2015 cairns & region community events and professional development diary every effort is made to supply accurate information, but no responsibility is accepted by the compiler for errors2015 cairns & region community events and professional development diary every effort is made to supply accurate information, but no responsibility is accepted by the compiler for errors
Every effort is made to supply accurate information, but no responsibility is accepted by the compiler for errors
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Positive for Youth Discussion Paper June 2011 Capital infrastructure to support services for young peoplePositive for Youth Discussion Paper June 2011 Capital infrastructure to support services for young people
A positive for Youth Summit took place on 9 March 2011 bringing together ministers and officials from seven Government departments with experts
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Moffat dark skies projectMoffat dark skies project
Background – general information to set the scene, for example, about the programme and choice of location. What was the existing lighting technology and what led technology replaced it?
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The economic impact of casino gamblingThe economic impact of casino gambling
LO1: Describe the potential economic impact of casino gambling in the context of the local substitution problem
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The academies programmeThe academies programme
Under the Academies Act 2010, all schools are able to become academies. Schools that are ‘performing well’ are able to apply to convert to academy status on their own whilst other schools can apply in partnership with a school that is performing well or under
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From the 19th to the 21st September the Brothers Provincial of Arco Norte met at San Salvador to plan the calendar of inter-Provincial activities for the coming three yearsFrom the 19th to the 21st September the Brothers Provincial of Arco Norte met at San Salvador to plan the calendar of inter-Provincial activities for the coming three years
Provincial of Arco Norte met at San Salvador to plan the calendar of inter-Provincial activities for the coming three years. The Provincials from the Provinces of Norandina, América Central, México Occidental
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Example of a Letter of Application for Candidacy for Business and Separate Accounting* Program AccreditationExample of a Letter of Application for Candidacy for Business and Separate Accounting* Program Accreditation
Please submit an additional Candidacy Application for Separate Accounting Program accreditation
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Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India)Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India)
Based on area appraisal, expressed need of the local community and identification of livelihood generation and women empowerment issues in rural Bihar, akrsp(I)
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Major funding support was provided by the Bertelsmann Foundation (Germany) and the Myer Foundation (Australia). Local funding was offered by Airtime Management and Programming (Astro Radio), Alam Flora and an anonymous benefactor
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Aea-09-004 Renewable Energy Grant Application Second Round, November 10, 2008 Resource Monitoring, Final Design, Permitting, and Construction projectAea-09-004 Renewable Energy Grant Application Second Round, November 10, 2008 Resource Monitoring, Final Design, Permitting, and Construction project
Owner: Village Wind Power llc, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Alaska Wind Power llc, a company owned by Alaska Power & Telephone Company and lapp resources, Inc
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I am pleased to provide the attached submission on behalf of lda design in response to the National Needs Assessment Call for EvidenceI am pleased to provide the attached submission on behalf of lda design in response to the National Needs Assessment Call for Evidence
It has been prepared with the support of Helen Pearce, our Director of Sustainability and Climate Change, and input from other Directors of lda design
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Trip informationTrip information
Explore Latin America’s largest Jewish community and understand how the community is rebuilding life over a decade after the economic crisis
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Community of loveCommunity of love
Jn 7: 38-39. The Spirit, in fact, is that interior power which harmonizes their hearts with Christ's heart and moves them to love their brethren as Christ loved them, when he bent down to wash the feet of the disciples
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Local Exchange and Trading Schemes: a useful Strand of Community Economic Development Policy? R. K. O\Local Exchange and Trading Schemes: a useful Strand of Community Economic Development Policy? R. K. O'Doherty, D. A. Purdue, J. Dürrschmidt and P. Jowers
Local Exchange and Trading Schemes: a useful Strand of Community Economic Development Policy?
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An opportunity to make new artwork for the Isle of LewisAn opportunity to make new artwork for the Isle of Lewis
An Lanntair and The Glasgow School of Art are putting out a call for an artist to make a new public artwork / creative intervention on the route between Stornoway and Uig on the Isle of Lewis
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