Homogeneous Linear odes with Constant Coefficients

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lecture5 Section21 22 - Part2
(Case I) Two real roots if a2 − 4b > 0,
(Case II) A real double root if a2 − 4b = 0,
(Case III) Complex conjugate roots if a2 − 4b < 0.
2.2 Homogeneous Linear ODEs
with Constant Coefficients
Section 2.2 p
In this case, a basis of solutions of (1) on any interval is
because y1 and y2 are defined (and real) for all x and their quotient is not constant.
The corresponding general solution is

2.2 Homogeneous Linear ODEs
with Constant Coefficients
Case I. Two Distinct Real-Roots λ1 and λ2
Section 2.2 p
Solve the initial value problem
y” + y’ − 2y = 0, y(0) = 4, y’(0) = −5.
Solution. Step 1. General solution.
The characteristic equation is
λ2 + λ − 2 = 0
Its roots are
so that we obtain the general solution
2.2 Homogeneous Linear ODEs
with Constant Coefficients
Initial Value Problem in the Case of Distinct Real Roots
Section 2.2 p
Solution. (continued)
Step 2. Particular solution.
Since y’(x) = c1ex − 2c2e−2x, we obtain from the general solution and the initial conditions
y(0) = c1 + c2 = 4,
y’(0) = c1 − 2c2 = −5.
Hence c1 = 1 and c2 = 3. This gives the answer y = ex + 3e−2x.
2.2 Homogeneous Linear ODEs
with Constant Coefficients
EXAMPLE 2 (continued)
Initial Value Problem in the Case of Distinct Real Roots
Section 2.2 p
Solution. (continued)
Step 2. Particular solution. (continued)
Figure 30 shows that the curve begins at y = 4 with a negative slope (−5, but note that the axes have different scales!), in agreement with the
initial conditions.

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