Creating Buy-In – Building Relationships

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WhyTry Course Sample - Scope and Sequence
Week 1 - Course Introduction

Creating Buy-In – Building Relationships

Day 1: Relationship Building

· Teacher introduces self

o i.e. Personal story including pictures, most embarrassing moment, or interests.

o True or False with the group (two truths and a lie)

§ Use pictures as much as possible.

§ Survey: “Everyone vote for the fact about me that you believe is false.”

· Establish goals and objectives of WhyTry class:

o Help you enjoy school more.

o See everybody improve and reach personal goals

o Get to know each other personally.

§ Sometimes in an online class it’s more difficult to get to know the people in your class than in a live setting. Let’s try to change that!

· Activity: Name Game

o Small groups assign appropriate, G-rated, and positive nicknames to each other-no gang (It is important for the teacher to frame this!). One spokesperson comes back and introduces each member of his/her group OR each person types their nickname on a list next to their name and the teacher leads a discussion on where nicknames came from etc. OR all students randomly splash their names and nicknames on the whiteboard.

Day 2: Relationship Building/Using Music

  • Discussion: Using music

  • Activity: “Name that genre”

    • Using Whiteboard, have students type in as many different music genres as they can think of. Pull up a new whiteboard and have students type in their favorite artist. Pull up one more whiteboard and have students type in their favorite song. Pull up the genre whiteboard for students to view as you complete the following activity.

    • Explain the game to be played - You will play a few different types of music. There are three possible points per song. First, can you name the genre? Second, can you name the artist? Third, can you name the song? Students do their own scoring.

  • The rules of using music:

    • Explain that in this course you will use music very often. Explain that you just listened to a lot of very different genres. Some people may like one type of music, some may like a very different type.

    • Rule 1: We all agree to be respectful of other people’s taste in music and to be tolerant.

      • Question: What does it mean to be tolerant? Does it mean you have to like it?

    • Rule 2: We all agree that we’re going to enjoy the music and learn from it.

      • Discuss how you can actually choose to enjoy something.

    • Question: In what ways can we learn from music? (How it makes us feel, how it connects with our emotions, how it affects our behavior, and what the lyrics are saying.)

  • Homework assignment: Student info survey

    • If time, teacher can share own examples.

    • If time, students can share with each other.

Day 3: Relationship Building/Assessment

· Activity: Values Continuum

o Using Whiteboard, students mark where they fall on different spectrums. Have a discussion about where everybody is in the chat room. Have students raise hands to share their views. See full activity instructions at

· Pre-assessment – “About Me” sheets (WhyTry Measure-R)

o Explain to students that this is a short survey that helps the teacher understand who they are. Read the questions and select the choice that best describes you. There are no right or wrong answers.


WhyTry Introductory Lessons -

Day 4: Reality Ride Overview

· Attention Activity: Show a roller coaster video clip. Options include:

o Kid on rollercoaster

§ Frame video: “As you watch this video, guess what this boy might be feeling as he rides the rollercoaster.”

§ Process video: “This is the traditional type of roller coaster that goes a bit slower than the newer ones – The up and down isn’t too crazy, but this is a pretty big thrill for that kid. Newer roller coasters are different. They are designed to be fast and thrilling. Why do we ride roller coasters?” Have a discussion about roller coasters and why we ride them.

o Top Thrill

§ Frame video: “This roller coaster uses magnets to shoot you off and take you faster and higher. Nowadays when they design roller coasters, they are trying to create an even bigger thrill.”

§ Process video: “Why do we go on roller coasters?” Have a discussion about roller coasters and why we ride them.

o Rollercoaster video with WhyTry’s “Little League” song

§ Frame video: See above

§ Process video: See above

· Walkthrough of Reality Ride

· Challenge: Observe – either in your own life or the lives of those around you – the things people are doing and the consequences of those choices.

· Activity: True or False

o Students write two things about themselves that are real and one thing that is false and turn into teacher. (Make sure they are comfortable sharing these things with the group.)

o Teacher will use these as a way to spotlight students throughout the semester.

Day 5: Labels Overview

· Attention Activity : Stereotypes (WhyTry Learning Activity)

· Walkthrough of Labels

· Challenge: Pay attention to the ways that people label each other. When you hear others giving labels, ask yourself whether they are true or false, positive or negative. Pay attention to the labels that you give others. Are they mostly positive or mostly negative? Notice how people respond when you label them in a positive way.

Week 2

Day 6: Defense Mechanisms Overview

· Attention Activity: Name Writing Activity (WhyTry Learning Activity)

o If possible, play music for 30 seconds as they complete this activity the first time.

o The second time, play music for slightly longer than 30 seconds as they complete the activity.

o When they are writing with their left hand the third time around, play another song (Hans likes the slightly awkward, Napoleon Dynamite variety.)

· Walkthrough of Defense Mechanisms

· Challenge: Pay attention to how you’re responding in pressure situations. Are you maintaining control or allowing others to control you?

Day 7: Motivation Formula Overview

· Attention Activity: Show video clip of Jason McElwain.

· Walkthrough of Motivation Formula

· If time, share the Butterfly story (“Obstacles are the Stepping Stones of Success”)

· Challenge: Observe those around you (friends, family members, etc.) to see if you can identify someone that is in “the flood zone.” What can you learn from them?

Day 8: Climbing Out Overview

· Attention Activity: Show brief video clip of crabs trying to climb out of the pot.

· Walkthrough of Climbing Out

o Walk through to Point 4. After Point 4, have students complete the sentence, “A true friend is_______” on the whiteboard. On a separate whiteboard, have students complete the sentence, “A false friend is ____.” Continue the walkthrough.

· Challenge: Pay attention to your own friends. Do they have the qualities of a true friend or a false friend?

Day 9: Jumping Hurdles Overview

· Attention Activity: Math Problem (WhyTry Learning Activity)

· Walkthrough of Jumping Hurdles

· If time, share Thomas Edison example from the Butterfly story or video clip of Michael Jordan.

· Challenge: Pay attention to how experiencing even small successes can help you stay motivated.

Day 10: Desire, Time, and Effort Overview

· Attention Activity: Complete the maze

· Walkthrough of Desire, Time, and Effort

· Challenge: Notice what you put most of your time and effort into today.

Week 3

Day 11: Lift the Weight Overview

· Attention Activity: Show video clip of a weightlifter.

o Frame video: “I'm going to show you a video clip of a weightlifter, and I want you to pay attention to the technique that he uses to get the weight above his head.”

o Process video: “Did anybody notice how much weight he lifted? How much is that in pounds? This is an official Olympic lift. Does anyone know what that lift is called?” (Clean a Jerk) “This is one of the most difficult lifts because it involves every muscle in your body. Do you think he was naturally that strong, or did it take a lot of work to become that way?”

· Walkthrough of Lift the Weight

· Challenge: Pay attention to the laws and rules that you struggle with the most.

Day 12: Get Plugged In Overview

· Attention Activity: Two Heads are Better Than One (WhyTry Learning Activity)

· Walkthrough of Get Plugged In

· Challenge: Try to identify one support that you have in each of the five categories of “Get Plugged In.”

Week 4

Day 13: The Wall Overview

· Attention Activity: Count the Fs (WhyTry Learning Activity)

· Walkthrough of The Wall

· Challenge: If you feel like you can’t see over the wall, identify what step you are tripping on .


Beginning Of Lesson Rotation For Semester 1

Day 14: Reality Ride

· True or False spotlights

· Attention Activity: Balloon Pop (Motivation Formula)

o Tie to Reality Ride – The three words on the harder but worth it track are opportunity, freedom, and self-respect. Emphasize that this is a big part of what makes it “worth it.” Help students understand what those three words mean to them.

· Review Reality Ride

· Journal assignment: Secondary Journal #2

Week 5

Day 15: Reality Ride

· Attention Activity: Lincoln’s Choice Challenge (WhyTry Learning Activity 8 – use to generate coin flip)

o Tie to Reality Ride – You can make your own choices, but you can’t choose the consequences. The randomness of flipping a coin to make it through this maze is an illustration of what happens when you leave your choices to chance. (We don’t get to choose whether the consequences are positive or negative.)

· Journal assignment: Secondary Art #2

Day 16: Reality Ride

· Attention Activity: Now or Later? (WhyTry Learning Activity 4)

o Tie to Reality Ride – To get on the “harder but worth it track” sometimes means you have to give up what you want now for what you want most.

· Journal assignment: Game Plan Activities 1 & 2

Week 6

Day 17: Tearing Off Labels

· Attention Activity: Gender Gap (Learning Activity 9)

· Review Labels

· Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 1

Day 18: Tearing Off Labels

· True or False spotlights

· Attention Activity: One of a Kind (Learning Activity 13)

· Journal Assignment: Secondary Journal #4 (Music)

o Play the music video and discuss.

Week 7

Day 19: Tearing Off Labels

· Attention Activity: The Can

· Journal assignment: Secondary Journal #5 (Plugging In)

Day 20: Defense Mechanisms

· Attention Activity: Finger Tangle (Learning Activity 8)

· Review Defense Mechanisms

o Have students practice crossing fingers with opposite thumb on top; folding hands with opposite arm on top

· Journal assignment: Elementary Journal #5

Week 8

Day 21: Defense Mechanisms

· True or False spotlights

· Attention Activity: Blowout (Learning Activity 13)

o Tie back to discussion about techniques we can use to control our emotions.

· Song: Self Control – Think Before I Act

o Elementary Music Response 1 (“Think of a song that you like that helps you feel calm…)

Day 22: Defense Mechanisms

· Video: Parking Lot Rage (see

· Attention Activity: Bad, Better, Best (Learning Activity 15)

· Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 7 (Game Plan)

Week 9

Day 23: Motivation Formula

· Attention Activity: Silver Lining (Learning Activity 8)

· Review Motivation Formula

· Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 1

Day 24: Motivation Formula

· True or False spotlights

· Attention Activity: My Fave Fifteen (Learning Activity 10)

o Tie My Fave Fifteen to the “passion” in Motivation Formula.

· Song: “Change Up”

Week 10

Day 25: Motivation Formula

· Attention Activity: Synergy (Learning Activity 7)

o Tie into “Passion” and “support systems.”

· Activity: Body by Design (Learning Activity 13) (use a picture of the outline of a body)

Day 26: Climbing Out

· Attention Activity: Card Shark (Learning Activity 10)

· Review Climbing Out

Week 11

Day 27: Climbing Out

· Attention Activity: Says Who? (Learning Activity 3)

· Music Video: Hot Spot

· Journal assignment: Secondary Journal #6 (Observation)

Day 28: Climbing Out

· True or False spotlights

· Attention Activity: Sucked In (Learning Activity 2)

o What happens if you get out but keep hanging around “the pot”?

o Is there such a thing as positive peer pressure?

Week 12

Day 29: Jumping Hurdles

· True or False spotlights

· Attention Activity: Think Outside the Box (Learning Activity 2)

· Review Jumping Hurdles

Day 30: Jumping Hurdles

  • Attention Activity: 15 Pencils (Learning Activity 15)

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 4

Week 13

Day 31: Jumping Hurdles

  • Attention Activity: Crack the Code (Learning Activity 11)

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 8 (Observation)

  • Song: Get Back Up

    • Process with students

Day 32: Desire, Time, and Effort

  • Video: How Bad Do You Want It? (

  • Attention Activity: Stretch Higher (Learning Activity 6)

  • Review Desire, Time, and Effort

    • Emphasize “Desire”

Week 14

Day 33: Desire, Time, and Effort

Day 34: Lift the Weight

  • Attention Activity: Law of the Land (Learning Activity 8)

  • Review Lift the Weight

  • Journal assignment: Elementary Art 5 (Road Signs)

Week 15

Day 35: Lift the Weight

  • True or False spotlights

  • Attention Activity: Follow Directions (Learning Activity 5)

    • Tie into metaphor: What can happen if we ignore the rules?

Day 36: Lift the Weight

  • Attention Activity: The Paper and the Book (Learning Activity 6)

    • Tie into metaphor: How can being stronger help you face life’s challenges?

  • Journal assignment: Conclusion activity for overview lesson (elementary)

Week 16

Day 37: Get Plugged In

  • True or False spotlights

  • Attention Activity: Connections Quiz (Learning Activity 13)

  • Review Get Plugged In

Day 38: Get Plugged In

  • Attention Activity: Mad Gab (Learning Activity 5) (contest between groups, using all the resources they can think of to get answers)

    • Tie into metaphor: When confronted with a problem, identify and utilize every resource you can.

Week 17

Day 39: Get Plugged In

  • Attention Activity: Community 411 (Learning Activity 1)

    • Tie into metaphor: An important part of plugging in is understanding what resources are available and knowing how to find them. This activity also emphasizes how to create support systems when you have none.

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 1

Day 40: The Wall

  • Attention Activity: Modified “The Big Picture” (Learning Activity 4)

  • Review The Wall

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 1

Week 18

Day 41: The Wall

  • Attention Activity: Polar Bears and Ice Holes (Learning Activity 7)

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 2 (Art)

Day 42: The Wall

  • True or False spotlights

  • Attention Activity: ______Perspective _ (Learning Activity 9)

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 3 (Game Plan)

Week 19

Day 43: Review

  • Finish True or False spotlights

  • Journal assignment: Elementary Conclusion Activity (Overview Lesson) for The Wall

  • Celebrate successes and improvements!

    • Go over semester highlights

Day 44: Post-assessment

Second semester will cover the same key concepts and visual analogies as last semester, but will introduce new activities and assignments that will create relevance and enable the students to relate the concepts to their personal lives. The two major projects to be completed this semester are a “Passion Presentation,” which gives students the opportunity to share their passion or interest, and an autobiography. This semester will include more student-led review and discussion, and will include stories and examples from the news, movies, books, biographies, and students’ own experiences.

This semester will also focus on strategies for building the teacher-student relationship and helping students connect with others in their course or group.


Beginning Of Lesson Rotation For Semester 2


Week 19

Day 45: Relationship Building

  • Introduce the purpose of the course and semester goals

  • Surrendering the One-up Activity: “You’re the Boss”

  • Surrendering the One-up Activity: “Ask Them”

Day 46: Relationship Building

  • Instructor models “Passion Presentation”

  • Assignment: Prepare a “Passion Presentation” to share with group (This could be delivered in multiple formats, such as video, PowerPoint, photos, written essay/story, etc.)

Week 20

Day 47: Reality Ride

  • Attention activity: Birthday Cards (Create PowerPoint for this.)

  • Student-led review of visual and key concepts (in PowerPoint)

    • Note: Start off by asking questions like, “If you were explaining this concept to someone, what would you say? What is the Reality Ride all about?

  • Homework assignment: Find an example story (from the news, books, movies, etc.) for Reality Ride

Day 48: Reality Ride

  • Attention activity: Past to Present (Learning Activity __)

  • Share stories and examples from previous class; tie to Reality Ride

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Observation Activity

Week 21

Day 49: Reality Ride

  • Attention Activity: On the Brink (Have students do on their own at home)

  • Highlight 1-5 Passion Presentations

Day 50: Labels

  • Attention Activity: Profiler

  • Student-led review of visual and key concepts (in PowerPoint)

  • Journal assignment: Elementary Journal 10

  • Assignment: Find an example story (from the news, books, movies, etc.) for Labels

Week 22

Day 51: Labels

  • Attention activity: Panning for Gold

  • Share stories and examples from previous class; tie to Labels

  • Homework assignment: Secondary Journal (Observation)

Day 52: Labels

  • Attention Activity: Apples

  • Discuss homework assignment (observation journal)

  • Highlight 1-5 Passion Presentations

Week 23

Day 53: Defense Mechanisms

  • Attention activity: Discuss Elementary Journal 2- “How do you respond or act when you…”

    • Break students into groups of 7-10 and have them respond to each of these prompts on a whiteboard: laughed at, yelled at, etc.

    • Process this activity by asking, “Were the majority of these responses positive or negative? How do we usually respond in pressure situations? Why are positive defense mechanisms usually harder? Why do they give us more self-respect?”

  • Student-led review of visual and key concepts (in PowerPoint)

  • Assignment: Find an example story (from the news, books, movies, etc.) for Defense Mechanisms

Day 54: Defense Mechanisms

  • Attention activity: Discuss Elementary Journal ____-“What are some of the feelings you feel when you are about to use a defense mechanism?”

    • Have students identify feelings and then techniques to calm.

  • Share stories and examples from previous class; tie to Defense Mechanisms

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 4 (Art)

Week 24

Day 55: Defense Mechanisms

  • Attention Activity: Luck of the Dice

    • Process and tie into metaphor

  • Highlight 1-5 Passion Presentations

Day 56: Motivation Formula

  • Attention activity: Discuss as a group Elementary Journal 1

  • Student-led review of visual and key concepts (in PowerPoint)

  • Assignment: Find an example story (from the news, books, movies, etc.) for Motivation Formula

Week 25

Day 57: Motivation Formula

  • Attention activity: How are You? (Learning Activity 12)

  • Share stories and examples from previous class; tie to Motivation Formula

  • Assignment: Secondary Journal 3 (Observation)

Day 58: Motivation Formula

  • Attention Activity: Discuss Conclusion Activity

  • Highlight 1-5 Passion Presentations

  • Homework assignment: Elementary Art Prompt 3 “Create a cover…”

Week 26

Day 59: Climbing Out:

  • Attention activity: Elementary Art Activity 1: Will Away

  • Student-led review of visual and key concepts (in PowerPoint)

  • Assignment: Find an example story (from the news, books, movies, etc.) for Climbing Out

Day 60: Climbing Out

  • Attention activity: Elementary Art Activity 3: Glory Story

  • Share stories and examples from previous class; tie to Climbing Out

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 2

Week 27

Day 61: Climbing Out

  • Attention Activity: Discuss as a group Elementary Journal 6

  • Highlight 1-5 Passion Presentations

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 5

Day 62: Relationship Building

  • Instructor models autobiography presentation

  • Assignment: Prepare your autobiography and be prepared to share with group (This could be delivered in multiple formats, such as video, PowerPoint, photos, written essay/story, etc.)

Week 28

Day 63: Jumping Hurdles

  • Attention activity: What do you make of this? (Learning Activity 5)

    • Processing: Tie into creating options and thinking creatively.

  • Student-led review of visual and key concepts (in PowerPoint)

  • Assignment: Find an example story (from the news, books, movies, etc.) for Jumping Hurdles

Day 64: Jumping Hurdles

  • Attention activity: Triangle Trick (adapted)

  • Share stories and examples from previous class; tie to Jumping Hurdles

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 5 (Plugging In)

Week 29

Day 65: Jumping Hurdles

  • Attention Activity: Elementary Art Prompt 3 (“Everyone likes to wear t-shirts…)

  • Highlight 1-5 student autobiographies

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 1

Day 66: Desire, Time, and Effort

  • Attention activity: Number Maze

  • Student-led review of visual and key concepts (in PowerPoint)

  • Assignment: Find an example story (from the news, books, movies, etc.) for Desire, Time, and Effort

Week 30

Day 67: Desire, Time, and Effort

  • Attention activity: Tick Tock

  • Share stories and examples from previous class; tie to Desire, Time, and Effort

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 4 (Game Plan)

Day 68: Desire, Time, and Effort

  • Attention Activity: Dream Schedule

  • Highlight 1-5 autobiographies

  • Journal assignment: Elementary Art Activity 1: Shoes and Footprints

Week 31

Day 69: Lift the Weight

  • Attention activity: Discuss: What motivates you to not give up? (Elementary Journal 7)

  • Student-led review of visual and key concepts (in PowerPoint)

  • Learning activity or journal assignment

  • Assignment: Find an example story (from the news, books, movies, etc.) for Lift the Weight

Day 70: Lift the Weight

  • Attention activity: The Empty Pot story? (halfway through) or PowerPoint

  • Share stories and examples from previous class; tie to Lift the Weight

  • Journal assignment: Elementary Art Prompt 3: Bumper sticker

Week 32

Day 71: Lift the Weight

  • Attention Activity: Music Video: Legitimate Hustle

  • Highlight 1-5 autobiographies

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 3 (Game Plan)

Day 72: Get Plugged In

  • Attention activity: Who do you Call? (Learning Activity 9)

  • Student-led review of visual and key concepts (in PowerPoint)

  • Assignment: Find an example story (from the news, books, movies, etc.) for Get Plugged In

Week 33

Day 73: Get Plugged In

  • Attention activity: video two squirrels Link:

  • Share stories and examples from previous class; tie to Reality Ride

  • Journal assignment: Older but Wiser (Elementary Learning Activity 2)

Day 74: Get Plugged In

  • Attention Activity: Family Fun

  • Highlight 1-5 autobiographies

  • Journal assignment: Secondary Journal 3 (Music)

Week 34

Day 75: The Wall

  • Attention Activity: Draw to win (Learning Activity 13)

  • Student-led review of visual and key concepts (in PowerPoint)

  • Assignment: Find an example story (from the news, books, movies, etc.) for Reality Ride

Day 76: The Wall

  • Attention Activity: Secret Code (Learning Activity 8)

  • Share stories and examples from previous class; tie to Reality Ride

  • Journal assignment: (elm journal prompt 5 )

Week 35

Day 77: The Wall

  • Attention Activity: The Big Picture (Learning Activity 4)

  • Highlight 1-5 autobiographies

  • Journal assignment: (elm journal prompt 8 )

Day 78: Year in Review

Week 36

Day 79: Review Lesson and Wrap-up

  • Celebrate success, spotlight students, recognize what we have learned and how it ties to life (relevance). (Refer to “Surrendering the One-up strategies.)

Day 80: Post assessment student survey 2


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