Curriculum vitae of b. Boutsinas personal details: Full name

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Personal details:

Full name: Basilis P. Boutsinas

Date of Birth: 11th July, 1963

Marital Status: Married with 2 children

Nationality Greek
Permanent Address: G. LYRA 129, 14564, N.KIFISSIA, ATHENS, GREECE

Patras office: …………..ELEFTHERIAS, PARODOS B, 4, 26504,


Telephone: +30 2610 997845

Facsimile: +30 2610 969838

Mobile: +30 6936 534886



Higher Education:

  • [1997] PhD, Dept of Computer Engineering & Informatics, University of Patras, Greece (PhD thesis: “Knowledge Representation for Commonsense Reasoning”).

  • [1991] BEng in Computer Engineering and Information Science, Dept of Computer Engineering & Informatics, University of Patras, Greece (Diploma thesis: “An authoring system based on end user programming”).

  • [1988] BSc in Pedagogics, Teachers College of Lamia, Greece (Diploma thesis: “Computer support to poetry”).

  • [1985] BSc in Electronics Engineering, Technical Education Institute of Piraeus, Greece (“Diploma thesis: Computer aided electronic circuits design”).

Teaching Experience:

  • [2008-present] associate professor at Dept. of Business Administration of University of Patras. (Graduate Student Supervision: 2 PhD, 6 PhD students)

  • [2001-2008] assistant professor at Dept. of Business Administration of University of Patras.

  • [1999-2006] teaching in the postgraduate program “Mathematics of Computers and Decision Making” of the Dept. of Mathematics and Dept. of Computer Engineering & Informatics of University of Patras. (Graduate Student Supervision: 12 MSc students)

  • [1997-2000] visiting professor at Dept. of Computer Engineering & Informatics and at Dept. of Business Administration of University of Patras.

  • [1996-present] visiting professor at Dept. of Accounting and at Dept. of Business Planning and Information Systems of Technical Educational Institute of Patras

  • [11/1988-06/1990, 10/1994-06/1997] Secondary teaching.


  • [2009-present] director of Management Information Systems & Business Intelligence Laboratory, University of Patras.

  • [1992-present] Employer: Research Committee of the University of Patras, Duties: Management of research projects.
    Research projects:
    1. Development of a data warehousing and OLAP analysis system for Panavox S.A. (now joined in Vodafone group)
    2. Development of a data mining system for Panavox S.A. (now joined in Vodafone group). Supported by General Secretariat of Research and Development of Greek Minitsry of Development.
    3. Development of a workflow system for the automation of the organizational processes of the Hellenic Football Federation.
    4. Development of a Balanced Scorecard and an OLAP analysis system for the Greek Ministry of Development.
    5. Development of an application for supporting human resources in a government organization for the management of EU projects.
    6. Development of a data mining system. Supported by General Secretariat of Research and Development of Greek Minitsry of Development.
    7. Development of an intelligent knowledge based system for automatic music composition. Supported by General Secretariat of Research and Development of Greek Minitsry of Development.

  • [06/1993-3/2001] Employer: Self employed, Duties: Design and implementation of various information systems. Consultancy for computer technologies in Patras Municipality and in Patras Port Authorities.

  • [1991-1992] Employer: Center for Contemporary Music Research, Duties: Design and implementation of information systems.
    Research projects:
    1. An electronic data processing system for Greek Ancient Music Resources.
    2. An application for supporting music composition in NeXT computer system.

  • [6/1990-12/1994] Employer: Technelectron Inc., Duties: computer assembly and software installation.

IT skills:

  • Computer Operating Systems: UNIX, VMS, DOS-WINDOWS (user & administrator).


  • Database Management Systems: dBase, CLIPPER, OMNIS, RDB, ORACLE, INGRES.

  • Computer Systems: PC, Apple-Macintosh, SUN, DEC.


  • Business Software: Data Warehousing Systems (Oracle Express Server), OLAP Tools (Oracle Sales & Financial Analyzer, Oracle Express Analyzer & Objects, MicroStrategy DSS Agent & Executive, Microsoft Data Analyzer), Workflow Systems (Ultimus, JetForm), Simulation (Extend), ERP/CRM (Oracle, Microsoft Navision), Balanced Scorecard (Oracle Balanced Scorecard), Activity Based Costing (ARIS).


  • Member of AAAI (American Association for Artificial Intelligence).

  • Member of the founder team of University of Patras Artificial Intelligence Research Center (UPAIRC).


  • Greek (mother tongue), English (intermediate).


  • percussion-drums, photo, scuba diving, kayaking


Conference Publications

  1. B. Boutsinas, A. Kameas, G. Pavlides, "PIGES/A: An Electronically Data Processing system concerning the ancient Greek music sources", International Conference on Computer Music, Delphi, 1992, pp 1-12

  2. B. Boutsinas, G. Pavlides, "Belief Revision in nonmonotonic multiple inheritance using Weighted Inheritance Networks", AI'93 Workshop on "Belief revision: Bridging the gap between theory and practice", Australia, Melbourne, 1993, pp 141-155

  3. B. Boutsinas, “`EasyTeach': a system supporting teaching”, 1st Greek Conference on “Teaching mathematics & computers”, 1993, pp 253-268

  4. B. Boutsinas, G. Pavlides, "Weighted Inheritance Networks: An Introduction", 13th IASTED International Conference Applied Informatics, Austria, Innsbruck, 1995, pp 174-176

  5. B. Boutsinas, Y. C. Stamatiou, "A Knowledge-Based Approach to Recognizing Polyhedral Scenes", 13th IASTED International Conference Applied Informatics, Austria, Innsbruck, 1995, pp 160-163

  6. B. Boutsinas, Y. C. Stamatiou, G. Pavlides, "Parallel Reasoning using Weighted Inheritance Networks", 1995 IJCAI Workshop on Parallel Processing for Artificial Intelligence, Montreal, Canada, 1995, pp 29-39

  7. B. Boutsinas, S. Papadimitriou, G. Pavlides, ''Automatic analysis, verification and synthesis of rule-based real-time decision making systems with Machine Learning assistance", in Perspectives Of System Informatics, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1181, 1996, pp 135-145

  8. G. Andreopoulos, C. Stathelakos, A. Gelaidis, B. Boutsinas, G. Pavlides, ”Visual Teacher: designing tests using programming by demonstration”, 6th Greek Conference in Computer Science, 1997

  9. B. Boutsinas, "On Managing Non-monotonic Transitive Relationships", 8th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI), Toulouse, France, 1996, pp 374-382

  10. B. Boutsinas, M.N. Vrahatis, "Nonmonotonic Connectionist Expert Systems", 2nd IMACS CSC'98, Athens, 1998, pp 404-412

  11. B. Boutsinas, M.N. Vrahatis, "Data Mining using Nonmonotonic Connectionist Expert Systems", IMACS/IEEE CSCC'99, Athens, 1999, pp 77-84

  12. T. Gnardellis, B. Boutsinas, "On Experimenting with Data Mining in Education", Proceedings of 2nd Panhellenic Conference with International Participation, "Information and Communication Technologies in Education", pp 275--283, Patras, October 2000

  13. A.V. Adamopoulos, P. Anninos, B. Boutsinas, M.N. Vrahatis, , “Analysis of Epileptic Magnetoencephalogram Dynamics through Clustering Algorithms”, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing (DSP2002), Santorini, Greece, July , 2002.

  14. P. Alevizos, B. Boutsinas, D. Tasoulis, M.N. Vrahatis, “Improving the Orthogonal Range Search k-windows Algorithm”, Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, pp 239-245, 2002

  15. D.K. Tasoulis, P. Alevizos, B. Boutsinas, M.N. Vrahatis, “Parallel unsupervised k-windows: an efficient parallel clustering algorithm”, 7th International Conference Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT-2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, LNCS 2763, V. Malyshkin ed., Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, Germany, pp.336-344, 2003.

  16. B. Boutsinas, I.X. Tsekouronas, “Splitting data in decision trees using the new 'False-Positives' criterion”, 3rd Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, LNAI 3025, Springer Verlag, pp. 174-182, 2004

  17. A.V. Adamopoulos, B. Boutsinas, M.N. Vrahatis, P. Anninos, “Analysis of Normal and Pathological Fetal Magnetocardiograms Using Clustering Algorithms”, Proceedings of European Symposium on Intelligent Technologies, Hybrid Systems and their implementation on Smart Adaptive Systems (eunite 2001), Special Session - Adaptive Systems and Hybrid CI in Medicine, December 2001, Tenerife, Spain

  18. D. Plotas, D. Tasoulis, B. Boutsinas, “Are the Iliad and Odyssey each work of a single poet? ” 2nd World Congress "ANCIENT GREECE AND THE MODERN WORLD", July, Ancient Olympia, Greece, pp. 617-623, 2002 

  19. N. Mastroyannis, B. Boutsinas, I. Giannikos, “Extending Outranking Relations using Data Mining Classification techniques”, 20th Europian Conference on Operational Research, Rhodes, Greece, 2004.

  20. B. Boutsinas, G. Antzoulatos, P. Alevizos “A Novel Classification Algorithm Based On Clustering”, 1st International Conference from Scientific Computing to Computational Engineering, Athens, Greece, 2004.

  21. D. Heather, J. Pyrah, K. Pyrah, B. Boutsinas, R. Jacob, “Intelligent Solutions, Evidence Based Practice And Long Term Support”, Modern Approaches in Learning Disabilities 5th Annual Conference, Exeter, UK, April, 2005.

  22. H. Kostakis, C. Sarigiannidis, Β. Βoutsinas, K. Varvakis, V. Tampakas, “Integrating Activity-Based Costing with Simulation Techniques and Data Mining”, 18TH Conference of Hellenic Operation Research Society, pp. 185-194, 2006.

  23. B. Boutsinas, Y. Nasikas, "Document Clustering based on Association Rule Mining", International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering 2006 (ICCMSE 2006), Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences, Brill Academic Publishers, Vol. 7, pp.58-61, 2006.

  24. N. Mastrogiannis, G. Antzoulatos, B. Boutsinas, I. Giannikos “A New Clustering Heuristic”, Conference of the European Working Group in Location Analysis, Estoril, Portugal, February 2007.

  25. N. Mastrogiannis, G. Antzoulatos, B. Boutsinas, I. Giannikos “A New Clustering Heuristic for the Set Covering Problem”, 22nd Conference on Operational Research (EURO XXII), Prague, Czech Republic, July 2007.

  26. C. Halkiopoulos, B. Boutsinas, “Music Representation for Analysis using Data Mining”, Music Theory and Analysis - Seventh Annual Conference of Music Theory Department, May, Belgrade, 2009.

  27. H. Kostakis, L. Kounis, B. Boutsinas, “A practical study to applying location analysis in the health sector”, 21TH Conference of Hellenic Operation Research Society, 2009.

  28. C. Tatsiopoulos, B. Boutsinas, “Ontology Mapping based on association rule mining”, 11th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems, Milan Italy, May, 2009.

  29. C. Tatsiopoulos, B. Boutsinas, K. Sidiropoulos, “On Aligning Interesting Parts of Ontologies”, International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development (KEOD 2009), October, Portugal, 2009.

  30. M. Rogakou, K. Christou, B. Boutsinas, “On Representing Principles and Inspection Techniques of Quality Management Systems”, 3rd Conference of Union of Hellenic Scientists for Protypation and Standardization, November, 2010

Journal Publications

  1. B. Boutsinas, Y. C. Stamatiou, G. Pavlides, "Massively Parallel Support for Nonmonotonic Reasoning", "Parallel Processing for Artificial Intelligence", Series Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition 20, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland), J. Geller, H. Kitano, C. Suttner (eds.), pp 41-67, ISBN 0 444 82486 3, 1997.

  2. B. Boutsinas, G.C. Meletiou, M.N. Vrahatis, “Mining Encrypted Data” (extended version of [14]), στο βιβλίο «SUPPLY CHAIN AND FINANCE», Series on Computers and Operations Research – Vol. 2, P. M. Pardalos, Α. Migdalas, G. Baourakis (eds), pp. 273-281, World Scientific, ISBN 981-238-717-X, 2004.

  3. B. Boutsinas, M.N. Vrahatis, "Artificial Nonmonotonic Neural Networks", Artificial Intelligence 132(1), 2001, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Impact factor: 1769/2002, pp 1-38

  4. M.N. Vrahatis, B. Boutsinas, P. Alevizos, G. Pavlides, “The new k-windows algorithm for improving the k-means clustering algorithm”, Journal of Complexity, Academic Press, vol. 18, 2002, Impact factor: 892/2002, pp. 375-391

  5. B. Boutsinas, T. Gnardellis, “On Distributing the clustering process”, Pattern Recognition Letters, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., vol. 23, no. 8, 2002, Impact factor: 409/2002, pp. 999-1008.

  6. B. Boutsinas, “Accessing Data Mining Rules through Expert Systems'', International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, 1(4), World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 657-672, 2002.

  7. B. Boutsinas, G. Prassas, G. Antzoulatos, “A methodology for scaling up classification algorithms”, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 13(3), World Scientific Publishing Company, pp. 623-639, 2004.

  8. B. Boutsinas, “Incorporating Common Sense into a Machine Learning System”, International Journal of Computational Cognition, (invited paper), Vol.3, No.3, pp. 1-17, 2005.

  9. B. Boutsinas, “On defining OLAP-formulations”, IMA Journal of Management Mathematics, Oxford University Press, 16(4), pp. 339-354, 2005.

  10. B. Boutsinas, D. Tasoulis, M.N. Vrahatis, “Estimating the number of clusters using a windowing technique”, Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis, 16(2), pp. 143-154, 2006.

  11. H. Kostakis, B. Boutsinas, D.B. Panagiotakos, C. Pitsavos, C. Stefanadis, “The use of Boolean association rules to evaluate dependencies between the biological factors levels and genes, in human; an application to the effect of a mutation on serum lipid profile in healthy individuals”, Far East Journal of Theoretical Statistics, 19(1), 2006, pp. 1-11.

  12. D.B. Panagiotakos, H. Kostakis, B. Boutsinas, “The use of classification algorithms to assess the likelihood of having a chronic disease”, JP Journal of Biostatistics, 1(1), 2007, pp. 1-12.

  13. B. Boutsinas, S. Athanasiadis, “On Merging Classification Rules”, International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making, World Scientific Publishing Company, 7(3), 2008, pp. 431-450.

  14. H. Kostakis, C. Sarigiannidis, Β. Βoutsinas, K. Varvakis, V. Tampakas, “Integrating Activity-Based Costing with Simulation Techniques and Data Mining”, International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, 16(1), 2008, pp. 25-35.

  15. B. Boutsinas, C. Siotos, A. Gerolymatos, “Distributed mining of association rules based on reducing the support threshold”, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, World Scientific Publishing Company, 17(6), 2008, pp. 1109-1129.

  16. H. Kostakis, B. Boutsinas, D.B. Panagiotakos, L. Kounis, “A Computational algorithm for the risk assessment of developing Acute Coronary Syndromes, using OLAP (On Line Analytical Process) methodology”, International Journal of Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms, 1(1), 2009, pp. 85-99.

  17. B. Boutsinas, T. Papastergiou, “On clustering tree structured data with categorical nature”, Pattern Recognition, Elsevier Science, 41(12), 2008, pp. 3613-3623.

  18. N. Mastroyannis, B. Boutsinas, I. Giannikos, “A method for improving the accuracy of data mining classification algorithms based on outranking relations”, Computers & Operations Research, Pergamon-Elsevier Science, 36(10), pp. 2829-2839, 2009.

  19. N. Mastroyannis, I. Giannikos, B. Boutsinas, G. Antzoulatos, “CL.E.KMODES: A Modified K-Modes Clustering Algorithm”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 60(8), pp. 1085-1095, 2009.

  20. C. Tatsiopoulos, B. Boutsinas, “Automatic knowledge exchanging between tourists via mobile devices”, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 1(2), pp. 163-173, 2010

  21. C. Halkiopoulos, B. Boutsinas, “Automatic Interactive Music Improvisation based on Data Mining”, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, World Scientific Publishing Company, to appear.


  1. B. Boutsinas, “Business Intelligence: an introduction and applications”, Costarakis Publishers, 2003 (in Greek).

  2. B. Boutsinas, “Decision Support Systems”, Greek Open University, 2003 (in Greek).

Holding Patent



There are more than 130 citations to my work (not including self-citations). It is worth noting that among the people that refer to my work are some of the best scientists in the world in Artificial Intelligence. Also, it should be noted that one of my papers is used as teaching material at a postgraduate course at the Department of Computer Science at Dresden University of Technology and another one is a reference of the “Biomimetics” research team of European Space Agency concerning “Learning & Neural Networks”. Finally, some of my papers are included in various electronic libraries (e.g. Computer Vision Bibliography, Computer Science Bibliography, ResearchIndex, ACM Portal, World's Largest Reuse Bibliography

Conference and Workshop Organization

I have been a member of various scientific committees in the following international journals/conferences/workshops (holding the posts listed below):

  • Reviewer for:
    1. European Conference on Computer Vision, 1994
    2. IEEE International Conference on “Tools with Artificial Intelligence”, 1997
    3. 2nd Greek Conference with international participation on “Information & Telecommunication technologies in Education”, 2000
    4. International Conference of Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society, 2004-2005
    5. Journal “Concurrent Engineering: Research & Applications”, 1995
    6. Journal “Pattern Recognition Letters”, 2003-2004
    6. Journal “Pattern Recognition”, 2006-2010

  • Member of the Program Committee of:
    1. IEEE International Conference on “Tools with Artificial Intelligence”, 1999, 2000, 2002, 2007.
    2. Greek Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2003, 2008, 2010.
    3. Athens Tourism Symposium 2010, 2011.

  • Vice chair of the special track “Integrated Intelligent Systems” of the International Conference of Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society, 2002, 2003.

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