Federal Communications Commission fcc 16-80 Before the Federal Communications Commission

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Federal Communications Commission FCC 16-80

Before the

Federal Communications Commission

Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of
Amendment of Part 11 of the Commission’s Rules Regarding the Emergency Alert System





PSHSB Docket No. 15-94

report and order
Adopted: July 6, 2016 Released: July 11, 2016
By the Commission: Commissioner O’Rielly approving in part, dissenting in part and issuing a statement.

Table of Contents

Heading Paragraph #




A. Proposed EAS Event Codes 4

B. Proposed Geographic Location Code Revisions 14

C. Cost Benefit Analysis. 22

D. Implementation Schedule. 25


A. Accessible Formats 31

B. Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 32

C. Paperwork Reduction Analysis 33

D. Congressional Review Act 34


APPENDIX A – Final Rules

APPENDIX B – Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis


2.In this Order, we revise the Federal Communications Commission’s (Commission or FCC) Emergency Alert System (EAS) rules1 to add three new EAS event codes, covering extreme wind and storm surges, as well as revise the territorial boundaries of the geographic location codes for two offshore marine areas. We initiated this proceeding in response to a request from the National Weather Service (NWS) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) that the Commission adopt these revisions to harmonize the EAS with the NWS’s weather radio system.2 Virtually all commenters supported adoption of the new alert codes and code revisions.3


4.The EAS is a national public warning system through which broadcasters, cable systems, and other service providers (EAS Participants)1 deliver alerts to the public to warn them of impending emergencies and dangers to life and property.2 The primary purpose of the EAS is to provide the President with “the capability to provide immediate communications and information to the general public at the national, state and local levels during periods of national emergency.”3 The EAS also is used by state and local governments, as well as the NWS, to distribute alerts.4 According to NWS, about 90 percent of all EAS activations are generated by NWS and relate to short-term weather events.5 The Commission, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and NWS implement the EAS at the federal level.6 The EAS is a broadcast-based, hierarchical alert message distribution system through which an alert message originator at the local, state or national level encodes (or arranges to have encoded) a message in the EAS Protocol, which provides basic information about the emergency involved.7 The message is then broadcast by one or more EAS Participants and subsequently relayed from one station to another until all affected EAS Participants have received the alert and delivered it to the public.8 This process of EAS alert distribution among EAS Participants is often referred as the “daisy chain” distribution architecture.9

5.The EAS Protocol utilizes fixed codes to identify various aspects of the alert. Of particular relevance to this Order, the EAS Protocol utilizes a three-character “event code” to describe the nature of the alert (e.g., “TOR” signifies tornado).1 The EAS Protocol identifies “National” event codes, such as the EAN and National Periodic Test (NPT), which EAS Participants use as part of required Presidential alerts and tests, and “State and Local” event codes, such as TOR, which EAS Participants use when they deliver weather and other voluntary alerts.2 In addition, the EAS Protocol utilizes six-digit numerical location codes to identify the geographic area(s) to which the alert applies.3 Unlike the state and territory geographic location codes, which are based on an American National Standards Institute (ANSI) standard,4 the codes assigned to the offshore marine areas were created by the NWS and adopted by the Commission in 2002 at NWS’s request, following notice and opportunity for public comment.5


A.Proposed EAS Event Codes

7.NWS requested that the Commission add a new “Extreme Wind Warning” (EWW) event code to provide the public with advance notice of the onset of extreme sustained surface winds (greater than or equal to 115 miles per hour) associated with a major land-falling hurricane (category 3 or higher).1 According to NWS, no other existing EAS event code is adequate or acceptable to activate the EAS for an extreme wind warning associated with a hurricane.2 NWS explained that although it began using the EWW code for its weather alert radio system warnings in 2007, EAS Participants were “reluctant to add and relay the new [e]vent [c]ode via the EAS, fearing FCC adverse action without addition of the new EWW Event Code to the Part 11 [rules].”3

8.NWS also requested that the Commission add two new event codes covering storm surges: “Storm Surge Watch” (SSA) and “Storm Surge Warning” (SSW).1 NWS indicated that the “Storm Surge Watch/Warning will be issued when there is a significant risk of life-threatening inundation from rising water moving inland from the ocean.” 2 According to NWS, in the event of a storm surge, a watch would be issued 48 hours in advance of the event taking place and a warning would be issued 36 hours in advance of the event, and will help to mitigate damage from storm surge, the leading cause of death in tropical cyclones.3

9.In support of its request, NWS observed that, according to the National Hurricane Center (NHC), “storm surge losses in the hundreds or thousands of lives have occurred in every coastal state from Texas to South Carolina, and in some states north of there.”1 NWS explained that “[w]hile the threatening winds of a hurricane are important, most deaths from tropical cyclones result from storm surge.”2 NWS further explained that current hurricane event codes are insufficient, and that issuing storm surge watch/warning conditions is supported by both NHC and FEMA, as well as the government meteorological services of other nations, such as Environment Canada, and the World Meteorological Organization.3

10.We proposed adding both the extreme wind warning and storm surge event codes to Section 11.31(e) of the Commission’s rules, thus authorizing their use by EAS Participants.1 Among other things, we considered whether not adopting such revisions would risk unnecessary harm to the public, a risk inconsistent with our statutory mission of “promoting the safety of life and property through the use of wire and radio communication.”2 We tentatively concluded that the event codes NWS proposed could promote public safety by saving lives and reducing the potential for injuries and damage to property, and we sought comment on this tentative conclusion.3

11.We also sought comment on whether the addition of the EWW, SSA, and SSW event codes would promote the public interest by enabling the public to deal more effectively with emergency situations, and, if so, how the specificity added by use of the codes would assist the public in these regards.1 We asked, for example, whether the addition of these weather-related event codes would address the potential for confusion or incorrect guidance that might otherwise result from the continued use of the TOR event code.2 Citing various data explicating the dangers to safety of life and property posed by hurricane high winds and storm surges, we stated our belief that the addition of EWW, SSA and SSW to the event codes in Section 11.31(e) of the rules would serve the public interest by providing more specific information regarding the emergency event.3 We sought comment on that analysis.4 We observed that survey data conducted and supplied by NWS indicated that broadcasters, emergency management offices and federal agencies supported the need to establish specific EAS warning alerts for these conditions, and we invited these entities in particular to submit their updated views on these issues.5

12.We also sought comment on the costs for implementing the proposed event codes.1 NWS had stated that the additional costs associated with these new event codes would be minimal and generally could be effected through a firmware and/or software update.2 We observed that filings made subsequent to NWS’s submissions by several EAS equipment manufacturers seemed to confirm NWS’s contentions.3 We noted that one EAS equipment manufacturer, Sage Alerting Systems, Inc. (Sage), had indicated that one of its EAS device models in the field could no longer support software updates and, therefore, presumably could not be updated with the proposed event codes.4 We sought comment on how this might affect the adoption of these additional event codes and to what extent this device model is being used by EAS Participants.5

13.The majority of comments that specifically addressed this issue supported adoption of the new event codes and the revisions to the existing location codes.1 The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB), for example, stated, “As NWS has explained, the additional specificity provided by these new codes should improve public safety by enabling emergency managers to more accurately trigger and target EAS alerts, reducing the risk of public confusion during an emergency situation.”2 AT&T Services, Inc. (AT&T), agreed that adoption of the new event codes and location code revisions would “promote the public interest by helping the public and emergency officials better respond to local safety threats.”3

14.EAS equipment manufacturer, TFT, opposed adoption of these new hurricane-related weather alerts on grounds that the public would not be able to discern the differences between these weather events and the existing, general hurricane alert.1 Specifically, TFT argued, “[w]hen threatened by these weather-related events, the public will not take time to contemplate the various differences in possible actions but will seek the most immediate action for the general category of the threat.”2

15.Decision. We grant NWS’s request and revise Section 11.31 of the EAS rules to add the EWW, SSA and SSW event codes to the EAS Protocol.1 As we observed in the NWS NPRM, there is considerable data attesting to the dangers posed to life and property by both high winds and, in particular, storm surges, associated with hurricanes.2 While the EAS Protocol currently contains event codes covering hurricanes, these codes only generally warn of an impending hurricane – they do not specifically cover extreme high winds associated with a Category 3 or higher hurricane or storm surges associated with a hurricane.3 The record demonstrates that existing event codes contained in the EAS Protocol are not adequate substitutes for the adoption of the EWW, SSA and SSW event codes.4 As NWS has observed, for example, use of the TOR event code during prior hurricanes led to confusion among the public and the dissemination of incorrect risk-avoidance advice.5 Monroe County Florida Emergency Management observes that “[c]oastal residents may know or have an anticipated expectation regarding the impact of flood warnings which may be due in part to wind, tide, or heavy rain[, and] that anticipation can be confused unless the wording used is completely different as proposed.”6 We do not find that the public interest would be served by relying on inadequate warnings that might provide incorrect or even opposite remedial advice to the public. Based on the record before us and the subject matter expertise of the NWS, we conclude that adoption of the event codes proposed by the NWS will improve the function of the EAS, enhance safety of life and property, and therefore is in the public interest.

16.We do not find TFT’s arguments against adoption of the new event codes persuasive. The dangers posed by hurricane-induced extreme high winds and storm surges are well established,1 and the record in this proceeding establishes a need and desire for adoption of these codes to better address such dangers. NAB, for example, states that “[e]xplicit codes for storm surges and warnings would better reflect their rapid development and movement than the existing codes for a flood watch or warning, or other water-related situations.”2 Radio Hatteras states that “[t]he addition of EWW, SSA and SSW codes would significantly enhance public safety in coastal regions”3 TFT’s objection that the public will not appreciate the nuances between the specific dangers posed by extreme winds and storm surges caused by a hurricane and the dangers posed generally by the hurricane itself has no support in the record. Monroe County Florida Emergency Management, for example, contends that “[s]tudies show, the public is more likely to follow protective action recommendation, such as evacuations or shelter in place, or limit travel, if the directives are clearly and concisely communicated to them.”4 Moreover, the NWS indicates that having the new codes become effective in the summer of 2016 will provide the NWS sufficient time to conduct outreach and education to on the meaning of these new codes before the NWS begins to issue alerts using these codes for the 2017 hurricane season.5 The outreach and education that NWS intends to conduct will include a public education campaign, including “public service announcements over NWR; NWS News Releases; official NWS Service Change Notifications; advertising on NWS web sites; updates to official preparedness brochures and pamphlets; briefings to emergency managers; presentations at federal, state and local hurricane conferences; concurrent outreach and partnering efforts with FEMA; and extensive community outreach efforts by the NWS Warning Coordination Meteorologist in every Weather Forecast Office impacted by tropical cyclones.”6

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