Iea shcp/pvps working Group on pv/t solar Systems

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Working Group on PV/T Solar Systems

Minutes from Kick-off meeting - Copenhagen Denmark, 23. June 2000


The idea of establishing a joint working group was initiated during 1999, having the first workshop on this topic in September 1999 in Amersfoort in the Netherlands. Mr. Erik Lysen (PVPS) and Mr. Lex Boselaar (SHCP) chaired this workshop. The workshop concluded that this was the first time that the experts from the SHCP and from PVPS got together and discussed this important topic, and it was agreed to initiate a joint working group between the two implementing agreements. Minutes from this workshop are available on request. A second workshop was discussed in connection with the conference Renewable Energy for the New Millennium in Sydney, March 2000, but was cancelled due to the fact, that to few participants from the SHCP-community could be expected to be present.

The present document contains the minutes from the kick-off meeting of the work of the joint working group, held in Copenhagen Denmark, 23 June 2000. Co-ordinator of the meeting was Mr. Henrik Sørensen, Esbensen Consulting Engineers, DK, who is also the activity leader of IEA PVPS Task 7 activity 2.5 on PV/T-collectors.
Minutes of the meeting are circulated to all participants of the meeting, the Exco-members of SHCP and PVPS and to the participants of the first workshop in Amersfoort, NL.


Participants for the meeting were appointed and invited via the Exco-members of SHCP and PVPS:

A full list off appointed experts is listed in Annex A.
The following experts participated in the meeting:




e-mail address


Henrik Sørensen

Lars Thomsen Nielsen

Esbensen Consulting, Copenhagen

Esbensen Consulting, Copenhagen, co-ordinator


Ami Elazari

Amitec Information Industries Ltd.

The Netherlands

Frederik Leenders


South Korea

Jong-Ho Yoon

Jun-Tae Kim

Korea Institute of Energy Research

Kongju University


Björn Karlsson



Daniel Ruoss

Enecolo AG



Morgan Bazilian

University of New South Wales


Yakov Safir



A copy of the full agenda of the meeting is shown in Annex B. Here the main headlines are listed and used in headings of the minutes from the meeting:

  1. Short presentation of the status of PV/T Systems in each country

  2. Identification of common problems and R&D needs

  3. Roadmap-strategy and organisation of the group

  4. Commitment for participation and funding possibilities

  5. Any other business

  6. Conclusions and action plan

1.Short presentation of the status of PV/T Systems in each country

(Countries listed in alphabetical order)

1.1.Australia (Morgan Bazilian as observer)

Recently there has been a great deal of attention focused on building integrated PV solutions in Australia. This has culminated with the Olympic Housing Project at Homebush, where over 600 homes will be installed with a 1kW integrated PV system and an integrated solar hot water system as well. (The two systems are running independent of each other.) The project is a good precedent in Australia for integration of solar systems in sloped roofs. It is a high profile project and has already attracted world-wide interest. The Olympic project highlights the need for both solar electrical and thermal production in the residential market. There are a number of Organisations working on BiPV including SOLARCH and the PV Research Centre at the UNSW. Solar hot water installations have a good market penetration in Australia and a long history.
Work on combined PV/T concepts is currently limited to research projects. There are projects addressing the residential and commercial integration of PV/T at the UNSW. There is also a project investigating larger utility-scale concentrator PV/T applications being conducted in Victoria. Solar energy has a well-established market in Australia and a reasonable per capita use factor. The advancement in PV/T research and products will necessitate a better communication link between the solar thermal and solar electrical industries and experts. It is currently, however, in its infancy. Studies will need to look at niche markets in Australia’s varied climatic zones.

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