Events Date and Location

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Date and Location

Target audience



Roadshow through Austria for eSkills campaign, in cooperation with partner companies through Austria

Spring 2014, min 4 cities around Austria

Enterprises, SMEs, ICT practitioners, Young people, policy makers, the unemployed


Kick off Meeting with partner companies and policy makers (Ministries, Chambers of Commerce, Chamber of Industries, FEEI, Labor associations etc.). Presentation of the campaign 2014 to stakeholders in Austria

November 2014, Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture

Enterprises, SMEs, policy makers


National Closing Event (eDay 2014). Under the cover of the eDay from the Chamber of Commerce Austria we will have a workshop to inform primarily SMEs about necessary eSkills – have discussion with auditorium with key stakehoder.

March 2014, Chamber of Commerce, Austria

Enterprises, SMEs, ICT practitioners, Young people, policy makers


Mobility Lounge. Webportal for travel, lodging and dining, regular reports during the complete campaign.

March 2014 - November 2014, online

Enterprises, SMEs, ICT practitioners, Young people, policy makers


Junior eDay. Presentation of necessary eSkills to kids in Tyrol (regional event during BeildungOnline) and

May 2014, Tyrol

Young people, policy makers


Agoria (BE)

CEO tour: visit schools

October 2013 to October 2014, Belgium

Young people

50 schools, 2000 pupils

Schools visiting companies

October 2013 to October 2014, Belgium

Young people

25 schools, 1000 pupils

Press conference - eSkills announcement

February - March 2014, Belgium

Enterprise, ICT practitioners, Young people, Policy Makers


eSkills 2014 dedicated Website

January - April 2014, Belgium



Radio testimonials: Young IT professionals to testify on radio

January - April 2014,

Young people, the unemployed


2 round tables (Dutch + French) on the Schools of the Future

January - February 2014, Belgium

Enterprise, ICT practitioners, SMEs, policy-makers


Press conference Belgian ICT labour Market 2013 - Presentation of the Agoria Survey results

March - April 2014, Belgium




Training “New Opportunities – entrepreneurial e-Skills” - Successful IT entrepreneurs from the Croatian Independent Software Exporter’s Association, Croatian Employers Association in ICT and Croatian Chamber of Economy will present to attendants:
- how to implement IT technology to improve business processes i.e. how to prepare functional specifications for future IT platforms
- how to use global web channels for distributing products, goods and services throughout the global networks
- how to take part in free-lance IT projects and gain valuable experience through job networks
- how to use on line marketing and promotion in different branches through global netowrks: Google, Facebook, Booking, TripAdvisor… (since Croatia is strongly oriented towards tourism)
- what and where are the global opportunities to kick start your own IT job / start-up

March - October 2014, Zagreb, Osijek, Split, Rijeka

Enterprises, SMEs, ICT practitioners, Young people, the unemployed


Conference “IT employment needs – research and predictions for 2014” - The conference will focus on how economic competitiveness depends on innovative and efficient use of information and communication technologies (ICT) but lack of appropriate skills and competencies in ICT professionals have a negative impact on aggregate productivity growth, innovation and employment in the economy. This conference will present the results of research on the recruitment needs of IT professionals on the Croatian market, which will be conducted in cooperation with the Croatian Independent Software Exporters, Croatian Employers' Association and the Croatian Chamber of Economy. The study will included more than 450 companies that employ IT specialists. The target group in this study will be CIOs and human resources managers – people that are most relevant to provide answers related to employment policy and the specific needs of IT professionals in the companies surveyed.

February - March 2014, Zagreb



Career Guidance “Jobs of the future“
According to EU and national plan, Croatian Employment Service (CES) had introduced new initiatives which are aiming to help young unemployed people. The idea is to offer young people trainings for EU funds and new skills for new jobs. Since jobs in ICT develop rapidly CES would need help from the industry to recognize the present and future needs of the IT job market. Therefore, largest on-line job portal in Croatia MojPosao, with the assistance of University College Algebra will
- what kind of opportunities eSkills open to unemployed people – presentations of on-line IT job market, most wanted professionals and positions, competencies, IT professionals careers, learning paths, recognition of prior learning, technology certificates, global job opportunities at EU job market (EURES), end user eSkills needs, self-employment possibilities, job offers on project basis, self-learning through open e-learning platforms…
- assistance to local CISOK centres (Centers for information about further career guidance, within Croatian Employment Services) to organise two times a year specific consultations about IT professionalism in each of seven career guidance centres in Croatia
- deploying pilot e-learning platform in CISOK centres for unemployed people, with content for end user eSkills training

January - March, September - October 2014, CISOK centers in Croatia

Young people, policy makers, the unemployed


Workshops “IT Jobs – today and tomorrow”
To help young people to prepare as soon as possible for the real life situation and IT job placement, we’ll organize workshops for young people, adult learners, unemployed, teachers, students and pupils. Workshops will be led by the IT professionals and team leaders from the leading Croatian IT companies and IT departments and will simulate real business problems which their teams are facing.
We’ll use “Bring Your Own Device” approach (BYOD) and stimulate young people to take part in real IT job simulations, gain valuable experience and present themselves to potential future employers. After the first round which will be held in Zagreb, we’ll reach young people in other large Croatian cities: Osijek, Split, Rijeka.

May, November 2014, Croatia

ICT practitioners, Young people, the unemployed


Grab your free Microsoft certificate”
Along with formal education IT employers are today increasingly demanding professionals with industry recognized certificates such as Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco and other. The initiative „Grab your free Microsoft certificate” is intended for pupils of the final (fourth) year of high school and students of STEM faculties that gained some applicable expertise in IT. By participating in this initiative, still in high school or at faculty, students can obtain an internationally recognized certificate that confirms their knowledge and IT skills by passing one of five offered certification exams. Microsoft Technology Associate certifications are a great choice to start a successful IT career because they offer independent approach and methods of learning which are recognized all over the world.

January - April, September - November 2014, Zagreb, Osijek, Varazdin, Split, Rijeka

ICT practitioners, Young people


Building eCompetences Framework site in Croatian
The European e-Competence Framework (e-CF) is a reference framework of 36 ICT competences that can be used and understood by ICT user and supply companies, the public sector, educational and social partners across Europe. The framework provides an international tool for:
- ICT practitioners and managers, with clear guidelines for their competence development
- Human resources managers, enabling the anticipation and planning of competence requirements
- Education and training, enabling effective planning and design of ICT curricula
- Policy makers and market researchers, providing a clear and Europe-wide agreed reference for ICT skills and competences in a long-term perspective
- Procurement managers, providing a common language for effective technical terms of reference in national and international bids.
Since this valuable tool would be of a great help to Croatian companies for a systematical approach to recruiting, upgrading and keeping ICT professionals in companies, localisation would be of a great help to private and public companies, policy makers to implement Framework in strategic documents and ICT practitioners to position themselves in economy.

June- July 2014, Croatia and other South East European countries



Award ceremony “Lifelong learning and e-Skills as an enabler of permanent employability”
Last research on lifelong learning in Croatia reported that our country is lagging after EU average and that in this aspect our citizens are almost the least competitive among EU workforce (only 2,1% of adults takes part in lifelong learning according to Eurostat). Most of this poor investment comes from the citizens itself (61%), companies (19%) and employment services (11%). Lifelong learning is definitely one of the most important factor of employability and last three surveys conducted among small and medium enterprises shows that decision makers think they should invest more in eSkills of their employers.

February 2014, Zagreb

Enterprises, SMEs, Young people, Policy makers


Conference “The future role of eSkills for teachers and public servants” - eSkills in public entities are of crucial role because public sector is about to go through great transformation aiming to be more efficient and smaller. Many e-services, like eInvoice, eProcurement and similar, which should be introduced in order to relieve private sector are dependent on eSkills of public servants. At the moment, many ministries and public companies will need to reduce the number of employees and question is are they prepared to take part on the job market, outside public sector?
The other part of this two way communication with central and local government is the future role of the teachers in preparing young digital natives (primary and secondary schools) how to use technology in every aspect of teaching? The question is also how should the teaching academia transform in the next few years? How much training should teachers receive during a year? What kind of assistance and equipment should they need to use technology as a horizontal assistance in intersectoral approach?
This conference should include participants from central government, agencies, technology vendors and guests from countries that successfully introduced technology in learning processes.

January 2014, Zagreb

Policy Makers


Training and open game development project: “Urban Jungle” - Urban Jungle is an open project of creating multi-platform, multi-city, computer game with involvement of as many volunteers wishing to learn about game development using open-source game engine Unity3D and modern multimedia technologies. The project has three objectives:
- create an advanced version of the educational traffic simulation, with a number of cities, and still free to end users
- opportunity to participate in the project to all interested parties, with organized training and
- form a public domain repository of multimedia simulations to make them available to all who wish to use them for your own projects.

January - December 2014, Croatia

ICT practioners, Young people, the unemployed


Competition: "Idea of the year 2014 – using new technologies for business success " - The most popular web portal for high school population,, will launch the project “Idea of the year – using new technologies for business success” in the context of which will seek the best idea from high school students, accompanied by a business plan. The contest will be opened to all pupils, and the top 10 teams will get a chance to present their ideas in front of businesses people and partners in the project which will pick the best team. Exclusive criteria for this competition is to conceptually use new technologies to solve business problems or hit the opportunities to start new businesses.

January - March 2014, Croatia

Young people, policy makers


Workshops “eCitizen”
Brief description: Through the cooperation with the largest Croatian loyalty program, Multiplus Card, Algebra will provide free training for more than 5.000 citizen on how to use e-services which make life easier: e-banking, m-banking, everyday on-line shopping and delivery, mobile internet services…

January - December 2014, Croatia




School visits to companies to meet with role models and learn about the job types in the ICT industry and enabling industries - Associated and related companies of AMETIC will host students visits in order to show them the day-to-day activities in an ICT company and motivate them towards to e-Skills careers.

February - October 2014, Spain

Enterprises, in particular SMEs, Young people


Company visits to schools - Brief description: Speakers with demonstrated communication skills will meet students from schools, training centres, universities, vocational training institutes etc.

February - October 2014, Spain

young people, ICT practitioners


On-line training on e-skills - Through the Foundation of AMETIC focused on training, several online courses will be organised


Young people


Careers days - participation in AULA 2014 International Educational Opportunities Exhibition

February - March 2014, Madrid

Young people

13 000

Competitions relating to the ICT sector - Selecting successful ict related projects in national school competitions

February - October 2014, Spain

Young people

13 000

e-Skills conference - Organisation of a final e-Skills conference where the results of the campaign will be showed : policy makers, educational professionals, ict companies etc will have the opportunity to share their point of views

October 2014, Madrid

Young people


MOOC course - launch of a MOOC course focused to students in order to test their e-Skills and enhance their knowledge related to this issue

March, Madrid

Young people



Company visits to schools, training centres, universities, vocational training institutes, activities related to e-skilling to prepare people for jobs

March - July, 7-10 Italian regions

Enterprises, SMEs, Young people, Policy makers

100- 1500

Careers advice sessions for secondary and university students - companies to deliver what are their needs in long term vision for the growth of their company. deliver competitions for It essentials and CCNA students

2014, Italy

Young people

700 to 1000 participants

Online testing and training to develop e-Skills

2014, Italy

Enterprises, SMEs, ICT practitioners, Young people, the unemployed


Teach to teachers - 400 teachers will be training teachers on e-skills

2014, Italy

Enterprises, SMEs, Young people, Policy makers

60 000 Teachers, 1 000 000 students

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