Academic program and student outcomes assessment plan

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September 20, 2006
Executive Summary
As a key part of the University’s operational planning, the Academic Program and Student Outcomes Assessment Plan is a thorough review of the University’s existing academic structures, program array, academic planning needs and assumptions, and student outcome assessment processes. The review process will include students, faculty, academic staff and administrator input during fall 2005 and the entire 2006 calendar year. Two important goals of this review are to: 1) evaluate progress toward the four cross-college strategic initiatives; and 2) set new academic programming priorities for the next five years that will help us to continue making progress on these initiatives. This review of our existing academic programs and student outcome assessment, and the planning priorities that are developed over the course of the next year, will serve as a launching point for an annual review process that will facilitate assessment of progress toward priorities and future planning.
This document provides background information necessary for initiating this planning process.
Review of Cross-College Strategic Initiatives
The four Colleges of the University, as a result of the strategic planning process, identified four strategic initiatives that their individual plans and mission have in common. The four initiatives allow cross-college activities while maintaining the distinctive character of each College’s faculty, staff, students and curriculum.
Engaged Learning

Each of the Colleges is committed to providing an environment of engaged learning, one in which faculty include students as partners in the learning and discovery process.

Globalization and Diversity

All four Colleges recognize the importance of having a global perspective: an understanding of countries and cultures beyond the borders of the United States as well as an appreciation of the diverse cultures resident in our country.

Community Engagement

The Colleges recognize the University’s obligation to assist state, local, public and private entities in achieving goals that benefit the common good through student and faculty involvement.

Student Excellence

Finally, our Colleges recognize that student excellence is not simply defined by grades but also includes a wide variety of knowledge, skills, abilities and experiences and are committed to helping student achieve this broader definition of excellence.

Review of College Actions toward Implementing Strategic Initiatives
Each of the Colleges and units across campus has made progress toward these four strategic initiatives. All Colleges have increased student engagement learning opportunities, such as internships, field study, research projects, and the integration of applied projects into courses. Globalization and diversity efforts of the Colleges include international programs within the colleges, study abroad programs, student exchange programs, and courses offered in both diverse national locations and international locations. All Colleges have worked to increase the level of engagement within the community by faculty and students. In each College there are examples of projects, research, seminars, and courses addressing the needs of the local and regional communities. Community members have been invited to various symposia on campus and are involved as guest speakers in these events. Finally, the Colleges have taken steps to define, encourage, and recognize student excellence by raising expectations for student performance and professionalism, advancing assessment and accreditation of programs, and increasing expectations for passing professional exams and licensure requirements.
Campus Challenges
Six campus challenges that may impede our progress toward the cross-college strategic initiatives have been identified.
Changing Student Profile: Implications for Recruitment, Retention, and Mix

The first challenge concerns the changing student profile resulting from: 1) competitive pressures from other UW campuses, private colleges/universities, and for-profit educational organizations; and 2) demographic demands (a slightly smaller pool of high school students from the counties that currently supply most of our students, a declining number of majority students, an increasing number of nontraditional students, and an increasing number of students of color). Data suggest that we are the first choice of only 39% of students who apply to UW Oshkosh. It will continue to be difficult to attain a healthy mix of students as long as we are not the campus of first choice for many who enroll here. In addition, it continues to be a challenge to maintain and increase the scholarship support necessary to attract and retain high quality, low-income, multicultural and international students.

Changing Faculty Profile: Implications for Recruitment, Retention, and Mix

Several trends have profound implications for the Faculty and Academic Staff profile over the next five years. The professional Colleges anticipate challenges due to an aging workforce and declining numbers of terminally qualified faculty. All Colleges are affected by the increase in faculty in dual-career relationships, the need to diversify faculty, and the shift in commitment away from the University toward the professional disciplines. The University is challenged to make thoughtful decisions about the appropriate mix of faculty and instructional academic staff, how to compete in hiring terminally qualified candidates, and how to meet their changing needs once employed (retention). Maintaining competitive salaries, professional development funds, and student quality are key issues in ensuring healthy morale among faculty and academic staff of all the Colleges.

Curriculum Structure, Program Planning, and Program Review

While we have a solid program review process in place, the University is challenged to institutionalize mechanisms for integrating program review and student outcomes assessment in a way that encourages and supports periodic holistic review of programs and activities offered on campus. Assessment and review processes are needed for the General Education Program, certificate programs, and degree completion programs. We are also challenged to advance our understanding of student experiences outside the classroom (e.g., internships, clinical experiences, study abroad, residence hall and student life), and the implications of these experiences for student learning. It is important to review the role of on-line courses and programs within our program mix and to modify existing processes to accommodate the delivery mechanism. Finally, more consistent processes for oversight of collaborative agreements with outside agencies and institutions are needed.

Financial Support

Reduced state support for the University System has created significant challenges for our campus in several ways. First, salaries for faculty and staff continue to lag behind our peer group, and this has made recruitment and retention of faculty more difficult. Second, it has resulted in termination of some programs and delays in equipment repair/replacement. Third, it has required us to cut significantly the number of courses offered in some majors. Fourth, it has hindered the development of new programs. Finally, our history, until just four years ago, of not raising significant funds from private sources affects our ability to offer competitive scholarships. We must find alternative revenue sources to support existing programs and to develop new ones.

Graduate Studies

Graduate Studies includes fourteen active and vibrant degree programs as well as graduate certificates and post-master's offerings. While Graduate Studies continues to enroll more students than any other comprehensive campus in the Wisconsin System, enrollment numbers have begun to taper off. More attention must be paid to long-term planning based upon student and University needs. The changing face of the regulatory environment for public school teachers is likely to have a significant impact on graduate enrollments.

Outreach, Adult Access, Community Engagement, and Summer Session

A final challenge is to expand outreach and nontraditional programs. Statewide initiatives, including the Committee on Baccalaureate Expansion and the Adult Student Initiative, have focused attention on the need for increased access to higher education for working adults. An impediment to the growth of these programs is campus readiness to serve nontraditional students. Faculty involvement, student services, course scheduling, and the compensation structure for teaching pose problems for growth. The delivery of credit and non-credit education to adults will require more coordination and integration into the fabric of the University.


September 20, 2006
As one of the seven key operational plans for the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh campus, the goal of the Academic Program and Student Outcomes Assessment Plan is to provide an overview of existing academic structures, identify academic program needs, and develop new academic program priorities for the next five years. The plan will also examine the student learning environment, with the primary focus on student outcomes assessment.
This document is meant to serve as a guide to conducting a wide-spread review of academic programs and student outcomes assessment that will include students, faculty, academic staff and administrators. Two important goals of this review are to: 1) evaluate progress toward the four cross-college strategic initiatives; and 2) set new academic programming priorities for the next five years that will help us to continue making progress on these initiatives. This review of our existing academic programs and student outcome assessment, and the planning priorities that are developed over the course of the next year, will serve as a launching point for an annual review process that will facilitate assessment of progress toward priorities and future planning.
Academic Structure
Currently, the University consists of four Colleges with the following distribution of faculty in Fall 2004: The College of Business Administration (40 FTE), the College of Education and Human Services (46 FTE), the College of Letters and Science (239 FTE), and the College of Nursing (42.5 FTE). The College of Business (COBA) is made up of seven academic discipline teams, led by team leaders who report directly to the Dean. Also reporting to the Dean are the Undergraduate and Graduate Program Directors, Professional Development Director, Operations Director, Wisconsin Family Business Forum and COBA Technology Director, and the PC Technician. The College is also supported by an Internship and Assessment Director, an Assistant Director of Graduate Programs, and eight administrative assistants.
The College of Education and Human Services (COEHS) is directed by a Dean, an Associate Dean, a Professional Education Program Director, and a Field Experiences Director. The College has six departments and is supported by three administrative assistants in the Dean’s Office (one for the Professional Education Program, one for the Field Experiences Office, and one to support the Associate Dean and handle budgetary issues, contracts and course scheduling) and a Dean’s administrative assistant. There are 5.75 FTE administrative assistants to support the six academic departments.
The College of Letters and Science (COLS) is directed by a Dean and two part-time Associate Deans. The College is comprised of four divisions (Math/Science, Social Science, Humanities, Fine and Performing Arts), consisting of a total of 26 departments and 12 academic programs. Directors are assigned for each of the following: CAPP (part-time), Science Outreach (part-time), Collaborative Language Program (a UW System program), and UW Women and Science (part-time). The College also has a Student Academic Affairs Officer and is supported by 30 administrative assistants.
Finally, the College of Nursing (CON) is directed by a Dean, four Directors (Graduate Programs, Traditional Undergraduate Programs, Center for Nursing Innovations, and Research and Evaluations) and receives support from 4.5 administrative assistants. The Traditional Undergraduate Program is supported by the Coordinator of Academic Affairs. The staff of the Living Healthy Community Clinic work under the direction of the CON Dean and community partners.
In addition to the Colleges, several administrative units are vital to the success of our academic programs and student outcomes. Details on the following programs can be found in Appendix 1:

  1. The Division of Lifelong Learning and Community Engagement specializes in higher and continuing educational programs and services for learners of all ages through productive partnerships, flexible delivery systems, responsive service and reasonable costs. Units within the Division include: Continuing Education and Extension; Center for New Learning; and Adult Student Access Services. The programs of these units are supported by an LLCE Office of Marketing and Community Relations;

  2. Graduate Studies includes 14 graduate programs, three post-master's graduate achievement programs, and 11 graduate certificate programs that represent all four Colleges. In addition, seven degree programs are available cooperatively or collaboratively through four other UW institutions and one UW College;

  3. The University’s greatest strength in the area of support for research and teaching is the Faculty Development Program, which provides assistance for faculty research and teaching. This program is unique to our campus and reflects a long-term commitment to supporting research and teaching. The Grants Office assists faculty and staff in notifying them of available grant opportunities and assisting them in the application process. Faculty are rewarded and recognized for their efforts through various university endowments, honors, awards, and publications;

  4. The Undergraduate Advising Resource Center (UARC), created in 2002, is responsible for providing academic advising to all undergraduate students, and the overall direction and structure for the campus advising program. The creation of the UARC and the recognition of the need for campus-wide involvement in advising has led to an intentional and evolving comprehensive academic advising program;

  5. Forrest R. Polk Library ranks in the top 25%-30% of 208 libraries participating in a national survey for overall user satisfaction. The unit has developed a robust electronic reserve system, an innovative web site, and in 2004-2005, conducted 307 class sessions serving over 7,000 students;

  6. The Center for Academic Support and Diversity is a one-stop, student support center, serving the needs of multicultural and disadvantaged students. The unit supports the Multicultural Education Center, Pre-College Programs, Student Support Services, and Multicultural Retention Programs to increase the recruitment, matriculation, enrollment, retention and graduation of multicultural and disadvantaged students at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh. The Multicultural Center houses six student organizations;

  7. The UW Oshkosh Office of International Education (OIE) is responsible for providing international students and visiting scholars with immigration services, advising, and campus and community programming and for providing UW Oshkosh faculty, staff and students with services related to educational study abroad opportunities and educational exchanges.

  8. The University Honors Program has recently been provided with additional central administrative funding in order to help it increase the number of honors students and develop additional honors courses within various majors across campus. It is presently housed in the basement of Polk Library;

  9. The Women's Center endeavors to become a vital force to ensure that all women on campus and in the community fulfill their potential while also supporting an awareness that men and women can work, play and live together based on mutual respect and an understanding of gender differences, differences of race, ethnicity, sexuality, and class.

  10. The Division of Information Technology (IT) includes 4 units: Academic Computing, Administrative Computing, Business Operations & Training, and Media Services. Academic Computing contributes to the success of academic programs by managing and maintaining General Computer Access Labs across campus; managing email and file storage systems that are used for communication and collaboration; providing maintenance for computer technology across the campus; and delivering Help Desk services to the entire campus. Administrative Computing provides support to students, faculty and staff through maintenance and development of the administrative computing applications, database services, the campus core network infrastructure, and telecommunication systems. The Business Operations & Training staff provides courses on the use of essential software tools to faculty and staff. Media Services offers a wide array of services through the Presentations Lab, the Idea Lab, the delivery of classroom technology, graphics and multimedia production, and instructional technology support.

  11. The Office of Institutional Research (OIR) is responsible for the collection, analysis, interpretation, and dissemination of accurate and timely information on all aspects of the University in support of institutional decision-making, planning and reporting. OIR has also increasingly been called upon to provide more support for institutional decision-making and greater involvement in the assessment and accreditation process.

  12. Student Services include the Financial Aid Office, Health Center, Titan Lead (a comprehensive student leadership program), Career Services, Undergraduate Advising Resource Center, Center for Academic Resources, Counseling Center, Office of the Registrar, and the Dean of Students Office.

Curriculum Structure and Program Array
By both statute and tradition, the faculty controls the curriculum. This control helps to ensure and maintain the quality and academic rigor of both traditional and new programs. The University’s current array of programs has the following distribution of majors and minors among the four colleges: COBA (7 majors/4 minors and 10 emphases); COEHS (8 majors/7 minors); COLS (34 majors/39 minors); and CON (1 major/0 minors with three unique programs that lead to the BSN degree: Traditional, Accelerated and Collaborative Nursing Program). The College of Nursing offers a single graduate degree for majors, the College of Business offers 2, the College of Education and Human Services offers 5, and the College of Letters and Sciences offers 6. All of the COBA, COEHS and CON programs are professional. Within the COLS, 10 undergraduate programs are interdisciplinary in nature. Within the Provost’s area, the Center for New Learning offers two interdisciplinary degree programs, the Bachelor of Liberal Studies and the Bachelor of Fire and Emergency Response Management. See Appendix 2 for a listing of majors, minors, graduate, professional, and interdisciplinary programs and Appendix 3 for a summary of graduate and certificate programs.
The University, led by the faculty and input from other relevant campus personnel, needs to examine the issue of program array to see what new programs and emphases are needed to meet the needs of current and prospective students. Recently proposed additions by faculty members include a “sustainability” program involving the College of Business and COLS, a COLS-sponsored Health Care Emphasis (which also includes a Business component), a minor in Social Justice, and a major in Biomolecular Science.
Additional opportunities for growth (8-9%) may also be forthcoming, if the State Legislature approves funding of the UW System “Growth Initiative.” This plan would improve student performance, educate older students and students of color, provide urgently needed new programs, and meet the critical need for a more highly educated workforce.
Academic Planning Needs and Assumptions
In developing this Academic Program and Student Outcomes Assessment Plan, several assumptions are being made.

  1. A key assumption, based on work by the Integrated Planning Working Group (IPWG) and the Enrollment Management Team (EMT) in November 2004, is that overall enrollment will remain relatively stable over the next two years (see Enrollment Management and Student Support or EMSS Plan).

  2. The high school graduate pool (statewide and in 6 primary feeder counties) is expected to generate an increasing population of graduates initially, with a decline projected in the years from 2009 to 2010.

  3. Increased competition is expected from private and public schools, including UW institutions that have decided to increase their new freshmen classes. Since only 39% of our applicants list UW Oshkosh as their first choice, competition is expected to have a dramatic effect on high school graduate to first-year student yield.

  4. Both the EMSS (Enrollment Management and Student Support) plan and the Diversity 2008 goals for retention of multicultural students suggest that there will be improvements in retention rates, particularly of first-year and multicultural students.

  5. Demand for higher education among the workforce will continue to grow but this growth will not necessarily be in our traditional undergraduate degree programs. There are several opportunities for growth in adult, nontraditional student and off campus enrollment including: the newly approved Bachelor for Fire and Emergency Response Management degree, a Bachelor of Applied Studies, increased degree completion options for working adults who are graduates of associate degree programs, and conversion and delivery of selected majors to working adults in nontraditional format (e.g., on-line)

  6. Due to budget constraints, staffing or resource reductions may continue to occur in some areas (both in academic departments and administrative offices).

  7. UW System and University emphasis on increasing the diversity of our student population is expected to continue over the next five year period. The EMSS has targeted a 30% increase in enrollment of undergraduate students of color from Fall 2004 (575) to Fall 2010 (750) and it is expected that there will be increased attention given to the issue of graduate student diversity. (See Appendix 4 for a summary of diversity on our campus.)

Academic Programming Priorities
The four Colleges of the University, as a result of the strategic planning process, identified four strategic initiatives that their individual plans and mission have in common. The four initiatives allow cross-college activities while maintaining the distinctive character of each College’s faculty, staff, students and curriculum. Academic program planning should be clearly tied to these cross-college initiatives.
Engaged Learning

Each of the Colleges is committed to providing an environment of engaged learning, one in which faculty include students as partners in the learning and discovery process. Classes will increasingly focus on student-centered education through application exercises that demonstrate underlying theoretical constructs, service learning, internships, project-based classes, student teaching, collaborative research and open-ended laboratory exercises.

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