Numb3rs / Stargate: Atlantis The Lost Colony, by JoolzNumb3rs / Stargate: Atlantis The Lost Colony, by Joolz
It’s more an enjoyment of some lovely characters and buddy-fic. I want the whole Numb3rs cast to move to Atlantis. There’s just a touch of sg-1 in there as well. Many thanks to valiant betas Lady Ra and Jenn
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New books Issue 54 November 2016New books Issue 54 November 2016
To arrange a collection of books to return to the library, call Royal Mail and follow the selections as follows
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Chapter five germans and greeksChapter five germans and greeks
Edda for the theme of his Ring Cycle and Nietzsche's invocation of the Persian Zarathustra for his culminating philosophical work
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The Life Changer Chapter OneThe Life Changer Chapter One
The laughter was cheerful. It was also infectious. It began as a silent chuckle, then slowly it turned into a
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