M. Sc. (Automated control systems), Kazakhstan Technical University, June 1978, Alma-Ata, ussrM. Sc. (Automated control systems), Kazakhstan Technical University, June 1978, Alma-Ata, ussr
Doctor competition of a scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences on a
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Met Office College – Course NotesMet Office College – Course Notes
The destructive potential is vast but, fortunately, they are well documented and ships heeding the frequent warnings issued by appropriate centres should rarely be troubled
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Case 4 Nora-Sakari: a proposed joint venture (JV) in MalaysiaCase 4 Nora-Sakari: a proposed joint venture (JV) in Malaysia
Malaysia while Sakari, a Finnish conglomerate, was a leader in the manufacture of cellular phone sets and switching systems. The seven-member team from Sakari was in kl to negotiate with Nora the formation of a joint venture (JV)
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Anticipating Student Questions (answers to questions students might ask in class) 32
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Enhancing access to justice through public interest litigationEnhancing access to justice through public interest litigation
Thirmulpad V. Union of India, Lalita Kumari V. Govt of Up etc. Going by such significant leaps, access to justice appears to have become easier and within reach
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A prologue and introduction by peter bebergalA prologue and introduction by peter bebergal
This is the only choice that matters. The devil’s fall came only after his great rebellion, a single and simple act of looking into the face of authority and saying, “I am glorious.” This was Satan’s ecstasy, but
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Introduction to Programming with raptorIntroduction to Programming with raptor
A flowchart is a collection of connected graphic symbols, where each symbol represents a specific type of instruction to be executed. The connections between symbols determine the order in which instructions are executed
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Practical Adiabatic Quantum Computing: a new Capability for the Test and Evaluation CommunityPractical Adiabatic Quantum Computing: a new Capability for the Test and Evaluation Community
Quantum Computing. Real data will be adduced to support their conclusions and to substantiate their predictions and timelines
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Multi-Core Software Development with Examples in C++Multi-Core Software Development with Examples in C++
I will show examples of how to do this in C++ as well as examples of programs that assist us with multi-core development
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AP® Computer Science ab syllabusAP® Computer Science ab syllabus
Students who enter these courses may or may not have any prior programming experience. Both courses are taught using Java as the programming language. All students have their own copy of each textbook and resource book listed below
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Ap computer Science ab syllabusAp computer Science ab syllabus
Ap java subset delineated in Appendices a and c of the ap computer Science Course Description. The Java language is exclusively used; however
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Academic Year 2012-2013 Module CodeAcademic Year 2012-2013 Module Code
The module also introduces students to concepts that are fundamental to the study of Computer Science, including binary number systems and the representation of basic information such as integers, floating-point vaues and text
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State University of New York University at AlbanyState University of New York University at Albany
Comparison can be done by looking at time series data, seeing if conditions correspond to qualitative descriptions, testing sensitivity of assumptions in a model
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Active voice and the passive voice. The Active voiceActive voice and the passive voice. The Active voice
The action of a verb and the person(s) or thing(s) responsible for it, can be conveyed in two ways: the active voice and the passive voice
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Evolution and Philosophy Spring 2015Evolution and Philosophy Spring 2015
This course will focus on Darwin's theory of evolution. After getting straight on the basics of the science, we will take a critical look at a whole range of fascinating philosophical and scientific issues and their bearing on each other
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