Protecting the rights of the child in the context of migrationProtecting the rights of the child in the context of migration
One day open-ended consultation on “protecting the rights of the child in the context of migration”
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Submission for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (ohchr) report to the General Assembly on the protection of migrants (res 68/179) June 2014Submission for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (ohchr) report to the General Assembly on the protection of migrants (res 68/179) June 2014
Submission for the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
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Original: EnglishOriginal: English
Report by the Special Rapporteur on the human rights of migrants, François Crépeau
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Slavery and Abolition: the Plymouth Connection IntroductionSlavery and Abolition: the Plymouth Connection Introduction
The enactment of the Abolition of Slavery Act brought to an end 245 years involvement by Englishmen and Britons in the transportation of enslaved Africans across the Atlantic to labour on colonial Caribbean and American plantations
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General assemblyGeneral assembly
Oea/Ser. P/Xxviii-o. 2 Proceedings volume I ag/dec. 23 – 24
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Thirty-sixth regular session oea/Ser. P june 4 6, 2006 ag/doc. 4634/06 reThirty-sixth regular session oea/Ser. P june 4 6, 2006 ag/doc. 4634/06 re
Strengthening of the activities of the inter-american telecommunication commission to promote
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The environment in the news tuesday 31 July, 2007 unep and the Executive Director in the NewsThe environment in the news tuesday 31 July, 2007 unep and the Executive Director in the News
Plastics Ban the Road to a Clean, Safe Environment
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In This March 2009 Issue • aba makes Calls for its Judicial Mentor Program • Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin AppointsIn This March 2009 Issue • aba makes Calls for its Judicial Mentor Program • Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin Appoints
New York Gov. Mark Patterson Appoints Judge L. Priscilla Hall to the Appellate Division
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Executive summaryExecutive summary
Trafficking Victims Protection Act at the federal level only provides protection for victims that are brought into the United States from other countries
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About 3cr : Station History 3cr melbourne\About 3cr : Station History 3cr melbourne's voice of dissent since 1976!
CR's growth since 1976 as a dynamic and progressive radio station. Read about the ongoing struggle for 3cr 's licence application, accusations of the station as a front for "terrorist radio", internal divisions
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The tibetans october 7, 1950The tibetans october 7, 1950
Tibet. The Dalai Lama takes over the running of the government. The Tibetan government appeals to the United Nations for help. But the Indian and British delegations persuade the General Assembly not to discuss the matter
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Instructions for teachers 2 Learning outcome 2Instructions for teachers 2 Learning outcome 2
These instructions cover the student activity section which can be found on page 18. This Topic Exploration Pack supports ocr gcse (9‒1) Citizenship Studies
Instructions 127.63 Kb. 2
2012 inter-american human rights moot court competition american University Washington College of Law2012 inter-american human rights moot court competition american University Washington College of Law
B. The Chupanky Women Cannot Invoke This Court’s Jurisdiction Pertaining To Their Issues Because Neither Atlantis Nor The Commission Brought This Issue Before This Court 8
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\'No kind of demonstration or political, religious or racial propaganda is permitted in the Olympic areas'
So states the Olympic Charter. This is an interesting statement, and it locates the Olympic Movement as possibly the only sports mega-event that seeks to formally excuse itself from the realm of politics
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Letter of Allegation to Special Rapporteur on the Situation on Human Rights DefendersLetter of Allegation to Special Rapporteur on the Situation on Human Rights Defenders
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