Archive: a galileo user (24 Nov 08): As a huge fan of the Digital Library and amateur genealogical researcher, I was ecstatic to see the

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Voices of the customers indicate the value of the digitized Macon Telegraph Archive:

  • A GALILEO user (24 Nov 08): “As a huge fan of the Digital Library and amateur genealogical researcher, I was ECSTATIC to see the Macon Telegraph Archive come online.” Later (6 Dec 08) the same user said “I am in the database and happy as a clam.”

  • Another GALILEO user, a PhD student (20 Nov 08): “I was hoping to find digital archives of the Macon Telegraph … have only been able to locate them on microfilm … Is there anywhere in Georgia or online where I could find these? It forms a vital part of my thesis.” (GALILEO support services provided him the hyperlink to the Telegraph project website.)

  • Another GALILEO user (8 Apr 09): “First, thank you for making this database available. As a resident of northern Virginia it is difficult to conduct research on my ancestors from Georgia. However, systems such as this make genealogy research much easier.”

  • Georgia genealogist/historian Ken Thomas featured the digitized Macon Telegraph project in his 17 May 09 column in the Atlanta Journal Constitution, commenting “This is a great new addition to the historical records of Georgia now available free for research via the Digital Library of Georgia and its various co-sponsors.”

  • The Coordinator of Media Services for Bibb County Schools reports (20 May 09) that she is making sure that media specialists in the Macon-area schools are aware of the Macon Telegraph Archives.

  • The Genealogy Librarian and Archivist at the Middle Georgia Archives (MGA) indicates (29 May 09) that the Macon Telegraph Archive is being used for PhD-level research by a Mercer University professor, and by a British researcher who is studying the Georgia State Fair (especially its relationship to the African American community).

  • The MGA Genealogy Librarian and Archivist also reports (17 Jun 09) other benefits of the Macon Telegraph Archive: with staff cuts anticipated, the full-text search capability of this time-saving research tool will be increasingly critical to providing research assistance to patrons; moreover, since the Telegraph covered nearby counties that did not historically have their own newspapers, the digitized Telegraph helps MGA better fulfill its regional goal of serving counties in the area surrounding Macon.

In addition, we have the following assessment from the Georgia Public Library Service, whose financial assistance through federal IMLS/LSTA funding of HomePLACE helped make the collaborative newspaper digitization effort with DLG into a reality:

"The Digital Library of Georgia’s historical newspaper digitization initiative provides access to materials that have been hard to find and even harder to get to. This project in conjunction with the Georgia Home Place project empowers current students and life long learners to track attitudes, trends, and news from Georgia’s history. This is an invaluable project that will continue to grow and provide access to a wealth of research materials.

Tim Daniels
Assistant State Librarian for Technology and Infrastructure

Georgia Public Library Service"

“This is great!” in response to announcement of availability of Columbus papers.

--Callie McGinnis, Director, Library, Columbus State University

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