Ap united states history mr. Storrs – Room 306 2009-2010 text

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Mr. Storrs – Room 306

TEXT: Kennedy, Cohen, and Bailey The American Pageant (12th Ed.)
This course encompasses a chronological survey of the history of the United States from the Colonial Era to the present and delves into the political, economic, social, and cultural developments of the United States. This course is sponsored with the cooperation of the College Board – a nonprofit organization of more than 2500 colleges, universities, and school systems. Students are required to pay a testing fee and sit for the Educational Testing Services examination in May. The exact number of college credits obtained depends on the student’s test grade and college of choice. Up to six college credits may be granted. Students will use a combination of materials in the development of important understandings and generalizations with regards to the topic. Textbook, primary sources, the Internet, document-based questions, debate, and research assignments will be used. In addition to the May AP examination, students are required to take the NYS Regents Exam in U.S. History and Government in June. Passing this exam is required of all students.

  • Master a broad body of historical knowledge through reading, cooperative learning, direct instruction, projects and the use of computer technology.

  • Demonstrate an understanding of historical chronology.

  • Use historical data to support an argument or position.

  • Interpret and apply data from original documents, including cartoons, graphs, letters etc.

  • Effectively use analytical skills of evaluation, cause and effect, compare and contrast.

  • Work effectively with others to produce products and solve problems.

  • Take the AP Exam in US History in May and achieve a score of 3 or higher.

  • Pass the New York State Regents with an 85% (mastery level) or higher in June.

Simply put, to succeed, you must keep up. The reading and writing assignments are too long and / or complex to be left for the night before. “I’ll do it in study hall!” won’t work well in this course. Time management, consistent effort and gradual improvement – these are the keys to a successful experience in AP US History.

  • Respect al members of the class at all times.

  • Be on time. When the bell rings, class will start. If you are late, have a pass. If you do not have a pass, evil things may befall you!

  • Bring your notebook and pen daily. Textbooks will be needed frequently. You will be forewarned.

  • Work is due when it is due. Period.

  • Should you become ill, work must be made up ASAP – one week is about enough time.

  • Rotations should be planned in advance, let me know before you go. Work is due on the day it is due even if you are at a rotation.

  • The same rule applies to classes missed because of assemblies, field trips, etc., etc.

  • Remember: No hats, cell phones, backpacks…


The book is your problem / challenge! Much of what the reading is on will be discussed in class: much of it won’t. You are responsible for the readings. Anything in the book is fair game for quizzes and tests and discussion. Reading questions will be handed out as part of the unit assignment sheet. If there is evidence that reading is not being done, students will be required to provide reading notes for ALL reading assignments.

AP US History overview continued –
Approximately 3 or 4 essays will be assigned a quarter. They will be graded on a 9-point scale (same as that followed by the AP exam). Free response questions (AP for “regular” essays) will alternate with document based essays (DBQ’s). Using multiple sources for writing the essays is good practice – historians don’t always agree and divergent points of view make the course more interesting. Quizzes and exams will generally be multiple choice in nature. Whenever possible, questions will be taken from past AP Exams, a format which uses five possible answers.

Extra help is available by appointment after school. I generally will be available 1-2 days a week throughout the school year. Please let me know in advance when you would like to meet. I will have sign-up sheets in class for after school help.


The following is a course outline for APUS by topics / eras. Topics are accompanied by an approximation of the time that will be needed to complete the unit. As you can see, there is a lot for us to cover before the AP exam.

First Quarter: Topics / Time

1. Discovery and Settlement of the New World, 1492-1650 1,2,3 – 2 weeks

2. America and the British Empire, 1650-1754

3. Colonial Society in the Mid-Eighteenth Century

4. Road to Revolution, 1754-1775 4,5 – 2 weeks

5. The American Revolution, 1775-1800

6. Constitution and New Republic, 1776-1800 6 – 2 weeks

7. The Age of Jefferson, 1800-1816 7,8,9 – 2 weeks

Second Quarter

  1. Sectionalism

  2. Age of Jackson, 1828-1848 10,11,12 – 3 weeks

  3. Territorial Expansion and Sectional Crisis

  4. Creating an American Culture

  5. The 1850s: Decade of Crisis 13,14,15 – 3 weeks

  6. Civil War

  7. Reconstruction

  8. New South and the Last West 15,17,18 – 2 weeks

  9. Industrialization and Corporate Consolidation

  10. Urban Society

  11. Intellectual and Cultural Movements 19,20 – 2 weeks

  12. National Politics, 1877-1896: The Gilded Age

Third Quarter

21. Foreign Policy, 1865-1914 21,22,23 – 3 weeks

22. Progressive Era

23. The First World War

24. New Era: The 1920s 24 – 1 week

25. Depression 25 – 1.5 weeks

26. New Deal 26 – 1.5 weeks

27. Diplomacy in the 1930s 27,28 – 2 weeks

28. The Second World War

Fourth Quarter

29. Truman and the Cold War 29,30 – 1.5 weeks

30. Eisenhower and Modern Republicanism

31. Kennedy’s New Frontier; Johnson’s Great Society 31 – 1.5 weeks

32. Nixon 32 – 1 week

33. The United States since 1974 33 – 2 weeks

34. Review 34 – 2 weeks
Please understand that this outline constitutes an estimate of time to be spent. Invariably, we run short on time. If this happens, the last few units will be shortened.



    1. Rationale for this course

    2. Pre-Columbian Western Hemisphere

    3. * European “discovery” and colonization of the Americas

    4. * English colonization

    5. * Colonial life and times


A. Kennedy, Chapter 1, pages 5-7, 13-17 Due: _______

Chapters 2 and 3; pgs. 48,49 Due: _______

Chapters 4 and 5; pgs. 70,71 Due: _______

  1. Documents A2, 3,7

Note: From here in “Documents” refers to readings contained in Encyclopedia Britannica’s

Selected Readings on Great Issues in American History, 1620-1968 (1969)


A. Summer reading assignment Due: _______

B. Columbus as a historical problem Due: _______

C. Colonial Ad Campaign (the selling of your colony) Due: _______

D. Chart on New England, Middle, Southern Colonies Due: _______

E. Quiz Chapters 2, 3 On: _______

Chapters 4,5 On: _______

  1. The first DBQ of the year – YEAH!!

Topic: Economic, Political, Social comparison of

Southern, Middle, New England Colonies Due: _______

G. Reading Questions Due: _______


  1. Why did discovery occur when it occurred – not before or after?

  2. Why were the American continents regarded as obstacles by early explorers?

  3. Why did the southern plantation style develop?

  4. How / why was N. Carolina different from the other plantation colonies? Why is this important?

  5. Comment on the statement that the US is a child of Europe, not just of England.

  6. Did racial prejudice toward Africans precede or develop out of slavery?

  7. Explain the impact of the so-called Columbian exchange on both Europe and the Americas for good and bad.

  8. Arrange in descending order of importance the motives that prompted the English to colonize America. Be ready to defend your list.

  9. Why might it be said that Rhode Island stood out like a beacon light among the other colonies?

  10. It was once suggested that cod was as important as God in the development of Massachusetts Bay. Comment.

  11. Explain how geography and climate helped to shape the English Colonies in America.

  12. Explain the meaning of the statement that present day Americans would find themselves more at home in Pennsylvania than in any other of the 13 Colonies.

  13. Comment on the statement made in 1848: “The Puritan hated bear-baiting, not because it gave pain to the bear, but because it gave pleasure to the spectator.”

* Indicates that there is an assignment that directly relates to this topic.



    1. Historiography of the American Revolution

    2. The Great War for Empire

    3. Britain’s determination to control British North America

    4. British action and Colonial reaction

    5. April 19, 1775 and its aftermath

    6. The War and the Treaty of Paris 1783

    7. The Articles of Confederation

    8. Was the Constitutional Convention really a coup d’etat?


A. Kennedy, Chapter 6.5 – starting with “Clash of Empires” Due: _______

Chapters 7, 8 – all of them! Due: _______

  1. Documents: Declaration of Independence;

Yates and Lansing, Massachusetts letter, Jay argument –

Pgs. B-19 to B-22 Due: _______


A. DBQ of Revolutionary period Due: _______

B. Kennedy reading quiz On: _______

C. Beard thesis reading (handout) Due: _______

D. Movie: The Patriot Written analysis / review of the movie

based on historical reference. Due: _______

E. Reading Questions Due: _______

  1. QUESTIONS TO PONDER (Reading Questions)

  1. Why did the Colonists wait for more than a year after Lexington and Concord to declare their independence and why did they declare it when they did?

  2. Comment critically on the statement that America won her independence because the shot fired at Lexington widened into a world war that became too large for England to handle.

  3. Why must Trenton, Saratoga and Yorktown be ranked among the most important battles in modern history?

  4. Account for the British failure to crush American armies and win the War for Independence.

  5. Comment critically on the statement that the two great propaganda documents of the Revolutionary Era were Thomas Paine’s common Sense and Thomas Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence.

  6. Was the Critical Period really critical?

  7. What were the strengths and weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation?

  8. What were the Confederation government’s greatest accomplishments? Failures?

  9. What truth is there in the statement that the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 saved us from another American Revolution?

  10. Why did Shays’ Rebellion strike fear in the hearts of so many? Was this rebellion justified? Explain.

  11. To what extent was the drafting and ratification of the Constitution a coup d’etat?


A. Convention and Ratification

B. Basic principles of the Constitution

C. Washington’s Administration

1. Domestic Policy

2. Foreign Policy

D. J. Adams’ Administration

1. Domestic Policy

2. Foreign Policy

E. Election of 1800 – a “revolution”?

F. The Marshall Court
A. Kennedy:

1. Chapter 9 Due: _______

2. Chapter 10 Due: _______

3. Chapter 11 Due: _______

B. Documents:

1. B-24 Due: _______

2. B-26 Due: _______

3. B-30 *** Due: _______

C. Re-read Beard thesis
A. Role Play / Debate – Hamiltonians v. Jeffersonians Research Due: _______

(Aka Federalists v. Anti-Federalists) Debate Start: _______

Details of assignment to follow.

B. Essay on the Bill of Rights Due: _______

C. Essay on Foreign Policy Due: _______

D. DBQ on Hamiltonians and Jeffersonians Due: _______

Note: one of these three essays may be omitted or changed.

E. Kennedy reading Quiz On: _______

1. Explain carefully the meaning and validity of loose and strict construction of the Constitution.

2. From Hamilton’s point of view, was the debt – national and state – a blessing or a curse for the young USA?

3. Why were customs duties so important to determining Hamilton’s take on foreign on foreign policy?

4. Why was the excise tax on whiskey so disagreeable to the “Whiskey Boys” yet so appealing to Hamilton?

5. Was Washington’s show of force necessary or should he have acted differently? Explain.

6. How do you account for the geographic distribution of Federalists and Republicans?

7. Since the Cabinet is not mentioned in the Constitution, why did Washington form one? Would it be possible

for a President to forgo appointing one today? Explain.

8. Argue both sides of the issuing of the Proclamation of Neutrality.

9. Comment on the statement that Jay’s treaty was more important for its by-products than its provisions.

10. Why were the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions passed? Should they rank as major documents in US


11. Evaluate both Washington and Adams as President – strengths and weaknesses.

12. Why did the Federalist Party die out? What is their legacy to this nation?

13. Describe the characteristics of Hamiltonian and Jeffersonian philosophy.

14. Did the Federalist Party do more harm than good during its existence? Explain.



A. Jefferson’s administration

1. Domestic policy

2. Foreign policy

B. Madison administration

1. The War of 1812

2. The War Hawks

3. The feeling of nationalism

C. James Monroe and his Doctrine

1. What prompted the Monroe Doctrine?

2. Is the doctrine and isolationist, nationalistic document – or both?

D. J.Q. Adams

1. Nationalism v. sectionalism

2. “A fire bell in the night”
A. Kennedy: Note: Reading notes are required

1. Chapter 11 Due: _______ for this unit!

2. Chapter 12 Due: _______

3. Chapter 13 Due: _______

B. Documents: C-3, C-5 Due: _______
A. Kennedy quiz On: _______

B. Open ended essay on culture in the first half of the 1800’s

(Essay on the bottom of the page) Due: _______

C. Questions to ponder and vocabulary definitions Due: _______

1. Why did Jefferson NOT abandon most of Hamilton’s financial structure?

2. To what degree were the Jeffersonian Republicans successful at limiting judicial authority?

3. Kennedy calls it the “Louisiana Godsend”. Is he justified? Explain.

4. Was the US duped by Napoleon between 1800 and 1812? Explain.

5. Why did the West want the War while New England, despite its maritime interests, opposed to it?

6. Why did the US agree with the terms of the Treaty of Ghent?

7. To what degree was it really the “Second War for American Independence”?

8. What impacts did the War of 1812 have on the US?

9. Was it really an “era of good feeling”? Explain.

10. What sectional issues separated the US during the early 1820’s?

11. Why did Jefferson call the Missouri Compromise a “fire bell in the night”?

12. Was J.Q. Adams a successful President? Explain your position.

In the first half of the Nineteenth Century, the American cultural and intellectual community contributed to the development of a distinctive American national consciousness. Assess the validity of this statement.

VI. PEOPLE AND TERMS TO KNOW – Jefferson to Monroe

War Hawks J. Monroe
W.H. Harrison J. Madison

Treaty of Ghent Industrialization
Toussaint L’Ouverture Impressment
Tippecanoe Implied Powers
The Prophet Hartford Convention
Tecumseh Henry Clay
T. Jefferson Florida Purchase
Strict Interpretation Era of Good Feelings
Speculation Embargo Act
Sectionalism E. Whitney

S. Slater D. Webster
Rush-Bagot Agreement Cumberland Road
Protective Tariff Chesapeake & Leopard
Panic of 1819 Barbary Pirates
Non-Intercourse Act American System
Neutrality Aaron Burr
Nationalism 36 30’ N
Monroe Doctrine “Old Ironsides”
Missouri Compromise Louisiana Purchase
Macon’s Bill #2 J.C. Calhoun
Lowell Waltham System A. Jackson
Lewis and Clark “Fire bell in the night”




A. Jackson the man as a reflection of his times

B. Election of 1836: Van Buren – short but not so sweet

C. Texas: the making of a legend…

D. The Second Great Awakening

E. Reform Movements: Making the promises of the Declaration real

F. The fine arts become more “American”

G. Immigration / Anti-foreignism

H. Rise of American Manufacturing / Workers / Transportation Revolution

I. Manifest Destiny

A. Handouts on women’s suffrage movement Due: _______

B. Excerpts from Alex de Tocqueville Due: _______

C. Documents: D-21 through D-23; and the “O’Sullivan” reading

(to be handed out) Due: _______

D. Kennedy (of course!) with reading notes!

1. Chapter 13

a. pp. 256-275; Jackson Due: _______

b. pp. 275-280; Texas Due: _______

c. pp. 280-285; 1840 to 1848… Rise of Political Parties… Due: _______

2. Chapter 15

a. pp. 320-324; 2nd Great Awakening Due: _______

b. pp. 324-328; Rise of Education Due: _______

c. pp. 328-335; Reform Movements / Am. Awareness… Due: _______

d. pp. 335-347; American Art / Transcendentalism Due: _______

3. Chapter 14

a. pp. 287-297; Immigration / Anti-foreignism Due: _______

b. pp. 297-319; Rise in Manufacturing / Workers /

Transportation Revolution Due: _______

4. Chapter 17 – pp. 370-389; Manifest Destiny Due: _______
A. Map of US territorial expansion Due: _______

B. Matching Quiz on Reform Movements On: _______

C. Kennedy Quiz (focus on Jackson Era and Manifest Destiny) On: _______

D. “Regular” essay on 1820s-1840s Due: _______

E. Extended outlines of Jacksonian Era DBQs Due: _______

F. Mexican War Simulation – handouts to follow On: _______

Note: this will be dropped if we are out of time
IV. REVIEW TERMS – While knowledge of these will not guarantee success, they won’t hurt either!
“pet banks” Species Circular Maysville Road Veto

“Tariff of Abominations” A. Jackson Indian Removal Act

Anti-Mason Party spoils system Texas

Force Act Compromise Tariff Z. Taylor

J. Marshall R.B. Taney R. Hayne

J.K. Polk Peggy Eaton Affair Alamo

Manifest Destiny “54 40 or fight” Democrats

Nueces River Rio Grande Mexican Cession

Vocabulary continued
Nullification Crisis D. Webster “Reoccupation of Oregon and

Reannexation of Texas”

Ostend Manifesto Webster-Ashburton Treaty Bear Flag Republic

Santa Anna S. Houston S. Austin

Second BUS N. Biddle W.H. Harrison

Treaty of Guadeloupe-Hildago J.C. Freemont J. Tyler

Panic of 1837 Henry Clay Two Years Before the Mast

M. Van Buren 5 Civilized Tribes “corrupt bargain”

Worechester v. GA W. Scott “King Andrew I”

Trail of Tears S. Kearney J.C. Calhoun

M.C. Perry Aroostock War Whigs

F. Pierce Gadsen Purchase

V. ESSAY – Choose ONE of these essays to do. Due: _______
A. Although historically represented as distinct parties, the Federalists and the Whigs in fact shared a

common political ideology, represented many of the same interest groups and proposed similar

programs and policies.
Assess the validity of this statement.
B. How did TWO of the following contribute to the reemergence of a two party system in the period

1820 to 1840?

Major political personalities

States’ Rights

Economic Issues
C. “American reform movements between 1820 and 1860 reflected both the optimistic and pessimistic

views of human nature and society.”

Assess the validity of this statement in reference to reform movements in THREE of these areas:


Utopian experiments

Penal institutions



A. Kennedy Chapters: 16 pp. 390-401, due:_______; Chapter 18, due:_______;

Chapter 19, due:______

B. Oral reports (5 minutes max.) on issues of the Antebellum Period (terms on back of

assignment sheet)

C. Take-home essay on Antebellum Period Due: _______
Identify THREE of the following and evaluate the relative importance of each of the THREE

in laying the groundwork for the Civil War.


The Mexican War

The Kansas Nebraska Act

The Dred Scott Decision

D. Quiz Antebellum Period On: _______

E. Reading Notes Due: _______


A. Kennedy Chapters 20 and 21 – skim these; Due: _______

READ pp. 457-464 and pg. 476

B. All appropriate readings on the Civil War era Due: _______

C. Take-home quiz on the Civil War Due: _______

D. Reading Notes Due: _______


A. Kennedy Chapter 22 – skim except READ pp. 483-499 Due: _______

B. Handout packet readings Due: _______

C. DBQ on Reconstruction Due: _______

D. Reading Notes Due: _______
This is a rather ambitious plan; however, we really need to get going. Read. Read. Read. And

yes…please don’t forget your reading notes.

1. Is it correct / incorrect to regard W.L. Garrison as the “voice” of the abolitionist movement? Explain.

2. Was the North hypocritical on the issue of slavery? Explan.

3. Why / how did the Southern argument concerning slavery change between 1770 and 1860?

4. Did the south win or lose by the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law? Explain.

5. Since there was so little in it for the South, why were they willing to accept the Compromise of 1850?

6. Was Senator Douglas a traitor, a blunderer, a statesman or a victim of forces beyond his control?


7. In what sense may it be said that Uncle Tom’s Cabin both started the Civil War and helped to win it

for the North?

8. Was the Civil War inevitable or avoidable? Explain.

9. Why did the South lose? The North win?

10. Why was Antietam such an important turning point in the Civil War?

11. What was the impact of the Emancipation Proclamation in the North, the South and abroad?

12. Why did the Border States stay loyal despite their institution of slavery?

13. How is this “War for Southern Independence” like the American War for Independence?

14. Why did Southerners at first cheer and then mourn the death of Lincoln?



1. Research your topic to answer this question: How did your topic contribute to and/or reflect the

increasing sectionalism and emotionalism of the 1830s to 1860?

2. Prepare a 2-4 minute topic on your topic. Topics will be taken in chronological order.

3. Yes, they count. Yes, you will need to take notes on other people’s topic. If you miss class,

you’ll need to get the notes from someone else. No, you do not have to stand in front of class to

do this. Yes, this is LOTS of fun!

Topics by the number:
1. William Lloyd Garrison
2. 1836 Gag Rule
3. J.C. Calhoun as the South’s advocate in the Senate
4. Wilmont Proviso (1846)
5. Mexican War (1846-48)
6. Election of 1848 – what was happening to the American Political parties?
7. “Fire-eaters”
8. Conscience Whigs
9. Nashville Convention
10. Compromise of 1850 / M. Fillmore
11. Fugitive Slave Law
12. A. Burns or “down the river”
13. Election of 1852 – see #6
14. Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852)
15. Development of the modern Republican Party (GOP) (1854)
16. Kansas-Nebraska Act (1854)
17. New England Emigrant Society / H.W. Beecher / “Beecher Bibles”
18. “Bleeding Kansas” / Lawrence and Potawattamie
19. “Bully” Brooks et.al. in Congress
20. Election of 1856 – see #6
21. Dred Scott Case (1857)
22. Lincoln-Douglas Debates / Freeport Doctrine
23. John Brown’s raid at Harper’s Ferry
24. Election of 1860 – see #6


A. *Presidential politics of the Gilded Age

B. How the West was won (or was it lost?)

C. Robber Barons or Captains of industry?

D. *The new immigrants

E. *Organized labor

F. The agrarian revolt

G. *Building an American empire


A. Kennedy

1. Chapter 23 – read and outline (groups / class); pay particular attention to various Presidents’

positions vis a vis the tariff issue Due: _______

2. Chapter 24 – read and outline Due: _______

3. Chapter 25 – skim EXCEPT outline the sections on immigration and black leaders, the “new

woman”, art, etc. Due: _______

4. Chapter 26 – skim EXCEPT outline 610-622 Due: _______

5. Chapters 27,28 – read and outline Due: _______

6. Read carefully the historiography on pp. 527,555, 622, and 662 at the appropriate times.

B. Document Book

1. F-22 – Rockefeller and F-12 – Mcallister (when covering the robber barons)

2. G-17 – (when covering new immigrants)

3. F-17 – Gompers, F-9 – “Eight Hour Day”, and F-28 – Debs (when covering organized labor)

4. G-2 to 8 (when covering the American Empire)


A. TEST on Gilded Age EXCEPT imperialism On: ________

B. DBQ on farmers or black leaders Due; _______

C. Imperialism ESSAY TEST On: ________

D. Position paper or “dinner party” Due: _______

E. Extended outlines for three essays (essay choices on back) Due: _______

F. The possibility of another “thirty questions” remains if there is not evidence of your reading for

content or detail.


1. What problems were created by the industrialization of American society?

2. Why was the government slow to act in cases of depression?

3. When did the Democrats once again become a national political party?

4. To whom did the GOP in the late 1800s appeal?

5. When did the Democrats and the Republicans become distinct from each other?

6. How did the Grangers, Greenback-Labor Party, Populists, democrats and Republicans treat


7. How did the approach taken by B.T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois differ? From an

historical perspective, which leader had a better plan for his people?
* Indicates a handout of some sort on the topic


DIRECTIONS: Do extended outlines for each of THREE essay questions. This extended outline needs to include and opening paragraph with thesis statement; topic sentences for each succeeding paragraph with a listing of supporting factual information; and a conclusion.

1. (1994) Compare and contrast the attitudes of THREE of the following toward the wealth that was

created in the United States during the late nineteenth century.

Andrew Carnegie

Eugene V. Debs

Horatio Alger

Booker T. Washington

Ida Tarbell

2. (1989) Assess the impact of THREE of the following on the status of African Americans from the end

of Reconstruction to 1900.
The Fourteenth Amendment

“Black Codes”

Plessey v. Ferguson (1896)

The Atlanta Compromise

3. (1995) Analyze the reasons for the emergence of the Populist movement in the late nineteenth


4. “Between 1880 and 1915, labor leaders voiced sharp disagreement over the proper goals and

strategies workers should follow to improve their position in American society.”

Assess the validity of this statement by contrasting unions and labor leaders between 1880 and 1915

in terms of their goals, methods and tactics, degree of success and vision of the future American




A. Who and what in the arts

B. * Progressivism and reforms of the era


A. T. Roosevelt (1901-1908; GOP; NY)

1. Personality and background

2. The “Square Deal”

3. “Bad Trusts” busted

4. Conservation

5. The Panama Canal

6. The Big Stick

7. Relations with Japan

B. W.H. Taft (1908-1914; GOP; OH)

1. Personality and background

2. Payne-Aldrich Tariff

3. Real trust-busting

4. Dollar Diplomacy

5. Alienation of the Progressive wing of the GOP; the “Bull Moose” in 1912

C. T.W. Wilson (1912-1920: Dem; NJ)

1. Personality and background

2. The “New Freedom”

3. Progressive legislation

4. “Watchful waiting” with Mexico

5. The War to end All Wars and the “Peace Among Equals”


A. Chapter 29 on Progressivism (pgs. 664-686) Due: _______

B. Chapter 28 on Foreign Policy (review – already read)

C. Chapter 30 on Wilson (pgs. 687-703) Due: _______

D. Chapter 31 on W.W.I (pgs. 705-727) Due: _______


A. Take home test on Progressivism Due: _______

B. Thematic essay outlines – topics and number T.B.A. Due: _______

C. DBQ – topic T.B.A. Due: _______
* indicates a handout on this topic


DIRECTIONS: With your study partner, define / learn the following terms, people and reforms. A “pop” quiz will be given some time following the assigned completion date. Due: _______
Amendment XVI New Immigrants

Amendment XVII New Nationalism

Amendment XVIII Niagara Movement

Amendment XIX Northern Securities

Australian Ballot Old Immigrants

Booker T. Washington Payne-Aldrich Tariff

Bull Moose Party Progressive Movement

Carrie Chapman Catt Pure Food and Drug Act

Clayton Anti-trust Act Referendum

Conservationism Robert LaFolette

Eugene V. Debs Settlement Houses

Federal Reserve Act Social Gospel

Gifford Pinchot Carry Nations

Hepburn Act Square Deal

Ida Tarbell Trust-busting

Jacob Riis W.E.B. DuBois

Joseph Pulitzer William R. Hearst

Lincoln Steffens William H. Taft

Louis Sullivan Winslow Homer

Mark Twain Woodrow Wilson

Mary Baker Eddy


New Freedom





A. Civil Rights Movement

B. Neo-isolationism – and not just in foreign policy

C. Returning to “normalcy” with Harding

D. “Keeping cool” with Coolidge

E. The Crash

F. “Prosperity is just around the corner” with Hoover

G. The New Deal: Success or failure?

H. Storm clouds gather: W.W. II


A. Kennedy

1. Chapter 34 on the Great Depression and the New Deal (pgs. 777-805)

Due: _______

2. Chapter 35 on F.D.R. and the “Shadow of War” Due: _______

3. Chapter 36 on W.W.II Due: _______

B. Great Depression Packet including oral histories, analysis of New Deal programs, legacy opinions

Due: _______


A. Start reading review book – see schedule for ongoing review sessions per topic.

B. Complete one of the “30s” questions on the back of the assignment sheet and outline a second

question. Due: _______

C. Kennedy reading quizzes: Chapter 34 On: ________

Chapters 35,36 On: ________

D. Debate – handout on format to follow. Topics will include – America’s Greatest Generation?; Was

the dropping of the A-bomb necessary, revenge, or….?; The transformation from Isolationism to

Internationalism – what is best for America?; Legacy of the New Deal – The Good, The Bad, and

Otherwise … Due: _______

E. Dance Through the Decades final project introduction and schedule (see the attached handout).

Due: April


1. What social values were reflected by the entertainment and recreation in the 1920s?

2. Was the American tariff policy short sighted and self-defeating from the standpoint of

American business? Explain.

3. Why did the American people elect, in succession, two such political and personal

mediocrities, Harding and Coolidge? How do they rate on the presidential rating scale?

4. Why was Hoover, who had such a stellar pre-presidential career such a failure as President

– or, was he a failure?

5. On the whole, did the New Deal do more harm than good – explain.

6. Was the New Deal revolutionary or evolutionary? Explain.

Congratulations! You and your team of scholars are about to embark upon a quest to learn about (review!) and then teach, the history of one of the United State’s past eight decades. The decades in American history to be explored include the 1920s, 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, and the 1990s. Your research will culminate with a 30-40 minute presentation (per group) to both AP classes, Thursday, April ______ and Friday, April ______ , 2008 in the District Office conference room.
Your research / presentation team will need to present on the following themes related to your decade: Domestic Politics, Foreign Policy, Economics, and Social / Cultural issues.
Presentations should include:

  • Use of a variety of presentation methods / media (posters, power point, music, video

downloads…), whatever you deem appropriate!

  • Handout(s) for the class to follow along with / use for note taking.

  • Variety of presenters / team members speaking.

Things to Remember:

  • You are the experts on your decade; the rest of the class is depending on your information and energy!

  • All team members need to read as much as possible concerning your decade before substantive planning / preparation can be done.

  • Be interested and interesting!


Week 1 ( ): General information gathering and sharing with team.
Week 2 ( ): Break into sub-groups for planning / presentation work.
Week 3 ( ): Start bringing the project together. Note: You will be required to

show Mr. your proposed presentation information and materials at the end of this

Week 4 ( ): Break week – use this to fine tune your presentation materials.
Week 5 ( ):Final days of presentation fine-tuning with the project presentation on

Thursday, and Friday, . Note: a final review of your presentation outline will be

needed by Mr. before the big day!
Good luck! Some classroom time will be allotted for teams to prepare. You will need to do most of your research outside of class. It is advised that you “rehearse” your entire presentation before its official offering to the class.
Your team members are: ____________________________________________________________
Your decade is: __________

(What a great name for a Russian novel!)
Please Note: Unlike previous units, this “monster” unit is framed in an extended outline format. We will as much as possible be covering the post war years in a thematic fashion following a topic from the 1950s up into the present. Numerous supplemental handouts will be used to expand upon what the textbook has to offer. Additionally, during this final “monster” unit, your Dance Through the Decades Review Project will be presented to the class.


A. The Second World War

1. Over there and over here (and over quickly)

2. The plan for peace and the United Nations

B. Origins of the Cold War

1. Treatment of the defeated Axis powers

2. USSR and friends v. USA and friends

3. The Cold War turns hot

a. Germany / Berlin

b. Korea

c. Vietnam

d. Afghanistan

e. other locations…

C. * Presidential foreign policies during the Cold War to the present

1. Truman and the Cold War

a. Truman doctrine e. Revolution in China

b. Marshall Plan f. Limited War: Korea, MacArthur

c. Berlin Crisis g. containment


2. Eisenhower years

a. John Foster Dulles foreign policy

b. crisis in Southeast Asia…Vietnam

c. Massive Retaliation

d. Nationalism in Southeast Asia, Middle East and Latin America

e. Khrushchev and Berlin

f. Military Industrial Complex (MIC)

g. domino theory

3. Kennedy years

a. Bay of Pigs

b. Cuban Missile Crisis / “14 Days”

c. Vietnam escalation

4. Johnson years – Vietnam

5. Nixon years

a. Nixon-Kissinger foreign policy

b. Soviet Union: détente

c. China: restoring relations

d. Vietnam: escalation to pullout

6. Carter

a. Camp David Accords

b. Iranian hostage crisis

7. Reagan

a. Defense build-up / “Star Wars”

b. Nicaragua / Iran-Contra

c. Persian Gulf

d. Disarmament treaties…

8. Bush (senior)

a. Fall of USSR- end of the Cold War

b. first Persian Gulf War

9. Clinton

a. Don’t Ask – Don’t Tell

b. Somalia, Balkans…


10. Bush (junior)

a. 9/11

b. Afghanistan

c. Iraq 2

D. Domestic Policies / Issues Post W.W.II

1. * Civil Rights Movement

a. “To Secure These Rights”

b. Integration of the armed forces

c. 1954 Brown case

d. 1957 Little Rock Arkansas

e. McCarran-Walter (Immigration and Nationality) Act 1952

2. New public policies

a. 1946 Employment Act and Council of Economic Advisors

b. GI Bill (Servicemen’s readjustment Act of 1944)

c. Eisenhower Interstate Highway system

        • “The Burbs” – Levittown

        • Baby Boomers / Dr. Spock

3. Internal Security Concerns

a. 1940 Smith Act; Dennis v. US (1951)

b. 1950 McCarran Act (Internal Security Act)


d. Senator Joseph McCarthy 1950 –

4. Labor

a. Taft-Hartley Act 1947

b. Landrum-Griffin Act 1958

5. Education

a. Space race – 1957 Sputnik

b. 1958 NDEA

c. Johnson initiatives

d. Americans with Disabilities Ace (ADA) 1991

e. “No Child Left Behind”…

6. Women

a. “Pink Collar” ghetto

b. “Cult of Domesticity”

c. The sexual revolution; The Pill; Roe v. Wade (1973)

d. 1963 The Feminine Mystique by Betty Freidan

e. 1964 Civil Rights Act

f. 1972 Higher Education Act

g. ERA – 35/38 states ratified

h. Glass ceiling

i. 1993 Family leave Act

7. Homogenization of American Culture

a. regional characteristics gave way to national chains

b. TV 1947 – 6 stations; 1956 – 442 stations and now…

1) Presidential elections since Ike

2) Impact of 1960 election

c. Strip malls and mega chains…

E. Presidential Domestic Initiatives / programs / points of emphasis

1. Truman – Fair Deal…

2. Eisenhower and Modern Republicanism

3. Kennedy – New Frontier

4. Johnson – Great Society

5. Nixon- Clean Air and Water / Watergate…

6. Carter, Ford – recession, inflation, Oil Crisis, deregulation

7. Reagan- New Federalism / Supply side economics / tax cuts…deficits

F. Other Issues / Misc.

1. Old and new urban problems

2. “New” Immigration

3. War on Terrorism

4. Rise of fundamentalism

5. Problems of an Aging Population

6. Economic readjustments in the modern global economy…

7. Health Care

8. 2000 Election


A. Kennedy

1. Chapter 37 – The Cold War Begins (pgs. 858-886) Due: _______

2. Chapter 38 – The Eisenhower Era (pgs. 887-892) Due: _______

Note: focus on civil rights section

3. Chapter 39 – The Stormy Sixties (pgs. 916-944) Due: _______

Note: entire chapter important!! See additional handouts on the period contained in

your packets.

4. Chapter 40 – The Stalemated Seventies (pgs. 946-968) Due: _______

Note: focus on “Vietnamization”, Watergate, energy crisis and inflation

5. Chapter 41 – The Resurgence of Conservatism (pgs. 976-1013)

Note: focus on “Reaganomics”, Iran-Contra, Persian Gulf War 1991, Clinton foreign

policy and the 2000 election Due: _______

6. The American People Face a New Century Due: _______

Note: skim this chapter with an eye towards relevant

Issues in the news today.

B. Civil Rights Outline / handouts Due: _______

C. Cold War Timeline Due: _______

D. Vietnam War Timeline Due: _______


A. After school review sessions – see schedule posted on the board!

Prepare for success!

B. Extended outlines of 10 selected thematic essays from past 10 years of AP exams.

Due: _______

C. DBQ – Cold War (extended outline or write) Due: _______

D. DBQ – Civil Rights Movement (opposite of “C” – outline or write!) Due: _______

E. Check-up quizzes on Presidents and politics of the Postwar years

1. Truman and Eisenhower Years On: ________

2. Kennedy and Johnson Years On: ________

3. Nixon, Ford, and Carter Years On: ________

4. Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush 2 Years On: ________

F. Extra Credit: Complete review packet materials handed out in class

Due: _______

1. Is an AP course in U.S. history more comprehensive and rigorous than your typical freshman

survey courses in US history?

2. Have you prepared yourself for success?

3. What would a great leader in American history do in your shoes? :0)

Directory: UserFiles -> Servers
Servers -> Class Schedule Credit Class Schedule
Servers -> Note: Please look through resources very carefully. This is a controversial issue so some sources may have bias. Check carefully for the expertise or background of the writer or contributor
Servers -> Ww-p summer Reading List Grades 4-5 2014
Servers -> Delran township board of education school board agenda
Servers -> Clinton-Graceville-Beardsley Schools Course Syllabus
Servers -> Prescott and Russell jp st. Pierre Award
Servers -> West Babylon Junior High School 200 Old Farmingdale Road
Servers -> Ap computer Science A
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