Bat survey at hamilton marsh, blackrock

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Bat Conservation Ireland, Deerpark House,

Maio, Kells, Co. Meath.
046 9242882 Charity No. 13016


June 2010

The seriousness of the decline of bat population across Europe has led to the establishment of conservation programmes and appropriate legislation to stablise population numbers. E.U. Member States must achieve a favourable conservation status for bat species. This involves measures that will stabilize the population dynamics of the species, so that it maintains itself on a long-term basis as a viable component of the natural habitat. Therefore, each Member State must prevent the natural range of the species from reducing and thus takes measures to ensure suitable habitat remain in the long-term. There are total of ten species of bat known to roost in the Republic of Ireland: soprano pipistrelle, common pipistrelle, Nathusius’ pipistrelle, Natterer’s bat, Daubenton’s bat, whiskered bat, Brandt’s bat, lesser horseshoe bat, Leisler’s bat and brown long-eared bat. Each bat species have particular ecological requirements in relation to roosting, commuting and foraging habitats.

Blackrock Tidy Towns understands the need to include the conservation of bats within their town environs. Consequently, BCIreland was invited to provide training for members of the general public in June 2010. BCIreland provide an evening seminar on the Irish Bats Species and All Ireland Daubenton’s Bat Waterway Survey followed by a practical session using bat detectors at Hamilton Marsh in Blackrock, County Louth. Two bat species were recorded on that evening, commuting and foraging in the vicinity of this wetland: common pipistrelle Pipistrellus pipistrellus and Leisler’s bat Nyctalus leisleri.
BCIreland looks forward to continuing to work with Blackrock Tidy Towns on future projects.

Leisler’s bat (Photo: Austin Hopkirk)

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