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Good governance and national unity. In regard to education the mkuza objectives are: to ensure equitable access to demand-driven quality education which is gender responsive
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Richard A. Anthes*, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research Robert W. Corell, American Meteorological Society
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DR. virginia burkett chief scientist for global change research u. S. Geological surveyDR. virginia burkett chief scientist for global change research u. S. Geological survey
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A special Issue for the Royal Society Meeting 9-10 November 2009 on "Water and society: Past, present & future"
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University of Maryland’s governing board unanimously voting to leave the Atlantic Coast Conference and join the Big Ten
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Vera, C. 1, W. Gutowski2, C. R. Mechoso3, B. N. Goswami4, C. Reason5, C. D. Thorncroft6, J. A. Marengo7, B. Hewitson8, H. Hendon9, C. Jones10, P. Lionello11
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Intel manufactures semiconductor devices, microcomputer chips, chipsets, motherboards and flash memory. Intel employs approximately 99,900 employees with annual sales of $38. 8 billion
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The component also includes the rehabilitation of 6 existing schools – 3 of which are located in Stone Town. This subcomponent will provide 23,000 school place
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Growing competition for energy resources and the threat of disastrous climate change mean that to a large and increasing degree the successful pursuit of these objectives requires international cooperation
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In Atlantic City on November 19th, in Trenton on November 21st and in Hackensack on December 9th
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Title: bycatch–where we’ve been, where we’re going organizersTitle: bycatch–where we’ve been, where we’re going organizers
Geraldine Vander Haegen, Northwest Marine Technology, 955 Malin Lane sw, Suite, Tumwater, wa 98501 Telephone 360/596-9500, Home office 360/459-7255, Facsimile 360/596-9405
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California needs further reductions in order to meet health-based State and federal ambient air quality standards. In addition, climate change continues to pose a serious threat to the economic well-being, public health, natural resources
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Thesis project: aquatecture go with the flowThesis project: aquatecture go with the flow
More than anything else water is a source of life and the great symbol of life. All life depends on water; nothing escapes its influence, and nothing lives without it
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