1. 2 Background 5 3 Real-Time Verification System Capabilities 7

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Network-Enabled Verification Service (NEVS)

Functional Description Document


Table of Contents

1. Introduction to the Network-Enabled Verification Service (NEVS) 4

1.1   Project Description 4

1.2 Background 5

1.3  Real-Time Verification System Capabilities  7

1.4 Purpose of NEVS 8

1.5   Assumptions and Constraints 9

1.6   Interfaces to External Systems 10

1.7 NEVS Prototype 12

1.7.1 Data Storage 12 Raw Data 12 Processed Data 13 Hardware Configuration 13

1.7.2 NEVS at IOC 17 Data Storage 17 Raw Data 17 Processed Data 18 NEVS Architecture 18

1.8Policy 18

1.9Points of Contact 19

1.10  Document References 19

2. Functional Requirements 20

2.1   Data Functional Requirements 20

Aircraft Reports (PIREPs) 49

Examples of Raw Text PIREP 50

Decoded Fields 50



Examples of XML Output 61




Non-Convective 63

Convective 64

1. Introduction to the Network-Enabled Verification Service (NEVS)

The purpose of this document is to provide a descriptive overview of the Network-Enabled Verification Service (NEVS) for the contract organization responsible for integrating the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen) system components for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). This document is one of two documents provided specifically to support the integration of NEVS as a part of the NOAA NextGen 4-Dimensional Weather Data Cube (Cube) systems. The other NEVS specific documents is the: NEVS section of the Cube Data Dictionary.

1.1   Project Description

The NEVS will be an Information Technology (IT) solution for which the software is developed by NOAA as government furnished software. NEVS is being developed to support the NextGen Program goals for implementation of a weather forecast verification capability as a part of the Cube. NEVS will provide capabilities for weather forecast verification of a subset of the data made available in real time from the Cube. NEVS will be implemented at the National Weather Service (NWS) as an operational system component of the Cube systems.

The term weather forecast verification is used within the Atmospheric Sciences community to describe the processes used for determination of the quality of the weather forecasts. Weather forecast verification is computed by comparing official forecasts to the associated observational data using standard statistical techniques. The results of these statistical computations and their trends over time provide measures of forecast quality.

Weather forecast verification of selected Aviation Services products and data in the Cube will be provided for the NOAA NextGen Program by NEVS. Other NWS systems used for weather forecast verification may support goals of NextGen, and also contribute to verification of weather data and products made available in the Cube; however only NEVS will consume data and products from the Cube and verify these same data and products in near-real time. Future NEVS capabilities will include interfaces to legacy NWS weather forecast verification systems to enable NEVS to convey the quality of additional Aviation Services products to users of the Cube.

NEVS will be a system of the System-of-Systems being developed for the NOAA NextGen Program. NEVS will interface directly to the Cube for ingest and real-time processing of the data and products needed for determination of the quality of the weather forecasts available in the Cube.

The developers of the NEVS are contracted by the NOAA NextGen Program and are physically located in NOAA’s Office of Oceanic and Atmospheric Research (OAR), Global Systems Division (GSD), Forecast Impact and Quality Assessment (FIQA) section of the Aviation, Computing and Evaluation Branch located in Boulder, CO.

NEVS will be implemented in NWS operations as an automated service to support NWS forecasters and also to support requirements of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for weather forecast product verification reporting. NEVS will read and process selected weather information provided to the FAA via the Cube. The principal role of NEVS for NextGen will be to provide weather forecast verification information in near real-time for a subset of the Aviation Services products and data provided to the FAA via the Cube.

To support the need for consistent and high quality weather information for the FAA operations, capabilities for a Single Authoritative Source (SAS) will be provided as a subset of the data made available in the Cube. NEVS will provide objective results that can be used as a factor in determination of the data contents of the SAS. NEVS is envisioned to contribute to the decision-making needed for the SAS; however it is not intended to directly classify data as part of the SAS.

1.2 Background

NWS forecasters provide an array of products and services to support Aviation Services needs of the Global Weather Enterprise. These products are issued for both routine weather and for event driven weather events for which warnings are issued such as severe weather associated with thunderstorms and convection. These NWS Aviation Services products are and will continue to be relied on by the FAA as one of the primary sets of weather information needed to support the operations of the National Airspace System (NAS).

A primary driver for development of NEVS is to better serve the FAA and users of the data made available in the Cube. It is essential that users of the data in the Cube understand the quality and uncertainty of the data they are applying to planning and operational decision-making for the NAS. In addition to these needs, the FAA has established specific requirements for weather forecast verification which NEVS will support.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), a body of the United Nations, establishes standards for global aviation transportation safety and the Aviation Services provided by the NWS in support of the FAA. The FAA has established a formal process for management of the quality of these Aviation Services as a result of a formal audit conducted in 2007. The ICAO ANNEX 3 recommended a Quality Management System (QMS) for Aviation Meteorological Services be established. Working collaboratively with the NWS, the FAA has established a formal program for weather forecast verification documented in a Quality Manual signed in April of 2010. This Quality Manual describes the operational Aviation weather products performance requirements and verification policy for the NWS and other organizations generating weather products used by the FAA. The products for which weather forecast verification is required are specified in this Quality Manual.

To effectively serve in their mission, NWS forecasters critically need real-time feedback on the quality of these Aviation Services products provided to customers and partners. Managers of these forecasters need to understand the quality of the products prepared at their offices in order to understand how effectively the NWS is meeting the needs of customers and partners. This information on the quality of the products is also used to identify gaps and resources needed to enable the organization to continually strive to improve the quality of the forecasts. Serving the needs of internal forecasters and managers involved in the provision of Aviation Services is a key driver for the development of NEVS.

To provide this feedback to the NWS forecasters and managers and also to support the FAA requirements for QMS verification reporting, an operational system for weather forecast verification for NextGen is critically needed, and NEVS will serve this role. NEVS will consume forecast and observational data that data providers have made available to the Cube via web services. These observational data will be used for computation of the statistics for verification of the weather forecast products. NEVS will make the verification results for these data and products available to external users and partners including the FAA, other federal government users of the Cube, and internally to the NWS forecasters and managers.

NEVS will be developed in three major phases, Phases 1, 2 and 3. The first Phase is intended to provide the capabilities now available in a legacy system, namely the Real-Time Verification System (RTVS). Each subsequent Phase of NEVS will build upon the initial weather verification capabilities and will be implemented in time frames that align with the NextGen Initial Operational Capability (IOC) in Fiscal Year (FY) 2014, the interim capabilities in FY 2017 and the Final Operational Capability (FOC) in FY 2022.

NEVS Phase 1 will provide weather verification capabilities now available in the legacy research system, the RTVS. Phase 1 capabilities are for the verification of products which cover the contiguous U.S. (CONUS) domain. Phase 1 capabilities will verify a subset of the official NWS products issued from the Aviation Weather Center (AWC). NEVS will exclusively consume data from the Cube in Phase 1. During NEVS Phase 1, capabilities for providing weather forecast verification results to the Cube via web services will be prototyped. Also during Phase 1, capabilities for providing weather forecast verification results to the Advanced Weather Interactive Processing System (AWIPS) II via web services will be prototyped.

Phase 2 of NEVS will expand the weather verification capabilities to additional NWS products issued by the AWC and also will extend the domain over which products are verified to areas outside the contiguous U.S. (OCONUS), to include products generated at the Alaska Aviation Weather Unit (AAWU), the Center Weather Service Units (CWSUs), and the Weather Forecast Office (WFO) in Honolulu, HI. In Phase 2, NEVS will continue to consume data from the Cube, and will provide capabilities to read verification data from two existing NWS verification systems through non-Cube interfaces. During Phase 2, capabilities for providing weather forecast verification results to the Cube via web services will be implemented. During Phase 2, capabilities for providing weather forecast verification results to AWIPS II via web services will be implemented.

Phase 3 of NEVS will extend the weather verification capabilities to additional NWS products issued by the AWC, CWSUs, the AAWU and the WFOs. In Phase 3, new techniques for verification will be implemented, to include impact-based verification approaches, and to provide new user-relevant metrics. Capabilities for providing weather forecast verification results to AWIPS II and the Cube will be expanded. No new system interfaces are planned in Phase 3.

NEVS capabilities for weather forecast verification functionality now provided in the RTVS are being prototyped for the NOAA NextGen Program. This prototyping is underway to demonstrate initial functionality for ingesting data via web services and also to provide verification results via web services.

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