Cis 4930/6930, Advanced Programming Languages, Spring 2011 Syllabus Page 1 General Information

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CIS 4930/6930, Advanced Programming Languages, Spring 2011 Syllabus Page 1
General Information

Class meetings: TTh 2:00-3:15pm in ENG 003

Professor: Jay Ligatti (

Office location: ENB 333

Office hours: TTh 3:30-5:00pm, and other times by appointment
How to register for this course: If you wish to take the undergraduate section, you will need to contact Yvette Blanchard (; she can register you. If you wish to take the graduate section, you will need to contact Terri Collins (; she can register you.
Course objectives: Advanced topics in programming-language design and analysis. Pattern matching, normalization, continuations, monads, universally and existentially quantified types, type inference, subtyping, objects, concurrency, Curry-Howard isomorphism, linear and dependent types, policy-specification languages, and special topics as time permits (TAL, CFI, Cyclone, PCC, etc).
Course Materials

All readings will be available online, or will be handed out in class. Please check the course website ( regularly for announcements, assignments, an up-to-date schedule, and links to reading material. Grades will be posted on Blackboard ( I may also send announcements via Blackboard, so please ensure that your current email address is stored in Blackboard.

Tentative Schedule

Week Dates Topics

1 01/11, 01/13 Introduction; Review; Arrays

2 01/18, 01/20 Policy-specification languages, pattern matching

3 01/25, 01/27 Normalization; Curry-Howard Isomorphism

4 02/01, 02/03 Subtyping

5 02/08, 02/10 Objects

6 02/15, 02/17 Universally quantified types, type inference

7 02/22, 02/24 Type inference, existentially quantified types

8 03/01, 03/03 Continuations

9 03/08, 03/10 Monads

[Spring Break]

10 03/22, 03/24 Dynamic typing

11 03/29, 03/31 Concurrency

12 04/05, 04/07 Concurrency

13 04/12, 04/14 Linear and dependent type systems

14 04/19, 04/21 TAL, CFI

15 04/26, 04/28 Cyclone, PCC
Grading and Attendance

Assignments: There will be 7 assignments throughout the semester. Students will turn in one question for each assignment, and each assignment will include at least one problem submitted by a student. The assignments will be due 1-2 weeks after they are handed out. Any programming portions of assignments will be submitted in Blackboard, while theory portions of assignments will be submitted in class, in hardcopy.

CIS 4930/6930, Advanced Programming Languages, Spring 2011 Syllabus Page 2
Research-paper summaries: In some class meetings we will discuss a research paper. The schedule and links to all papers will be posted ahead of time on the course webpage. For the classes that involve discussing a paper, students will turn in, at the beginning of class and in hard copy, a summary of the paper being discussed that day. Summaries (1) must be five sentences to one page in length, (2) do not need to be written in perfect, formal English but should be clear, concise, and accurate, (3) must describe—in your own words—the key contributions of the day’s paper and how those contributions are made, and (4) must not plagiarize or quote the paper being summarized. Here is an example:
Summary of: A Location-based Policy-specification Language for Mobile Devices,

by Joshua Finnis, Nalin Saigal, Adriana Iamnitchi, and Jay Ligatti

This article presents a new language, called LoPSiL, for specifying location-based security policies. Such policies can specify interesting constraints, like that access to resources must be granted or denied based on the location of the device doing the granting or denying. The primary novelties of LoPSiL are its primitives (Locations, LocationDevices, and PolicyAssumptions) for reasoning about location data in imperative policy specifications. The article describes implementing these primitives as first-class objects in Java. Being implemented in Java (and using the AspectJ compiler), LoPSiL is a type-safe language, though no formal semantics exists specifically for LoPSiL. The article introduces and analyzes the performance (on an Android phone) of several example LoPSiL policies. From this analysis, the article concludes that it is practical for users to enforce location-based policies on at least some mobile devices.
Final-grade breakdown: 14% Assignment questions (2% for each of the 7 assignments)

63% Assignment solutions (9% for each of the 7 assignments)

23% Average of research-paper summaries

100% Total

Late assignments and summaries: Everything you need to turn in for this class may be submitted up to 2 days late with a 15% penalty.
Attendance: I do not take attendance in class, but absences put you at risk for missing assignments, schedule updates, and material not covered in the readings. Students who will miss class for religious reasons must notify me of the date(s) in writing by 01/14/11. Finally, please do not sell notes from or record class meetings without my permission.
Grading system: For final letter grades, I will use the standard scale of A (100-90), B (89-80), C (79-70), D (69-60), and F (59-0). I will also use pluses and minuses on final grades to indicate either a borderline grade (i.e., within 2.5 points of an adjacent grade) or exceptionally outstanding work (A+). Although I may curve assignment scores up, with graduate and undergraduate sections curved separately, please do not expect a curve.
Academic honesty: Everything you turn in for this class must be your own work. If you are caught cheating, you will receive an FF grade for the class.
Of course, every part of this syllabus is subject to adjustment as the semester progresses. Please contact me as soon as possible if you are dissatisfied with the course policies, discussions, assignments, grading, etc.; I will be happy to accommodate reasonable requests for modifications.

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