Introduction 1 Background and objectives

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Bengt Rosén and Bo Sundgren
Statistics Sweden

Research & Development


1 Introduction
1.1 Background and objectives
For most kinds of organized activities there are needs and demands for documen­tation. Well designed documentation can fulfil a number of important functions; as a means for internal as well as external communication; as a tool in training activities; as an extension to the human memory; in order to mention just some of the func­tions. These general considerations concerning documenta­tion are naturally valid for an organization like Statistics Sweden. In fact they may be regarded as particularly valid for the activities of Statistics Sweden.
Statistics Sweden is an organization with relatively complex activities, and, like in other such organizations, there are at Statistics Sweden a number of aspects of the activities, which put different kinds of requirements and demands on documentation. It is not feasible to analyze and satisfy all these requirements in one single effort. It is more adequate to break down the "total" documentation need into parts, even though different parts may be overlapping to some extent, or even to a large extent. We will start by defining the particular documentation aspect, which will be the central one in this work, and we shall return later to discussing how this documenta­tion aspect is related to others.
When a (repeated) "statistics product" (or "statistical survey") at Statistics Sweden has completed a "production round" (by publishing the statistics of the year, the quarter year, the month, or whatever the periodicity of the survey is), it will also have produced a set of data which is referred to as "the observation file(s)" or "the microdata collection", and this data collection is archived. In order for a data collection to be admitted into the archive of Statistics Sweden, it must be docu­mented, and such a documentation will be called an archive documentation. It should be stressed that the archive documentation of a statistical data collec­tion must meet higher standards than is required by the formal archive law, which applies to Statistics Sweden as well as to all other governmental agencies, and which regulates the archiving of all kinds of "public documents"; a collection of statistical microdata is also a "public document" and must be treated and documented in accordance with this law. However, when we are talking about "archive documentation", we have something more ambitious in mind than what is required by the general archive law. We are now going to describe what we mean by archive documentation of statistical microdata.
A collection of observation data, which has been used as a basis for producing some statistics, typically contains more information than is contained in the published statistical output. For this reason it is often of great interest to return to the collection of microdata, after it has been archived, in order to carry out further processing, either on a particular collection of microdata alone, or on this microdata collection in combination with other data collections. As a terminus technicus for this kind of use of a collection of observation data, we shall use the term reuse. "Continued use" would be a possible alternative term for the same concept. When reusing data, it is of utmost importance for the (re)user to have access to good documentation, which informs about such things as how the data were originally collected, and how they are now organized on storage media. The main purpose of the considerations to come can be stated as follows.
(1.1) To propose a system for archive documentation of observation file(s) (collections of microdata) from statistical surveys, enabling even persons without prior knowledge of the archived data collections to reuse them.
Naturally, preparing archive documentations of observation data from statistical surveys is nothing new in itself. The need has been there, and it has been fulfilled (in a more or less satisfactory way) as long as there has been official statistics produc­tion. The need became particularly obvious, when statistics production was compute­rized, for the simple reason that electronically stored data are more or less useless, unless one knows how they have been organized. Consequently it was the EDP specialists of Statistics Sweden who first developed a general documentation system, which could be used - among other things - for archive documentation of data files. This system is called the DOK System, and (a part of) it has been established as the standard system of Statistics Sweden for preparing archive documentation of data files.
1.2 The DOK System and the Systems Development Model of Statistics Sweden
We have already pointed out that documentation can fulfil several good pur­poses at the same time. Thus the primary purpose of the DOK System is not to support archive documentation, but to be a system for appropriate documenta­tion of the EDP systems of statistical surveys. Such documentation is important already at the stage of primary usage of a collection of observation data. Furthermore, the DOK System is a subsystem of a larger system, which is referred to as the Systems Development Model of Statistics Sweden. The primary purpose of the systems development model is to recommend methods, principles, and rules in connection with systems analysis and design, in particular EDP-oriented systems analysis and design. The conceptual framework of the Systems Development Model is also the conceptual basis for the DOK System.
In statistics production there is an interaction between several types of compe­tences. The main competence categories are "subject matter", "statistical methodology", and "EDP". As indicated above, the Systems Development Model of Statistics Sweden was by and large developed by EDP specialists. The statis­tical methodologist did not influence the conceptual framework of the Systems Development Model to the extent, which had been desirable for the model to support a complete description of all kinds (and all aspects) of statistical surveys. In particular there is a lack of conceptual framework as regards sample surveys and the estimation procedures of such surveys. One of our main ambitions is to eliminate this deficiency.
Generally speaking, for a documentation system to be simple to use, it should contain one (or more) documentation templet(s). In order to function well the documenta­tion templet(s) must be compatible with the "inner logic" of the activities and objects to be documented. Thus an important step in the design of a documentation system is to formulate a description model for the phenomenon under consideration, which makes this "inner logic" appear as pregnantly as possible. In our case we should formulate a description model for statistical surveys and for microdata collections from such surveys. The description model should at least be general enough to cover all aspects of relevance for reusing observation data, regardless of whether these aspects have to do with "subject matter", "statistical methodology", or "EDP". The archive documentation purpose alone justifies this requirement on the description model, but there are also other purposes, maybe even more important ones, which call for a unified description model for statistical surveys, covering subject matter aspects, statis­tical methodology aspects, and EDP aspects. Before we start our discussion of the description model as such, we shall point to one such important, additional purpose of a unified descripiton model.
(1.2) A unified description model for statistical surveys would facilitate work and communication within the group of people working with a statistical survey. It supports, and is supported by, the current trend that several different competences often rest with the same person.
A starting point for this work has been that existing parts of the Systems Development Model of Statistics Sweden should remain unchanged as far as possible, when we are now developing a more general and comprehensive model. The existing model has fulfilled, and still fulfils, a number of good purposes. In particular, it is the basis of the DOK System, which has already been formally established, and which has been used for most of the now existing systems documentations and archive documentations. As far as we can judge, there are no fundamental objections at large to the parts of the Systems Development Model of Statistics Sweden, which have so far been established; the objections, which have been put forward, mainly focus on the point that the model is not comprehensive enough. Nevertheless, it should of course be possible to make well motivated changes to the existing Systems Development Model. By and large we would like to see the proposals made here as a proposal for an extended DOK System, and as a working name for this system we shall use the name SCBDOK.
1.3 Some general thoughts about a description model for statistical surveys
We shall now enter into a first discussion about which main components there should be in a description model for statistical surveys, in order for the model to be suitable as a basis for a system for archive documentation for reusing purposes. According to our opinion, what is characteristic for a statistical survey is that it contains the ingredients "collecting observations" and "making inferen­ces" (or "drawing conclusions"). At Statistics Sweden we usually do not speak about "inferences" or "conclusions"; we rather prefer terms like "estimates", "statistics", "tables", and so on, but all theses terms aim at more or less the same notion.
Collecting observations and making inferences are not unique activities for Statistics Sweden; they occur in most empirically oriented scientific work. There are good reasons for letting the attitudes of science give guidance in this context of documen­tation activities, as there are similarly good reasons for doing the same in many other contexts. Applied to documentation this scientifical attitude leads to the following "commandment".
(1.3) The documentation of a collection of observation data, with inferences, should include
- an account for how the observations were generated;
- an account for the premises and assumptions used when going from the observations to the inferences.
Furthermore, the collection of observation data should, at least in prin­ciple, be available for anyone, who would like to subject the inferences to critical examination.
First a comment on availability. As far as the inferences are concerned, there is no doubt. The statistics produced by Statistics Sweden should be made public, with the possible exception only for table cells which have to be suppressed, or otherwize distorted, for confidentiality reasons. On the other hand we regularly seem to offend the publicity principle for the observation data, privacy and confidentiality being our main reason for this. However, this does necessarily cause too much damage to the scientific principle stated in (1.3) above. First of all a lot of reuse of observation data will anyhow be made by employees of Statistics Sweden, who are authorized. In practice also most serious researchers outside Statistics Sweden, who want to subject our observation data to critical examination, can gain the access rights necessary for doing this, without violating the privacy or confidentiality of the data. Access to unidentified data is one possibility.
Now let us turn to the first two rules stated in (1.3). The rule that one should describe, how the observations were collected, does not seem to require any further explanations. The rule about specification of assumptions is more complex. In scientific research a collection of observation data will hardly ever be published "nakedly". Practically always one or more conclusions (inferences), based upon the observations, will be presented as well, and normally it will be the conclusions which attract most attention.
When going from observations to conclusions, one cannot avoid making some kind of assumption, or model, of how observations and "reality" are related to each other; assumptions of this kind will be referred to with the term observa­tion model.
In addition, the inferences usually involve assumptions about the "reality" concerned, and which have nothing directly to do with the observations of this reality; assump­tions of this kind will be referred with the term subject matter model.
The scientific commandment concerning inferences is very clear. Whoever presents conclusions is liable to present the underlying premises, assumptions, and models as well.
Observation models, subject matter models, and other premises and assump­tions are logically connected with the inferences and conclusions. The descrip­tion, mentioned in the first rule of (1.3), of how the observations have been gene­rated, should, at least ideally, be so detailed and complete that a critcal examiner has the possibility to make an independent judgement concerning the realism of the models used. Thus, in the context of the statistical surveys carried out by Statististics Sweden, observation models and other models should be regarded as connected with the produced and published statistics rather than with the collections of observation (micro)data. For this reason one could question how much of the models and assumptions used for inferences should actually be documented together with the microdata from a statistical survey. This question has been discussed several times. We have considered different views and have come to the following conclusion, which is then to be motivated.
(1.4) The documentation of a collection of observation data should, as regards models, assumptions, etc, contain
- a presentation of the issues (problems etc), which caused the observa­tion data to be collected in the first place;
- a presentation of the models used for drawing conclusions (making inferences) with respect to the original issues (problems etc); however, this presentation need not include the conclusions (inferences) them­selves.
Another way of expressing the meaning of the guideline (1.4) is to say that the documentation should, on the one hand, describe the observations, and, on the other hand indicate the usefulness of the observations for different kinds of continued processing.
In the case of statistical surveys carried out by Statistics Sweden (1.4) can usually be operationalized in the following way.
(1.5) The documentation of the microdata from a statistical survey should contain
- the so-called tabulation plan for the publication(s) produced as a direct result of the (original) processing of the microdata collected by the survey;
- the models and computational procedures used for producing the statistics just mentioned.
A somewhat different way of looking at (1.4) and (1.5) is to say that the documentation should concern the microdata themselves and whatever is important for the computational aspects of the processing of the microdata into statistics. The documentation should not include aspects concerning the produced statistics, such as quality properties of the statistics. These aspects should not be documented in connection with the microdata, but elsewhere (cf section 1.4 below).
Now we shall give some more detailed arguments for (1.4) and (1.5). A major aspect is the demand for simple reuse of microdata.
(1.6) When reusing a microdata collection, one often wants carry out processes, which are very similar to the ones made when the original publication(s) were produced. Some typical demands are that the (re)user wants to produce statistics for (in comparison with what was originally published) "new" domains of interest, or for "new" variables (emanating from other sources). When planning for the processing of such demands, it is usually very useful to know how the original, "regular", processing of the collected observations was made.
(1.7) So-called weights are usually stored together with the microdata from sample surveys, and these weights can be of great help for a reuser. The description of weights requires a specification of the models which were used for computing them.
(1.8) Those people, who participated in the original collection of observation data, are normally the ones who are best fitted for formulating realistical observa­tion models. Even if the reuser should be free to question the original models, it is naturally of great value to learn about the opinions of the original observation collectors. The natural place for documenting these models and opinions concerning the observed microdata is together with the microdata collection itself.
We shall also put forward an argument of a more general nature, which we shall use for other purposes as well. In this connection we shall think of the collection of observation data as a "part" of the survey, for which it was collected.
(1.9) A description, or documentation, of a "part" (of some kind) is easiest to understand, if one also gives some description of the "greater context" of which the "part" is a part.
Thus we have formulated and motivated the guideline that the documentation of a microdata collection should contain, in addition to a description of the obser­vations themselves, a specification and description of the models, which affected the computations, by means of which statistics were produced from the micro­data.
As for the models, we will make a distinction between two major categories: observation models and estimation models. Observation models are concerned with the relationships between the observations and the "reality" that one wants to describe with the observations. Estimation models account for those premises and assumptions concerning the "reality", which influenced the choice of estima­tion procedures. Appendix 1 and, to some extent, appendix 2 will go further into an analysis and discussion of these concepts.

1.4 Relations to documentation for other purposes
We have already indicated that the "total" documentation of such a complex activity as statistics production could most suitably be divided into different parts. We shall now give some ideas concerning how the archive documentation, which is our main topic, should be related to other documentation.
The following procedure is typical for the production of a "statistics product" at Statistics Sweden. At regular intervals, and following basically the same pattern, observation data are collected and processed into statistics. The procedures used should be well documented for several purposes. For example, the documenta­tion should support the memory of the staff involved in the survey. Furthermore, it could serve as a training instrument for new staff, as a tool for the communi­cation with internal and external users, and so on. At least ideally, these kinds of documentation needs are satisfied, at Statistics Sweden, by means of so-called product handbooks and system documentations of the respective "statistics products". Ideally the product handbook and the system documentation of a "statistics product" should be updated, as soon as changes occur, big or small ones, in the procedures of the "statistics product". Thus these documentations should always reflect the current status of the procedures and routines of the "statistics product".
As a contrast, the archive documentation, which is our main topic here, should specify the status of the "statistics product", with its procedures and routines, as it was at the time when the documented microdata were collected and processed.
However, product handbooks, system documentations, and archive documenta­tions should not be regarded as completely separate documentations. On the contrary, the documentation procedures for producing product handbooks, system documentation, and archive documentations should be related to each other, and consciously coordinated. According to our vision, it should by and large be possible to produce an archive documentation by making appropriate extracts from the product handbook and the systems documentation at the time of archiving. Such a procedure would minimize the extra effort needed for the production of archive documentations.
We are well aware that in order for our vision to materialize in practice, product handbooks and system documentations must be designed and maintained in such a way that they contain most of the information basis for the archive documenta­tions.
In this connection we also take the view that production handbook and system documentation should be regarded together as one integral product documenta­tion. Our reasons for this view are esentially the same as the reasons for integrating subject matter aspects, statistical methodology aspects, and EDP aspects into one and the same archive documentation.
We have already mentioned another documentation aspect, concerning the quality of produced statistics. This kind of documentation is often referred to as quality declaration. According to the guidelines which are now effective at Statistics Sweden, this type of information should primarily be published as a part of the regular publications (so-called Statistical Messages, SMs) from the "statistics products". The product handbook is another natural place for quality documentation. We think that quality information should also in the future be divided between these two types of holdings. However, we would like to point out that large parts of the archive documentation that we discuss here are also of great relevance for judging the quality of a "statistics product".
1.5 Organization of the contents of this report
The following considerations will lead to a proposal for a documentation templet for archive documentation, which we believe to be useful and suitable for most statistical surveys carried out by Statistics Sweden. The documentation templet is presented in chapter 3 of the report.
Chapter 2 will give a background to the proposed documentation templet by describing the procedures and steps of a statistical survey. In doing so, we shall also give relatively precise definitions of concepts and terms related to statistical surveys. Some of the concepts require a rather extensive analysis and discussion, in order for us to reach the desired clarity and precision. The reader is also referred to Appendix 1 and Appendix 2 for more complete analyses and examplifications.
In order to test the proposed documentation templet, and in order to make our proposals more concrete, we have applied the documentation templet to two surveys carried out by Statistics Sweden. One is "Road Transports of Goods, 1987" (UVAV 1987), and the other one is "Efforts for Juveniles with Problems, 1989" (BOU 1989). The test documentations are available (in Swedish) in the form of two separate reports.

2 Concepts and terms related to statistical surveys
2.1 Introduction
We have already specified the main purpose of our work as presenting a pro­posal for a documentation system for statistical surveys, with special emphasis on facilitating easy reuse of collections of observation data. We believe that such a documentation system should be based upon a documentation templet (or possibly several templets), designed to provide a suitable framework for the description of individual surveys. Such a framework, in turn, requires a sound body of concepts and terms.
Concerning concepts and terms it is naturally highly desirable to achieve uniformity within Statistics Sweden. However, this may not be quite simple, considering the relatively language usages that we have found within the organi­zation. Taking the difficulties of coordination into account, we believe that the first priority must be to achieve uniformity concerning concepts; this is more important than uniformity concerning terms. Provided that the concepts are clearly and precisely defined, and provided that these definitions are well understood and accepted, we can live with different, synonymous terms, referring to one and the same concept.
The main purpose of this Chapter 2 is to make precise a number of concepts, which are central to statistical surveys. In doing this, we shall of course also give some attention to terminological issues. Some of the conceptual analyses lead to rather extensive discussions, for which the reader is referred to Appendix 1.
Already the term which is in the focus of this chapter, statistical survey, has a number of different interpretations, which lead to definition problems. Thus, for instance, the term "statistical survey" is being used within Statistics Sweden to denote
• an individual statistical survey, a "survey round", or a "survey repetition";
• a series of surveys of a certain type;
• an organizational unit for carrying out a certain type of survey repeatedly.
For example, if somebody mentions "the Consumer Price Index survey", or "the CPI survey" for short, it is not clear, which one of the following entities he or she refers to
• an individual survey round, resulting in the CPI figure for, say, March 1990;
• a series of CPI survey rounds;
• an organizational unit, with a group of people, which is responsible for regularly producing CPI figures.
We shall make the following distinctions:
• the term statistical survey will primarily be reserved for an individual survey round, delimited "in time and space";
• a series of surveys of the same type will be referred to with the term survey series;
• the organizationally oriented concept will be called a statistics product.
Within Statistics Sweden it is probably unavoidable with occasional confusions between these terms. In particular "statistics product" may often be used for referring to the "survey series" concept as well. This is acceptable, as long as we do under­stand the conceptual differences indicated above and agree with others which concept we are dealing with in a particular situation.
Having defined what we shall mean by a statistical survey in general, the next problem is to delimit "in time and space" the particular survey that we are going to produce a documentation for, the documentation object. A source of difficulty in this connection is that the term "statistical survey" is used over a very wide range. Thus statistical survey may vary considerable in size and complexity, as well as in kind. At one end of a spectrum we could have a survey, where the children in a school-class are asked about the weekly allowances that they receive from their parents. At the other end of this spectrum we may find the collecting and processing of observation data resulting in the Consumer Price Index for the year 1990.
The CPI 1990 survey may be used as an example for further illustrating the complexity problem of statistical surveys. If we go into the details of the CPI survey, we shall find that it consists of a number of subsurveys concerning food, clothes, rents, etc. Each one of these subsurveys could very well be regarded as a survey in its own right, that is, they could be regarded as "independent" statistical surveys. A lot of statistics produced by Statistics are based on several subsurveys, which in turn may consist of subsubsurveys, etc; it is often difficult to indicate a natural "top" and "bottom" in such a hierarchy of related surveys. This illustrates the problem of identifying a natural delimitation "in space" of a statistical survey. Theere is a similar problem concerning delimitation "in time".
In our opinion, it is not possible to give general rules for how to delimit the survey to be documented. The delimitation should be made on pragmatical grounds, taking into account what is most useful for the documentation purposes at hand. Thus in a concrete documentation situation a "suitable" documentation object should be delimited, and this "total" documentation object will then be referred to as "the survey" of the particular documentation. If the survey consists of subsurveys, as examplified above, these subsurveys are regarded as (documen­tation) modules of the (total) documentation object. If we go further down in the hierarchy, we may talk about (documentation) components. A documentation component may also be something, which in itself could not "qualify" as a survey (or even a subsurvey), for example a data collection, or a source of data, or a process.
The data processing system corresponding to a statistical survey can be sub­divided into parts, too. These parts are referred to as subsystems. Subsystems may contain "subsubsystems" etc, as well as components. Subsystems can, but need not, corre­spond to modules.
Whatever delimitations "in time and space" that we have chosen in a particular documentation situation for a particular statistical survey, the survey can almost always be divided into a number of

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