Annual Report Table of Contents

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Department of Intramural-Recreational Sports

2013-14 Annual Report

Department of Intramural and

Recreational Sports

Open for Business!
2013-14 Annual Report

Table of Contents

  1. Executive Summary

  1. Collaborations

  1. 2014-15 Departmental Goals

  1. Intramural Staff

  1. Academic Unit Support

  1. Staff Professional Development

  1. Activities That Support Diversity

  1. Informal Sports

  1. Cardinal Corner Game Room

  1. Health Science Campus Fitness Center

  1. Intramural Sports

  1. Marketing and Promotions

  1. Assessment

  1. Technology

  1. Safety

  1. Fitness

  1. Sports Club Federation

  1. Special Events / Programs

  1. Activity Evaluations

  1. Facility Usage Statistics

  1. List of Facility User Groups

  1. Intramural Sports Statistics

  1. All Campus Points Totals

  1. Intramural Champions

  1. 2013-2014 Intramural Schedule

2013-2014 Annual Report

Edited by: Dale Ramsay
Prepared by: David Rice
Contributors: John Smith

David Hatfield

Debby Woodall

David Rice

Justin Peterson


Department of Intramural and Recreational Sports


Dale Ramsay Director

Janice Day Student Affairs Business Center Liaison

Karen Zody Administrative Assistant

David Hatfield Assistant Director- Facilities

John Smith Assistant Director- Marketing, Technology, Safety

Debby Woodall Assistant Director- HSC Facility and Fitness

David Rice Coordinator of Sports Clubs and Facilities

Justin Peterson Coordinator of Intramural Sports

Roger Metry Program Assistant

Michael Richeson Facility Supervisor- SAC

Frank Nuxoll Facility Supervisor- SAC/SRC

Greg Johnson Facility Supervisor- SAC/SRC

Tim Lynch Facility Supervisor- HSC

Rusty Michalski Facility Supervisor- HSC

Tad Porter Departmental Assistant- Intramurals

Joe Gamsky Departmental Assistant- Fitness

Ryan Ramsay Departmental Assistant- Facilities

Andrew Baldridge Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Alex Claywell Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Chelsea Cook Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Liam Corley Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Abby Jacob Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Mary Elise Schlich Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Christian Rick Undergraduate Assistant- Intramurals

Diedre Book Undergraduate Assistant- Facilities

Stephen Russ Undergraduate Assistant- Facilities

Deana Ellis Undergraduate Assistant- Facilities

  1. Executive Summary

2013-14 was the most significant year in the 86 year history of the Intramural-Recreational Sports program with the opening of the new $37.5 million, 128,000 sq.ft. Student Recreation Center on October 28, 2013. The state-of-the-art SRC has been an incredible addition to the vibrant campus life at UofL. The SRC will transform the student life experience of UofL students for generations to come. The SRC is enabling the Intramural-Recreational Sports Department to serve both our students and the University community in many new and exciting ways.

The Intramural-Recreational Sports staff did a phenomenal job in ensuring the SRC opened both on time and at a high level of efficiency. Between installing equipment, cleaning the facility, establishing operating procedures, ensuring the CSI System was operational, and a myriad of other details, the staff did a tremendous job in getting the SRC operational.
Part of the change of moving from the Student Activity Center meant we no longer would manage the Cardinal Corner Game Room. The management of the Game Room was transferred to the Department of Student Involvement (Student Activities). This transfer made sense since Student Involvement is located in the SAC and we are now across campus. We were proud to have been selected by SGA President Todd Schmiedeler to manage the Game Room back when it was originally opened in the 1990s and thus creating the positive atmosphere that attracted students who were interested in passive forms of recreation.
Another significant change is happening in the Division of Student Affairs. Dr. Tom Jackson, Vice-President for the past seven years, will be leaving to become President of Black Hills State University in South Dakota. We wish him well in his new challenge and appreciate the support he gave us during his tenure. Dr. Michael Mardis, current Dean of Students, has been named the Acting Vice President for Student Affairs. We are extremely proud of Dr. Mardis’ appointment as he worked for Intramural-Recreational Sports for nine years. We look forward to serving under his leadership.
2013-14 was both rewarding and challenging. The effort required to concurrently operate our program and open the SRC was a significant physical and emotional drain on the Intramural-Recreational Sports staff. However, in the true character that the IMRS staff has always displayed, everyone did what they had to do to get tasks, both large and small accomplished. Now that the SRC has opened, we are now focused on finding new and innovative ways to serve our students. With a facility such as the SRC, the possibilities are endless.

  1. Collaborations

One of the primary strengths of our program is the volume and quality of collaborations that Intramural-Recreational Sports has with different departments across campus. These collaborations serve to enhance the department’s ability to effectively serve our various constituency groups. The following is a summary of our numerous collaborations:

Athletics - We work closely with Athletics in cooperatively sharing the use of each other’s facilities. Our students benefit from getting to compete in outstanding venues such as Cardinal Arena (Basketball Championships), Bass/Rudd Tennis Center (Tennis Tournaments), Wright Natatorium (Swim Meet), and the Trager Stadium (Track Meet). Participating in these venues enhance the experience of participating in Intramurals for our students.
U-Fit Program – Intramural-Recreational Sports is collaborating with Health Promotions in allowing them to use the Fitness Lab in the SRC for their U-Fit program. Health Promotions trains students on how to train other students. This is a very popular program and a good collaboration for us to be involved in.
Financial Aid Office - Our department works closely with Charlie Schnell in the Financial Aid Office to recruit College Work Study students to work in the Intramural Department. Our department is the most popular place for CWS students to work on campus. By developing this relationship with Financial Aid, it assists us tremendously with our student wage budget by having a large number of CWS students.
International Center - Intramural-Recreational Sports works with the International Center and offers two “International Nights” in the SAC, one in the Fall and one in the Spring. The purpose of these programs is to expose International students to IM-Rec Sports. Many of the participants are part of our Badminton Club, which has a high percentage of International students.
Orientation - We are very involved in Orientation. We have a table at the information fair and are part of the presentation on campus involvement. After several attempts, we now have the correct situation within the Orientation program where we are able to reach out to a high volume of students. We believe it is important to have a strong presence at Orientation to expose the incoming freshmen to our program.
Marching Band - With the development of the “Extreme Home Makeover” project of renovating the Intramural Field, we were thrust into collaboration with UofL’s Marching Band. We worked well with them in scheduling and field maintenance. We have made it very clear to them that they are a full financial partner in the expense of maintaining the Intramural Field. They were extremely cooperative and while it is not our ideal situation, we are making the best of it.
Learfield Sports (Formerly Nelligan)- Our arrangement with Learfield continues to be a financially successful one for our department. In this time of financial stress, Learfield has done an excellent job in providing our department with additional revenue that we need to operate our program. Our partnership is unique in that we continue to be the only recreational sports program in the country with an agreement with a sports marketing firm. We look forward to the future with the opening of the SRC and the new marketing opportunities that will develop.
University Emergency Medicine - We have a partnership with University Emergency Medicine to enable us to have Automatic External Defibrillators in our facilities. Dr. Price wrote our prescriptions on our AED protocols. This relationship is important because of the necessity for our staff to be able to respond to a cardiac emergency.
Service Solutions- One of the components of our successful operation is the work done in cleaning and maintaining the SRC facility. Service Solutions (SSC) is the cleaning company that we secured to maintain the SRC. They have done an excellent job in this area. Having a facility that is clean adds to the positive experience our students enjoy.
Bursar, Registrar, and Card Office- With the opening of the SRC and the advent of the Student Recreation Fee, we have developed a strong relationship with the Bursar, Registrar, and Card Offices. There are many intricacies related to student enrollment and the assessing of the recreation fee. All three of these offices have been extremely helpful in resolving issues.
Summer Athletic Camp- With the closing of the SAC, the Women’s Volleyball, Women’s Basketball, and the Cheer camps will all transition to the Student Recreation Center. We look forward to hosting all of these groups in the SRC.
Welcome Week- With the opening of the SRC, there will be two events here. The first will be the Wednesday night event formerly known as Hit the SAC. That event will now be in the SRC. The second event will be the Intramural Extravaganza. Formerly held on Sunday, it will now be Thursday during lunch. There will be a variety of food vendors form Cardinal Towne. Also, Dale Ramsay and Debby Woodall will continue to lead a walking tour of campus athletic facilities on Friday of Welcome Week.
Student Affairs Collaborations
Housing Move-In Day We assist with Housing Move-In Day in August.
Field Days Our department participated in Welcome Week

programs for the Dean of Students Office.

Student Athletic Tickets Dale Ramsay assists SGA with the Student Athletic ticket registration process. He and Justin Peterson

chaperoned the student trip to the Russell Athletic Bowl in Orlando.

First Aid Classes John Smith teaches First Aid Classes to both the

Intramural Sports and Student Involvement staff as well as other university employees.

Speech / Literature

Distribution Policy Dale Ramsay, under the auspices of the Dean of Students Office, works with off-campus groups to ensure they are in compliance with the University’s Speech/Literature Distribution Policy.
Welcome Tents Dale Ramsay, David Hatfield, and Justin Peterson assist with the setup of the Dean of Students Welcome Tents for the first two days of classes. This was extremely successful, as the students appreciated the fact there were people available to assist them during the hectic time at the beginning of the academic year.
Physical Plant We have an excellent relationship with the various trades in the Physical Plant. We have spent a great deal of time cultivating these relationships. We receive excellent service from the Physical Plant. In an effort to show our appreciation to them we work closely with them on our extremely popular Faculty/Staff Golf Outing. Many Physical Plant employees participate in the tournament. They assist us in obtaining sponsorships for the event as well.

  1. 2014-15 Departmental Goals

  1. Complete construction projects related to the SRC (Renovate office, outside concrete, repair fencing, sports club room mat).

  1. Collaborate with Student Health to continue Fitness Assessment for students and coordinate their presence in the SRC.

  1. Continue to recruit student interns to help implement the Fitness Coaching program.

  1. Continue to collaborate with Financial Aid in recruiting Cardinal Covenant students to work as student employees.

  1. Collaborate with the Athletic Department to assist with the maintenance of our IM Field complex.

  1. Implement mock emergency training to enable our staff to respond more effectively in emergency situations.

  1. Continue to work on the recruitment and retention of officials in our various Intramural Sports.

  1. Continue to reinforce Department safety protocols with each of our Sports Clubs.

  1. Continue to work with Learfield in securing sponsorships for the Department of Intramural-Recreational Sports.

  1. Meet with staff on a semesterly basis to review First Aid/Safety protocols.

  1. Work with Simiens to digitize previous year’s All-Campus Champions Boards and get the display active in Fall 2014.

  1. Continue to conduct criminal background checks on Sports Club volunteers and instructors.

  1. Implement a personal training program for the SRC and University community starting in Summer 2014

  1. Continue to expand our variety of Fitness class offerings.

  1. Work to transition Athletic camps into the SRC (Women’s Volleyball, Women’s Basketball, Dance, Cheer).

  1. Continue to work with the Dean of Students to pursue the initiative of potentially providing scholarships to incoming students who will participate in Sports Clubs.

  1. Increase the variety of Intramural Sports offerings by incorporating existing areas of the SRC into the IM schedule.

  1. Increase efforts to get more independent student participation in Intramural Sports events.

  1. Purposefully make Undergraduate Supervisor training a more intensive experience to allow for a more prepared and educated student staff.

  1. Replace cardio equipment in the HSC Fitness Center as needed.

  1. Maintain existing relationships with UofL Parking to provide student staff parking in the HSC.

  1. Continue to aggressively market the SRC to the UofL community.

  1. Create two new Departmental Assistant positions.

  1. Intramural Staff

The Department of Intramural Sports has 11 full-time employees. During 2013-14 we also employed 197 student employees who served as facility workers and sports officials. The strength of our staff is their dedication and loyalty to the Department. The full-time staff has in excess of 200 years of service to UofL in the Intramural Sports Department.

We lost two long-time employees this year. Roger Metry, Program Assistant and Michael Richeson, Facility Manager both retired via the university sponsored Voluntary Separation Incentive Plan (VSIP). We appreciate their long service both to the University and Intramural-Recreational Sports.
We welcomed four new staff members this year. Karen Zody is our new Administrative Assistant. Karen came to us from the Counseling Center and has been a great addition to our staff.
We also created three Departmental Assistant positions this year. Joe Gamsky- Fitness, Tad Porter- Intramurals, and Ryan Ramsay- Facilities joined the staff last summer and also have been great additions to our staff. Tad and Ryan worked for us as undergraduates and Joe came to us from Oldham County High School.
We are excited in that we will able to hire two more Department Assistants for 2014-15.
We continue to have a close working relationship with the Department of Financial Aid to ensure we are able to get an ample number of Federal College Work Study students to fill our need for hourly student employees.

  1. Academic Unit Support

We have an excellent relationship with the Health and Sports Studies Department. HSS uses the SRC for many of their activity classes during the fall and spring semesters. These classes benefit our program in that they help drive traffic to our facility and expose them to our program. HSS is also using our classrooms to teach three classes. It is good that their students are in the SRC. We also provide valuable internship opportunities for the HSS students. Dale Ramsay is also an HSS faculty member, teaching classes in Recreational Sports Management and Sports Officiating. Many academic student groups as well as several academic departments are utilizing the meeting rooms in the SRC.

We also provide our facilities for many academic units who wish to have recreational programs.

  1. Staff Professional Development

Dale Ramsay Taught two classes for HSS (Rec. Sports Management and Sports


High school and college basketball official

Served as Clinician for KBOA Basketball Officiating Camp

Attended NIRSA Conference and KIRSA State Conference

John Smith Taught First Aid/ CPR Classes

American Heart Association Instructor

Staff Senate

Conducted clinics for Kentucky High School Athletic Association

Assigning Secretary for High School Volleyball and Softball in Jefferson County

Served on Advisory Board for Louisville Area Red Cross Chapter

Justin Peterson Assigned officials for St. Xavier High School Intramural Sports

Attended NIRSA Conference

Debby Woodall Great Places to Work Committee

“Fit Into College” Leadership

NETA Personal Training Certification

Trustees Scholarship Selection Committee

David Rice Student Awards Committee

Attended NIRSA Conference

  1. Activities That Support Diversity

One of the strengths of our program is its diversity of participants. Our motto of “A Sport For Everyone and Everyone In A Sport” promotes inclusiveness in all aspects of our program.

In Intramurals, there are a high percentage of African-American students who participate in Flag Football and Basketball. The student group Porter Scholars was again very active in the Intramural Sports program this year. Our student staff is extremely diverse in both gender and ethnicity. The majority of our Intramural Sports supervisors and officials were African-American students.
Our program is also popular with International students. We host International Nights in both Fall and Spring semesters in the SRC. The majority of the members of our Badminton Club are International students. A large number of International students also participate in our Soccer Leagues.
It is obvious that all segments of our program are popular with the rich and diverse student population of UofL. It is also apparent that these students view our facilities as a place where they feel comfortable participating in our various programs.

  1. Informal Sports

The Intramural-Recreational Sports program underwent significant change in 2013-14. With the opening of the SRC in October, our involvement with some of the facilities we managed changed. As of July, we no longer managed the Cardinal Corner Game Room. In October, the recreational space in the SAC closed, and as of December we no longer schedule space in Crawford Gym. Moving forward, we will continue to manage the HSC Fitness Center and the Student Recreation Center.

Student Activity Center* 153,610

Student Recreation Center** 240,926

HSC Fitness Center 43,123

*May 1 - October 26, 2013

**October 28, 2013 - April 30, 2014
With our new software system, we are able to track individual users of the SRC and HSC Fitness Center. We had over 11,000 individual or distinct student users in the SRC. At the HSC we had over 3700 unique student users. What this is telling us is that the vast majority of the UofL student population is taking advantage of our facilities and program.

Student Recreation Center (SRC)
The new Student Recreational Center had an amazing start to its existence. As the flagship property for the Intramural Department and possibly for the entire University, the new SRC saw intense scrutiny in its inaugural half year, with both the building and staff coming through with flying colors! Despite periodic area closings to finish and refine some of the construction issues, and more snow day closings than anyone can remember, we still had overall numbers of nearly a quarter of a million participates in the first half year of operation. Considering that we opened shortly before the holiday season, a time when many students traditionally are much less active, our opening numbers were very impressive. At 240,026 our counts were right in line with what we were hoping to serve during this time period.

Main Strength and Fitness Center
Currently the Main Weight Room has 86 cardio machines and 51 weight machines, a Life fitness Synergy piece, as well as a large array of squat racks, power racks, free weights, benches, seats, adjustable benches, dumbbells, belts, bands, ropes, and more weight plates than we can count. The amount of technology throughout the building is staggering and good deal of that is located in the weight room! Nearly every piece of cardio equipment has a TV/monitor attached to it so that our students can enjoy watching TV while they workout, and many of those pieces also have internet access so students can access the web during use. We also strived for as much diversity in the equipment as possible. We have two different types of treadmills, a multitude of elliptical choices, many biking choices, plate loaded weight equipment, weight stack weight machines, free weights with bars, benches and some Olympic style squat racks with bumper plates. Our number of patrons in the weight room totaled out to be 83,637 for this opening period, and we think this number will rise when we have full semesters open.

Sport Club Studio
The Sport Cub Studio is a multifunctional area consisting of half wood floor area and half mat area, with a heavy punching bag and a large screen television and DVD player. This area’s primary purpose is to service our many martial arts sports clubs, but it is also utilized by some of the physical education classes. Whenever sports clubs are not using this area, the space is open for any of our members to use. Many members use the matted portion of the room to stretch and exercise on and the punching bag has seen its fair share of use (we even had to buy stronger chains to hang it from because of the amount of use it has seen). The member usage is at 3,728 which is a little low but we think that as people become more familiar with the facility and with each area that they will use this room much more frequently.

Main Gym Floor
Other than the main workout area, our first floor basketball courts are the most popular area in our new facility. On any given weeknight during the semester this area will be booming with activity. All three courts hosting full court pickup games all night long is a very common thing. This area, like most other areas, experiences the most usage during the evenings. A unique aspect of this area is the giant windows that reach from the ground to celling, giving those inside a view out and those on the outside a look in at the action. Often times there will be dozen of spectators coming to this area just to be amazed by the athleticism of our members. This area has seen 47,252 members use the courts since our opening, a number that we anticipate will only increase!

Multi-Activity Court (MAC)
The Multi-Activity Court (MAC) is a new and unique area to the SRC. The MAC is a completely enclosed indoor area with 8’x 10’ goals inset into the walls. This is primarily used for indoor soccer, but also has lines for both team handball and floor hockey. The MAC played host to many intramural events and tournaments as well as open pickup games. It is common on weeknights to see pickup soccer games going on in the MAC. The total usage for this area is 6,774 members, a number that we expect to increase as more students familiarize themselves with this unique area.

Golf Simulator
The Golf Simulator is considered by many to be the crown jewel of our facility. Located in a room that was originally dedicated to be another racquetball court, the golf simulator gives members the experience of a golf course indoors! With over 80 virtual representations of real golf courses, the golf simulator allows users the unique experience of playing real life golf courses right here in the SRC! Members are allowed to bring their own clubs or they can check out a set from the equipment counter. A special aspect of the golf simulator is the shot diagnostic. After each shot on the golf simulator the machine tells you how open your club face was, how far the ball traveled (or would have traveled had it been outside), how much spin was on the ball and how fast the club head was traveling. This diagnostic feature is great for beginning golfers trying to learn the sport or for experience golfers trying to hone their skills. The golf simulator can be reserved on an hourly basis or if there are three or more golfers than it can be reserved for two hours. To this point we have had 1,587 members use the golf simulator. Part of the reason for what we feel is a relatively low number of users was that we were working through quite a few technical difficulties with this particular unit. Most of these problems seemed to have been worked out so we would imagine with a lot less down time due to simulator problems our numbers will be higher in the fall and winter of next year. We anticipate our numbers will be lower during the summer since most golfers will be on the actual links but when the weather cools down or on those rainy days we should see a spike in usage.

Running Track
One of the biggest complaints we got in the SAC was that we didn’t have an indoor running track. Well we are pleased to be able to say that those complaints have been heard and answered! The running track in the SRC is on the second floor and circles the main weight room area. With a great view both down below into the weight area and out the tall windows, the running track is a great place to walk, jog or run! Eleven laps around the track is a mile which is a little shorter than most running tracks but due to a limited amount of space that is the longest we could make it. The running track has a digital clock that has hours, minutes, and seconds so that users can track their pace while running. So far we have had 4,643 members use the running track. The track provides another option for those users who don’t particularly like to run on a treadmill or for those outdoor runners who need a place to run on those rainy days.

Mezzanine Fitness Area
The Mezzanine Fitness area is located on the second floor. This area is outfitted with both weight and cardio equipment. This area was designed for our members who don’t like to be in the crowded main fitness area. It provides most of the same type of equipment but with a bit of privacy. We have an assortment of cardio equipment including ten elliptical trainers, six bicycles, four treadmills and two stair steppers. There is also a complete line of weight stack weight machines as well as light free weights, benches and a matted area for stretching and core work. This area has seen 29,543 members since our opening. The Mezzanine Fitness area is a place where members can work out without the feeling that they are being “watched”, which is comforting to many patrons.

Upper Gym Floor
Due to the popularity of basketball in the SAC it was necessary for us to have more space in the SRC to facilitate this activity, which is why when designing this building we wanted to add two additional basketball courts. The upstairs gym located on the third floor does not see as much informal usage as our downstairs courts do, however they play host to many physical education classes as well as our many intramural leagues and tournaments. The best view on all of campus can be seen from our third floor courts. The entire north wall from floor to ceiling is glass, giving a beautiful view of both the surrounding area as well as the turf field and the Louisville skyline! The upstairs courts have seen usage numbers of 32,257 members since our opening.

The Great Lawn
The Great Lawn is just that, a great lawn! A 100yd x 60yd turf field located adjacent to the SRC. The Great Lawn purpose is for sports clubs such as rugby, lacrosse, ultimate frisbee and many more to practice. During non-practice times the field is open for informal usage. By design, no intramural events are played on the Great Lawn, as the decision was made to keep this dedicated space for sports clubs and open student use. On any given day you can look out onto the Great Lawn and see students kicking the soccer ball, throwing footballs, baseballs or frisbees, running sprints or even laying out trying to catch a tan! The first six months of use have primarily been the winter of the school year, so as the days get longer and warmer, we anticipate this to become a popular area for our users.

Racquetball Courts
Racquetball was one area that we decided we didn’t need to allocate as much space to when moving into our new building. We still have three courts, one of which is convertible into a squash court. Members can reserve a court for an hour at a time at the counter. Reservations can also be made over the phone and online. The racquetball courts are mainly used for informal usage but are also home to our Racquetball Club and some of the university’s physical education classes. 5,966 members have used the racquetball courts, which is fairly similar to the amount of usage our courts in the SAC got over a six month period.

Qdoba Gaming Area
The only area we feel is not running at its optimum would be the Qdoba Gaming area. The gaming area has four 60” HDTV’s. Connected to those TVs are two PS3s and two XBOX 360s where students can play their own video games or check out some of ours at the equipment counter. When the gaming systems are not in use the TVs are turned on and students can watch television. This area hasn’t seen much usage only 949 students have used the area, which is a misleading number because the majority of these user are either people watching TV or simply relaxing on one of the couches in the area, not actually playing the games.

Group Fitness Rooms
The group fitness rooms really solve a huge need for us. They provide multiple areas to hold physical education classes, intramural classes, informal workout areas for our members, as well as the possibility to use as meeting rooms, club sports rooms, and much more. Each room has a television and DVD player so when the room is not scheduled our members can come in and workout to a DVD or bring their own music and hold dance practice or any number of other activities. We have one room dedicated for use as a spin bike room and a TRX room. TRX is a hanging strap workout system that individuals can use or we hold TRX classes as well. So far our counts in the group fitness rooms are close to what we expected at 16,073 total for all three rooms. Not bad considering the mid-semester start and really not having our full line up of classes for the fall. We believe those numbers go up in the coming years.

Already our classrooms have hosted a great variety of events, including physical education classes, managers meetings, staff luncheons, outside vendor meetings, HVAC meetings, and Red Cross blood drives. It is a very high tech space with a computer in each classroom as well as a smart board and white boards. Our numbers for this area are 16,073.

Student Activities Recreational Center (SAC)
The Student Activities Recreational Center was closed after 23 years of service to the university community at the end of October 2013. All services and operations were transferred to the new Student Recreational Center (SRC) as of October 28, 2013.

Strength and Fitness Center
The numbers for the Strength and Fitness Center stayed consistent from the past year. This year’s usage was just under 50,000 users for the year in the Strength and Fitness area. Physical Education class sizes remained relatively constant, which added to the total usage numbers of the area.
The weight room consisted of a full line of Nautilus Nitro weight stack machines, and plate loaded machines, Hampton rubber coated dumbbells, Hampton rubber coated weight plates, a full line of free weight benches, and racks. We also had an extensive collection of cardio equipment, including: 5 True treadmills, 4 True recumbent bikes, 9 Precor cross training elliptical machines, 2 Cybex Arc Trainers, and 2 Concept II rowing machines, 3 CycleOps spin bikes, 2 Tetrix stair climbing machines, and 4 Octane Cross-training machines.

Ellis J. Mendelsohn Multi-Purpose Courts
The user numbers were up a bit from last year on the Multi-Purpose Courts. This very versatile space has hosted a wide variety of events, tournaments and gatherings. In addition to hosting a huge array of intramural events, we regularly played host to badminton tournaments, local science fairs, graduation night lock-ins and national volleyball tournaments to name a few. We also hosted numerous camps throughout the summer including girl’s individual and team basketball camps, volleyball camps, cheerleading, and dance camps. This turns what would normally be our slowest time of the year into the busiest, and fosters great community good will, as well as introducing campus to a huge number of prospective students. The number of requests for gym space was almost endless, but we scheduled rentals and events in off peak hours when the university community user base is lowest and affects the fewest people. In doing this, we strike a nice balance of giving the students as much usage time as possible while still generating revenue in order to purchase equipment and supplies to keep our users satisfied.

Racquetball and Squash Courts
The Racquetball and Squash Court numbers were down slightly again this year, which is precisely why we dropped our number of courts in the new SRC down to just three. The Racquetball Club still has a small but dedicated following and hopes to increase its numbers in the coming years, but it too has remained constant.

Weight Room Annex
The Weight Room Annex numbers were up quite a bit. Much of this is due to several physical education classes that used multiple areas of the gym, but spent a good deal of the time in the annex. The addition of full line up of cardio pieces that were moved over here from Humana Gym operation also contributed to the increase. We were able to add several treadmills, some Precor ellipticals, some upright bikes and a Step Mill stair climber. These two factors accounted for much of the growth in the annex. We also replaced the Trotter weight equipment that was in the annex with the Cybex weight equipment that was at Humana Gym. While the Trotter equipment was still functional, it was almost 20 years old so we replaced it with the newer Cybex equipment. We also added two Bosu balance balls to the array of workout accessories in the annex.
The Annex area consisted of a full line of 9 Cybex selectorized weight machines, and over 230 square feet of mats for stretching, abdominal and general floor work, as well as 7 medicine balls and 3 fitness balls, a set of body bars, a set of Kettlebells, and a set of small dumbbells, as well as an ab wheel.
Aerobics Studio
The aerobic room boasted three racks of 32 fitness balls an array of hand weights, stretchy bands, jump ropes, stretching mats, yoga mats, steps, and risers. This area was still a very popular space for us and the number of activities and uses for this area has increased over the years. Our user numbers were up quite a bit, over 25% from last year. Most of this can be attributed to several new and well-attended aerobics classes. The aerobic room was a very versatile space that got a steady stream of requests for this dedicated space. In the last year this space has hosted fencing practice, martial arts practice, numerous dance practices, ping pong tournaments, SAB functions, meetings for camps and other events, a sleeping area for the graduation lock in, physical education classes, self-defense classes, swing dancing classes, salsa dancing classes, ballroom dancing classes, as well as all of our Intramural and HSS aerobic and fitness classes.

Crawford Gym
Crawford Gym usage numbers only reflect eight months of operation in 2013 school year. This was due to a change in operation status for the facility. Starting in January 2014, Intramurals ceased operations in Crawford Gym. This change required moving the Sports Club program to the new SRC Recreational Center. As a result, Crawford converted back the Department of Health & Sport Sciences to oversee scheduling and building operation.
This year’s total usage was 8,454 for the gym floor space. This was based on an operational schedule of 18 hours per week, Monday through Saturday. This was down from last year’s total of 12,285, a decrease of 3,831. However, considering are usage total for only eight months these numbers do reflect a healthy Sports Club program and consistent usage.
The Clubs using the facility were the Fencing Club, the Aikido Club, the Kempo Club and the Tae Kwon Do Club. Numbers may have increased slightly but for slight over-lap with a HSS TKD class on Tue.-Thur., and a “Get Healthy Now’ Zumba class on Wednesdays.
Crawford was supervised this year by Student Supervisors, Marshall Matthews and Adam Willhite. Additional coverage was provided by Tommy Staniford.

  1. Cardinal Corner Game Room

We transitioned the management of the Cardinal Corner Game Room to the Department of Student Involvement in July of 2013. We gave them the facility in good order with a high number of experienced work study student staff returning.

The game room was a great addition to our department when it originally opened. At that time we were one of only two Intramural Departments in the nation who were administering that type of facility on their campus. It gave us access to a group of students that were not traditional participants of a sports program. Since the inception of “The Game’s on Us” through SGA, the game room has averaged over 40,000 annual users and has become a popular gathering spot on campus.
During the year the following groups and organizations hosted functions in Cardinal Corner:

Alpha Sigma Kappa

Phi Mu Alpha Music Fraternity

African Student Union

Sigma Alpha Epsilon

Sigma Chi

Kappa Sigma

WINGS, Medically fragile children service group

International Student Union

Alpha Kappa Psi Business Fraternity

Psi Chi Psychology Fraternity

Resident Student Association


Information Technology

Student Activities Board

Golden Key

Porter Scholars

Upward Bound

Phi Delta Theta

Summer Wind Band Institute

UofL Swim Camp

African Student Union

Chinese Student Scholars

National Association of Black Accountants

YMCA Black Achievers

UofL Tennis Camp

UofL Soccer Camp

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship

  1. Health Science Campus Fitness Center

Now in our twelfth year of operation the Health Science Campus (HSC) Fitness Center continues to be popular for the Health Science Campus. The 2013-14 user hours for the HSC Fitness Facility totaled 43,123. What is even more impressive is that number was made up of almost 4,800 (4,795) different students, faculty, staff and dependent members. For a campus the size of the Health Science Campus, that is an impressive number of distinct users. All of our current cardio equipment is out of warranty and is in need of replacing. The strength equipment is original to the opening of the facility twelve years ago. The HSC staff works hard to maintain its good working condition of our current weight training equipment. Our staff is constantly making in-house repairs to weight machines to keep them in service. We continue to inspect the equipment on a daily, weekly, and monthly schedule to ensure the safety of our patrons. We are still working out some software issues with the iPad we purchased last year and we are sure it will simplify the HSC’s equipment maintenance and attendance programs.

While working through and overcoming the implementation of the new CSI software our department installed this past year, we found that moving forward into the 21st century has been more than welcomed by not only our department’s staff, but by our members as well. The CSI program’s capabilities have helped us resolve many facility access problems. The new program has allowed us to begin a much requested “grace visit” system which has created a much more positive customer service atmosphere at our member check in desk. Most all of our department’s planned CSI phases have been implemented, allowing us to consolidate several separate functions. These include equipment rentals, semester lockers, and facility IDs to name just a few. The ease with which we can now make and renew an ID has greatly increased our ability to help our patrons in a more expedited manner. By bringing all these functions into one localized area (CSI) on the computer, it has simplified the process, which helps to expedite our patron’s needs more quickly.
The beginning of this past year continued to be challenging as not only were our custodians being moved or replaced regularly but their supervisors were also being replaced. However, since mid-March 2014, the Fitness Center has had a new custodian and our chronic problems, such as dirty shower walls and floors, dusty floors, and bad smelling restrooms, have been eliminated. The best thing is she asks every morning “is there anything you need me to do?” and if there is, she always completes the task within a couple of work days. It will be important to try to retain our new custodian, as there is a history of moving good people to other areas of the campus.
With the transfer of the Assistant Director Debby Woodall to a new position at the new SRC we have moved into a new chapter with our management of the HSC Facility. Assistant Director John Smith added the management of the HSC Facility to his responsibilities. Tim Lynch and Rusty Michalski have been given the day to day operation responsibilities of the center. John conducts weekly staff meetings and is in contact with the facility daily. Our ability to recruit student staff from the Belknap campus has improved dramatically. This is due to an arrangement made with the HSC parking office allowing our Belknap student staff to use their parking permits in the HSC Parking Garage. The arrangement with the HSC parking office allowed us to recruit six new student staff. Our current student staff has six returning members. We lost four staff members, with two graduated and two are going to internships. The continued recruitment of student staff is even more paramount to the success of the center now with the management change.

  1. Intramural Sports

Program Overview

The Intramural Sports program saw unprecedented growth this year with increases of over 20 teams in Volleyball and Basketball. This year’s Basketball League was the first time that the program has seen over 100 teams competing in a league. Our mix of new events along with well-managed league sports helped to keep students interested in our program. Being accommodating to student’s wishes with the Intramural schedule every year has gone a long way to keeping students engaged in our events year in and year out.

We welcomed two new Undergraduate Assistants to the staff this year. These two new Undergraduate Assistants joined our five returning Undergraduate Assistants to complete our staff. This meant that we had a very veteran staff which made running events a lot easier. It is always a luxury to have returning staff from year to year, especially in years when we have a young group of officials like we did this year. We continued using both our Facebook and Twitter accounts, which made communication with participants much easier.
Facility space continued to be a challenge for our outdoor sports this year. We ran our outdoor fields to their maximum capacity throughout most of the year because of the large growth we saw in our outdoor events. Facility space was not an issue indoors with the opening of the new Student Recreation Center. The new building allowed us to run three courts of Volleyball and Basketball every night and allowed us to accommodate all of our extra teams. It was because of the open communication that exists within our department that we were able to pull this off without any issues.
This year we also launched our new on-line registration system, ran through, for all Intramural participants. Having previously launched it for our Fraternity and Sorority participants helped to make the campus wide release a lot easier. There were very few kinks with the launch of the system and we envision it going smoothly in the future.
With the introduction of the Student Recreation Fee, we made the decision to eliminate Intramural team fees. The only events that we still charge for are: Canoe Regatta, Bowling Singles and Doubles, and Putt-Putt. These events still carry a fee because they are held off site and carry a facility rental fee.

All-Campus Points Championship
This year all three points races were decided with four or five weeks still left in the semester. The organizations that were able to put together consistent performances all year ended up beating out all of the other competitors.
The Fraternity Division had two organizations that separated themselves from the rest of the pack early on. These two organizations competed all year with both finishing first or second in almost every event down the stretch. This year’s point’s race was won by Beta Theta Pi by over 160 points over Sigma Phi Epsilon.
The Campus Division saw a few very competitive teams but we saw one organization rise above all others this year. The winning organization always made sure that their participants showed up to all scheduled events and usually signed up more than the needed number of participants in order to guarantee better results. This year’s Campus points champion was Beta Theta Pi.
The Women’s Closed points race was decided with a couple of weeks left in the school year. This year’s winner was competitive in every sport and was usually one of the last teams alive in every sport. Delta Zeta won the point’s race by 125 points, over Zeta Tau Alpha, for their third straight championship, which resulted in the Women’s Closed Qdoba Cup being retired.

As with every year the department strives to encourage sportsmanlike acts while enforcing rules set in place to discourage unsportsmanlike conduct of the participants. Many protocols have been put in place to make participants aware of the standards the department has set for sportsmanship. Participants must sign a sportsmanship contract and are read a sportsmanship statement at every game prior to taking the field in order to remind them of their pledge to remain good sports. Ultimately the department would like to have zero ejections over the course of the year. Unfortunately this year we had nine ejections, with two occurring in Flag Football, Floor Hockey, and Soccer, and four occurring in Basketball. All of the ejected participants were dealt with in a firm but fair manner. Our hope is that after participants are ejected once that they will not have any more issues on the field during Intramural play.

Intramural Handbook
The 2013-14 Intramural Handbook continued to be a valuable tool for the participants. This handbook gave participants answers to a lot of their questions and allowed them to become informed participants. The handbook serves as a measure of checks and balances for the participants in order to be certain that the Intramural program is upholding the responsibilities set in place in the handbook. The Intramural Handbook will continue to evolve and adapt to the changing time the same as it has over the many years since first being developed.

This year was a little challenging at first with officials. We saw a lot of our officials graduate last year and we had to train a lot of new officials in every sport. The challenge that we had at first turned into a very rewarding year. Once these new officials had some live game experience they never looked back. Even the participants were impressed with the way this crew improved over the course of a season. The Intramurals Sports Department is excited with this group and the seemingly limitless potential they have as sports officials.

Championship Nights
The Intramural Sports department has made it a point to create exciting events when possible for not only the participants but the spectators as well on “Championship Night”. We also had great championship nights in Flag Football and Basketball holding those events in our facilities. We held the Flag Football Championships on the Intramural Field and the Basketball Championships in the new Student Recreation Center. Both were well-attended by spectators and had a feel of something bigger than just an Intramural championship. Not everyone can say they played in a major Division I sports venue like the students who participated in the Swim Meet and Track Meet. Thanks to a great working relationship with the Department of Athletics our participants have been granted these opportunities.

Intramural Sports Awards
This year was our 27th edition of the annual Intramural Sports Awards. This year’s Awards Banquet saw another large turnout at the George J. Howe Red Barn. We continued the tradition started last year of giving out official’s awards in honor of Dale Orem, Lou Frankel, Frank Nuxoll, Alfred Smith, Tony Crush, and James Breeding. We also named the Rookie Official of the Year Award after Chris Brawner this year. Qdoba sponsored our meal for the fifth straight year.
As is the tradition for this event various students and organizations were recognized for their achievements throughout the school year. This year the awards were heavily discussed among the intramural staff to ensure the top candidate would receive each award.
Ellis J. Mendelsohn “Mendy” Awards

Female Shelby Lawson – Delta Zeta Male Josh Lamping – Sigma Chi Sports Club Spencer Wise – Rugby

Other Departmental Awards

Dale Ramsay Sportsmanship Award Kappa Delta Outstanding Male Chair Award Jordan Adams – Sigma Phi Epsilon Outstanding Female Chair Award Catherine Greenwell – Zeta Tau Alpha Outstanding Sports Club Rugby Club Lou Frankel Softball Umpire of the Year Matt Ryan Dale Orem Flag Football Official of the Year Morgan Allen Frank Nuxoll Volleyball Official of the Year Luke Guhy Alfred Smith Basketball Official of the Year Ryan Long Tony Crush Soccer Official of the Year Mark Cranston Chris Brawner Rookie Official of the Year Shannon Sloss James Breeding Official of the Year Annie Fugate Most Improved Fraternity Pi Kappa Alpha Most Improved Women’s Closed Zeta Tau Alpha Most Improved Campus Points Beta Theta Pi

IM Service Awards

David Proffitt Curtis Monroe Jeremy Bibelhauser

Intramural Council
Each year the Greek organizations along with other campus organizations elect one or two members to represent their organization at all Intramural Council meetings. These council meetings provide our department with a way to talk directly to the organizations and for the organizations to talk directly to us. The council members have an opportunity to make changes to the Intramural schedule, address any issues that might have occurred during a sport, and know about upcoming events. As in years past, this year’s council consisted of a very dedicated group of individuals who took it upon themselves to help with decision making and provide a voice for the students. These students had a great impact on the program this year by making insightful suggestions and working with the program to provide the best experience possible. Council members had an added responsibility this year with the launching of our on-line registration system.

Changes Implemented for 2014-15
After council recommendations and with the opening of the new Student Recreation Center the Intramural Sports Department has made several changes to the Intramural Schedule for next year:

  • With the construction of the new University of Louisville soccer stadium we had to make the difficult decision to eliminate Softball from the Intramural schedule.

  • With the opening of the Student Recreation Center we were able to reinstate the Racquetball Tournament and Badminton Tournament, while also adding a Wallyball Tournament to the schedule. The addition of these sports was student driven, led by the Intramural Council.

  • We also made the decision to turn the Indoor Soccer Tournament into a full league event. It will now consist of four regular season games with playoffs to follow.

Continue to develop partnerships with outside corporations to provide the best experience possible for the participants of the program.
Continue to develop ways to recruit and retain sport officials.
Aggressively market the program to a very tech-savvy student body.
Implement new events in order to use newly-available programming areas available in the Student Recreation Center.
Continue to implement use of the on-line registration system for the entire campus.

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