These women have enormous power” (Kaplan 1998). Movement leaders also received more respectful treatment from the press as they gained coverage and political influence.

Beyond attracting more media coverage, maternal identity seems to have generated considerable sympathy for the movement and legitimized debate over security policy from which private citizens, particularly women, would otherwise have been excluded. In their study of the press response to the movement, Lemish and Barzel (2000: 161) conclude,

The newspapers treated the phenomenon of Four Mothers within an easily acceptable frame of motherhood (private sphere), rather than the alternative threatening one of citizenship (public sphere). This form of news management allowed the incorporation of Four Mothers and the radical discourse of maternal resistance into mainstream consensual media discourse. This very process of depoliticizing women actually facilitated the voicing of a female political alternative.
Thus, for the movement, maternal identity, along with personalization of the Lebanon issue, were both invited and resisted by movement leaders. Although both tendencies were regressive in terms of gender equality, the longer-range effect of movement strategies was to break new ground in citizen participation in national-security decisionmaking.
Media Interest in Internal Movement Dynamics

After the movement was established to the extent that it had become almost a brand name and its novelty had lessened, some journalists began to focus on divisions within the movement and insider gossip or “dirt.” The movement experienced internal conflicts over decisionmaking authority and over funding, to some extent reflecting a cultural clash between its kibbutznik founders and more urban and affluent women who joined later.7 As movement grew and its founders opened up its directorate, they found it harder to control what activists said to the media. As [[Gamson and Meyer 1996??]] (1994: 289-290??) observe, “We should expect internal disagreements over who speaks for the movement to be typical when media space opens up. New opportunities open the way for personal rivalries as well as contentious internal debate over the best ways of responding.” Under these circumstances, the “internal movement fight can easily become the media’s story.”

Why are the media interested in movements’ internal conflicts? As Gamson and Wolfsfeld (1993: 120) point out,
Movements hector people and call them to account. This means that internal movement conflicts and peccadilloes will have a special fascination for journalists, giving them an opportunity to even the score from their standpoint. The fall of the righteous is a favored media story wherever it can be found and movements offer a happy hunting ground.
This angle was evident in a Ha’Aretz headline claiming that “The Movement that Wants to Get Israel Out of the Mud of Lebanon Got Stuck in Its Own Mud.”

The movement also ran into difficulties when Ha’ir, a Tel Aviv tabloid, quoted an activist’s off-hand disparagement of a well-known media personality. The article prompted the media figure to sue Ben Dor (2007), who considered the incident indicative of the hazards of mistaking a professional relationship with a reporter for a personal one: “Reporters trap you by pretending to be your friend. It’s so, so dangerous.” The ambiguity of activists’ relationships with some reporters was likely accentuated by the personal nature of the typical journalistic interview of women in the group, whom journalists tended to approach “on a first-name basis, stripping them of their titles and framing the discourse as a personal, informal exchange perceived appropriate in female discourse” (Lemish and Barzel, 159).

While Four Mothers leaders sought to speak with one voice when expressing opinions to the press, this proved difficult, in part because movement supporters were typically well educated and used to expressing themselves freely in public. Message control was also complicated by the media’s credulousness toward women who spoke in the name of the movement without actually belonging to it. The problem of authorization was likely compounded by the movement’s decision to eschew formal membership procedures.

While favoring a substantial degree of decentralization and encouraging local initiatives, movement leaders asked the regional leaders to restrict their statements to what the national movement had agreed on. At times the movement expelled supporters who ventured too far off-message or who broke the policy against illegal action and chained themselves to an IDF gate. Disgruntled ex-activists then exploited the media’s eagerness for internal controversy and fed journalists gossip about the movement.

Ben Dor (2007) also attributed vindictive attitudes to reporters who did not get an interview or an exclusive that they wanted. She was also frustrated when reporters’ stories seemed to focus on minor issues or highlight a small offhand remark at the end of a long interview and ignore the essence of what was said, or when reporters highlighted some behind-the-scenes aspect of a movement activity instead of the event itself: “It’s frustrating because you’ve worked so hard. There was a demonstration, and all that people read about is what a reporter saw between the lines.”

Finally, activists had to resist the temptation the media offered to speak on subjects other than ending the war. Ben Dor (2007) reflected (4/6/07),

The media try to give you a huge softball, and its very flattering and tempting to comment on everything. Its tempting that they give you this endless power, but it’s a trap because you have a certain role and this is what you have to focus on. We are just citizens; we know one thing: We are in the North, and we are parents. But not how the army works, how security works, not feminism. Not to present ourselves as though we know how to run the country.

They ask, “So what would be the solution?” We didn’t want to put ourselves in place of experts. I said, “I cannot tell you about the whole army. I can see what I see from my children.” We had to take it back to the issue.


Returning now to the question of how agents and structures can combine to enable media coverage of a movement that allows it to achieve its goals, there are three main sorts of actors involved, and two particular categories of structures. The relevant actors are movement leaders, media professionals, and political leaders. If media professionals inspired and energized the movement, influenced its maternal identity, and gave it a platform from which to address politicians and the public, we should nevertheless be wary of attributing to the media too much agency: Absent a highly motivated, articulate, and politically savvy leadership, the Four Mothers movement could not have sustained its centrality in the Lebanon debate, much less augmented its political influence over three years of activity, as it did. It is doubtful whether even politically supportive journalists could have convinced their managements of the newsworthiness of the Four Mothers’ protests had movement leaders not made tactical decisions that upheld their overall strategy of ending the war via changed public opinion. Several tactical choices—e.g., eschewing party politics, illegal actions, and over-identification with the Lebanese—were aimed at preserving a mainstream image and appealing to as wide as possible a swath of Israeli society. Other choices, such as deploying Biblical and patriotic cultural frames, providing pageantry, and confounding stereotypes were designed to attract coverage and bolster nationalist credentials.

While media professionals are probably unable to manufacture a sustained and politically successful social movement if the movement lacks talented organizers and strategists, movement outcomes also depend on environmental factors and structures. Regarding the media, increasing competition among media outlets can help anti-war movements gain coverage, and ownership structures in Israel that facilitated national reporting of regional news helped the movement expand from its regional beginnings. The abundance of international media bureaus in and near Israel also facilitated generous international coverage.

The political environment helped in that there were political allies, such as Beilin, who aided the movement in attracting media attention and there were divisions over policy toward Lebanon among political and military elites. The government’s own majority grew more fragile during the period of movement activism and the election of 1999 provided an institutional means of effecting policy change (Lieberfeld 2008). Lowered perceptions of threat during the late 1990s made it easier for the media to report on the movement, and for the Israeli public to support it. The relative calm in other regional conflicts, particularly between Israel and the Palestinians, likely increased coverage of Four Mothers, as did the absence of competing movements. The war itself was deteriorating, from the Israeli point of view, with dramatic, newsworthy disasters and combat occurring with increasing frequency. Such disasters, of course, were what originally prompted movement founders’ activism.

A single case study clearly cannot definitively answer what sorts of interactions among media, movements, and politicians maximize possibilities for movement success. At best, it can trace the consequences of media coverage more thoroughly and with more nuance than can a large-n study, and can explore the implications of the case for other anti-war movements. It is also important to identify limits on the scope of the case. Conditions that may be sui generis, or less broadly applicable, include the importance of the military in Israeli society and near-universal conscription and reserve duty, so that military policy potentially touches most of the society, including media professionals, in a personal way. Movement founders benefited from the resources of the kibbutz movement, including the national kibbutz newspaper that both inspired and reported on them. Moreover, Israel is a heavily news oriented society and most Israelis are avid consumers of print and broadcast news. Television in Israel’s “media centered democracy” is heavily news oriented, and issues such as the fighting in Lebanon “received extensive treatment” including live and special broadcasts (Peri 2004: 124). The Lebanon war also took place right across Israel’s border, almost within view and within earshot of many movement activists’ houses and workplaces, giving the issue an immediacy and relevance that a more distant counterinsurgency campaign might lack.

The media framed the movement primarily in terms of mothers’ emotionalism, dramatic personal stories, and the novelty of women protesters. From the movement’s perspective, the challenge was to take the media’s frame, the elements that made the movement an attractive story, and expand the frame in ways that legitimated activists’ participation in national-security debates. To the extent that they could expand the media’s frame, without losing their media appeal, movement leaders emphasized their nationalist credentials, their front-line position in the North, and that their membership included army veterans and officers and was a cross-section of Israeli society. They framed ending the war as patriotic and continuing it as a form of inertia that was unresponsive to security realities. Complexities and difficulties tended to arise from the challenge of taking advantage of the maternal identity and the human-interest dramas that made the movement particularly mediagenic without allowing the to define them primarily in terms of those aspects of the movement.

In sum, the movement was to an extent the beneficiary of opportunities that the media and political environments, as well as individual politicians and media professionals, provided. At the same time, the movement needed the motivation, the leadership, and the resources that were particular to its membership and situation. A member of the movement’s directorate, noting that Four Mothers had exerted significant political influence with only a small membership and not much in the way of material resources, commented of the media’s role in their success, “Bless them. It’s amazing what they can do!” (S. Ben Zvi 2007).
Arian, Asher. 1999. “Public Opinion on Lebanon and Syria, 1999.” Jaffee Center for Strategic Studies Strategic Assessment 2, no. 1. June.

Avraham, Eli, Gadi Wolfsfeld, and Issam Aburaiya. 2000. “Dynamics of News Coverage of Minorities: The Case of the Arab Citizens of Israel.” Journal of Communication Inquiry 24:2: 117-133.

Bennett, Lance. 1983. News: The Politics of Illusion. New York: Longman.

Caspi, Dan and Yehiel Limor. 1999. The In/Outsiders: The Media in Israel. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.

Collins, Liat. 1997a. “Ya’alon: Pullout Talk Pleases Hizbullah.” Jerusalem Post, 12 February.

Fendel, Hillel. 2007. “Editor Admits: We Slanted the News.” Internet:

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