Nations sc unepNations sc unep
Report of the Persistent Organic Pollutants Review Committee on the work of its second meeting
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Eco Business: Lighting the Dark Continent, by Achim Steiner, Adnan Amin, and Kandeh K. YumkellaEco Business: Lighting the Dark Continent, by Achim Steiner, Adnan Amin, and Kandeh K. Yumkella
Washington Post (US): U. S. will lead new effort to cut global warming from methane, soot
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Msc international events management assessment case study module: making the case for eventsMsc international events management assessment case study module: making the case for events
Evaluating and Monitoring the Impact upon Hosts – Liverpool as European Capital of Culture 08
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Civil society, cooperation and peace mobilization in colombiaCivil society, cooperation and peace mobilization in colombia
These mechanisms continued to be tied to clientalism and corruption, but were now accompanied by a great fragmentation of political groupings and an overwhelming influence of drug traffickers at election time
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Space Industry Study Industrial College of the Armed Forces National Defense UniversitySpace Industry Study Industrial College of the Armed Forces National Defense University
The events of the past year—the attack on America and the war that has followed—have reinforced that trend, both by calling more attention to military space requirements, and by further chilling the commercial space sector
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The Time to Accelerate Reconstruction in AfghanistanThe Time to Accelerate Reconstruction in Afghanistan
Mazar, Kabul fell, then Kandahar fell, and then the remnants of the Taliban fled to the mountains. By the end of November, the international community was meeting in Washington to discuss our plans for economic reconstruction
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Convention on biological diversityConvention on biological diversity
European Community and its member States, Honduras, Mexico, Myanmar, Switzerland, as well as Greenpeace International and rspb
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British Identity in Crisis Richard Fries, London 1 Introduction May I start with a quotationBritish Identity in Crisis Richard Fries, London 1 Introduction May I start with a quotation
We have the character of an island nation – independent, forthright, passionate in defence of our sovereignty. We can no more change this British sensibility than we can drain the English Channel.’
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Request for ProposalRequest for Proposal
Request 121.6 Kb. 2
Certifying Uncertainty: Assessing the Proposed Directive on the Patentability of Computer Implemented InventionsCertifying Uncertainty: Assessing the Proposed Directive on the Patentability of Computer Implemented Inventions
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Five Challenges for Regulating the Global Information SocietyFive Challenges for Regulating the Global Information Society
Internet? Can existing law be adapted to regulate these activities? Are existing laws outmoded or inadequate? Are completely new laws needed to deal with Internet and other information technology developments?
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World intellectual property organizationWorld intellectual property organization
List of states and organizations to be invited to the diplomatic conference and the texts of the draft letters of invitation
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With Friends Like TheseWith Friends Like These
West with respect to Ukraine—“credibility of great-power security guarantees versus chain-ganging”—have, over the past twenty years
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Cl 115/PV/6 25 November 1998 first draft-premier projet-primer borrador council Conseil Consejo Hundred and Fifteenth Session Cent quinzième session 115º período de sesiones Rome, 23 – 28 November 1998 Rome, 23 – 28 novembre 1998 RomaCl 115/PV/6 25 November 1998 first draft-premier projet-primer borrador council Conseil Consejo Hundred and Fifteenth Session Cent quinzième session 115º período de sesiones Rome, 23 – 28 November 1998 Rome, 23 – 28 novembre 1998 Roma
Please submit all corrections to Room a-138. Pour toutes corrections s’adresser au Bureau a-138. Para todas las correcciones dirigirse a la Oficina a-138
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A european Foreign Policy: Ambition and RealityA european Foreign Policy: Ambition and Reality
When it comes to trade policy or agriculture, we know where we stand. The Commission acts, more or less, according to Jean Monnet’s brilliant vision. But what exactly is the Common Foreign and Security Policy?
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