Generic computer vision methods General image segmentation methods

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Generic computer vision methods

  1. General image segmentation methods

    1. Clustering methods

    2. Compression-based methods

    3. Histogram-based methods

    4. Region-growing methods

    5. Split-and-merge methods

    6. Partial differential equation-based methods

    7. Graph partitioning methods

    8. Multi-scale segmentation

    9. Semi-automatic segmentation

    10. Trainable segmentation

    11. Segmentation benchmarking

  2. Accumulation/voting methods

    1. Hough transform

      1. Adaptive Hough Transform

      2. Hough transform of curves

      3. Cascaded Hough Transform

      4. Generalised Hough transform

      5. Hierarchical Hough Transform

      6. Maximum margin Hough transform

      7. Probabilistic Hough Transform

      8. Randomised Hough Transform

      9. Surface finding

    2. Tensor Voting

  3. Diffusion/PDE/Time based evolution methods

    1. Heat kernel -- see also scale-space which is based on linear diffusion and the Gaussian (heat) kernel

  4. Eigendecompositions

  5. Genetic algorithms/Genetic programming

  6. Graph Methods

    1. Graph representations

      1. Adjacency graph

      2. Association graph

      3. Attributed Graph

      4. Dynamic Feature Graph

      5. Graph embedding

      6. Hierarchical graph/Hypergraph representations

      7. Laplacian smoothing

      8. Median graph

      9. Optimal Basis Graphs

      10. Probabilistic graphical model, Probabilistic graph theory

    2. Graph matching

      1. Bayesian Graph Matching

      2. Bipartite matching

      3. Graph cuts

      4. Graph kernel methods

      5. Graph edit distance

      6. Maximal cliques in Association graphs

      7. Spectral decomposition methods

      8. Subgraph isomorphism problem

    3. Multidimensional scaling

  7. Image pyramids and scale reduction

    1. Adaptive Pyramids

    2. Gaussian pyramids

    3. Laplacian pyramids

  8. Level sets

    1. Level set trees

  9. Minimum description length

  10. Multiple Scales/Resolutions

    1. Multiple-scale analysis

      1. Multi-Scale Integration

    2. Fractals

    3. Ranklets

    4. Scale space

    5. Wavelets

      1. Noiselets

  11. Graph, networks and connectionist methods

    1. Bayesian networks

    2. Connectionist methods

    3. Gaussian processes methods

    4. Neural networks

    5. Probabilistic graphical models

      1. Expectation propagation

      2. Belief propagation

      3. Message passing

        1. Variational message passing

        2. Tree reweighted message passing

    6. Radial basis function networks

    7. Wavelet Networks

  12. Regularization

  13. Relaxation

    1. Continuous

    2. Discrete

    3. Probabilistic/Stochastic

    4. Linear programming relaxation

    5. Lagrangian relaxation

  14. Spatial indexing/hashing

  15. Subpixel Methods

  16. Super-resolution

  17. Certainty/uncertainty representations

    1. Bayesian networks

    2. Discrete (See Relaxation)

    3. Fuzzy logic

    4. Intervals

    5. Probabilities

  18. Vision paradigms

    1. Active vision

    2. Geometric vision (See Vision Geometry and Mathematics and Geometric Representation of Model Features)

    3. Purposive Vision

    4. Qualitative Vision

  19. Vision system design and characterization

    1. Propagation of uncertainty

    2. Performance testing in vision

    3. Receiver operating characteristic

Geometric feature extraction methods

  1. Compressed image feature extraction

    1. Camera motion estimation

    2. Color Distributions/Descriptors

    3. Edge detection in compressed images

    4. Salient Points

    5. Texture descriptors from compressed images

  2. Connected-component labeling

  3. Corner and interest Point feature detectors

    1. The level curve curvature approach

    2. FAST: Features from the Accelerated Segment Test

    3. SIFT: Scale-Invariant Feature Transform

      1. David Lowe's method

    4. Forstner operator

    5. Haralick operator 

    6. Harris/Plessey Corner Finder

      1. Harris affine

      2. Harris laplace

    7. Histogram of oriented gradients

    8. Moravec operator

    9. Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF)

    10. Shape context, Histogram of Shape Context (HoSC)

    11. SUSAN corner detector

    12. Wavelet-Based salient point detection

  4. Curve fitting/Local curvature estimation

    1. Circle fitting

    2. Curve smoothing

    3. Ellipse fitting

    4. Hyperbola fitting

  5. Edge detection and enhancement

    1. Adaptive edge detection

    2. Canny edge detector

    3. Color edge detectors

    4. Edge types

      1. Edge type labelling

    5. Energy function based edge detectors

    6. Evaluation of edge detectors

      1. Kadir–Brady saliency detector evaluation

      2. Hessian affine region detector evaluation

    7. Extended edge detection

    8. First derivative, Gradient edge detection

    9. High-pass filter edge enhancement

    10. Hueckel and other parametric fitting edge detectors

    11. Kirsch compass edge detector

    12. Marr–Hildreth, Laplacian of Gaussian, Zero crossing, Difference of Gaussians

    13. Moving edge detection

    14. Multi-dimension edge detection

    15. Multi-scale edge detectors

    16. Optimal edge detectors (see also Canny edge detector)

    17. Sobel operator

    18. Prewitt operator

    19. Range/Depth image edge detectors

    20. Roberts Cross edge detector

    21. Robinson edge detector

    22. Second derivative operators

      1. Laplace operator

      2. The Laplacian of Gaussian

      3. Difference of Gaussians

    23. Subpixel edge detection (See Subpixel methods)

    24. Walsh function

  6. Edge/line/Contour feature following, grouping, linking and tracking

    1. Pixel connectivity

    2. Contour tracking

    3. Dynamic programming

    4. Edge thresholding and linking

    5. Graph search

    6. Hough transform

    7. Hysteresis tracking

    8. Paired boundaries, Paired contours

    9. Edge relaxation

    10. Search trees

    11. Subjective/Illusory contours

      1. Stochastic completion fields

  7. Global structure extraction

    1. Ribbons

    2. Interest point detection

    3. Symmetry lines, Symmetry planes

  8. Feature histograms

    1. Histogram analysis

    2. Multi-dimensional feature histograms

    3. Pairwise histograms

  9. Image descriptors

    1. Differential invariant

    2. Visual descriptors

    3. MPEG-7 descriptors

    4. Color structure descriptor

    5. Edge histogram descriptor

    6. Color layout descriptor

  10. Line detection

    1. Image Ridges for Line Detection

  11. Feature mensuration

    1. Scene object size estimation

    2. Subpixel/Superresolution Methods (See Subpixel methods)

  12. Model-based feature detection/segmentation

    1. Mumford-Shah Functional

  13. Point or Pixel descriptions (See also Classification transforms)

    1. Bar, line points

    2. Blob/center-surround points

    3. Gabor filters

      1. Log-Gabor filters

    4. Gaussian derivatives and the notion of a visual front-end

    5. Receptive fields

    6. Semantic texton forests

    7. Steerable pyramids

  14. Primal sketch

  15. Blob and region detection

    1. Bayesian network methods

    2. Chroma keying

    3. Facet detection

    4. Maximally stable extremal regions

    5. Region boundary extraction

    6. Superpixels (wiktionary)

    7. Texture-based region detection

  16. Region detection methods

    1. Divide and conquer

    2. Region based, Model based segmentation

    3. Recursive splitting

      1. Implicit k-d tree

    4. Region growing

    5. Scale-space segmentation

    6. Split and merge

    7. Thresholding

    8. Watersheds of gradient magnitude

    9. Waterfall segmentation hierarchy

  17. Ridge and valley detection

  18. Hidden surface determination

  19. Skew analysis and estimation

  20. Spatial relationship detection

    1. Collinearity

    2. Coplanarity

    3. Intersection/Cotermination

    4. Relative orientation

  21. Special feature extraction

    1. Focus of expansion

    2. Ground plane

    3. Horizon detection

    4. Occluding contour detection

    5. Vanishing point

  22. Structure tensor

  23. Surface patches in volumes

    1. Optimal surface detection

    2. Zucker-Hummel surface detection operator

  24. Surface segmentation from 2 1/2D or 3D data (see also range segmentation)

    1. Curvature-based surface patch detection

    2. Cylinder/Tubular structure detection

    3. Planar facet/triangulation patch detection

      1. Marching cubes

      2. Marching tetrahedrons

      3. Surface fitting

    4. Planar surface models

    5. Surface clustering/grouping

    6. Reeb graph

    7. Surface discontinuity detection

      1. Curvature discontinuity detection

      2. Depth discontinuity detection

      3. Surface Orientation discontinuity detection

    8. Surface fitting/Region growing

      1. Cylinder patch extraction

      2. Range data based region extraction

      3. Quadric fitting

      4. Surface shape classification

    9. Surface shape parameter estimation

      1. Cylinder extraction

      2. Ellipsoid/Sphere

      3. Free-Form Surface

        1. Dual surface thin shell fitting

      4. Detection of 3D objects (Planes and cylinders)

      5. Quadric

      6. Torus

    10. Surface Triangulation

  25. Surface shape (Shape-from-X methods)

    1. Shape from Contours/Silhouettes

    2. Shape from defocus

    3. Shape from focus

    4. Shape from geometric constraints

    5. Shape from multimodal integration

    6. Shape from line drawings

    7. Monocular depth cues

    8. Structure from motion

    9. Shape from multiple sensors 

    10. Shape from perspective

    11. Shape from photo-consistency

    12. Shape from photometric Stereo

    13. Shape from polarization

    14. Shape from shadows

    15. Shape from specularities

    16. Shape from structure light

    17. Shape from texture

  26. Image texture

    1. Texture boundary detection

    2. Texture classification

    3. Color texture

    4. Fourier descriptors

    5. Hierarchical textures

    6. Shape texture/surface roughness characterization

    7. Structural/syntactic texture representations

    8. Statistical texture representations

      1. Co-occurrence matrix (texture) 

      2. Edge frequency

      3. Law's texture energy measures

      4. Filter-based descriptors

      5. Fractal analysis

        1. Hausdorff measure

      6. Local binary patterns

      7. Local ternary patterns

      8. Markov random fields

      9. Moments of intensity

      10. Run-length encoding

      11. Spatial frequency

    9. Texels

      1. Texon/Texel invariants and representations

    10. Texture gradients/Directions/Oriented patterns

    11. Wavelet-based texture descriptors

  27. Topological image description

  28. Visual routines, empirical feature detectors

  29. Volume detection

    1. Voxel-based morphometry

    2. Generalized cylinder detection

    3. Superquadric detection

  30. Wavelet moment invariants

    1. Daubechies wavelet  

Geometry and mathematics

  1. Basic Representations

    1. Coordinate systems

      1. Cartesian coordinate system

      2. Cylindrical coordinate system

      3. Hexagonal coordinate system (see external links)

      4. Log-Polar coordinate system

      5. Polar coordinate system

      6. Spherical coordinate system

    2. Digital topology

    3. Dual space

    4. Homogeneous coordinates

    5. Pose/Rotation/Orientation Representations

      1. Axis-angle representation

      2. Clifford algebra

      3. Euler angles

      4. Exponential map

      5. Quaternion/Dual quaternion

      6. Rotation matrix

      7. Pitch/Yaw/Roll

  2. Distance metrics

    1. Affine distance

    2. Algebraic distance

    3. Bhattacharyya distance

    4. Chi-square test/metric

    5. Curse of dimensionality

    6. Earth mover's distance

    7. Euclidean distance

    8. Fuzzy intersection

    9. Hausdorff distance

    10. Jeffrey divergence

    11. Kullback–Leibler divergence

    12. Mahalanobis distance

    13. Manhattan/City block distance

    14. Minkowski distance

    15. Procrustes analysis

    16. Quadratic form

    17. Specific structural similarity

      1. Curve similarity

      2. Region similarity

      3. Volume similarity

  3. Elementary mathematics for Vision

    1. Coordinate systems/Vectors/Matrices/Derivatives/Gradients/Probability

    2. Derivatives in sampled images

  4. Mathematical optimization

    1. Golden section search

    2. Lagrange multipliers/Constraint optimization

    3. Multi-dimensional optimization

      1. Random optimization

      2. Global optimization

        1. Ant colony optimization

        2. Downhill simplex

        3. Genetic algorithms

        4. Graduated optimization 

        5. Markov random field optimization

        6. Particle swarm optimization

        7. Simulated annealing

      3. Optimization with derivatives

        1. Levenberg–Marquardt

        2. Gradient descent

        3. Quasi-Newton method

    4. Model selection

    5. Variational methods 

  5. Linear algebra for computer vision

    1. Eigenfunction

    2. Eigenvalues and eigenvectors

    3. Principal component and Related Approaches 

      1. Dimensionality reduction

      2. Linear discriminant analysis

      3. Factor analysis

      4. Fisher's linear discriminant

      5. Independent component analysis

      6. Kernel linear discriminant analysis 

      7. Kernel principal component analysis

      8. Locality preserving projections

      9. Non-negative matrix factorization

      10. Optimal dimension estimation

      11. Sufficient dimension reduction

      12. Principal component analysis/Karhunen–Loève theorem

      13. Principal geodesic analysis

      14. Probabilistic principal component analysis

      15. Rao–Blackwell theorem

    4. Sammon projection

    5. Singular value decomposition

    6. Structure tensor

  6. Multi-sensor/Multi-view geometries

    1. 3D reconstruction

      1. 3D shape from 2D projections

      2. 3D reconstruction from multiple images

      3. Slice-based reconstruction

    2. Projective reconstruction

    3. Baseline stereo

      1. Narrow baseline stereo

      2. Wide baseline stereo

    4. Binocular stereo algorithms

      1. Cooperative stereo algorithms

      2. Binocular disparity

        1. Subpixel disparity

      3. Dense stereo matching approaches

      4. Dynamic programming (stereo)

      5. Feature matching stereo algorithms

      6. Gradient matching stereo algorithms

      7. Image rectification

        1. Planar rectification

        2. Polar rectification

      8. Log-polar stereo

      9. Multiresolution analysis

      10. Panoramic image stereo algorithms

      11. Phase matching stereo algorithms

      12. Region matching stereo algorithms

      13. Weakly/Uncalibrated stereo approaches

      14. Spherical stereo

    5. Epipolar geometry/Multi-view geometry

      1. Absolute conic

      2. Absolute quadric

      3. Essential matrix

      4. Fundamental matrix

      5. Grassmannian space/Plücker embedding

      6. Homography tensor

      7. Transfer and novel view synthesis

      8. Trifocal tensor

    6. Image-based modeling and rendering

    7. Plenoptic modeling

    8. Image feature correspondence

      1. Active stereo

      2. Disparity gradient limit (feature correspondence)

      3. Epipolar constraint

      4. Feature contrast

      5. Feature orientation

      6. Grey-level similarity (feature correspondence)

      7. Lipschitz continuity

      8. Surface continuity

      9. Surface smoothness

      10. View consistency constraint

    9. Scene reconstruction/Surface interpolation

      1. Adaptive mesh refinement

      2. Constrained reconstruction

      3. Thin plate models

      4. Texture synthesis/Texture mapping

      5. Triangulation

      6. Volumetric reconstruction

        1. Visual hull

    10. Trinocular (and more) stereo

  7. Parameter Estimation

    1. Bayesian methods

    2. Constrained least squares

    3. Linear least squares

    4. Optimization

    5. Robust techniques

  8. Probability and Statistics for Computer Vision

    1. Autoregression

    2. Bayes estimator

    3. Bayesian inference networks

    4. Causal models

    5. Correlation and dependence

    6. Covariance and Mahalanobis distance in Vision

    7. Dempster–Shafer theory

    8. Multimodal distribution

    9. Normal distribution

    10. Heteroscedastic noise

    11. Homoscedastic noise

    12. Hidden Markov models

    13. Probability axioms

    14. Statistical hypothesis testing/Analysis of variance

    15. Information theory

    16. Kalman filters

      1. Unscented Kalman filters

    17. Canonical correlation

    18. Kernel regression

    19. Least mean squares estimation

    20. Least median square estimation and estimators

    21. Log-normal distribution

    22. Logistic regression

    23. Maximum likelihood

    24. Model/Curve fitting

    25. Monte Carlo method

    26. Point process

    27. Markov chain/Markov chain Monte Carlo methods

    28. Markov random field

      1. Applications

      2. Conditional random fields

      3. Multi-level Markov random fields

      4. Optimization methods

        1. Gibbs sampling

        2. Graduated optimization

        3. Graph cuts in computer vision

        4. Iterated conditional modes

        5. Simulated annealing

    29. Mixture models and expectation-maximization (EM)

      1. Gaussian mixture model

      2. Categorical mixture model

    30. Normalization

    31. Non-parametric statistics

      1. Non-parametric regression

      2. Kernel density estimation

    32. Poisson distribution

    33. Density estimation

    34. Random number generation

    35. Robust estimators

  9. Projective geometry/Projective transformations

    1. Affine projection model/Affine transformation

    2. Anamorphic projection/Catadioptric system

    3. Central cylindrical projection

    4. Orthographic projection

    5. Map projection

    6. Homography

    7. Hierarchy of geometries

    8. Perspective projection

    9. Projective plane

    10. Projective space

    11. Real camera projection

    12. Similarity matrix

    13. Weak-perspective

      1. Tomasi-Kanade factorization

  10. Projective invariants/cross-ratio

    1. Absolute points (points at infinity)

    2. Affine invariants

      1. Affine geometry of curves

    3. Collineation

    4. Conics/Quadrics

    5. Coplanarity

    6. Differential invariants

    7. Duality

    8. Integral invariants

    9. Laguerre formula

    10. Pencils

    11. Quasi-invariants

    12. Structural invariants

      1. Cartan's equivalence method

  11. Relational shape descriptions

    1. Curves

      1. Adjacency/Connectedness

      2. Relative curvature

      3. Relative length

      4. Relative orientation

      5. Separation

    2. Regions

      1. Adjacency/Connectedness

      2. Relative area/size

      3. Separation

    3. Surfaces

      1. Adjacency/Connectedness

      2. Relative area/size

      3. Relative orientation

      4. Separation

    4. Volumes

      1. Adjacency/Connectedness

      2. Relative orientation

      3. Relative volume/size

      4. Separation

  12. Shape properties

    1. Geometric Morphometrics

    2. Kendall´s Shape Space

    3. Points and local invariants

      1. Scale-invariant feature transform

    4. Curves and Curve Invariants

      1. Affine curvature

      2. Arc length

      3. Bending energy

      4. Chord distribution

      5. Curvature, Torsion of a curve, Radius of curvature

      6. Differential geometry, Frenet–Serret formulas

      7. Invariant Points: Inflections/Bitangents

    5. Image regions and region invariants

      1. Compactness measure of a shape

      2. Area

      3. Perimeter

      4. Center of mass, Centroid

      5. Eccentricity, Elongatedness

      6. Euler number/Genus

      7. Extremal points

      8. Feret's diameter

      9. Fourier descriptors

      10. Minimum bounding rectangle

      11. Image moments

        1. Affine moments

        2. Bessel-Fourier moments

        3. Binary moments

        4. Color moments

        5. Central moments

        6. Eigenmoments

        7. Fourier-Mellin moment invariants

        8. Gaussian-Hermite moments

        9. Texture moments

        10. Hahn moments

        11. Krawtchouk moments

        12. Legendre moments

        13. Orthogonal moments

        14. Racah moments

        15. Chebyshev moments

        16. Zernike and velocity moments

      12. Orientation

      13. Sphericity

      14. Rectangularity

      15. Rectilinearity

      16. Roundness

      17. Topological invariants

        1. Euler characteristic

    6. Differential geometry of surfaces

      1. Parametric surfaces

      2. Common shape classes and representations

        1. Cone representations

        2. Cyclide

        3. Cylinder representations

        4. Ellipsoid/Sphere Representations

        5. Thin plate splines

        6. Plane representations

        7. Polyhedra representations

        8. Quadric representations

        9. Torus representations

      3. Fundamental surface forms

        1. First fundamental form

        2. Second fundamental form

      4. Gauge coordinates

      5. Hessian

      6. Laplace–Beltrami operator

      7. Metric derivative

      8. Principal curvature and directions and other local shape representations

        1. Deviation from flatness

        2. Gauss–Bonnet surface description

        3. Gaussian curvature

        4. Koenderink's shape classification

        5. Mean curvature

        6. Minimal surface

        7. Parabolic points

        8. Ridges

        9. Umbilics

      9. Quadratic variation

      10. Ricci flow

      11. Surface area

      12. Surface normals and tangent planes

      13. Orientability

    7. Symmetry

      1. Affine symmetry

      2. Bilateral symmetry

      3. Rotational symmetry

      4. Skew symmetry

    8. Volumes

      1. Elongatedness

      2. 3D moments and moment invariants

    9. Volume

  13. Transformations (geometric), registration and pose estimation methods

    1. Poste estimation

    2. 2D to 2D pose estimation

      1. Methods

    3.  2D to 3D pose estimation

      1. Methods

    4. 3D to 3D pose estimation

      1. Methods

    5. Affine transformation

      1. Minimal data estimation

    6. Bundle adjustment

    7. Euclidean transformation

      1. Least-square euclidean transformation estimates

      2. Minimal data euclidean transformation estimation

      3. Robust euclidean transformation estimates

    8. Homographic transformation

      1. Least-square homography transformation estimates

      2. Robust homography transformation estimates

    9. Kalman filter pose estimation methods

    10. Partially constrained pose

      1. Incomplete information

      2. Intrinsic degrees of freedom

    11. Projective transformation

      1. Direct linear transformation

      2. Robust estimates

    12. Similarity transformation

    13. Articulated body pose estimation

Image physics related concepts

  1. Color and reflectance

    1. Albedo, Irradiance, Radiance, Reflectance, Luminance

    2. Bidirectional reflectance distribution function

    3. Color difference

    4. Color vision, Colorimetry

      1. Illumination, lightness, color constancy, reflectance recovery and shading correction

      2. Color correction

      3. Color normalization

    5. Color representation systems

      1. CIE 1931 color space

      2. Color spaces and color space conversions

      3. YIQ color space

      4. Principal component basis space

    6. Dichromatic reflectance model

    7. Empirical color representations

      1. Statistical colour representations

      2. Basis function color representations

    8. Reflectance map

    9. Special worlds

      1. Mondrian

      2. Monochrome

  2. Image content, structure and formation

    1. Image content and formation

    2. Neighborhood operation

    3. Photometric content

      1. Gamma correction

      2. Hue/White balance correction

      3. Quantigraphics and multiple observations

      4. Saturation correction

    4. Spatial frequency and sampling

    5. Image quantization and compression

  3. Light and illumination

    1. Elementary physics of light and illumination

      1. Electromagnetic radiation, Electromagnetic spectrum

      2. Elementary effects: Diffraction, Interference, Reflection, Refraction, Transmittance

      3. Elementary manipulation: Collimation, Diffraction gratings, Diffusion, Mirrors, Prisms

      4. Standard sources: Light sources

    2. Source geometry

      1. Backlighting

      2. Area light source

      3. Diffuse reflection

      4. Line light source

      5. Point light source

      6. Summary of different light sources

    3. Special situations

      1. Illumination techniques for improving observation

      2. Mutual illumination and interreflections

      3. Polarization

      4. Shadow and highlight enhancement

      5. Spectral filtering

    4. Special sources

      1. Acoustic Sonar

      2. Infrared

      3. Laser

      4. Scanning electron microscope

      5. Synthetic aperture radar

  4. Image noise and noise in video

    1. Distributions

      1. Gaussian noise

      2. Salt and pepper noise

      3. Speckle noise

      4. Uniform noise

    2. Noise sources

      1. Amplifier noise

      2. Heteroscedastic noise

      3. kTC noise

      4. Electronic noise

      5. Photon noise

      6. Quantization noise

      7. Thermal noise

  5. Optics

    1. Optical transfer function

    2. Modulation transfer function

    3. Basic geometric optics

    4. Catadioptric optics

    5. Depth of field

    6. Depth of focus

    7. Focal length

    8. Focus invariant imaging

    9. Image control: Focus, Aperture, Exposure/Shuttering, Gain, Offset

    10. Image distortion

    11. lenses

    12. Telecentric lenses

    13. Vignetting

  6. Sensor response

  7. Surface shape physics

    1. Empirical surface models

    2. Surface classes

      1. Fractal surfaces

      2. Lambertian surfaces

      3. Phong reflection

      4. Specular reflection

    3. Texture

Image Processing Architectures & Control Structures

  1. Architectures for visual processing

    1. Markup languages

  2. Attention, Foveation, Saccade

    1. Focus of attention

    2. Gaze-contingency paradigm

    3. Visual salience

  3. Behavior-based control

    1. Behavior-based robotics

  4. Blackboard system

  5. Classes of vision systems

    1. Continuous process systems

    2. Real-time systems/Video rate systems

    3. Single image processes

  6. Expert system control/Knowledge based system

  7. Hierarchical control systems

    1. Top-down and bottom-up systems

    2. Model-based systems

  8. Parallel processing

  9. Sequential/Serial processing

  10. Visual search

Image transformations and filters

  1. Image enhancement

    1. Artistic effects

    2. Brightness adjustment

    3. Contrast adjustment

      1. Histogram equalization

      2. Contrast stretching

    4. Edge sharpening

    5. Histogram equalization/Adaptive histogram equalization

    6. Quantile normalization

    7. Saturation adjustment

    8. Upsampling

  2. Distance and skeleton

    1. Distance transform

    2. Eccentricity transform

    3. Laplacian eigenspace

    4. Medial axis

    5. Morphological skeletons

    6. Topological skeletons

    7. Local symmetry

    8. Principal component encoding

    9. Shock (mechanics)

      1. Shock filter, Shock tree, Shock graph

      2. Shock response spectrum

    10. Smoothed local symmetry

  3. Geometric transformations

    1. Euclidean: Rotation, Translation, Reflection

    2. Subsampling, Interpolation, zooming

    3. Rectification

    4. Image scaling, Shear transformation, Affine transformation, Projective transformation

    5. Image warping

  4. Global transforms

    1. Discrete cosine/Discrete sine transforms

    2. Fourier transform

      1. Frequency domain filtering

      2. Homomorphic filtering

      3. Non-uniform Fourier transform

      4. Fourier optics

      5. Log-polar/Polar Fourier transform

    3. Haar transform

    4. Hartley transform

    5. Hadamard/Walsh transform

    6. Histogram transformation

      1. Histogram equalization

      2. Adaptive histogram equalization

      3. Image histogram

      4. Color histogram

    7. Karhunen-Loeve transform

    8. Radon transform, Mojette transform

    9. Ridgelet transform

    10. Slant transform

    11. Modified wavefield transform

    12. Trace transform

    13. Wavelet transform

  5. Image and Video compression

    1. Adaptive coding

    2. Arithmetic coding

    3. Block Truncation Coding, Gif, TIFF, Lempel–Ziv–Welch, Huffman coding

    4. Color image compression

    5. Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM)

    6. Feature extraction from compressed images

    7. Fractal compression

    8. Hierarchical compression

    9. Lossy compression

    10. Lossless compression

    11. Image quality evaluation/comparison

    12. JPEG

    13. PNG

    14. Model-based coding

    15. Motion coding, Video coding

    16. MPEG

    17. Predictive methods

    18. Stereo image compression

    19. Vector quantization

    20. Wavelet/Scalar quantization

  6. Image stabilization

  7. Local operator transforms

    1. Adaptive filtering

    2. Composite filtering

    3. Convolution

      1. Normalized convolution

      2. Separable templates

        1. Gaussian blur

    4. Difference of Gaussians

    5. Differentiation filtering

    6. Frequency filtering

      1. High-pass filter

      2. Low-pass filter

      3. Matched filter

    7. Image noise reduction and restoration

    8. Adaptive smoothing

      1. Anisotropic filtering

      2. Anscombe transform

      3. Moving average smoothing

      4. Bayesian filtering

      5. Bilateral filtering

      6. Brightness distortion correction

        1. Helicon filter

      7. Conservative smoothing

      8. Crimmins smoothing

      9. Deconvolution

      10. Diffusion methods

        1. Diffusion equation

        2. Anisotropic diffusion

      11. Edge-preserving smoothing

      12. Gaussian smoothing

      13. Global filters

        1. Tikhonov regularization

        2. Maximum entropy methods

      14. Kalman filter based noise reduction

      15. Alpha beta filter

      16. Phase-locked loop

      17. Kuwahara filter

      18. Bayer filter

      19. Lee's local statistics filter

      20. Local nonlinear image restoration

      21. Median filtering

      22. Median flow filtering

      23. Median least variance/Median coefficient of variation filters

      24. Markov chain Monte Carlo

      25. Multispectral images

        1. Multichannel/Multispectral filtering

      26. Exponential smoothing

      27. Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), Diffusion methods

        1. Geometric flow, Ricci flow

        2. Tangential diffusion

      28. Order statistic filters

      29. Savitzky–Golay smoothing filter

      30. Scale space filter

      31. Spline smoothing

      32. Temporal averaging

      33. Wiener filter

  8. Morphological transformations

    1. Binary mathematical morphology

    2. Boolean convolution

    3. Conditional dilation

    4. Dilate/Erode transformation

    5. Fuzzy morphology/Soft morphology

    6. Grayscale morphology

      1. Grayscale dilation, Grayscale erosion, Umbra dilation, Umbra erosion

      2. Greylevel, Greyscale morphological opening, closing

        1. Opening 

        2. Closing

    7. Morphological smoothing

    8. Morphological gradient

    9. Morphological laplacian

    10. Hit-or-miss transform

    11. Morphological segmentation

    12. Morphological opening, Morphological closing

    13. Region-filling, Propagation

    14. Thinning, Thickening

    15. Top-hat transform

    16. Watershed transform

  9. Pixel classification

    1. Color, Multispectral based

    2. Curvature, Shape based

    3. Edge type labeling

    4. Intensity based

    5. Shadow type labeling

    6. Texture based

  10. Point binary image operator transforms

    1. Image arithmetic

      1. Image operators: Addition

      2. Image operators: Bitshift

      3. Image operators: Blending

      4. Image operators: Division

      5. Image operators: Multiplication

      6. Image operators: Subtraction

    2. Binary operations

      1. Image operators: AND/NAND

      2. Image operators: NOT/INVERT

      3. Image operators: OR/NOR

      4. Image operators: XOR/XNOR

  11. Point unary image operator transforms

    1. Clipping

    2. Pixel logarithm and exponential

    3. Gamma correction

    4. Ordinal transformation

    5. Thresholding

      1. Adaptive thresholding

      2. Edge image thresholding

      3. Balanced histogram thresholding

      4. Multiband thresholding

      5. Quantization techniques

      6. Threshold selection

  12. Segmentation, Grouping transforms

    1. Property basis

      1. Chroma keying

      2. Intensity based segmentation (See Region detection -> thresholding)

      3. Motion based segmentation (See Motion field->Region segmentation/decomposition)

      4. Surface shape based segmentation (See Curvature-based surface patch detection)

      5. Texture based segmentation (See Texture-based region segmentation)

    2. Structures

      1. Curve segmentation (See Boundary/Line/Curve segmentation)

      2. Blob detection

      3. Surface segmentation (See Surface segmentation from 2 1/2D or 3D data)

      4. Volume segmentation

    3. Technologies

      1. Clustering based segmentation

      2. Connected components/Blob extraction

      3. Model based feature detection/Model based segmentation

      4. Minimum description length

      5. Region growing based segmentation

      6. Relaxation labeling

      7. Rule-based/Expert-system based segmentation

      8. Thresholding based segmentation

Introductory visual neurophysiology

  1. Crossmodal linkages

    1. Audition

      1. Sensory substitution

    2. Olfaction

    3. Touch

    4. Sensory substitution

    5. Mirror neuron

    6. Language

      1. Audio-visual speech recognition

    7. Synesthesia, Neural basis of synesthesia

  2. Neurophysiological methods

    1. Disturbances and disorders

      1. Lesion

      2. Scotoma

      3. Blind spot

      4. Binasal hemianopsia

    2. Bitemporal hemianopsia

    3. Color blindness

      1. Achromatopsia

      2. Dichromacy

      3. Monochromacy

    4. Agnosia

      1. Visual agnosia

      2. Auditory agnosia

      3. Color agnosia

    5. Staining/Histology

    6. Electrophysiology

      1. Intracellular recording

      2. Extracellular recording

      3. Iontophoresis

    7. Neuroimaging

      1. Optical imaging of intrinsic signals

      2. Calcium imaging

      3. Photofragment-ion imaging

      4. Voltage-sensitive dye imaging

      5. Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)

        1. Haemodynamic response

        2. BOLD response

      6. Positron emission tomography (PET)

      7. Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) or (SPET)

    8. Electroencephalography (EEG)

    9. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

    10. Magnetoencephalography (MEG)

    11. Molecular biology

    12. Genetics

    13. Neuropharmacology, Neuropsychopharmacology

  3. Visual system structure

    1. Neurons

    2. Visual pathway

      1. Dorsal and ventral stream

      2. Modularity of mind

        1. Visual modularity

        2. Language module

    3. Cortical column

    4. Neural coding

    5. Receptive fields

    6. Extra-classical receptive fields and surround modulation

    7. Topographic maps

    8. Binding & Synchronization

      1. The binding problem

      2. Neural binding

      3. Neural oscillations

    9. Cortical magnification

    10. Lateralization of brain function

    11. Attention

  4. Visual system components

    1. Neuroanatomy

    2. The eye

      1. Structure and anatomy

      2. Function

      3. Eye movements

        1. Saccades and Microsaccades

    3. The retina

      1. Development

      2. Anatomy and Structure

      3. Blind spot

      4. Fovea

      5. Circuitry

        1. Photoreceptors

        2. Horizontal cells

        3. Bipolar neurons/cells

        4. Amacrine cells

        5. Ganglion cell

        6. Glial cell

    4. Function and computations

      1. Light and dark adaptation

      2. Lateral inhibition

      3. Color vision

    5. Lateral Geniculate nucleus (LGN)

      1. Development

      2. Anatomy and structure

      3. Function and computations

      4. Parvocellular and Magnocellular pathways

    6. Visual cortex

      1. Plasticity and development

        1. Neuroplasticity

        2. Synaptic plasticity

        3. Spike-timing-dependent plasticity

        4. Hebbian theory

        5. Long-term potentiation

        6. Long-term depression

      2. Primary visual cortex (V1)

        1. Anatomy and structure

        2. Neuron types

          1. Pyramidal cells

          2. Granule cells

        3. Connectivity

        4. Simple cells, Complex cells, Hypercomplex cells

        5. Neural coding

        6. Parvocellular and Magnocellular pathways

        7. Cortical layers

        8. Contrast sensitivity

        9. Selectivity and mapping of stimulus features

          1. Ocular dominance

          2. Geniculate ganglion

          3. Orientation

          4. Direction

          5. Spatial frequency

          6. Colour

          7. Binocular vision

      3. Extrastriate cortex, Brodmann area 18, Brodmann area 19

        1. V2

        2. Visual cortex#Third visual complex, including area V3

          1. Dorsomedial area

          2. Ventral tegmental area

        3. V4

        4. Dorsal Prelunate (DP)

        5. V5/MT

      4. Higher visual cortical areas

        1. Medial superior temporal area

        2.  Parietal lobe

          1. LIP (Lateral intraparietal)

          2. VIP (Ventral Intraparietal)

          3. MIP (Medial Intraparietal)

          4. AIP (Anterior Intraparietal)

          5. CIP (Caudal Intraparietal)

        3. Brodmann area 7

        4. Inferotemporal cortex

        5. Broadman area 22

        6. Cuneus

        7. Superior Frontal Sulcus (SFS)

        8. Superior temporal sulcus

        9. Frontal Eye Fields (FEF)

    7. Superior colliculus

    8. Pulvinar nuclei

    9. Caudate nucleus

Introductory visual psychophysics/psychology

  1. Attention 

  2. Subjective constancies

    1. Color constancy

    2. Lightness constancy

    3. Shape constancy

    4. Size constancy

    5. Distance constancy

    6. Location constancy

  3. Disorders/disturbances

    1. Aniseikonia

    2. Achromatopsia

    3. Scotopic sensitivity syndrome

    4. Blindness

      1. Acquired vision

      2. Blindsight

      3. Change blindness

      4. Color blindness

      5. Repetition blindness

    5. Visual agnosias

      1. Apperceptive agnosia

      2. Associative agnosia

      3. Color agnosia

      4. Mirror agnosia

      5. Prosopagnosia

  4. Design of experiments

    1. Detection theory

    2. Fourier analysis

    3. Interstimulus interval

    4. Psychometric function

    5. Spatial frequency

    6. Statistics

    7. Stevens' power law

    8. Temporal frequency

    9. Weber–Fechner law

  5. Experimental stimuli

    1. Autostereograms

    2. Gratings

    3. Optical illusions

      1. Motion aftereffects

      2. Ambiguous picture

      3. Illusory contours

    4. Random dot stereograms

    5. Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP)

    6. Phantom eye syndrome

  6. Eye movements

    1. Saccades and Microsaccades

    2. Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex (VOR) and Pursuit movement

  7. General concepts

    1. Adaptation

    2. Aftereffects

    3. Contrast sensitivity

    4. Saccadic suppression

    5. Temporal resolution

      1. Change blindness

      2. Flicker fusion

    6. Visual acuity

  8. Perception

    1. Color perception

      1. Scotopic vision

      2. Unique hues

    2. Depth perception

      1. Accommodation

      2. Binocularity

      3. Color depth

      4. Convergence

      5. Distance fog

      6. Horopter

      7. Occlusion

      8. Parallax

      9. Peripheral vision

      10. Retinal disparity/Stereopsis

    3. Face perception

    4. Motion perception

      1. Optical flow

      2. Structure from motion

      3. Time to contact(see depth from motion)

      4. Vection

    5. Multimodal perception

      1. Synesthesia

    6. Object Perception

      1. Object recognition in cognitive neuroscience

    7. Space perception

    8. Texture perception

  9. Perceptual organization

    1. Figure–ground determination

    2. Gestalt laws of grouping

  10. Psychophysical methods

    1. Discrimination

    2. Forced choice methods

    3. Just-noticeable difference

    4. Method of adjustment

    5. Method of constant stimuli

    6. Method of limits

    7. Staircase procedures

    8. Thresholds

  11. Theoretical perspectives

    1. Affordances

    2. Gestalt theory

    3. Gibson's theory

    4. Marr's theory

    5. Unconscious inference

  12. Visual search

  13. Visual short term memory

Motion and time sequence analysis related concepts

  1. Active vision

    1. Kinetic depth

    2. Image stabilization

    3. Surface reconstruction

    4. Time to contact

    5. Visual servoing

  2. Appearance change analysis

  3. Change and moving object detection

    1. Background modelling

      1. Finger tracking

      2. ViBE algorithm

    2. Change detection in compressed image/video data

    3. Change detection in non-standard images: Panoramic, Omnidirectional

    4. Detection with a changing background

    5. Foreground modelling

    6. Image differencing

    7. Moving camera change detection

    8. High-speed cameras

    9. Shadow removal, Moving shadow detection

      1. The Stauffer and Grimson algorithm

  4. Depth/Range image temporal sequence analysis

  5. Image sequence fusion

    1. Image mosaics

    2. Image stabilization

    3. Super-resolution

  6. Motion field

    1. Depth estimation

    2. Edge/Discontinuity detection

    3. Hierarchical motion field estimation

    4. Region segmentation/decomposition

      1. Motion layer/Multiple motion segmentation

    5. Particle image velocimetry

  7. Motion property estimation

    1. General motion estimation

    2. Observer motion, Egomotion estimation

    3. Periodicity estimation

    4. Planar motion estimation

    5. Instance centre of rotation

    6. Pure translation

    7. Linear motion estimation

  8. Non-rigid motion analysis

    1. Human pose and motion estimation

  9. Optical flow

    1. Affine flow

    2. The aperture problem

    3. Methods for determining optical flow

      1. Area based methods

      2. Binocular methods

      3. Contour based methods

      4. Correlation based optical flow estimation

      5. Gradient based optical flow estimation

      6. Feature based optical flow estimation

    4. Optical flow boundary, discontinuity estimation

    5. Color optical flow

    6. Optical flow field calculation

    7. Optical flow histogram

    8. Information extraction

      1. Egomotion estimation

      2. Epipole location

      3. Focus of expansion

      4. Obstacle detection

        1. Parking sensors

    9. Multigrid methods

    10. Normal flow

    11. Optical flow constraint equation

    12. Optical flow smoothness constraint

    13. Range flow

    14. Scene flow/Surface motion

    15. Structure from optical flow

  10. Sensor, Camera Motion estimation

  11. Spatio-Temporal reasoning

    1. Epipolar plane analysis

    2. Spatio-temporal corner/Interest point detector

    3. Spatio-temporal filters

      1. Singular spectrum analysis

    4. Representations

      1. Small motion models

    5. Temporal shape matching

      1. Spatio-Temporal Relationship Match (SRM)

      2. Temporal geometric shape model matching

      3. Temporal property model matching

    6. Temporal spatio-velocity transform

  12. Structure from motion/Structure and motion

    1. Articulated object segmentation

    2. Classical structure from motion

    3. Model-based (facial) motion capture/Model-based shape capture

    4. Multi-frame structure estimation

      1. Critical motions

      2. Initialization

      3. Euclidean reconstruction

    5. Nonlinear recursive methods

    6. Rigid bodies

      1. Rigid body segmentation

    7. Rigidity constraint

      1. Kruppa equations

    8. Structure consistency constraint

    9. Structure factorization

      1. Tomasi–Kanade factorization

      2. Factorization with uncertainty

    10. Temporal factorization

  13. Temporal event analysis

    1. Activity analysis

      1. Temporal action segmentation

      2. Instantaneous activity recognition

      3. Long term activity

        1. Hidden Markov Model matching

        2. Hidden Semi-Markov Model matching

        3. Rule-based/Syntactic model matching

        4. Trajectory model matching

    2. Novelty detection

    3. Self-similarity matrix

  14. Tracking

    1. Articulated object tracking

    2. Binocular tracking

    3. Discontinuous events tracking

    4. Feature tracking approaches

      1. Contour tracking, Active contour tracking

      2. Appearance-based tracking

      3. Edge tracking

      4. Fiduciary marker tracking

      5. Optical flow-based target tracking

      6. Pose based tracking

      7. Feature-based tracking

      8. Template-based tracking

      9. Temporal stereo tracking

      10. Texture-based tracking

    5. Moving camera based tracking

    6. Multiple target tracking

      1. Feature-based tracking

      2. Optical flow analysis

      3. Template-based tracking

    7. Tracking information fusion

      1. Condensation/Particle filter tracking

      2. Tracking using Bayesian belief propagation

      3. Tracking using hidden markov models

      4. Tracking using Kalman filters

    8. Vergence maintenance

Non-sequential realization methods

  1. Systolic arrays 

    1. Digital signal processing/Digital signal processor

    2. Artificial neural networks

    3. Hopfield networks

    4. Kohonen networks

    5. Perceptron networks

    6. Radial basis function networks

    7. Support vector machines

  2. Parallel processing approaches

    1. Multiple Instruction Multiple Data (MIMD)/Multiprocessing

      1. Data parallelism/Domain decomposition methods

    2. Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD)

      1. Massively parallel systems

    3. Vector processors

  3. Programmable logic approaches

    1. Reconfigurable computing

  4. VLSI approaches

    1. Vision chips

Object, world and scene representations


  1. Full object representations

    1. Flat

    2. Hierarchical, by parts, structural decomposition, subcomponent representation

    3. 3D object representations

  2. Functional representations

  3. Geometric representation of model features

    1. CAD representations

    2. Curve representations

      1. Chain codes

      2. Circles

      3. Conics

      4. Methods of contour integration

      5. Crack codes

      6. Curvature primal sketch

      7. Curvature scale space

      8. Cross section functions

      9. Edgelet, Contourlet

      10. Ellipse representations

      11. Intrinsic equations

      12. Line representations

      13. Line moments

      14. Phi-S curves, tangent angle functions

      15. Polyline, Polycurves, Polygonal approximations

      16. Radius vector functions

      17. Signatures

      18. Active contour models/Snakes

        1. Gradient Flow Vector (GFV) snakes

      19. Spline Representation

      20. Superellipse representations

      21. Supershapes

      22. Support functions

      23. Torsion of a curve

      24. Torsion scale space

      25. Wavelet descriptors

      26. Width functions

    3. Geometric representation of model features/Points

      1. Symplectic geometry

      2. Local scale descriptions

      3. Point distribution models

      4. Non-linear point distributions

      5. Surflet

    4. Region representations

      1. Convex hull

      2. Region cross section functions

      3. Delaunay triangulation/Voronoi diagrams

      4. Grey-level distribution models

      5. Occupancy grids

      6. Polygon mesh

      7. Trees

        1. Octrees

        2. Quadtrees

    5. Surface representations

      1. Algebraic point set surfaces

      2. Conformal mapping

      3. Local point/patch representations

      4. Mean and Gaussian curvature

      5. Rubbersheeting

      6. Thin plate splines

      7. Algebraic topology

      8. Planar patches/faces, Edges, Vertices, Boundary representations

      9. Principal curvature sign classes

      10. Bézier surface

      11. Sparse grid

      12. Spherical images

      13. Subdivision surface

      14. B-spline

      15. Surface triangulation, Surface meshes

    6. Object centered representations

      1. Generalized cones

      2. Geon structural description

    7. Objects/Volume representations

      1. 3D skeletons

      2. Aspect graph matching

      3. Balloons

      4. Constructive solid geometry

      5. Set-theoretic modeling

      6. Spheres

        1. Surfaces of constant Gaussian curvature

        2. Schwarzschild coordinates

      7. Extended Gaussian Images

      8. Generalized cylinders

      9. Cones

      10. Medial surfaces

      11. Quadrics

      12. Hyperquadrics

      13. Superquadrics

      14. Shape histogram

        1. Local Energy-based Shape Histogram (LESH)

      15. Spin images

        1. Spherical spin images

      16. Spherical harmonics

      17. Supershapes

      18. Boundary representation

      19. Tetrahedral representations

      20. Volumetric frequency

      21. Voxels, Octrees

      22. Wire-frame representations

  4. Logical and symbolic representations

    1. Frames

    2. Knowledge representation

      1. Description logic

      2. KRL

    3. Predicate calculus

      1. Predicate logic

      2. First-order logic

    4. Relational model

    5. Semantic nets

  5. Multi-scale representation approaches

    1. Fractals

    2. Scale space

    3. Wavelets

  6. Non-rigid model representations

    1. Active appearance models

    2. Active shape models

    3. Implicit shape models

    4. Point distribution models

    5. Deformable shapes

      1. Active contour models

      2. Deformable surfaces

      3. Deformable volumes

    6. Structural rigidity

    7. Time-varying meshes

  7. Non-symbolic representations

    1. Eigenspace representations

    2. Interest points

    3. Intrinsic images

    4. Light fields, Image-based modeling and rendering

  8. Procedural representations

    1. Production rule representations

    2. Visual routines

  9. Shape classes/Shape families

  10. Temporal representations

    1. Short-term activity representations

      1. Motion history/Energy models

      2. Volume motion templates

    2. Long-term activity representations

      1. Global representations

        1. Hidden Markov models/Finite state models

        2. Target trajectory models 

  11. Types of models

    1. Active appearance models

    2. Color appearance models

    3. Geometric models

    4. Graph models

      1. Exponential random graph models

    5. Relational models

  12. Viewer centered representations, Viewpoint-dependent representations

    1. Iconic image models

    2. Aspects/characteristic views 

    3. Tesselated viewsphere approximations

      1. Geodesic domes

Recognition and registration methods

  1. Statistical classification methods

    1. Bayesian classifier

    2. Contextual image classification

    3. Decision trees

    4. Learning classifier systems

    5. Feature-based

    6. Fuzzy classification

    7. Hough forest

    8. k-nearest neighbor classification

    9. Linear and higher order discriminant functions

    10. Markov random field based classification

    11. Minimum distance estimation

    12. Multi-classifier fusion

    13. Neural networks

    14. Sparse coding

    15. Vector quantization based classification

  2. General reasoning methods used in vision

    1. Ambiguous images

  3. Geometric model matching, Feature correspondence, Shape correspondence

    1. General matching control and search algorithms

      1. Hypothesize and test

      2. Heuristic search

      3. Recognition by components

      4. Interpretation trees and other search tree variations

      5. Rule-based systems

      6. Theorem proving

      7. RAST algorithms

    2. General recognition methods

      1. Appearance-based, Iconic, View-based recognition

      2. Boltzmann machine, Hopfield net, Simulated annealing

      3. Constraint-based matching

      4. Context-based matching

      5. Template matching, Elastic matching, Deformable template

      6. Geometric hashing

      7. Image stitching

      8. Image registration

      9. Inverse compositional method

      10. Iterated closest point/Iterative closest point

      11. MAPSAC

      12. Model based recognition

      13. Multi-scale contour segmentation

      14. Non-rigid alignment

      15. Object categorization

        1. Cognitive neuroscience of visual object recognition

        2. Bag of words

        3. Structured models

        4. Subcategory recognition

        5. Vocabulary trees

      16. Object Size/Scale/distance estimation

      17. Polygon matching

      18. Pose clustering

      19. RANSAC

      20. Relaxation labeling

      21. Softassign algorithm

      22. Structural description

      23. Template and cross-correlation matching

  4. Identity verification/alignment

    1. Geometric feature proximity

    2. Pose consistency

  5. Model based indexing, invocation

  6. Special feature matching 

    1. 2D to 2D point feature matching

      1. Proximity matrices

    2. 2D to 3D point feature matching

    3. 3D to 3D point feature matching

    4. 2D, 3D point to structure matching

    5. Aspect graph matching

    6. Boundary/contour/curve/edge matching

      1. TERCOM

    7. Line matching

    8. Phase matching

    9. Property-based matching

    10. Optical/Appearance flow matching

    11. Polygon matching

    12. Needle-map matching

    13. Region matching

    14. Spatial pyramid matching

    15. Surface matching

    16. Texture classification

    17. Texture matching

    18. Volume matching

  7. Syntactic pattern matching

    1. 1D/String matching

    2. 2D/Pattern grammars

Scene understanding/image analysis methods

  1. Situated cognition

  2. Affordance

  3. Appearance prediction

  4. Figure-ground separation

  5. High-level vision

  6. Light source detection

  7. Line labeling

  8. Occlusion understanding and recovery

  9. Perceptual organization, Perceptual grouping

    1. Hierarchical organization

    2. Subcomponent detection

  10. Types of scenes

    1. Manhattan world scenes

  11. Region labeling

  12. Scene completion

  13. Shadow understanding

Sensor fusion, registration and planning methods

  1. Sensor fusion and registration types

    1. CT scan, MRI, fMRI, NMR, PET scan

    2. Structure from motion

    3. Kinetic depth

    4. Range and intensity

      1. High dynamic range imaging

    5. SAR, Digital maps

    6. Visible and infrared

      1. Visible spectrum

      2. Infrared spectrum

      3. MVIRI

  2. Information fusion

  3. Multi-image intensity image registration

  4. Multi-view range data registration and fusion

  5. Next view planning/prediction

  6. Sensor networks

    1. Sensor networks calibration

    2. Distributed target tracking & fusion

  7. Sensor path planning

  8. Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM)

  9. Static sensor placement/parameter determination

    1. Multidimensional sampling

  10. Fusion Using Kalman Filters

System models, calibration and parameter estimation methods

  1. Camera calibration

    1. Camera pose estimation

      1. Camera auto-calibration, Camera self calibration, Closure phase

        1. Critical motions, relations, scenes

        2. Zoom lens calibration

      2. Camera calibration using calibration targets

    2. Monocular camera calibration

    3. Camera resectioning

  2. Eye–hand coordination and calibration

  3. Illumination field calibration

  4. Image distortion, models and correction

    1. Chromatic aberration

    2. Defocus aberration

    3. Diffraction/Interference fringes

    4. Ringing artifacts

    5. Fisheye lens

    6. Radial lens distortion

    7. Underwater lens calibration

  5. Pinhole camera, intrinsic and extrinsic camera models

  6. Radiometric calibration

  7. Structured light source calibration

Visual learning related methods and concepts

  1. Observational learning

    1. Discrete observational learning

    2. Probabilistic observational learning

  2. Geometric feature learning

  3. Joint natural language and image data learning

    1. NLP learning techniques

  4. Learning technologies

    1. Bayesian learning/Probabilistic model learning

      1. Bayesian principal component analysis

      2. Latent variable learning

      3. Variational Bayesian methods

    2. Clustering

      1. Fuzzy clustering

      2. Clustering coefficient

      3. Hierarchical clustering

      4. k-means clustering

        1. Hierarchical k-means clustering

      5. Mean-shift clustering

      6. Neural gas clustering

      7. Parametric/Non-parametric clustering

      8. Pattern matrices

      9. Proximity matrices

      10. Self-organizing feature maps/Kohonen maps

      11. Superparamagnetism clustering

    3. Gaussian mixture models, Expectation-Maximization (EM)

    4. Ensemble learning

      1. Bootstrap aggregating

      2. Boosting

        1. AdaBoost

        2. DenseBoost

        3. TextonBoost

      3. Extremely random trees (Extra-trees)

      4. Random forests

      5. Vector boosting

    5. Feature selection

    6. Gaussian process learning and classification

    7. Genetic programming/Genetic algorithms

    8. Neural networks

    9. Principal component analysis

    10. Support vector machines

      1. Kernel methods

      2. Kernel trick

      3. Structured SVM

      4. Relevance vector machine

    11. Semi-supervised learning

    12. Vector quantization

  5. Shape model learning

    1. Range data fusion

    2. Space carving

    3. Structured learning

      1. Architectural models

    4. Volumetric model recovery

    5. Voxel coloring

      1. Marching cubes

  6. Property learning

    1. Spatio-temporal patterns

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