Abel-Struth, Sigrid, and Ulrich Groeben. Musikalische Hörfähigkeiten des Kindes

Inscribed by the author: "To Mr. Edwin Gordon with best wishes...Shinichi Suzuki."

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Inscribed by the author: "To Mr. Edwin Gordon with best wishes...Shinichi Suzuki."

Swanwick, Keith. Music, Mind, and Education. London: Routledge, 1988.

Swisher, Walter. Psychology for the Music Teacher. Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1927.

Taggart, Cynthia C., et al. Jump Right In: The Music Curriculum. Chicago: GIA Publications, 2000-2006. Holdings:
Book 1 (Four copies)
Book 1 Piano Accompaniment (Two copies)
Book 1 Teacher’s Guide (Two copies)
Book 2 (Two copies)
Book 2 Piano Accompaniment (Two copies)
Book 2 Teacher’s Guide (Two copies)
Book 3 (Three copies)
Book 3 Piano Accompaniment (Two copies)
Book 3 Teacher’s Guide (Two copies)
Book 4
Book 4 Piano Accompaniment
Book 4 Teacher's Guide

Tapper, Thomas. The Music Supervisor: His Training, Influence, and Opportunity. Boston: Oliver Ditson, 1906.

Tarrell, Vernon V. “An Investigation of the Validity of the Musical Aptitude Profile.” Journal of Research in Music Education13, no. 4 (Winter 1965): 195-206. (Article of interest shelved with general books)

Tate, Merle W. Statistics in Education. New York: The Macmillan Co., 1955.

Taylor, Stanford E. Listening. What Research Says to the Teacher, no. 29. Washington, DC: National Education Association of the United States, 1964. Reprint, 1969.

Teplov, B. M. Psychologie des aptitudes musicales. Translated from Russian by Jean Deprun. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1966.

Test Service Bulletin. Nos. 36-40 (1948-1950).

Thackray, Rupert. An Investigation into Rhythmic Abilities. Music Education Research Papers, no. 4. London: Novello, 1969.

________. Rhythmic Abilities in Children. Music Education Research Papers, no. 5. London: Novello, 1972. (Two copies)

Thompson, Keith P. "The Status of Music in Pennsylvania Schools." Bulletin of Research in Music Education 17 (Fall 1986): 1-24. (Article of interest shelved with general books)

Thorndike, Robert L. The Concepts of Over- and Underachievement. New York: Columbia University, 1963.

Thorndike, Robert L., and Elizabeth Hagen. Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education, 3d ed. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1969.

Thurmond, James Morgan. Note Grouping: A Method for Achieving Expression and Style in Musical Performance. With a foreword by Weston H. Noble. Camp Hill, PA: JMT Publications, 1982.

Tibbetts, Paul, ed. Perception: Selected Readings in Science and Phenomenology. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1969.

Trzos, Paweł A. Preferencje barwy dźwięku I zdolności muzyczne w nauce gry na instrumencie dętym:Badania edukacyjne nad adaptacją Teorii Uczenia się Muzyki E. E. Gordona. Poznan, 2009.

University of Iowa. Multidisciplinary Perspective in Musicality: Essays from the Seashore Symposium. Kate Gfeller, Don D. Coffman, Carlos X. Rodrigruez, and David J. Nelson, Editors. Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa, 2006.

Valentine, C. W. The Experimental Psychology of Beauty. London: Methuen, 1962.

Valerio, Wendy H., et al. Music Play: The Early Childhood Music Curriculum: Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Caregivers. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1998. (Four copies)

----------------------. Music Play: The Early Childhood Music Curriculum: Guide for Parents, Teachers, and Caregivers (in Korean). Chicago: GIA Publications, 1998.

Van Bergeijk, William A., John R. Pierce, and Edward E. David, Jr. Waves and the Ear. Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1960.

Vygotsky, L. S. Mind in Society: The Development of Higher Psychological Processes. Edited by Michael Cole, et al. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978.

Wachole, Maria. Czytanie nut Glosem. Krakow: Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne, 1992.

Wallis, W. Allen, and Harry V. Roberts. The Nature of Statistics. New York: Collier, 1962.

Walters, Darrel L., and Cynthia Crump Taggart, eds. Readings in Music Learning Theory. With a foreword by Edwin E. Gordon. Chicago: GIA Publications, 1989. (Two copies) Shelved with Articles by Gordon-Tonal Syllables.

Watkins, John Goodrich. Objective Measurement of Instrumental Performance. New York: Columbia University Teachers College, 1942.

Wedge, George A. Advanced Ear-Training and Sight-Singing. New York: G. Schirmer, 1922.

What Is a Teacher-Scholar?: Symposium Proceedings 9-10 November 2001, edited by Tonya Lambert. Saskatoon: The Gwenna Moss Teaching & Learning Centre at the University of Saskatchewan, 2002. Inscribed by an author: "To Dr. Edwin Gordon in appreciation of a thought provoking Fine Arts Research Lecture on 9 February 2003 in Saskatoon. Sincerely, Walter Kreyszig."

Whellams, Frederick S. “Multiple Correlation in Music Education Research Studies.” Bulletin of the Council for Research in Music Education33 (Summer 1973): 34-45. (Article of interest shelved with general books)

_________. “Musical Abilities and Sex Differences in the Analysis of Aural-Musical Capabilities.” Journal of Research in Music Education21, no. 1 (Spring 1973): 30-39. (Article of interest shelved with general books)

Whipple, Guy Montrose, ed. Thirty-Fifth Yearbook of the National Society for the Study of Education. Bloomington, IL: Public School Publishing Co., 1936.

Whybrew, William E. Measurement and Evaluation in Music. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown Co. Publishers, 1962.

________. Measurement and Evaluation in Music, 2d ed. Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown Co. Publishers, 1971.

Williams, Harold M., Clement H. Sievers, and Melvin S. Hattwick. The Measurement of Musical Development. Studies in Child Welfare, vol. 7, no. 1. Iowa City, IA: University of Iowa Studies, 15 January 1933. (Two copies)

Wilson, Frank R. Mind, Muscle and Music: Physiological Clues to Better Teaching. Teachercraft Bulletin, no. 4. Elkhart, IN: Selmer, 1981.

Wilson, Frank R., and Franz L. Roehmann. Music and Child Development: Proceedings of the 1987 Denver Conference. St. Louis, MO: MMB Music, 1990.

Winckel, Fritz. Music, Sound and Sensation: A Modern Exposition. Translated by Thomas Binkley. New York: Dover Publications, 1967.

Wing, Herbert. Tests of Musical Ability and Appreciation: An Investigation into the Measurement, Distribution, and Development of Musical Capacity, 2d ed. Cambridge: The University Press, 1971.

Wolfle, Dael, ed. The Discovery of Talent. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1969.

Wood, Dale. Hemidemisemiquavers and Other Such Things: A Concise Guide to Music Notation. Dayton, OH: The Heritage Music Press, 1989.

Wyatt, Ruth F. Improvability of Pitch Discrimination. Psychological Monographs, ed. John F. Dashiell, vol. 58, no. 2. Evanston, IL: The American Psychological Association, 1945. Inscribed by the author: "5/19/80...To Edwin E. Gordon with every good wish--Ruth Wyatt."

Żelazny, Walemar, ed. Między Wisłą a Bugiem: Skarby Przyrody i Kultury. Lublin: WFOŚiGW, 1998.

Zenatti, Arlette. Le développement génétique de la perception musicale. Monographies Francaises de Psychologie, no. 17. Paris: Centre national de la Recherche Scientifique, 1969.

Zimmerman, Marilyn P. Musical Characteristics of Children. From Research to the Music Classroom, no.1. Washington, DC: MENC, 1971. (Three copies)

Zimmerman, Walter. Morton Feldman Essays. Kőln: Beginner Press, 1985. Inscribed “To Edwin Gordon”

Zuckerkandl, Victor. Sound and Symbol: Man the Musician. Translated by Norbert Guterman. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1973.

________. Sound and Symbol: Music and the External World. Translated by Willard R. Trask. New York: Pantheon Books, 1956.

Zwolińska, Ewa Anna. Audiacja: Studium teorii uczenia się muzyki Edwina E. Gordona. . Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego, 2011. (Polish Audiation—2 copies) About Dr. Gordon.

Zwolińska, Ewa Anna. Naucz swoje dziecko audiować. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo KRESKA, 2004. Includes compact disc. Inscribed by the author: "With gratitude for all your help and knowledge. Ewa A. Zwolińska, 03.08.2004, Ciechocinek." (Two copies) Polish translation of “Music Learning Theory for Newborn and Young Children.

Zwolińskiej, Ewy, ed. Podstawy Teorii Uczenia się Muzyki Według Edwina E. Gordona. Materiały z III Seminarium Gordonowskiego held in Zamość, 2-12 August 1998. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uczelniane WSP, 2000. Translation of Music Learning Theory for Newborn and Young Children)

________. Sposoby kierowania rozwojem muzycznym dziecka w wieku przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uczelniane WSP, 1997. (Two copies)

Zwolińskiej, Ewy, and Wojciecha Jankowskiego, eds. Teoria Uczenia się Muzyki Według Edwina E. Gordona. Materiały II Seminarium Autorskiego held in Krynicy, 27 April-3 May 1995. Bydgoszcz: Wydawnictwo Uczelniane WSP, 1995. Inscribed: "To Professor Edwin E. Gordon with respect and deep gratitude for the knowledge and wisdom He passed to us in Krynica, the part of which has been included in the book. Ewa Zwolińska, Bydgoszcz 1995.10.24."

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