Cbp and Trade Automated Interface Requirements Appendix: pga december 22, 2015

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CBP and Trade Automated Interface Requirements

Appendix: PGA

December 22, 2015




Table of Changes 3

PG01 – Agency Program Codes 13

PG01 – Government Agency Processing Codes 18


PG01 – Electronic Image Submitted Codes

PG01 – Globally Unique Product Identification Code Qualifiers 25

PG02 – Product Code Qualifiers 27

PG04 – Units of Measure 29

PG05 – FWS Wildlife Category Codes 31

PG05 – FWS Wildlife Description Codes 32

PG06 – Source Type Codes 37

PG06 – Ocean Geographic Area Codes 39

PG06 – Processing Type Codes 41

PG07 – Item Identity Number Qualifiers 70

PG10 – Category Type Codes 71

PG10 – Category Codes 74

PG10 – Commodity Qualifier Codes 106

PG10 – Commodity Characteristic Qualifiers 114

PG14 – Type Codes 354

PG14 – Exemption Codes 362

PG19 – Entity Role Codes 369

PG19 – Entity Identification Codes 375

PG22 – Document Identifiers 378

PG22 – Declaration Codes 389

PG23 – Food & Drug Affirmation of Compliance 393

PG23 – Food & Drug Affirmation of Compliance Qualifier Codes 399

PG24 – Remarks Type Codes 401

PG24 – Remarks Codes 402

PG26 – Unit of Measure 408

PG30 – Inspection or Arrival Location Codes 425

PG31 – Commodity Harvesting Vessel Characteristic Type Codes 427

PG32 – Commodity Routing Type Codes 429

PG60 – Additional Information Qualifier Codes 429

PG32 – Commodity Political Subunit of Routing Qualifier 430

Table of Changes

Revision Number

Date of Change

Section(s) Affected

Brief Description of Change


  1. PG01 Agency Program Codes

  1. PG01 Government Agency Processing Codes

  1. PG01 Electronic Image Submitted

  2. PG07 Item Identity Number Qualifier

  1. PG10 Commodity Qualifier Code

  2. PG10 Commodity Characteristic Qualifiers

  3. PG14 Exemption Codes

  4. PG14 Type Codes

  5. PG19 Entity Role Code

  6. PG22 Declaration Code

  7. PG24 Remarks Type Codes

  8. PG26 Unit of Measure

  9. PG60 Additional Information Qualifier Code

  1. For FDA: Deleted COP. For DEA: Added DEA. For AMS: Added PN. For CPSC: Added CPS. For FWS: Added FWS.

  2. For FDA: Under BIO Program, added HCT, BDP, BLD, BBA, PVE, BRD; Deleted COP Program and all associated processing codes; Under DRU Program, added INV and deleted DRD and GNC; Under FOO Program, added CCW and deleted FBK, HAC, and LSC; Under RAD Program, added REP and deleted all previous processing codes; Under TOB Program, added CSU, FFM, INV and deleted NST and PRO; Under VME Program, Added ADR, ADE and deleted all previous processing codes. For TTB: Added T56 for program code TOB. For AMS: Added new processing codes for all AMS programs. For CPSC: Added FUL, REF and SPH. For FWS: Added DEC, EDS, NDS, N1 – N12 and Y1 – Y10.

  3. Updated the description and created a code list in the Appendix PGA. Currently ‘y’ still is the only code accepted. However, future enhancements may require additional codes be available so this is setting up for that possibility.

  4. For CPSC: Added BN (Brand Name) and ALT (Alternate Identifier). Removed MC, MD and MS (because they are captured in PG10).

  5. For FWS: Added A103.

  6. For APHIS Core: Changed code from ‘USE’ to ‘USED’ for the A70 Condition table. For CPSC: Added MC, MD and MS for PC9.

  7. For DDTC: Added Export Exemption Codes For TTB: Added TTBEX15

  8. For FDA: Added POV type code for privately owned vehicle license plate number

  9. For CPSC: Added NOL (No Lab testing required)
    For FDA: Removed FFR. For FWS: Added FW1 and FW2.

  10. For CPSC: Added CPY and CPN. For FWS: Added FW1, FW2 and FW3.

  11. Deleted ‘NAM’ (full name of the individual). This is now covered by the PG60 record in the PGA Message Set.

  12. For APHIS: Added codes BN & BL; changed code BAG to BG; removed and replaced code BDL with two codes, BE & BH. Changed code FLK to FL. Removed reference to future code change in the Description column of code CG. For FDA: Changed Code CGM to CG and KGM to KG. Added the following: BBL, BOL, CAP, CAR, CB, CFT, CM, CM3, CYD, DOZ, DPC, DPR, FT, GR, KM, KM2, KM3, LNM, M, M2, NO, PRS, SFT, SQI, SY, SYD, and YD. Deleted KEG.

  13. For CPSC: Added CIT.


September 04, 2015

  1. PG04

  2. PG14 Type Codes

  1. PG24 Remarks Codes

  1. For the Drug Enforcement Agency, added MCG (micrograms)

  2. For DE2, removed the word ‘approved’ in the code name. It is now just DEA Import Permit Number.

  1. For EPA: Added 3 EPA Remarks Codes for 3520-21: 24A, 24B and 24C. Removed an EPA Remarks Code for 3520-21: 24


August 26, 2015

  1. PG06 Source Type Codes

  1. PG10 Category Type Codes

  1. PG10 Category Codes

  1. PG10 Commodity Qualifier Codes

  1. PG10 Commodity Characteristic Qualifiers

  2. PG14 LPCO Type

  3. PG22 Declaration Codes

  4. PG26 Units of Measure

  1. For All Agencies: Set code COS back to original 30 (Country of Source) and code CPD back to 39 (Country of Production)

  2. For APHIS Core: Changed Name and Definition of AP0900 to “APHIS Future Use”

  1. For APHIS Core: Removed all Article Category AP900 codes (9##AP, 9##HH, 9##XX).

Updated Table Headers to correct Category Type Code References. Cdes in titles now include leading zeroes (AP0100-AP0900)

  1. For APHIS Core: Removed all AP900 Series codes (A90, A91)

Updated Table Headers to correct Category Type Code References. Cdes in titles now include leading zeroes (AP0100-AP0900)

  1. For APHIS Core: Removed all Type AP90 (SLA, TXN) and TYPE A91 (LIQ, POW, AGS, AGP) codes

  2. For APHIS Core: Removed AC2 code.

  3. For APHIS Lacey: Added AP6 (PPQ 505)

  4. For APHIS Core: Consolidated UOMs into a single list with header “APHIS Core”; and, added 7 codes (FLK, FOZ, M, M2, M3, PTU, T)


August 13, 2015

  1. PG01 Agency Program Codes

  1. PG01 Government Agency Processing Codes

  1. PG06 Source Type Codes

  1. PG06 Processing Type Codes

  1. PG07 Item Identity Number Qualifiers

  1. PG10 Category Type Codes

  1. PG10 Category Codes

  1. PG10 Commodity Qualifier Codes

  1. PG10 Commodity Characteristic Qualifiers

  1. PG14 Type Codes

  1. PG14 Exemption Codes

  1. PG19 Entity Role Codes

  1. PG22 Document Identifiers

  1. PG22 Declaration Codes

  1. PG23 Food & Drug Affirmation of Compliance

  2. PG26 Unit of Measure

  1. For DTC: Added a section for DTC program codes, the only valid code is DTC.

  1. For APHIS: Added AAC (Animal Care Program)

For APHIS: Added A05 (APHIS VS Animal Import Center) Revised Existing Codes 01 to 04 to equal A01 to A04.

  1. For APHIS: Changed code 30 to COS (Country of Source); and code 39 to CPD (Country of Production)

  2. For APHIS: Added code AVHTD (Aphis-Heat Treatment); and Removed 26 Processing Type Codes.

  1. For APHIS: Added RID, Microchip, Brand, and Band and Bouquet Grouping

  1. For APHIS: Added Leading Zeroes to all triple digit codes: Revised Codes include: AP0100 - AP0900. Also renamed and redefined “APHIS Live Animal Related Products” to “APHIS Related Animal Products” (AP0200).

  1. For APHIS: AP100 - Added a common name to each scientific name for each animal. Codes: 101, 114 -119: Replaced Name & Definitions. AP200 – Codes: 202, 204 - Removed content and Set to "Future Use". AP300 - Compete re-work of the series. Codes: 308, 311, 318-319 - Replaced Name & Definitions

  1. For APHIS: Removed A01-A09 from AP100 (Live Animals). Removed P01 - P05, DY, DN, AY, AN, (Plants Table). Added A40 Life Stage Table to AP400 (Propagative Material).

  1. For APHIS: Revised A10-A13, A30-31, A41 & A71 Tables: A10: Added Month and Age Range Codes. A11: Added Breeds for Bird, Llama, Cattle, Horse, Deer/Moose Header, Fin Fish Header, Goat, Poultry, Alpaca to Llama header, Sheep and Swine. A11: Removed Breeds CABA (Banteng Cattle). A12: Added new Colors. A13: Added new Genders. Also made duplicate code corrections as follows: CAAN to CAGN - Angeln (Cattle); CAAL to CAAI - Australian Lowline (Cattle); PTBL to PTBK - Black (Poultry – Turkey); PTBR to PTBZ - Bronze (Poultry – Turkey); SHBP to SHBQ - Blackhead Persian (Sheep); SHBI to SHCA - Bluefaced Leicester (Sheep); SHDG to SHDH - Derbyshire Gritstone (Sheep); SHHR to SHHL - Hill Radnor (Sheep).

  2. For APHIS: Deleted: A8 (APHIS PPQ 505); Changed: A05, A25 and A27 to "Future Use". Added: A31, A34, A35 and A36.

  3. For TTB: Added TTBEX14

  1. For DDTC: Removed exemption code EXE (Temporary Import Exemption). Added a section for DDTC (Import) Exemption Codes ( A total of 26 codes copied from DDTC IG v1.5 )

For All: Added Entity role codes SPO, LBRK, CAR and FDC

  1. For APHIS: Revised Descriptions: 851 to "Future Use" (Prior Phytosanitary Certificate). 853 to Producers / Manufactures Statement; (Prior Veterinary Certificates). For NMFS: Added Code 893 for Dissotichus Re-export Document

  2. For APHIS: Removed AP1–AP11.

  1. For FDA: Added A of C codes for RNO, VFT, VES, DA, PM#, DI, UFR, IFR, TFR, ORN, SRN, CFR, GFR; Updated PFR description

  1. For APHIS: Added two Tables: 1) APHIS UOMs and 2) APHIS UOMs for Packaging Containers Tables.


June 18, 2015

  1. PG01 Government Agency Program Codes

  2. PG01 Government Agency Processing Codes

  3. PG14 LPCO Type Codes

  4. PG14 Exemption Codes

  5. PG22 Declaration Code

  1. PG26 Valid FDA Units of Measure for Packaging Containers

  1. (G) PG26 Valid FDA Units of Measure for the Base Unit

  1. Added new section with 4 program codes for TTB

  2. Added 4 new sections with processing codes for each program under TTB

  3. Updated 4 LPCO type codes for TTB

  4. Added new section with 13 exemption codes for TTB

  5. Added a new code IRC

  1. For FDA: updated entire table

  2. For FDA: updated entire table


May 2, 2015

  1. PG01 Agency Program Codes

  1. PG01 Government Agency Processing Codes

  1. PG04 APHIS-VS Animal Group Codes

  2. PG06 Processing Type Codes

  1. PG07 Item Identity Number Qualifiers

  1. PG10 Category Type Codes

  1. PG10 Category Codes

  1. PG10 Commodity Qualifier Codes

  1. PG10 Commodity Characteristic Qualifiers

  1. PG14 Type Codes

  1. PG14 Exemption Codes

  1. PG19 Entity ID Code

  2. PG22 Document Identifiers

  1. PG23 – Food and Drug Affirmation of Compliance BTA Required data

  1. PG23 – Food and Drug Affirmation of Compliance WP Required Data

  1. Alphabetized section. For APHIS: Added ASA, ABS. Replaced APV with AVS. For ATF: Added ATF. For FDA: Added FDA.

  1. Added new section with 4 codes for APHIS. Added 2 codes for AMS. Added 9 new sections with processing codes for all FDA programs.

  1. For APHIS: Deleted APHIS-VS Animal Group Codes

  2. For APHIS: Replaced AQF with AQF61; added around 600 codes.

  1. For APHIS: Added LAT code- Live Animal Tag.

  1. For APHIS: Deleted AP1, AP2, AP3, AP4, and AP5 codes. Added 10 codes. For ATF: Deleted AT2 and redefined AT1.

  1. For ATF: Updated table for AT1. For APHIS; Complete re-work: Added Article Categories for all Category Type Codes. Deleted all codes under AP1, AP2, and AP3. Added 15 codes under AP100. Added 7 codes under AP200. Added 20 codes under AP300. Added 3 codes under AP400. Added 2 codes for AP500. Added 34 codes for AP600. Added 22 codes for AP700. Added 3 codes for AP800. Added 66 codes for AP900. Added 12 codes for AP1000.

  2. For APHIS: Complete re-work - Added Qualifiers for all Article Categories. Deleted A01. Redefined A10, A13, A14, A15, and A16. Added 19 new Qualifier Codes.

  1. For APHIS: Complete re-work - Added Commodity Characteristic Qualifiers for all new/redefined Qualifier Codes.

  2. For APHIS: Added A2A, A2B, A29, A30, and AC2 codes. For DDTC: Added S61, S73, and S85; Redefined DD1. For ATF: Updated definitions for AT2, AT3, AT4, and AT5.

  1. For APHIS: Deleted AP1 and AP2 codes for the PPQ 505 and 525B (respectively). For ATF: Added codes 1 and 2.

  1. For FDA: Added code FFR.

  2. Updated definition for code 883, Bluefin Tuna Catch document, and for code 897, Captain’s Statement

  1. Removed this section. It is now covered in FDAs supplemental guidance document

  1. Removed this section. It is now covered in FDAs supplemental guidance document


March 25, 2015

  1. PG01 Agency Program Codes

  2. PG01 Government Agency Processing Codes

  1. PG10 Commodity Characteristic Qualifiers

  2. PG14 Type Codes

  3. PG14 Exemption Codes

  1. PG19 Entity Role Codes

  2. PG22 Document Identifiers

  3. PG22 Declaration Codes

  1. PG30 Inspection or Arrival Location Codes

  1. Added CDC.
    Removed “RP” from USDA/AMS
    For EPA: removed “FUE, HAZ, TSC; added TS1, TS2

  2. Added one code for USDA/AMS.

  3. Replaced EEP: Eggs/Egg Products table

  4. Updated definition of “FEW”.
    Updated name and definition of FS4, FS7, FS8, and FS9.
    Deleted FS5.
    Added CD3.

  1. Removed code AP1 – PPQ 505

  1. Expanded the definition of DFP ‘Owner’

  2. 889 – Dissostichus Catch Document. Added the word “fresh”956 – updated the definition

  3. FS1 – deleted
    FS3 – updated the definition
    CD1 – Added per CDC

  1. Updated definition for code 10


December 2, 2014

  1. PG01 Agency Program Codes

  2. PG01 Government Agency Processing Codes

  1. Added three program codes for USDA/AMS

  2. Added this new section. Added USDA/AMS processing codes


August 8, 2014

  1. PG01 Agency Program Codes

  2. PG10 Category Type Codes

  3. PG10 Category Code

  4. PG14 Type Codes

  5. PG19 Entity Role codes

  6. PG22 Document Identifiers

  7. PG24 Remarks Codes

  1. Added “OFF” program code for NHTSA.

    Added generic “FDA” program code for FDA.

  2. Added NHTSA Category Type Code of OFFTYP, and definition.

  3. Added NHTSA Category Code of OFF1 (off-road vehicle or equipment), and definition.

  4. Deleted ‘NMFS Importer Intermediate Country License’ and ‘NMFS importer final destination of shipment license’.
    Changed names and definitions for NM1, NM2 and NM3. Deleted NM4 code.

  5. Amended definition of OVM.

  6. Added two document identifiers: 165 (Payment or performance bond) and 958 (Motor Vehicle Equipment Manufacturer’s Written Statement)

  7. Added 8 Remarks Codes for EPA Pesticides


July 1, 2014

  1. PG10 Commodity Characteristic Qualifiers

  2. PG01 Agency Program Codes

  3. PG19, Entity Role Codes

  4. PG10 Category Codes

  5. PG22 Declaration codes and Document IDs

  1. Added code ‘N – neither’ to Vehicle or Engine Characteristics V01 table.

  2. Added Agency Program Codes for APHIS, NMFS, EPA, and FCC. Deleted EPA’s generic PST code and added three descriptive ones.

  3. Added ‘OVM’ entity role code for NHTSA

  4. Added code YFT for Yellow fin tuna for NMFS

  5. Moved three NMFS codes (NM1, NM2, NM3) from PG 22 Declaration Codes, to PG22 Document IDs and created new codes for them.


February 18, 2014

  1. PG01 Agency Program Codes

  2. PG06 Source Type Codes

  3. PG07

  4. PG10

  5. PG14 Type Code

  6. PG19 Entity Role Codes

  7. PG19 Entity Identification Codes

  8. PG22 Document Identifiers

  9. PG22 Declaration Codes

  10. PG23 – FDA Affirmation of Compliance (A of C) Codes

  11. PG23 – FDA A of C Qualifier Codes

  12. PG14 Type Codes

  13. PG23, FDA BTA required data, and WP required data element listings

  14. PG24 Remarks Type Code

  1. Added DOT/NHTSA program codes

  2. Updated the name and definition for code 294

  3. Deleted CHN (Chassis Number). Revised definition for AKG.

  4. Deleted NHTSA NH3 Category and Category Type Code. Replaced with four new NHTSA Category and Category Type codes.

  5. Changed NHTSA code for Registered Importer from NH1 to NH0 and updated the definition. Updated the definition for NH2 and NH3

  6. Added entity role codes and definitions for Fabricating Manufacturer and Retailer/Distributor for NHTSA.

  7. Updated definition for World Manufacturer Identifier

  8. Revised definition for code 946 (NHTSA HS-7 declaration form)

  9. Updated definition for NH1

  10. Updated A of C list. Some codes removed (because captured elsewhere in trade data submission) and others added.

  11. Added code ‘K’ to FME exemption list.
    Updated definition from ‘Consignee’ to ‘Ultimate Consignee’ in SFT and OFT code ‘U’.

  12. Added PNC, Prior Notice Confirmation number.

  13. Added note that FDA integration is ongoing and may impact these sections

  14. Changed code for ‘Additional NHTSA Requirements’ from NH1 to NHE. Updated the definition


August 22, 2013

  1. PG01Agency Program Codes

  1. Added USDA/FSIS program code


August 7, 2013

  1. Overall Document

  2. PG01 Agency Program Codes

  1. Added Table of Changes

  2. Updated the EPA Agency Program Codes
    Changed the name of these codes back to “Agency Program Codes

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