Engineering & the Built Environment (ebe) Research Report 2006

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Engineering & the Built Environment (EBE)

Research Report 2006

School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics

Research Report 2006

Head of School: Professor Lucien le Grange

School Profile

Research endeavours in the School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics includes both conventional research work as well as creative work. In the context of the applied nature of the different disciplines that constitute the School, group/individual professional achievements are recognized as much as academic research is acknowledged. The professional and research achievements in the fields of planning, architecture and geomatics include fields such as urban design, architectural design, contemporary architectural theory, planning theory, urban conservation, geographic information systems, land tenure and cadastral systems and urban transport.

Ongoing research work continues by staff who is engaged with post-graduate dissertations. The content of this work varies across a range of topics and includes the question of architectural education and curriculum (being investigated by Francis Carter); the issue of space and power as it relates to apartheid architecture (being researched by Alta Steenkamp); and the implications of power relations on contemporary housing responses in South Africa (being considered by Sonja Spamer)
The Geomatics division within the school has focussed on a number of areas. These include:

  • Documentation, modelling and visualization of African heritage sites, close-range photogrammetry, laser scanning of architectural structures and remote sensing of the environment.

  • Issues relating to land tenure options, spatial management and conflict management of informal settlement upgrading, as well as issues relating to fiscal cadastral reform and modeling for property valuations.

  • Modelling of the shape of the Earth (geoid) using gravity and satellite data, applications of GPS in meteorology and modeling of datum transformations in Africa.

In July the division co-hosted the AFREF technical workshop, dealing with the unification of the geodetic datums in Africa and attended by delegates from 22 African countries.

Academics from the School have over the past year made substantial achievements. A number of staff members received awards:
Professor Jo Noero (with Noero Wolff Architects), won the Lubetkin Prize for 2006 for the Red Location Museum, Awarded by the Royal Institute of British Architects for the best building outside of the EU for the period 2004-2006, as well as the Royal Institute of British Architects International Prize for 2006 for the Red Location Museum and the Dedallo Minosse Prize - President of the Jury Award for Red Location Museum, Italy July 2006. Jo Noero (with Noero Wolff Architects), also won two Institute of SA Architects National Award of Merit for Design for 2006 for Usasazo High School and Delft Care Centres. The Red Location museum was also selected for the Exhibition of South African Architecture at the Venice Biennale in September - November 2006.
Professor David Dewar (with P Louw) won an Architecture South African Merit Award for Freedom Square : An urban Design Framework and Precinct Plans for Freedom Square, Windhoek, Namibia and (with P Louw and L Le Grange) another Architecture South African Merit Award for : A Conceptual Framework and Planning and Urban Design Concept for the Klipfontein Corridor, Cape Town, as well as an Award of Commendation in the International Competition entitled ‘Celebrating Cities 2’, organized by the International Union des Architects, for a project entitled ‘Klipfontein Corridor’. Also (with P Louw and B Southworth) SA Planning Institute Award for best plan over 2002-2006 period for Spatial Framework for the University of Cape Town.
Professor Lucien le Grange (with P Louw and D Dewar) won an Award of Commendation in the International Competition entitled ‘Celebrating Cities 2’, organized by the International Union des Architects, for a project entitled ‘Klipfontein Corridor’, and an Architecture South African Merit Award for : A Conceptual Framework and Planning and Urban Design Concept for the Klipfontein Corridor, Cape Town, The District Six Redevelopment was selected for Exhibition of South African Architecture at the Venice Biennale in September - October 2006.
Professor Vanessa Watson co-edited with Bruce Stiftel and Henry Acselrad: Dialogues in Urban and Regional Planning 2 (Routledge) and was elected to the Academy of Science of South Africa.
Sonja Spamer won the Top Billing/Momentum Lifestyle award for 2006. Category – architects/decorators. The award was for Weavers Nest house, featured on national television and in Top Billing magazine - 2006.

Research Units and Groups

  • The Urban Transport Research Group: an interdisciplinary, Faculty-based research group, in which members of the School’s staff participate, focuses on urban transport policy and planning issues. Funding for recent projects has been received from the National Department of Transport and the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Office of Transportation and Air Quality.

  • Documenting Modernism in Cape Town Project – NRF Team Project: Prof. L.P. le Grange (Grant Holder), Prof I. Low, Ms. N.F. Murray

  • A co-operative African initiative supported by NUFU (a Norwegian agency funding developing countries) which links schools of architecture and planning in Addis Ababa , Cape Town, Dar Es Salaam, Kampala, two schools in Nairobi, and, schools in Oslo and Trondheim, and offers a joint Masters degree.

  • The Land Tenure and Cadastral Systems research group has been active in research in land tenure options and investigating the interface between formal and informal structures and processes for urban informal settlement upgrading. This research also involves analysing conflicts over land as they affect the urban poor, and mechanisms of resolution. In addition, research into the fiscal cadastre and computer assisted mass appraisal (CAMA) has provided key input into the property valuation and taxation processes of the City of Cape Town.

  • Space and Transformation research group is located in the MPhil (Arch) programme which focuses on the interrelationships between social practice and material production in Cape Town.

School Statistics

Permanent and Long-term Contract Staff



Associate Professors


Senior Lecturers




Technical Support Staff


Administrative Staff















Research Fields and Staff

Permanent and Long-term Contract Staff
Mr. Francis Carter

Senior Lecturer; curriculum theory in relation to undergraduate built environment design programmes; theories of making, with reference to contemporary South African architecture; programming for new knowledge space

Dr Nicholas Coetzer

Senior Lecturer: architectural design; contemporary architectural history and theory; digital technology

Mr. Pieter de Beer

Senior Lecturer; contemporary South African architecture

Professor David Dewar

Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment; BP Chair of Planning; urban structure and form; place making; informal housing; housing policy; informal economic development; public space; regional planning and development

Mr Fadly Isaacs

Lecturer: (measuring) urban settlement quality, integrating strategic urban infrastructure investment
Mr. Khalied Jacobs

Lecturer: sustainable urban systems; façade engineering with environmental systems; socio/urban dynamics; radical urban planning

Ms.Tania Katzschner

Lecturer: education for sustainable development, sustainable urban systems, creating and nurturing educational systems that serves human needs while also protecting our resources for future generations, trans-disciplinarity and systems thinking

Professor Lucien le Grange

Urban conservation policy; urban design; mission settlements in South Africa; documenting modern architecture in Cape Town

Professor Iain Low

Space and transformation; critical thinking / practice and the ‘re-writing’ of architectural type; post apartheid South African condition: urbanism, the ‘new’ public realm, contemporary dwelling and architectural pedagogy

Associate Professor Charles Merry

Earth’s gravity field; global positioning system; co-ordinate transformations
Professor Jo Noero

Architectural design

Professor Heinz Rüther

Digital close range and aerial photogrammetry; precise engineering surveying; geographic information systems; visualisation and 3D modeling
Dr Finzi Saidi

Senior Lecturer: architectural education and curriculum studies, contemporary landscape architecture history and theory, post-occupancy evaluation of urban landscapes

Dr George Sithole

Senior Lecturer: laser altimetry, photogrammetry, 3D object reconstruction

Dr Julian Smit

Senior Lecturer: application of remote sensing, photogrammetry and geographic information systems for land and environmental management

Ms Sonja Spamer

Lecturer: architectural education; architectural design/marginalized communities/schools; critical regionalism
Ms Alta Steenkamp

Senior Lecturer: history and theory of Southern African architecture and its relation to the global environment

Mr Jacques Theron

Senior Lecturer: urban design with a focus on international precedent and it’s possible application in Southern Africa

Professor Vanessa Watson

Planning theory; governance; housing and urbanisation policy; local area planning

Mrs. Jenny Whittal

Senior Lecturer: land tenure and cadastral systems, specialising in land for the urban poor and fiscal cadastral systems and reform

Associate Professor Peter Wilkinson

Urban planning and development; urban governance; urban transport policy and planning

Honorary Staff

Dr Clarissa Augustinus

Cadastral systems and land tenure

Research Associates
Emeritus Professor Julian Cooke

Contemporary South African architecture

Emeritus Professor Fabio Todeschini

Architect, city planner, urban designer, heritage practitioner

Mr. Barrie Gasson

Ecologically sustainable cities; regional planning and development

Contact Details

School of Architecture, Planning and Geomatics, University of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701, Republic of South Africa

Telephone and Fax:

Architecture: +27 21 650 2374 and Fax: +27 21 650 2383

Planning: +27 21 650 2366 and Fax: +27 21 689 9466

Geomatics: +27 21 650 3577 and Fax: +27 21 650 3572

E-mail Geomatics:


Research Output

Articles in Peer-reviewed Journals
Merry, C.L. 2006. Geomatics in southern Africa - a perspective. Survey Review, 38(300): 474-478.
Musekiwa, T. and Whittal, J.F. 2006. Analysis of impact of location factors on CAMA models. Journal of the South African Valuer, 87(Oct): 7-10.
Sithole, G. and Vosselman, G. 2006. Bridge detection in airborne laser scanner data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 61(1): 33-46.
Steenkamp, A. 2006. Louis Michel Thibault - Freemason Architect. South African Journal of Art History, 20(1): 314-324.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Deep difference: Diversity, planning and ethics. Planning Theory, 5(1): 31-50.
Wonnacott, R.T. and Merry, C.L. 2006. The use of GPS for the estimation of precipitable water vapour for weather forecasting and climate monitoring in South Africa. Survey Review, 38(301): 594-607.

Chapters in Books
Dewar, D. 2006. Roelof Sarel Uytenbogaardt: Urbanist. In G. Vio (ed.), Roelof Uytenbogaardt Senza tempo/Timeless: 37-46. Italy: Il Poligrafo.
Le Grange, L.P. 2006. Roelof Uyntenbogaardt: Homage to a Teacher. In G. Vio (ed.), Roelof Uyntenbogaardt: Senza tempo/Timeless: 46-52. Italy: Il Poligrafo.
Steenkamp, A. 2006. The politics of spatial difference in the monument and the model - the affective versus the useful in architecture. In P. Healy and G. Bruyns (eds), De/signing the urban. Techno-genesis and the urban image: 302-315. Rotterdam: 010 Publishers.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Managing South African cities: The everyday lives of urban citizens and the spatial/technical-managerial interface. In T. Marcus and A. Hofmaenner (eds), Shifting boundaries of knowledge: A view on social sciences, law and humanities in South Africa: 161-175. Scottsville, KwaZulu-Natal: University of KwaZulu-Natal Press.

Peer-reviewed Published Conference Proceedings
Cleobury, J. 2006. Questioning the effectiveness of public-private partnerships in urban development. In M. Cullinan, C. Madell and V.J. Watson (eds), Proceedings of the Planning Africa 2006 Conference, 22-24 March 2006, Cape Town, South Africa, 300-318. ISBN 0-620-36402-5.
Dewar, D. 2006. Planning the African city – some lessons from a review of South African housing policy. In M. Cullinan, C. Madell and V.J. Watson (eds), Proceedings of the Planning Africa 2006 Conference, 22-24 March 2006, Cape Town, South Africa, 31-42. ISBN 0-620-36402-5.
Loudon, A.M., Rivett, U.K. and Richards, T.L. 2006. Open source GIS and mobile devices for water demand management. In A. Bytheway and C. Strumpfer (eds), Proceedings of Community Informatics for Developing Countries (CIDC) 2006: Understanding and Organising for a Participatory Future Information Society, 31 August – 2 September 2006, Cape Town, South Africa, 15-175. ISBN 0-620-37058-0.
Phiri, D. 2006. Assessment of vulnerability and exposure to urban disasters. In M. Cullinan, C. Madell and V.J. Watson (eds), Proceedings of the Planning Africa 2006 Conference, 22-24 March 2006, Cape Town, South Africa, 1154-1173. ISBN 0-620-36402-5.
Shakantu, W., Kajimo, K.M., Saidi, F. and Mainga, W. 2006. An investigation into constraints and strategies for construction micro enterprise development. In S. Hodgson (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Postgraduate CIDB Conference, 8-10 October 2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 12-22. Construction Industry Development Board. ISBN 0-601-36898-9. [CD-ROM].
Shakantu, W., Kajimo, K.M., Saidi, F. and Mainga, W. 2006. Bridging the informal, formal and indigenous construction knowledge systems to resolve the construction skills shortage. In S. Hodgson (ed.), Proceedings of the 4th Postgraduate CIDB Conference, 8-10 October 2006, Stellenbosch, South Africa, 176-182. Construction Industry Development Board. ISBN 0-601-36898-9. [CD ROM].
Watson, V.J. 2006. 'Best practice' planning and the deSoto Thesis: Questioning the validity of universalism. In M. Cullinan, C. Madell and V.J. Watson (eds), Proceedings of the Planning Africa 2006 Conference, 22-24 March 2006, Cape Town, South Africa, 245-259. ISBN 0-620-36402-5.
Wilkinson, P.B. 2006. 'Transit orientated development': A strategic instrument for spatial restructuring and public transport system enhancement in South Africa cities? Proceedings of the 25th Annual Southern African Transport Conference (SATC), 10-13 July 2006, Pretoria, South Africa, 223-233. ISBN 1-920-01706-2.

Barry, M.B., Whittal, J.F. and Dewar, D. 2006. Land Delivery Related Conflicts in Khayelitsha, Cape Town. Proceedings of FIG Congress October 2006, Munich, Germany, 16-21.
Dewar, D. 2005. Low Income Housing Policy and Products in South Africa : A Review - Keynote Address. Proceedings of XXXIII World Congress of the International Association of Housing Science, Pretoria, South Africa. [CD ROM].
Merry, C.L. 2006. Co-ordinate systems and datums in Africa. Proceedings of Proceedings, AFREF Technical Workshop, Cape Town July 2006. [CD ROM].
Merry, C.L. 2006. Vertical reference surfaces and datums. Proceedings of Proceedings, AFREF Technical Workshop, Cape Town July 2006. [CD ROM].
Steenkamp, A. 2005. Postwar low-income housing in South Africa - ideal and reality. Proceedings of VIIIth International DOCOMOMO Conference : Import-Export - Postwar Modernism in an Expanding World 1945-1975: New York Sept 2004.
Whittal, J.F. and Barry, M.B. 2006. Theoretical Approaches to Implementation of Technology for Cadastral Reform. Proceedings of the Commonwealth Association of Surveying and Land Economy (CASLE) Conference on Promoting and Sustainable Land Management in Africa March 2006, Bagamoyo, Tanzania, 310-322.

Artistic Works
Dewar, D. 2006. A review of the N2 Gateway Housing Project. Western Cape Provincial Government, Finance Department.
Dewar, D. 2006. Pursuing spatial integration in South African cities. Urban Skywalkers, Johannesburg.
Dewar, D. 2006. The concept of Urban Corridors: A position paper. The Town and Regional Planning Commission, KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.
Dewar, D. and Louw, P. 2006. Architecture South African Merit Award for Freedom Square: An Urban Design Framework and Precinct Plans for Freedom Square. Africa United Group. Windhoek, Namibia.
Dewar, D., Le Grange, L.P. and Louw, P. 2006. Architecture South African Merit Award for A Conceptual Framework and Planning and Urban Design Concept for the Klipfontein Corridor. Klipfontein Corridor, Cape Town.
Dewar, D., Le Grange, L.P. and Louw, P. 2006. Award of commendation in the International Competition entitled Celebrating Cities 2, for a project entitled Kilpfontein Corridor. Internationale Union des Architects.
Dewar, D., Louw, P. and Southworth, B. 2006. SA Planning Institute Award for best plan over 2002-2006 period for Spatial Development Frame work for UCT. University of Cape Town.
Le Grange, L.P. 2006. N2 Gateway Housing Project - Urban Design Framework with NM Associates. City of Cape Town.
Le Grange, L.P., Dewar, D. and Louw, P. 2006. Architecture South African Merit Award for A Conceptual Framework and Planning and Urban Design Concept for the Klipfontein Corridor, Cape Town with D Dewar and P Louw. Klipfontein Corridor, Cape Town.
Le Grange, L.P., Dewar, D. and Louw, P. 2006. Award: UIA Honourable Mention Award, 2006, for Klipfontein Corridor Spatial Concept Project, done in association with Dave Dewar and Piet Louw. Klipfontein Corridor Spatial Concept Project.
Louw, P. and Dewar, D. 2006. A Spatial Framework for the Fermey District, Mauritius. Fermey District, Mauritius.
Louw, P. and Dewar, D. 2006. Informants and Constraints affecting the Boschendal District, Winelands, Cape, input into the Heritage Impact Assessment for the Boschendal District, Cape Town. Boschendal District, Cape Town.
Louw, P. and Dewar, D. 2006. Precinct Plans for a Historian Precinct and the Waterfront Precinct, AECI. AECI, Heartlands, Cape Town.
Louw, P., Dewar, D. and Adams, J.F. 2006. An Urban Design Framework for Beau Sejour. Beau Sejour, Mauritius.
Louw, P., Dewar, D. and Farom, J. 2006. A Spatial Framework for Bel Ombre. Bel Ombre, Mauritius.
Louw, P., Dewar, D. and Le Grange, L.P. 2006. Klipfontein Corridor: Conceptual Urban Planning and Design for the Nolungundi Station Precinct. Department of Transportation, Western Cape Provincial Government, Cape Town.
Noero, M.F.J. 2006. Dedallo Minosse Prize for 2006 - President of the Jury Award. Italian Institute of Architects. Vicenza, Italy July 2006
Noero, M.F.J. 2006. Lubetkin Prize for 2006 - Red Location Museum- Royal Institute of British Architects - Awarded to the best building outside of the EU for the period 2004 - 2006 . Royal Institute of British Architects. London June 2006
Noero, M.F.J. 2006. National Award of Merit for Design for 2006. Institute of South African Architects. Delft Day Care Centers - Cape Town.
Noero, M.F.J. 2006. National Award of Merit for Design for 2006. Institute of South African Architects. Usasazo High School - Cape Town.
Noero, M.F.J. 2006. Red Location Museum selected for Exhibition of South African architecture. Department of Arts and Culture. Venice Biennale September - October 2006.
Noero, M.F.J. 2006. RIBA International Prize for 2006. Royal Institute of British Architects. London. June 2006
Petrus-Spamer, S. 2006. Designer Award. Top Billing.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Resource/Information Centre: Building design for the Arniston/Kassiesbaai Trust. In association with Kruger Roos.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Architect City Planner Urban Designer, "Tangible Heritage Resources in the Constantia - Tokai Valley: towards a conservation management plan for this portion of the Cape Winelands Cultural Landscape, Phase 1 Report", prepared for the Constantia Property Owners' Association, with the collaboration of the South African Heritage Resources Agency, Heritage Western Cape and the City of Cape Town, 2 volume illustrated report. Constantia Property Owners' Association.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Architect City Planner Urban Designer, 15 Interim Reports to the South African Heritage Resources Agency on the Waenhuiskrans Cultural Landscape. South African Heritage Resources Agency.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Consultant to the Western Cape Government on the "2010 Green Point Stadium and Park". Western Cape Government.

Published Conference Abstracts
Steenkamp, A. 2006. Apartheid to democracy: Representations and politics of the body in the spaces of the Voortrekker Monument and Red Location Museum. The politics of making: theory, practice, product 3rd annual book of abstracts (ISBN: 1-873640-43-9) : 2pgs.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Invited keynote speaker at the International Conference for Humane Habitat, Risvi College of Architecture, Mumbai, India, 27-29 January 2006.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Invited to give a Habitat Day lecture in Oslo, Norway: "The significance of settlement structure and the form for performance in a society characterised by difference and widespread poverty: the need for a paradigm shift", 2nd October 2006.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Invited to participate in the "Protea Hotels Annual Leadership Conference", Graduate School of Business, UCT.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Seeing from the South : Refocusing Planning Theory on the Globe's Central Urban issues. 2nd World Planning Schools Congress Mexico City WPSC-06: 226-227.

Theses and Dissertations Passed for Higher Degrees
Abrahams, M. 2006. Integrated Environmental and Land Use Management: Current legislative framework, practice, outcomes and the way forward: 114. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Blignaut, L. 2006. The Value of Water in Informal Settlements: Its Transformation, Celebration, Harvesting and Management: 99. Masters of Landscape Architecture.
Combrink, Z.A. 2006. Sensing atmospheric water vapour using the global positioning system: 1-129. PhD.
Kahonde, J. 2006. The Use of GIS in the Prediction of view for the purposes of CAMA modelling: 1-120. MSc Eng.
Kirova, R. 2006. Exploring the Potential of Inner City Areas in South Africa: The case of District Six: 65. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Lombaard, J. 2006. A critical examination of the public participation process that began in 1989 and concluded in 1992 with the proclamation of Imizamo Yethu as an informal settlement: 117. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Machacha, I. 2006. City of Francistown Local Economic Development Plan (2006-2021): 92. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Marks, B. 2006. Transit Orientated Development for the Atlantis Corridor: A Facilitation Framework: 139. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Mcvitty, L. 2006. A Bioregional Plan and Growth Management Framework for the Knysna Municipality: 151. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Molatole, A. 2006. Case study of Westlake Estate as an example of disposal of public owned land for low income housing through public-private partnership: 83. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Motsamai, S. 2006. Review of Botswana National Settlement Policy of 1998: 111. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Phori, C. 2006. Achieving an integrated development planning system for local government in Botswana: A case study of Gaborone City Council: 149. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Rabe, C. 2006. Addressing Performance Constraints in the Cape Town City Centre's Movement Network: A Systems Perspective: 190. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Robertson, J. 2006. Unlocking the potential of Cape Town Station: A redevelopment framework: 108. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Sole, K.-A. 2006. The restoration of environmental integrity and community upliftment through sustainable development: 146. Masters of Landscape Architecture.
Thebe, S. 2006. Investigating the impacts of intergovernmental initiatives on area-based spatial development: the case of Khayelitsha urban renewal programme: 112. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Tuoane, T. 2006. Towards a strategy for promoting and regulating street trading in Maseru: 56. Masters of City and Regional Planning.
Van der Walt, L.E. 2006. Kirstenbosch Guide Plan An Investigation into the role that Kirstenbosch can play in promoting biodiversity: 119. Masters of Landscape Architecture.

University Publications and Works of a Popular Nature
Merry, C.L. 2006. GPS Modernisation. GPS Modernisation. Position IT Nov/Dec 2006: 45-48.

Extension and Development Work
Benahmed daho, S.A., Kahlouche, S. and Merry, C.L. 2006. Quality study of the African geoid model in Algeria. European Geosciences Union Scientific Assembly, Vienna.
Combrink, A., Combrinck, W.L. and Merry, C.L. 2006. GPS-derived precipitable water vapour: validation, application and improvement. Fourth Inkaba ye Arica Workshop, Potsdam.
Combrink, A., Fernandes, R., Bos, M., Combrinck, W.L. and Merry, C.L. 2006. Long-term monitoring of PWV over South Africa using GPS. European Geosciences Union Scientific Assembly, Vienna.
Dewar, D. 2006. Appointed to the Ministeral Advisory Board. Provincial Government of the Western Cape.
Dewar, D. 2006. Board member, Community Organisation Resource Centre.
Dewar, D. 2006. Member of the Academy of Science of South Africa evidence led panel on Science for Poverty Alleviation.
Dewar, D. 2006. Member of the Advisory Board to the Minister of Housing and Local Government, Provincial Government of the Western Cape.
Dewar, D. 2006. Member of the Peer-reviewed group for SAKHA-IKAPA: A long term Spatial Development Framework for the city of Cape Town.
Dewar, D. 2006. Member, Interim Certification Board for Environmental Assessment Practioners.
Dewar, D. 2006. Transforming the City: Concepts of Urban Corridors and Urban Edges. Master Class, KwaZulu-Natal branch of the South African Planning Institution, Durban.
Dewar, D. 2006. Urban Planning in South Africa: Trends and Perspectives. Workshop organised by the Universita' Juan di Venezia, Venice.
Merry, C.L. 2006. Chairman of the South African National Committee for the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) and South African national delegate to the IUGG. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Geodesy (IAG); chairman of the African Geoid Project of the IAG and a member of the steering committee for the Gravity Commission of the IAG. He is a member of the editorial board of the international journal Survey Review. He advises and consults to government and statutory agencies and survey and exploration companies on GPS surveying and on co-ordinate transformations.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Member of Advisory Committee to the SA Heritage Resources Agency on Cultural Landscapes.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Member of the Built Environment and Landscape Permit Committee of the Chief Directorate Cultural Affairs, Western Cape.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Member of the Standards Generating Body of Planning in terms of the South African Qualifications Authority.
Todeschini, F. 2006. Member of the Steering Committee and the Standards Generating Body Architecture in terns of South African Qualifications Authority.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Chair of Heads of South African Planning Schools Committee.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Co-ordinator of the Association of African Planning Schools.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Chair of the Global Planning Education Association Network Co-ordinating Committee (GPEAN).
Watson, V.J. 2006. Member of the Standards Generating Body (SGB) for Planning.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Member of the Board of the Western Cape South African Planning Institute.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Representative of the South African Planning Schools on the National Board of the South African Planning Institute.
Watson, V.J. 2006. Member of the JIPSA Technical Advisory Committee on Town and Regional Planning Skills in South Africa.
Whittal, J.F. 2006. Member of the Standards Generating Body (SGB) for Surveying under NSB 12 and under the sub-field of Physical Planning, Design and Management from levels 1-8 as Terms: July 1999 until July 2002; 8 July 2003 until 07 July 2006. Standards Generating Body (SGB).
Whittal, J.F. 2006. 1 March 1998 for two years renewed: Alternate member to Prof H. Ruther on the Education Advisory Committee for the Professional and Technical Surveyors Organisation. Professional and Technical Surveyors Organisation.
Whittal, J.F. 2006. Mid 1997 - September 2006: Chairperson of the Professional Land Surveyors and Technical Surveyors Organisation Screening Sub-committee.

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